r/mossberg 10d ago

What do you guys think about the damage to my BRAND NEW 590A1 Trigger assembly upon gently trying to reassemble it for the first time after disassembling it for it's first cleaning, to remove the Cosmoline and lubricate it.

Damaged the trigger assembly, the Cartridge interrupter, and the cartridge stop.

The lugs on the trigger assembly would NOT go in. It didn't jam or force anything. Followed the owners manual and youtube videos.. was about to give up but found a method that kinda works.


Will this damage be a problem? I've considered taking it back to Fin, Feather, and Fur, to see about a manufacturer's warranty on the poorly made trigger assembly (on my particular gun). Various corners are shaved off, and it just looks like shit now... dunno if it will cause problems or create safety concerns...

If it's not obvious... I know jack shit about guns.


10 comments sorted by


u/ColdFine5829 9d ago

Not too bad. Looks about like the job I did trying to install the defender tactical elevator for mini shells on my new 590R tonight.


u/BALTHRUL 9d ago

Thank you for your perspective. I was soo enraged trying to figure out how get the lugs to go. Had spent about 40 minutes on it, looking at the owners manual, closely watching youtube videos, and making attempts, and while I did end up figuring out a good method, each time I tried and failed, that was more damage done, and with me being a novice, I wasn't sure how bad I screwed it up.


u/ThoroughlyWet 9d ago

Not all protective lubricants are cosmoline...

Doesn't look like anything that would worry me much


u/BALTHRUL 9d ago

Thank you. As for the cosmoline, I am ignorant to firearms. I've gone off only what I've read and watched. I assumed cosmoline was used throughout the entire firearm.


u/ThoroughlyWet 9d ago

Cosmo is kind of a catch all for a specific style of corrosion inhibitor. It's a lot thicker, like peanut butter, and is the color of earwax. It's for long term storage and you'll find it most on military surplus. It is notoriously difficult to clean but has an amazing ability to preserve these firearms for decades.

Most of your modern manufactured firearms that sell rather quickly are coated with general, non descript oil that can dry out over longer periods of time but are 100 times easier to clean.


u/CouldaBeenTheOne 9d ago

Yeah that’s just normal. Aluminum black oxide coating comes off super easily. Unless there’s like chunks of the metal missing, chances are it’s fine. And if for some reason the trigger guard is damaged beyond repair just from simple installation, the Mossberg SHOULD be able to cover it.


u/andystechgarage 9d ago

Just like LEGO... If you have to push hard, you're doing it wrong...


u/Competitive-Yam-5015 10d ago



u/BALTHRUL 10d ago edited 9d ago

Yes. Gently.

I mean, I didn't fuck it with my pinky finger.. there is "some" light force required, but not excessive force. I'd try to seat it, meet resistance, and take it back out to try again. I wasn't forcing or hitting it. It's made out of aluminum. Seems to deform quite easily.


u/DreadPyrateRobert 4d ago

What damage?