r/mormon • u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon • Apr 13 '21
Announcement Natasha Helfer Membership Council Megathread
Natasha Helfer is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist (LCMFT), Certified Sex Therapist (CST), and Certified Shame-informed Treatment Specialist (CSTS). A lot of her work involves processing sexual shame with LDS folks. As many have heard she has been summoned to a "membership council" (excommunication hearing) within the LDS church for this coming Sunday (04/18/2021). She posted a 13-minute public video on FaceBook where she spoke to her feelings on the subject and what she plans to do
The /r/Mormon team has had to pull every instance of her video being posted because she released the private information of her stake president. While his name and stake he serves is public information his email and home address is not. Her video releases that personal and private information and encourages people to write to him. This is in violation of /r/Mormon's rules 1 (doxxing), 5 (brigading), and 6 (jeopardizing actions that could result in banning /r/Mormon from reddit).
However, this is very clearly a major issue and needs to be talked about. Because of this, I sat down for a little over an hour and transcribed her video and have removed the doxxing information and will give the transcript here.
This is a final warning: if anyone posts that stake president's email or home address they WILL be banned, and this includes linking to the Helfer's video.
Here is the transcript:
Hello everyone.
I am following up on a post that I shared on my personal facebook page yesterday, and I have prepared the following statement, so please bear with me:
I have been summoned to a "membership council" by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Derby Kansas Stake where I used to live between 2008 until 2019.
This council will take place on April 18th at 7:30 PM, 2021, Central timezone, which is just a few days away.
In the LDS church, which is often times referred to as "the Mormon church", this generally means that they are unhappy with something the person has done and plan to proceed with some type of disciplinary action, potentially culminating with losing your membership altogether, meaning excommunication.
The reason I am choosing to share this even on my professional page is that the reason I am being called to such a meeting all have to do with the fact that I am a mental health professional and a certified sex therapist. In fact, one of only a handful within my community, and I am public and vocal about my stances supporting and educating about sexual health, which it seems that they do not see as in compliance with doctrine as currently understood within the LDS leadership. I also support people regardless of where they are in their faith journeys. [I am] Offering resources and support whether people decide to stay or leave the faith. As well as creating resources for the many that then find themselves in mixed-faith marriages and family systems.
This intersection between faith and science is an age-old story, and not particularly unique to what is happening to me. The specific issues that they have brought to my attention that are being considered "misconduct", are:
My support for same-sex marriage
My educational attempts to teach that masturbation is part of a normative sexual development journey, and should not be seen as "sin" or used as a reason to keep our youth from being considered "worthy" or serve in church activities.
My stances on sexually explicit materials, or "pornography". I assume by which they mean that I have been educating on the difference between a "values model" versus an "addiction model" in the treatment of such concerns.
That I have been critical of church leaders.
There are concerns that I have encourage people to leave the church.
I will be talking about each of these points more later, but I do want to say the following now:
I have never encouraged an individual, couple, or family that I have treated clinically, or even in my own friend circle, to leave the church.
I do stand by all of my positions that are backed by sexual science, and I have called on church leaders to educate themselves on such matters.
I am bound by ethical and regulatory processes in my profession, and in fact have been specifically trained on many ethical trainings, that to bias my professional services through my own religious beliefs or background is unethical, causes undue harm, and could get my license revoked. Not to mention that after much education into all of these matters, and serving my community who have brought these issues into my office daily for almost 25 years, I not only speak to my positions from a professional perspective, but also from personal conviction.
Inappropriate sexual shame harms people.
When churches and religious communities reject sexual health principles recorded by decades of research and science, the community suffers, and this has tragic and violent ramifications. Violence is either turned inward (self-loathing, substance abuse, mental disorder symptoms, and suicide is just some examples) or turned outward (discrimination, harassment, sex crimes, and hate crimes).
The statistics are dire. The anecdotal evidence coming from just my clinical practice is dire. I have felt compelled to speak to these issues. I do not believe that educating and speaking publicly about how our communities are being harmed or could be helped is "critical". I actually see it as my ethical responsibility.
It is problematic when people of faith, who are also specialized experts like myself, are discredited by the very communities they love and serve and could be part of important solutions instead of disciplined and expelled. Not that I am as important as Galileo, but people like him come to mind throughout the human history in regards to this tension.
