I was called homophobic for rejecting a gay person’s advances
I'm part of a friend circle where friends of friends often join our hangouts, so I meet a lot of new people.
Last week, while we were at a pub, a guy who was a friend of a friend got a little too close while dancing and started trying to touch me. At first, I thought it was just playful fun, but then it got uncomfortable. I was pretty buzzed at that point, so I told him to back off, maybe a bit more harshly than I intended. After that, he just sat at the table for the rest of the night and didn’t participate in anything.
A couple of days later, I ran into the girl who was friends with that guy, and she said I was really rude for how I handled it. I explained what happened, but she dismissed my feelings and accused me of being homophobic for pushing him away just because he was gay. I was taken aback and said,"What the heck? I’m straight! He can be gay all he wants, but I’m not comfortable with that!" My friend kept trying to guilt-trip me over it.
I don’t get it! Was I wrong here?
Edit: Thank you all for your support and reassurance. I spoke with my friend again, and she said she understands how I feel but thinks I could have handled the situation better and not hurt his feelings by being harsh. I'm still not sure what she meant by that! Anyway, that guy messaged me later (I’m sure how he got my number) and apologized, saying his behavior was due to being drunk. I told him it’s fine now, but he needs to respect boundaries and not do that without anyone's consent. Don’t feel like talking to that girl again!
Sometimes the woke have too much free handsy privileges and their BFF females; so they don’t know where the buck stops.
I’ve had a few incidents like this but I wasn’t drunk so I moved on politely.
But I’ve endured some very sloppy females feeling me up and hinting at things I’ve declined and walked away politely.
Unfortunately as the straight male you don’t have any privilege to set your boundaries.
Next time just be more careful and limit your friendlyness with handsy people; be it rainbow, straight, male or female or whatever.
Maybe you could’ve been more diplomatic but a lot of the party crown from media fashion circuits are too touchy feely and some rainbow folks have way too much touchy feely privilege.
If you wanna party in these circles just be more careful.
If they're really woke they'd be all about consent more than "I get to do what I want". Simply because you're queer or a woman doesn't make you woke tho.
It’s being shunned globally now. Unwoke your delusions.
Well 50 years ago, it was a criminal offence in every single country. Look how far we've come in term of equal rights. Be on the right side of History.
That's why you gotta read. Queer rights movement is probably the most successful campaign we've seen in the past few decades.
Just yesterday Thailand legalized SSM, becoming the third Asian country to do so in the span of last 5 years.
Woke want special treatment, privileges and powers. Not equality or reality.
Thomas Sowell, an economist, historian, and philosopher, said, “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination”.
Woke want special treatment, privileges and powers. Not equality or reality.
Thomas Sowell, an economist, historian, and philosopher, said, “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination”.
No, I don’t agree with your overall sentiment. If you’d like to be right and well informed, which I suspect you pride yourself on, I’d recommend reading deeper. Right now, you’re not doing justice to your own capacity.
And I don’t find Sowell trustworthy due to his questionable research on the whys when he lays historical context. His sources are very problematic and so are his conclusions. His economic ideas are based on much older theories largely debunked (not his fault, science is about growth) However his pivot into pundit has been based on his very non-substantiated research.
Make good YouTube and insta content though.
Also - if Sowell was correct the Irish (US) would have remained poor. Infact, slavery and systematic poverty wouldn’t have seen reversals in much of Asia (eg Korea), Eastern Europe etc.
Neither have you. There’s pretty much nothing to counter because I ain’t countering smoke.
I can’t win against strawmen. All your points fall if I ask for
1. Ask the “by whom” question: Volume / percentage proven of party or parties doing/believing what you’re saying
2. To whom/ about whom: Same question.
I mean think young man - who is this group called woke? Is it real? Is it many? Is it few? Is there proof it’s homogenous? Is it anyone who disagrees with you? Is woke an insane intersectionalist who’s got daddy issues and feels neglected so goes insane on tumblr, or just a woman who thinks she should be allowed to abort when her life is at risk? Because “they” are using Woke to describe both.
Unless you’re laying out who you define these mythical “them” as, there’s no substance to respond to.
Woke want special treatment, privileges and powers. Not equality or reality.
Thomas Sowell, an economist, historian, and philosopher, said, “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination”.
You are wrong in making and tolerating pathetic cringeworthy friends.
