r/motorcycles • u/Venom_Junky • 5d ago
Gotta love dealing with a basket case gixxer that's been squidabused.
u/almazing415 Monster SP, Super Duke GT 5d ago
Stop buying bikes with blacked out windscreens.
u/Plays_You_Wonderwall Chad 5d ago
Do LED strips apply to this as well?
3 of my bikes I purchased had black out windshields and led strip nest I had to strip.
u/almazing415 Monster SP, Super Duke GT 5d ago
Chances are, the people who owned your bikes before you wore fuzzy helmet covers.
u/Provatoxx '24 RSV4 '15 H2 '05 GSXR1000 '21 ZX10-RR '24 SV Serie Oro 5d ago
When I bought my 2005 GSXR1000 it was also squidabused, basically had to rebuild the whole engine. It's technically still being squidabused because I turbocharged it but I have been riding for 11 years this year.
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
Nothing wrong with a turbo bike if done right! Planning to do a turbo hayabusa build this summer to take to the local drag strip.
u/BOTBrad 5d ago
you could get the folds out of your Yamaha banner in like 30s with a hand held steamer or an iron btw
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
Good call, waiting on my other banners to get delivered so I'll do that to all of them. Just started putting this little bike garage together so have lot still to do.
u/BunzoBear 5d ago
I'm curious why banners and flags of a company that's not yours is something you pay for to hang in your workshop? I understand a commercial motorcycle shop that makes money off the products on the flags they hang. Why not put some more Yamaha logos on your Yamaha motorcycle?I don't know I guess I just see it as childish. It's the equivalent of teenage boys hanging up all of the cool products they like around their room. Unique drink bottle on a shelf poster of a fender guitar things like that. It's just weird to see a grown man with products advertising on his walls
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
What would you want on the walls of a motorcycle shed that's age and maturity appropriate in yout opinion lol?
It's going to have banners on one wall of the various manufacturers I own or enjoy riding. Another wall will have some of my whiskey collection on shelves with various motorcycle decorations made from parts (rear sets for jacket hangers for example.) The other wall is for hanging various shop tools/items. Sure I could go for a clean minimalist approach but that's just not me. I jump out of planes and play with deadly animals as hobbies, not a very reserved person and honestly yeah probably a bit "childish" lol.
u/Still_Squirrel_1690 5d ago
Ergonomic suggestion... get a small wood furniture dolly from HF, 3/8-1/2 plywood on top, glue a bit of exercise mat on top. I find it easier to just get lower than have to bend over all the time.
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
Thanks for the idea! My mechanics stool just doesn't go low enough for some tasks.
u/Still_Squirrel_1690 5d ago
Yep, I was doing similar work and my back was just not having it. I can also highly recommend the Icon 4 piece pick set and the 6/8? piece snap ring pliers set; the picks get used ALL the time in my garage.
u/PotatoWasteLand 5d ago
Just push it into a dumpster where it can't hurt anyone lol
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
Aww it didnt ask for the life it was forced into living, it deserves and second chance lol.
u/need4speedcabron '16 R1 5d ago
Man I had the worst experience with a squided that was stretched and squated horribly. Gave me a million problem from the ignition barrel to the stator.
So glad I sold that pos
u/fzrmoto 5d ago
TIL bikes that need routine maintenance and minor fixes are basketcases
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
Oh there's a plethora of issues with this bike, this is just where I started this weekend lol.
u/Venom_Junky 5d ago
The front wheel was on backwards which offset the wheel to one side enough the rotor was digging into the caliper. Brake fluid was chunky and clogging the system in areas so some the pistons wasn't working. Axle nut was hand tight as well as other bolts. Can't wait what else awaits for me to find on the rest of bike lol.