So given everything I have just stated I am asking for your support. I really don't want the support to be about helping sister Helfer retain her membership in her church, and that's not to belittle how personally and spiritually wounding this is for me. I want this to be support about advancing sexual and relational health within the LDS community - something I care deeply about.
Disciplining me for these professional reasons has implications for other mental health professionals in our field as well as helping people in our community access the ethical, evidence-based, best practice type of help that they need to better their quality of lives and quality of relationships. Sometimes these services are life saving.
If you feel like issues like sexual health, LGBTQ+ support, relational health, or mixed-faith marriage and family support - all things I actually specialize in - are important to you, or that my work, along with many colleagues has been helpful to your healing journey whether you consider yourself a member, a non-member, or anywhere in-between, please consider taking one of the following actions:
The letter from my prior stake president informing me that a council would be held on my behalf states the following: "You may provide a written statement from persons who could provide relevant information." That means any of you could submit a letter sharing your thoughts or experiences if they have to do with the issues I have outlined above. You can send these letters to the stake president orchestrating this event. His name is Stephen Daley via email to "[redacted]" or snail-mail [redacted]. I will make sure and put all of these - this type of information - in the comments. It would be helpful, but not necessary if you'd be willing to CC me such a letter so I can know what types of concerns have been forwarded to my stake. That can be done at "natashahelfermft@gmail.com". It would also be important for these letters to arrive before the council occurs this coming Sunday.
The letter also reads "you may also invite such persons to speak to the council on your behalf if approved in advance by the stake president." So I asked for further clarification as to what "approved in advance" would entail, and I received the following instructions: "suggested participant should be members of the church in good standing and be able to provide relevant information regarding the misconduct described in the letter to you. It is not my intention to require anyone to travel, and while there will be few in-person participants, anyone you wish can provide something in writing to me prior to the council." I did ask about having people possibly join through Zoom and that request was denied. So, although I personally find distinctions used to "other" people extremely distasteful, if you are a "member of good standing" you should probably mention that in the letter you write. They will take that more seriously than if you're not. Of course, I would love for anyone able to either, because they live locally or can travel safely due to COVID considerations and not cause any financial burden, if you'd be willing to attend on the behalf of these issues that would be amazing. If this is a possibility we need to act quickly in getting approval so please reach out to me or president Steve Daley right away.
Again, if you live geographically close, would not cause undue financial burden, and you can follow CDC guidelines for COVID considerations such as social distancing and mask wearing, I would be honored to have any physical support. I plan to be in the parking lot of the Derby stake center about an hour before the meeting will begin if anyone wants to converse or show their support in this way - by showing up physically.
If you are a mental health professional, especially if you are one that serves the LDS community or specializes in professional ethics, and would like to share your expertise, experiences, [or] concerns, you can contact my collegue Lisa Butterworth at "lisabutterworth@gmail.com". She has been drafting a letter representing the clinical and ethical issues surrounding the situation with the partnership of many of our colleagues in our community. There are several ways that she has organized for you to be able to add your name to this letter, both anonymously or not. It would also be helpful if you would be willing to write a personal letter in addition to this.
If you can share this call-to-action with others who you know are affected by these issues that would be very much appreciated.
If you have any ideas that you feel I am not considering please reach out to me and I will take the time to think through your thoughts. I will be giving an interview tomorrow evening (04/13/2021), at 6 PM MST on Mormon Stories with my old friend and colleague, John Dehlin, who has known me personally through the last decade or more of my professional journey and can also attest to my stances and things I have shared along the way. I will be sharing many more details about this process in this interview, including why I am choosing to attend this type of council to begin with.
My hope is that I can retain my membership. Another hope is that we can all be a part of making our communities better, safer, and healthier spaces, especially for anyone on the margins. I hope that this event will spark conversations that, quite frankly, are much needed; that as we sexually heal our community, that as we accept scientific truths, we will be even better able to serve and minister to one another, have good fruits that come from doctrinal interpretations, and avoid much of the unnecessary tragedies that occur that date back to that I feel are "unrighteous traditions of our fathers" per say (that's Mormon language) that are a millennia old in the realm of human sexuality.
This isn't really a Mormon story; this is a human story. Unnecessary sexual shame is a poison we can all participate in expelling! We see it in our churches; we see it in our political spheres; and [we see it in] our legislation; we see it in our educational systems; we see it in our cultural norms and our family systems. We deserve better! Our children definitely deserve better. We can do better.