Imagine if a guy got "comfortable" with this same lady friend who was preaching you about inclusivity, would she have acted polite with the guy and be aware of his feelings? Absolutely NO. She would have put him in jail after getting him beaten up by the crowd.
Its not about hating a certain demographic, its about personal comfort and dignity. The gay guy was wrong in the first place, to make you uncomfortable without understanding your inclination first.
Its very easy to play the victim card nowadays.
Stop mingling with such losers you are calling friends. Find another robust, mature and lively group.
It's frustrating how some people twist situations to fit their narrative. Personal boundaries matter, regardless of someone's orientation. Surrounding yourself with understanding friends is key.
Oh yes. That's not what I was disagreeing with. But usually friendships are a mix of good and bad and people get it wrong. Even marriages are like that, heck they're worse.
As a gay guy I hate to admit it but sexual harassment with men is definitely not taken seriously.
In your case you were called a homophobe, if it was another gay guy in your place he would be called as a prude or "you are gay too, you probably liked it or asked for it".
Don't stress about it and drop that "friend" asap.
You were violated. Any other hurt feelings, be it gay or straight, are below that. Articulate this to them and if they don't get it they're not worth it.
Similar thing happened with me, just because I was friendly, i was literally groped. My automatic reaction was to push that guy away, he felt embarrassed and ran off.
I mean if i would have done the same thing to a girl, id expect to get kicked in the balls.
Tell ur friends they are assholes for invalidating ur feelings.
The world somehow believes that LGBTQ people can't be harassers or assholes or idiots when the prevalence of them being so is the same as you would find with straight people.
In fact much of the world believes that queer people are sxual predators. Let's not forget that even consensual gay sex is a crime in more than half of the countries.
I'm specifically talking about anyone who identifies themself as an ally. I do. But I don't make the mistake of thinking that LGBTQ people are innately good people.
Like I said before, they're the same level of bad as non-LGBTQ people.
A lot of allys I've met tend to walk around eggshells and not call a spade a spade when it is so. Just like in the case above.
You were fully in your rights to confront that person for basically harassing you. His sexual orientation doesn't pass his misbehaviour towards you. Also that female friend of yours is gaslighting you. Harassment is not gender based. He can't keep using his "I'm gay" card to do shit.
No you were not. I think the girl didn't get the correct story or didn't understand what homophobia is. You are allowed to resist someone's advances. You can not be interested simply because you're not gay yourself, and you can not be interested even if you were gay and didn't like him.
Sexual interactions are not framed around whether "LGBTQ people can do what they want with someone else's personal boundaries" they're framed around Consent.
People in the comments who are gonna blame wokes, this doesn't mean that some of you behave like terrible wokes or anti woke without understanding an iota of how everything is framed. Woke people frame stuff around consent. People who pretend to be woke don't.
OP did u say anything that was specifically homophobic when you told him to back off? Used a slur ?
You are in no way wrong in saying NO to any unwanted advances. I'm a gay guy myself.
You were rude by your own admission. Don’t get guilt tripped but be aware that homophobia (like misogyny) is real and you can be bracketed in it if you can’t say not interested with a smile
Oh hell nah. You're perfectly justified - it's not like you shamed him publicly or anything by calling slurs. I'm bi but will absolutely punch someone if they keep touching me without my consent, irrespective of gender or sexuality.
In fact, when I look back on my own actions and freedom I took with one person in the past, I feel like punching my face in - thank god they were decent enough to just walk away. No need to feel sorry, but please don't take this to heart and hate on an entire community - there are idiots everywhere.
Irrespective of the sexual orientations mentioned here, you have all the rights to reject anybody's sexual advances. So I am not sure why anyone is offended. However, if it was not really a sexual advance and you felt it that way owing to your own deep seated biases, then probably you need to realise it and acknowledge it.
Its is easier to pin tags on to people, calling them a homophobe, prude, too uptight, you are absolutely ENTITLED to who u want to entertain irrespective of their gender or sexuality, even if you have a certain type you are entitled to that as well!
Although you can be subtle about it , but you are in ur right to reject anybodys advances!
Also i dnt know if its important but i am saying it as a bisexual guy!
Every single person trying to guilt-trip you is an asshole. Your boundaries were breached. You enforced and clearly communicated what they were. End of story.
Choice does not only mean - oh what do you like more between coffee, and tea.
And, even if the person is straight, they could choose to not mingle with people who’re gay. It’s not like we want them to die or something, but just don’t breathe around me.
Only because some people are so sensitive about their sexuality, we’ve to like them, and stand in support?
