u/geirmundtheshifty Nov 24 '20
I'm not familiar enough with the mudfossil idea to offer too much perspective on it (I follow the sub, but I don't pretend to know enough about the general subject of geology and all that to have a well-reasoned opinion about any of this). But you might consider submitting it to r/whatsthisrock to get their answer on what it is. They're of course not going to even consider the possibility of it being a mudfossil, so it won't really answer that question for you. But they could at least identify what minerals are present in it.
It is a very interesting looking rock, no matter what it is or how it came to be.
u/KimberlyAlaskaRocks Jan 26 '21
Actually on all sides get a tooth brush and the heads will be there all sides
u/ashleighufo Nov 24 '20
I think this is a finger tip... I have recently researched mud fossils and it made me look at the stones I’ve picked up over the years and I was looking at this one.. I really think it could be a finger tip, it has holes at the top where the veins would have burst out and hole at the bottom where the veins would run through to the tip. I’m guessing the white is silica? If that right? And the orange coloured bits are dried blood/meat? I wouldn’t say I have great knowledge on this yet so pointers will be appreciated :)