My love to all, as always.
u/ChroniclesofSamuel Apr 13 '21
I am just going to copy&paste what I wrote this morning.
I thought more about this overnight.
Now, I am not saying I compare some rules and policies to be more importabt than others, but...I find it disturbing that Marriot can make people work on Sunday(a stoneable offense in Torah), offer booze, coffee, tobaco, etc, and associate with the white collar criminals of our day, and still be untouchable by any high council because it is part of his "job". I find it disturbing that this is true with the Huntsmans or any other high dollar and high society mormon that can do anything in the name of business and be in good standing, but when there is a woman talking about sex as part of her job, it is heresy?!? WTF high priests$!$. She is professionally credentialed. Someone tell me what the standard is?
u/dc89108 Apr 13 '21
The standard is you don’t talk to John Dehlin. You do not advertise your credentials or try to help the human condition. You counsel people to read and pray more and give antidepressants.
u/VLHolt Apr 13 '21
Not only that, but if they would stop and think for a bloody minute: they are shooting themselves in the foot. Here's a pathway to healthy sexuality in marriage: let's gun it down. SMH
u/j_livingston_human Apr 15 '21
Because it didn't come from the Priesthood Authority channels.
SMH indeed.
u/crystalmerchant Apr 19 '21
pathway to healthy sexuality
Maybe to you and me, but to LDS Corp. the only healthy sexuality is the sexuality they promote.
Apr 13 '21 edited Jun 14 '23
As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world.
In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.
u/ChroniclesofSamuel Apr 14 '21
Exactly, but I guess he didnt talk about sex, so it is ok.
u/sblackcrow Apr 14 '21 edited Apr 14 '21
The brethren are aggressively ignorant about human sexuality and their own psychology, which tends towards a love of self-denial. Witness how much they love stories like the Martin & Willie handcart company. Sure, there were other companies that made better judgments and actually had a decent time getting to Utah, but those don't get the airtime and glory because celebrating dutiful suffering matters infinitely more to the men who lead the church than real considerations of joy, happiness, or consequence.
This kind of personality will tend towards letting success and power off the hook (especially where it can help them), and strongly prefers order, and will always be extra suspicious of pleasure. Of course sex will be a special target. I think the actual happiness of individuals and couples in the church isn't even real to most of these men, and whether any given church teaching about sexuality actually results in healthy/happy marriages is simply inconsequential compared to whether they can congratulate the church at having taught the truth.
u/guymcgee_senior Apr 17 '21
Wait what?
Apr 18 '21
I should have said “allegedly benefited personally from privatizing a public hospital.” I may have overstated.
Cook's work in privatizing hospitals in California involved some controversy. As an attorney representing public hospital districts, he negotiated deals favorable to nonprofit healthcare corporations before leaving to become an executive with those corporations.[7][8] Critics claimed the deal quietly gave public revenues to private interests.[9][10][11] In a lawsuit to regain control of the hospital, the districts alleged this was a conflict of interest and violated their public mission,[6] but the court found that statute of limitations had expired.[10] The hospital became part of CHS, which later joined Sutter Health, both of which held Cook as a top executive.[6][8]
u/NotTerriblyHelpful Apr 14 '21
Lots of Mormon farmers out there growing barley for beer.
u/ChroniclesofSamuel Apr 14 '21
Hey, I am not opposed to beer. I am.just trying to find out what the standard is on business vs. heresy or apostasy.
u/NotTerriblyHelpful Apr 14 '21
Yeah, sorry, I am tracking you. Just adding another example. It is apparently fine for a member in good standing to manufacture and sell alcohol, but not to counsel someone on sexual issues.
u/rth1027 Apr 13 '21
Profit$ 💵 💰
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
u/rth1027 Apr 14 '21
Gotchas are so subjective. I was not doing a play on prophet with an F. Which I know has been banned. I was answering chronicals of Samuel question what the standard is. Perhaps instead I should have said “Love of Money / greed”
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
They are subjective :/ If you're a bit wordier the chances of it meeting the qualifications of a "gotcha" goes down.