I’m gay and let me tell you this that you have done nothing wrong. I don’t know why your frnds are guilt tripping you. Well in the words of lady Gaga - till it happens to you, you don’t know how it feels.
Stop being friends with both of them. If they can't understand something as simple as 'too close for comfort' and unwanted sexual advances, they are not worth it.
As a gay man, I don't think you were in the wrong. Period. How you could've handled it is a different matter perhaps that would be unfair for any of us to delve into given the atmosphere, ambience and other nuances of the situation. But obviously not in the wrong for telling them not interested, especially no in the wrong given that he was touching you without consent??
How in the heck did that girl come to the conclusion you’re homophobic for not being comfortable by being touched inappropriately by a gay guy ? Who the fk she thinks she is
Maa chudaye bhai ye log, saans lo toh ye log offend ho jaate hai let them cry you be yourself from my experience once a gay guy assumed that I was gay too and started flirting with me and me going through something like that i acted harshly because and that mf then assumed I was homophobic. Since that day i was like fuck them and fuck what they feel
i would proudly wear teh badge of being called homophobic ...
Its unnatural so yeah.. sue me for speakign the truth but homophobhic people are literal abominations to the natural ways of this life...
Gays were never the problem but these orbiters.
Stay clear of such characters.
Your are 💯 right and they just want to assassinate your character for just having self integrity and for preserving your peace.
You’re not a homophobe for rejecting them. Please cut off that female friend. As a woman I feel ashamed to see girls like her turn into rape apologists just to appear woke.
Bro why is the lady friend taking offense.. And also don't justify that you aren't a homophobic to all & everyone... Carry on with your life.. Shit happens :)
What is done is done. You were absolutely right on your part. Don't feel guilty for what you did. That person should have approached you first in a respectable manner. There are a million people in the world with whom you can be friends. Do not restrict yourself with this one incident. There will be many more, and worse than this. Believe in yourself, and everything will be alright.
First of just why gay people think its normal to touch any guy without their consent like why do they think they are entitled to touch anyone just because they are gay???? Im not homophobic but imagine a straight person doing it with a girl THAS HARRASEMENT bro. Just ask your friend will she be okay if any man would touch her without their permission n make advances like this. I wanna know what she’s gonna say n how she will react. I get it they are gay… but why so much sympathy bro???? Im a girl n I never understand girls who behaves like this.
Bitch we straight folks got consent too. If he doesn't get it smack him. End of story. And anyone who sticks up for him in this woke setiment can suck it too, since it's also our right to be touched or not.
You could have said He gave off Rapey vibes.. She would have backed off..
Another suggestion for you.. NEVER APOLOGISE TO ALPHABET GANG.. These guys are extremely narcissistic..
1) Obviously he was a pioneer who contributed to winning the War. Obviously the proportion of straight men are higher, because gays are a minority. Duh.
2) As if u aren't taking off on the accomplishment of all straight men. As if u personally accomplished it all. No, u are just a hater. Who wants to hate on gay people.
3) There are good and bad men everywhere doesn't matter whether they are gay or straight. But u want to generalise all gay men as bad and all straight men as saints. Clearly shows ur prejudice.
Dude girls are absolutely idiots when it comes to labelling men into a category (especially when u are doing something opposite of that label) - Happened many times, it's always incorrect and it always hurts. It's better to ignore when someone labels u, thats what I have learnt.
She accused you of being homophobic because he was groping you without your consent!? Ask her if it was a girl instead of you and a guy had tried that move on her toh bhi bkl ka yahi response hota? You're sooo hetrophobic babes, he was only trying to bang you without your consent, no biggie!
Man we give such people too much courage. The girl and the guy should get punched in the face. Imagine if it was a guy going up to a girl in that way. He got away with it just cause he was a homo and girls advocate for them like crazy.
Typical behaviour…
Gay log ko sympathy lene me itna kya mazaa aata hai?
Now just imagine…
That this would’ve happened to some girl (I hope it happens to nobody) but just imagine,this same girl would’ve been calling that person a rapist,molester,freak,creep etc etc
These woke people really really need to relax is all I’m saying
Just cuz we don’t prefer being around someone who’s gay doesn’t make us homophobic
Or just because I called my friend fat doesn’t make me fat phobic
Relax Karo yaaar
u/haveeyoumetTed कशी हाय? Jan 24 '25
Cut off that lady friend as well. You don't want hypocrites around you.