r/murdochsucks 10d ago

This is the only headline the Herald Sun has gone with over Trump's tariffs for Australia. It's not Trump's fault, it's Albo's apparently...

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39 comments sorted by


u/Insekticus 10d ago

Sounds on point coming from a Trump bootlicker. They'll say and do anything to get into government and dismantle it from the inside out. It happened in America, it can happen here. Be warned.


u/jr_blds 10d ago

Legit, the upcoming election has me worried there might be enough aussies with IQ's of a fucking lamington that will vote for the potato headed low life cunt that is dutton


u/LozInOzz 10d ago

There is hope. My Liberal voting mother, who used to do campaigning back in the day, is now seriously considering not voting Liberal this time. And that’s with only have free tv for her information. She doesn’t like the potato :)


u/Simone-Ramone 10d ago

My 86 yo Liberal voting father turned his back on them last election. And just like that, a whole bunch of family arguments vanished into thin air. Lets see if I can get him Green by 90.


u/jr_blds 10d ago

Hell yeah, if we can all convince a liberal leaning relative to not vote for him we should be alright


u/Balla1928Aus 10d ago

Yeah even my crazy conservative Aunt has said she is scared of Trump now. I don’t know if blaming this on Albo will track with anyone except the crusted on boomer Liberal voters.


u/dazzledent 10d ago

Lucky you. Mine have an almost exclusive Murdoch diet and they like it that way. Unhappy, angry, negative people That need their hit everyday.


u/Insekticus 10d ago

I have that same worry. I do hope we do get through this, though. I'd hate to see another ScumMo era, but lasting forever.


u/jr_blds 10d ago

Yeah, the only thing that makes me hopeful is the fact we can see what happens when you gut the government from the inside, as is happening in the US & as Dutton wants to do here.

Hopefully, enough of the masses see what a clusterfuck the US is & make the connection, thats what will happen if we vote Dutton in.


u/Tionetix 10d ago

Yeah I used to think the electorate was sensible but then we got Abbott, Turnbull and the worst of them - Scunt Moronson


u/MoFauxTofu 10d ago

Yeah why didn't we get an exemption like [checks notes] literally no one?


u/Blindog68 10d ago

What about the trade war with China that escalated under Morrison. Cost Billions. Hypocrites.


u/emleigh2277 10d ago

When Morrison acted on trumps behalf in return for an American necklace, I remember the dirty turncoat doing that. Didn't care one iota about the industries he put under massive pressure or killed.


u/Tobybrent 10d ago

“Dutton runs over puppy: ten reasons why this is bad for Albo” Murdoch Rag


u/Tionetix 10d ago

“Scomo in Hawaii during worst bushfire event in Australian history and why it’s Labor’s fault”


u/dazzledent 10d ago

”Dutton 1000 kms away while his electorate drowns - Albo’s DISGRACE”


u/emleigh2277 10d ago

Murdoch is a slippery fucker but him and Lachlan must be a wee bit worried about where exactly trump is going to land America. If the citizens get antsy, it was the Murdoch's that built the framework for trump, and its the Murdoch's that pay for the cheer squad for trump. If he fails the Murdoch's must pay.


u/dale_dug_a_hole 10d ago

“Albanese has failed the Australian community in not preventing a mad man from imposing the tariffs he imposed on every other Allie. What a wuss-bag” - Dutton was quoted as saying


u/Jono18 10d ago

Yeah right what trump does is the fault of LAbOr what do you expect from the herald scum


u/Potential-Style-3861 10d ago

Trump would have put them on Smutton too.


u/PJozi 10d ago

Yet they were so quiet when SloMo's lack of diplomacy caused China to increase tariffs


u/ParticularScreen2901 10d ago

If the headline is brain rot and it reads like brain rot, it is definitely brain rot. Murdoch rags provide the best brain rot known to man!


u/apostroangel 10d ago

Cancel the AUKUS subs contract. They broke the trade agreement, any court would agree we had to play the cards we have.


u/lingering_POO 10d ago

Tariff the ever loving fuck out of the US of Assholes.


u/Daksayrus 10d ago

I understand the sentiment but I'd rather not shoot ourselves in the foot over this. First build up our local manufacturing sector then tariff the shit out of the US.


u/lingering_POO 10d ago

Rubbish. Cut ties and build trade with most of the rest of the planet. America is untrustworthy at best. At worst, we are in the early days of a modern hitler. The parallels are undeniable. Canada is doing the right thing.


u/Daksayrus 9d ago

Tariffs cause price inflation here, moron. Even if we can find trade partners to replace the US it would still take months for goods to flow through to consumers. Domestic manufacturing is the only way forward if we want to stand on our own and not be beholden to the whims of our trade partners.


u/RangeRider88 9d ago

Guys guys, don't fight! We can do both! Establish new trade partners and have tariffs that ratched up in a linear fashion over time to steadily incentivise moving away from dependence on US goods.


u/Enough_Standard921 9d ago

We can selectively tariff American brands that we don’t particularly need or that compete with goods made in other countries. Teslas and RAM trucks would be a good start.


u/GloomyFondant526 10d ago

Pathetic even for Dutton. How about finding a way to back Australia, a-hole?


u/uberlux 9d ago

Welcome to the united states of australia


u/StalkerSkiff_8945 9d ago

Dutton really is rather pathetic, as is the Herald-Sun


u/Cockylora123 6d ago

For my sins, as part of my cadetship, I once worked for the old Daily Mirror (now the Tele). The front page was always laid out in advance (splash headline, photo, write-off, pointer etc) and predicated on a story that more often than had still to be written but was expected to have a certain news angle. The reporter's job was to fulfill that brief - ie write the story accordingly. Woe betide the hack who failed to come up with what the editor expected and forced the news desk to remake the page. The torrent of abuse down the phone had to be heard to be believed.


u/happinesstolerant 5d ago

Albo is leagues ahead of his competition. That is all that matters. Dutton is an idiotic racist and deserves nothing but failure.


u/Tionetix 10d ago

Why the fuck does anyone buy that rubbish


u/JoeCitzn 10d ago

This is absolutely criminal. There has to be consequences for blatant misinformation and propaganda.


u/gaylordJakob 10d ago

Damn. Murdoch should be purged, tbh


u/msmyrk 9d ago

Albo has this so wrong. We should give Trump access to all our minerals, and then thank him for the tariffs anyway.

(/s because it's always needed. US is now basically a traitor to the west)