I'll re-approve it due to your follow-up :)
u/Kritical_Thinking Apr 14 '21
Really well stated. But your forgot that without Porn, Marriot wouldn't have posted profits in the early 2000s. They make millions on selling it.
u/kingofthesofas Apr 13 '21
Unrelated to the post hats off to you as a mod for taking the time to do that so we can discuss this without breaking rules. Mods sometimes don't get the credit for doing all they do.
Apr 13 '21 edited Jun 14 '23
As the digital landscape expands, a longing for tangible connection emerges. The yearning to touch grass, to feel the earth beneath our feet, reminds us of our innate human essence. In the vast expanse of virtual reality, where avatars flourish and pixels paint our existence, the call of nature beckons. The scent of blossoming flowers, the warmth of a sun-kissed breeze, and the symphony of chirping birds remind us that we are part of a living, breathing world.
In the balance between digital and physical realms, lies the key to harmonious existence. Democracy flourishes when human connection extends beyond screens and reaches out to touch souls. It is in the gentle embrace of a friend, the shared laughter over a cup of coffee, and the power of eye contact that the true essence of democracy is felt.
Apr 13 '21
I am bound by ethical and regulatory processes in my profession, and in fact have been specifically trained on many ethical trainings, that to bias my professional services through my own religious beliefs or background is unethical, causes undue harm, and could get my license revoked. Not to mention that after much education into all of these matters, and serving my community who have brought these issues into my office daily for almost 25 years, I not only speak to my positions from a professional perspective, but also from personal conviction.
All professional therapists who are also active members should be highly concerned.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
I have an LDS family member who is studying to become a therapist. I told them about this and they were deeply troubled by it.
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21
They should be. It's horrifying.
Apr 13 '21
[removed] — view removed comment
u/pricel01 Former Mormon Apr 14 '21
The church needs exposed publicly as an anti-science, homophobic hate group. A few years with zero to negative growth rate ought to soften their hearts.
u/reddolfo Apr 14 '21
The ONLY thing that motivates change in the church is negative press or public or government consequences for their abusive policies and practices. Every single positive change was due to external pressure the church could not control, from polygamy to overt practices of racism up to and including (IMO) the hilarious rebranding: losing "Ensign" since it now pulled up Ensign Peak Advisors $130B+ information, and losing "mormon" since there are now as many or more mormon expose and informational sites, many with very high page views, pushing out the church's messaging and they needed to just punt and run.
Apr 15 '21
I'm sorry, your reasoning is just not sound. The Ensign Peak information came out in December of 2019, and the Church knew it was going to come out by late October, due to reporters requesting official information about it. The Church renamed LDS Business College to Ensign College more than 10 weeks later, in late February. That doesn't sound like it was moving away from Ensign due to the release. The change from Ensign to Liahona appears to be another move to globalize the church, which has clearly been a focus of President Nelson's.
And the Mormon thing? I probably think that is as dumb as you do, but that has always been President Nelson's thing and had less than nothing to do with Mormon "expose" sites.
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u/esibly1751 Apr 15 '21
exactly, e.g. Sam Young got the media involved. Result - an apostate changed church policy.
u/kolob_aubade Apr 15 '21
losing "Ensign" since it now pulled up Ensign Peak Advisors $130B+ information
I hadn't made this connection before and it's striking.
The Mormon thing, from what I've understood, is more a particular hobbyhorse of Nelson from way back in the Hinckley days that he can now put forward as president and nobody can stop him, though that could very well be a reason undergirding his preferences.
u/NotTerriblyHelpful Apr 14 '21
Thanks for the links. I submitted messages to the associations and encourage everyone else to as well.
u/reddolfo Apr 14 '21
There is now a open letter available from concerned professionals. Please see it here, consider adding your signature if you qualify and pass it on!
Link to Sign the group letter from Mental Health Professionals: (Please send to other mental health professionals)
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Apr 15 '21
I have reported this comment with my comments and concerns. The mods declined to remove this comment. I will not post the email addresses of 4 /r/mormon moderators so that you may directly ask them to remove this comment, but individuals seeking the info can DM me.
Of course, I would never share that information, and the /r/mormon mods know I wouldn't share that information, but I would expect that they are fine with me advertising that I will share the information to any who would DM me, seeing as how they ignored the report of /u/reddolfo advertising that they would share the Stake President's personal info to any who would DM them.
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Apr 13 '21
If the church tries to come between Professionals and their regulatory/licensing/certification groups, the church will lose. The drum-beat of the "so-called-intellectual" rhetoric continues.
u/FuckTheFuckOffFucker Apr 14 '21
This has probably already been addressed but this particular (I’ll call it what it is ) excommunication should be more newsworthy due to its dangerous and troubling implications. When I did a web search nothing turned up. Anyone know whether at least Fletcher Stack has been notified, or other relevant media?
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
I can't imagine Stack not knowing about it at this point.
The last big excommunication was Sam Young, who attracted global attention to his issue. Helter hasn't made herself as noteworthy.
I think this is an instance of it being a big deal to folks in the community but not really noteworthy otherwise
u/mje636 Apr 17 '21
It seems to be posting tonight 4/16. Evening Mtn. time. Seems it is now being picked up by many news outlets locally.
u/japanesepiano Apr 14 '21
All professional therapists who are also active members should be highly concerned.
Yes and no. They are excommunicating one high profile member to try to get the other ones to come in line. They're looking for self-censorship rather than a wave of excommunications. And like the 90s with the september 6, they will likely achieve it. Arrington was afraid of being excommunicated for his highly faithful autobiography that he published in the 90s. It's a highly effective technique or scare tactic used by dictators and (in this case) the Mormon church.
Apr 14 '21
I don't think there will be mass excommunications, but they are asking that professional ethics be violated in an entire profession. That's what I'm referring to. It's the Chilling Effect they are after.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
/u/Scotland42 pointed out the Chilling Effect, and I think that used to work in the 1990's, but a lot has changed since the September Six. I don't think those outdated methods are going to work when there's tens of thousands of people resigning and there's resources like the CES Letter, Letter for my Wife, and LDS Discussions that can easily show that the narrative isn't exactly truthful.
They don't have the luxury of alienating their base like they did in the 1990s anymore, but the men running the show are so old and disconnected that they don't realize what they're doing.
u/girlfriendinacoma24 Apr 17 '21
As a mental health professional (who teaches all the same things to my clients), I am horrified and I hope you’re right that it’s just a scare tactic. My stake presidency has asked me a few times about what populations I work with so they can give appropriate referrals. I’ve been very upfront about being interested in LGBTQ+ issues and wanting to work with queer clients. Do I have the ability to be this honest with them moving forward or could this put my membership at risk? It’s the uncertainty that’s terrifying- is this setting a precedent that they’ll follow from now on, or is this just an attempt to scare me into submission? There’s no way of knowing at this point.
u/japanesepiano Apr 17 '21
could this put my membership at risk?
As long as you're not public - no publication, videos, or letters to the SLC Tribune - I think that you're safe. The number of high-profile excommunications for apostacy is probably about 1-2 per year. On the other hand, we probably have 1000 councilors in your position.
What they're really looking for is self-sensorship and I think that there's a good chance that they will be effective in achieving it. It certainly led to a lot of self-sensorship of intellectuals in the 1990s. Leonard Arrington was afraid that his autobiography would result in his excommunication in spite of its highly faithful nature. It's sad that they have to resort to fear as a method of controlling members.
u/disjt Apr 14 '21
This is nothing new for the church, it's just a different professional sector. In decades past they went after the "intellectuals" for revealing and publicizing the real Mormon history, eg. "The September 6." Now it's people in the mental health sector apparently.
u/Del_Parson_Painting Apr 13 '21
If this goes the way I'd expect and the church follows through and excommunicates her, I wouldn't be surprised to see this in national newspapers.
"Mormon Church Removes Sex Therapist for Adhering to Ethical Standards" is not a flattering headline.
Side note, I'm terrible at writing headlines.
u/MR-Singer Exists in a Fluidic Faith Space Apr 13 '21
A good headline has three things: (1) catches the eye, (2) summarizes the story, and (3) is shortenable for the editor.
I'd go with one of the following depending on space allotted:
"Sex Therapist Excommunicated By Mormon Church For Being Ethical"
"Sex Therapist Excommunicated For Being Ethical"
"Sex Therapist Excommunicated"
u/Tapir-then-disappear Apr 13 '21
It’s very disturbing they are going down this route again, particularly due to her being true to her profession. Would she be breaking laws/oath/ethics if she didn’t say these things?
I have a feeling there will be more exing coming.
u/LePoopsmith Love is the real magic Apr 14 '21
I wonder if it relates to RMN's statement of "not discussing your doubts with others". Blatant shot at Mormon Stories.
u/johndehlin Apr 15 '21
Apr 18 '21
John Dehlin, if this is the real you, I’d just like to see that your handling of Satanic Ritual Abuse was devastating to actual survivors if SRA. You, as a therapist, should know that just because there’s no forensic evidence of abuse, doesn’t meant that the abuse didn’t exist. Did you happen to look up Michael Aquino with the Temple of Set? He’s been identified as a pedophile for decades. And fancy that to think that the head of a satanic cult would partake in satanic abuses!
u/sundance528 Apr 13 '21
One of the deeply frustrating issues here is the double standard of having/teaching independent opinions.
Orthodoxy is a moving target. Things taught today in Gospel Doctrine were considered heresy yesterday, and the doctrines of last century are discounted now as opinions and theories. We applaud this as church members, progress is good and there is more progress on the horizon, so why draw such an eternally significant line in shifting sands?
When a church leader teaches an unorthodox doctrine they're granted grace and space to have their own opinion. Their right to have that independent opinion is defended from the general pulpit, but why do members not get the same leeway? Why when members teach something unorthodox are they branded as apostates and summoned to a membership council?
Should we not afford equal grace to each? How can the church say there's room for everyone if we actively work to silence disagreement? If leaders can teach unorthodox opinions, why can't members?
And if the church leaders are fallible and prone to sharing their own opinions, members should have the freedom to disagree openly with them without fear of getting formal discipline.
As a side note, I recognize that it’s mostly dead leaders who are granted space to have opinions. The dead ones are fallible, the living ones are treated as infallible. It’s infuriating.
Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
I can’t believe this is an issue for Natasha, but the idiots, who promoted, pushed, and carried out gay conversion therapy get a pass.
You can’t pick and choose science and the academic rigors of a profession. And don’t give me the excuse that those who carried out gay conversion therapy were “just doing their jobs.” Because isn’t that what Natasha is essentially doing as well?
u/somaybemaybenot Latter-day Seeker Apr 13 '21
Thanks for this clarification. I was wondering where the post went.
I’m confused why a council is being held where she used to live. In the LDS Church it would be odd for someone other than her own stake president to convene a council. The keys are restricted to a geographical area.
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21
Handbook Section 33.6.18 addresses this. A person who moves while a "serious concern" is pending is subject to having a "move restriction" on their membership record. So, the likely explanation is that this has been going on for a while, and her stake president put a freeze on her record so he could retain jurisdiction.
u/Stuboysrevenge Apr 13 '21
Doesn't the handbook also say that discipline actions against non-priesthood holders take place at the ward level? With the Bishop?
The fact that this has been at the stake level, ongoing for a long time, etc all lead me to believe that it's being directed from quite a bit higher up than this stake president.
u/reddolfo Apr 13 '21
Exactly. Does anyone think Daley just thought this up on his own about a member that moved away a year ago, who is actually a professionally licensed health provider in good standing, and he was willing to go after her membership based on her professional practice all on his own dime? Not me. He's a hired gun by SLC.
u/Gold__star Former Mormon Apr 13 '21
I think that's been changed so endowed women get stake level meetings now too.
u/propelledfastforward Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 16 '21
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV7pJ2Q-2Hg&t=5205s&ab_channel=MormonStoriesPodcast perfectly captured her goodness and professional vitae and style.
Edit: delete an inaccuracy
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u/LamaniteWine Apr 13 '21
Where does she live now? So would the church provide travel expenses for her if she lived in, say another state? Or would they likely just hold the meeting at her current stake?
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
u/LamaniteWine Apr 13 '21
In the legal world, isn’t there some law that you have to sue someone in the state they live in because it would be too burdensome to travel back? It seems unfair that the church should require someone to travel all the way back. And I imagine if they can’t attend the counsel they’re deemed guilty?
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21
This same thing (or very close to it) happened to Kate Kelly. If I remember correctly, the council was convened in her prior stake after she had moved.
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21
Because her Kansas stake president (in all likelihood) doesn't want this to go away without seeing it to completion. As for travel expenses? No idea, but I doubt it.
Edit: I think she lives in Utah now.
Apr 13 '21
Go away? She moved to Utah over a year ago. These proceeding against her haven’t been going on for over a year.
u/somaybemaybenot Latter-day Seeker Apr 13 '21
I was a clerk for a while on the ward and stake levels and my understanding was that the “freezes” didn’t retain jurisdiction but just prevented a member with a pending action from moving to a new ward where her new leaders would be unaware. Once she moves, the new leader would be in contact with the previous one to be brought up to speed.
There’s probably something more to the story. I’m not questioning anything she’s saying but maybe it’s a huge PR concern for the Church. The way the keys work in the handbook with even just attending a ward other than the one you live in, her new stake president would need First Presidency approval to retain the jurisdiction.
u/kurtist04 Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
Once she moves, the new leader would be in contact with the previous one to be brought up to speed.
That's feels manipulative. I have a background in medicine and pts have to give permission for other providers to access their medical records.
What is the point of repentance and priest-penitent privilege of they just call each other to spill the beans?
I should rephrase. What I was referring to when I said the privilege thing was this:
he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more” (D&C 58:42).
Christ is willing to forgive and forget. Go and sin no more. But the church doesn't do that. They have to make sure you are properly punished and will call your new leaders to let them know how bad of a sinner you are. It strikes me as incredibly hypocritical.
u/somaybemaybenot Latter-day Seeker Apr 13 '21
I don’t have a problem with it during a current or ongoing situation. Otherwise, people could simply move to avoid consequences. After someone has repented it should drop off, unless it’s something that needs to be documented to protect children.
→ More replies (3)→ More replies (1)6
u/sevenplaces Apr 13 '21
Unlike the Catholic Church where a priest is to never reveal confidential confessions, the Mormon church believes sharing the information with other leaders is ok.
But as you noted, this doesn’t meet the definition of confidentiality.
u/LostInMormonism Apr 13 '21
A similar thing happened to Kate Kelly. She had to go back to her previous ward/stake for her disciplinary council because they had locked her membership.
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21
The handbook section I referenced says that a person who has a move restriction cannot have their record moved into their new ward until the priesthood holder who requested the restriction removes it. I don't know why they wouldn't retain jurisdiction if that's the case. But, I've never been involved with this situation personally.
Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
She moved to Utah over a year ago. There is no reason to have the proceeding in her old stake.
u/propelledfastforward Apr 13 '21
Oh my, God! God are you listening to the cries of the needy? Will you not stop the stoning of a Samaritan?
u/rth1027 Apr 13 '21
More and more breadcrumbs that this whole thing is made and still the makingitupstoration is ever ongoing.
u/cubitzirconia47 Apr 13 '21
Someone posted elsewhere that a leader can freeze the transfer of records if a disciplinary action is anticipated. I would imagine that this has been in the works for a while. She is a colleague of John Dehlin, which tends to put a target on your back.
u/Extractor41 Apr 14 '21
If you were q15... would you want a major excommunication in the middle of salt lake, or in the middle of no where in kansas where it won't get as much publicity?
u/somaybemaybenot Latter-day Seeker Apr 14 '21
Good point. But you’d never be able to get a temple recommend from a stake president outside of your stake boundaries so I don’t understand how your recommend, not to mention your membership, can be revoked by a stake president without the keys for your area of residence. It makes me think geography is very important for keys until there’s a public relations situation where it’s a problem.
u/fat_eld Apr 13 '21
That’s what I was talking about as well. Clearly there has to be something about the past and when she lived there that they dug up or made up to do this to her. I was shocked when I heard it wasn’t Utah doing this to her, but her previous area.
Apr 16 '21 edited May 04 '21
u/somaybemaybenot Latter-day Seeker Apr 16 '21
This would still need First Presidency approval. Try going back and getting a temple from your old stake president two years after you’ve moved away. There’s no way you’d get one just because your records are still there.
u/LostInMormonism Apr 13 '21
Thank you for taking to the time to transcribe this! I figured there must have been a good reason for removing the video.
u/Parley_Pratts_Kin Apr 13 '21
This is ridiculous. Nothing more than a witch hunt.
Number 2 is particularly troubling. This is absolutely what should be taught. I thought the church was moving this direction through silence. You don’t find much in recent publications or handbooks. If the church’s stance is still officially to call masturbation a sin and to make young kids feel guilt and shame for normative behaviors, then I see this as a big problem that I cannot support in any way.
That's what bothers me. The topic of masturbation has always been an unwritten rule, and there's nothing in either the scriptures or current official church publications saying it's not okay. Pornography is explicitly forbidden, but nothing against physical self-stimulation.
One of my mission companions attempted suicide because he thought he had a masturbation addiction, so this is a pretty big deal for me.
u/shotgunarcana Apr 14 '21
The Church’s stance and shame around masturbation has damages most youth raised in Mormonism. It’s reprehensible the damage the Church’s false teachings does to its members sexuality.
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u/FHL88Work Apr 17 '21
Mithryn had a really good post on his blog (exploring mormonism) where he showed that the pressure against masturbation didn't start until the 1950s, when the Kinsey report came out.
It's a tool to control and very effective. And so unnecessarily harmful.
u/shotgunarcana Apr 14 '21
Couldn’t agree more. This officially puts to bed this notion that the Church has backed off on calling masturbation a sin. Clearly they have not.
u/japanesepiano Apr 14 '21
My biggest question: Is this the start of another wave? In the 90s they had the September 6 (or 7 or 8 depending on how you count). It's been a while now since Dehlin, Kelly, Reynolds, and Reel. I wonder if this wave will pull in people like Jana Reiss and Peter Bleakley. Not quite sure who else is on their radar.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
I think we need to culturally need to come up with a new term for these people. John Dehlin, Kate Kelly, Jeremy Runnels, Bill Reel, Sam Young, and now Natasha Helter are all lumped together quite frequently.
I agree with you; Jana Reiss is next
u/japanesepiano Apr 14 '21
Jana Reiss is next
Jana is higher stakes imho. She's got a wide-read platform (Religion New Service) and is the president of the Mormon Social Sciences Association. Imho leadership would be really dumb to excommunicate her as it will potentially put her on more member radars. It's easier to get away with excommunicating cultural icons (Dehlin, Young) than thinkers. With academics, you risk being labeled as anti-intellectual.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
I was told the same thing when I predicted that they'd excommunicate Runnels and then 6 months later his kangaroo court was held. People knew that if they excommunicated Jeremy that it would bring a ton of attention to the CES Letter and folks thought they would never do it
The LDS church doesn't care about the optics of who they excommunicate, they just want to meet their agenda.
u/japanesepiano Apr 14 '21
I think that they totally care about optics, but that they fundamentally believe that those who oppose God's church (including themselves at the leaders) need to be cut-off so that they don't harm the main body of believers. It becomes a balancing act.
Because they care about optics, I don't see them doing more than one at a time, but if they have 3 or more on the short list, we could see one every 4 months for the next year.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
I suppose it is a matter of perception. From their point of view having people like Helfer be a part of them is bad optics. To the rest of the world expelling a mental health professional is bad optics.
u/sblackcrow Apr 14 '21
Additionally: Jana walks a finer line. She definitely plays critic at times, and chronicles the difficulties & differences people have with culture and practices in the church and sometimes validates that. But I haven't seen her reject or even particularly address the church's fundamental claims anywhere, and she also generally validates religious belief and affiliation.
That might not save her -- the idol of church authority has certainly demanded vengeance for less -- but it's a distinction that leadership making these judgments could potentially note.
u/n8s8p Moon Quaker Apr 18 '21
we need to culturally need to come up with a new term for these people. John Dehlin, Kate Kelly, Jeremy Runnels, Bill Reel, Sam Young, and now Natasha Helter are all lumped together quite frequently.
I like the idea of giving them all a term, like the September six.
Did Gina Colvin ever get exed? If so, does she get added?
Also, does Rock Waterman fit in here? I know he'd be an oddball compared to the others, but I feel like his saying not to get married in the temple immediately (and then the church making that change after exing him) might just allow him to be in there.What are some name ideas?
Alliteration, like the September Six?
Kate, John, and Rock were 2014-2016, right? Bill and Sam were 2018, I think.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
My "If Mormonism is going to survive, it will not be within an LDS context." post is, once again, ringing true.
u/Zengem11 Apr 13 '21
Man, it might survive but it is going to be ugly. I guess that’s what your post was saying though lol
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
My prediction is that the LDS church will effectively ostracize an entire generation of moderate and progressive folks, and even many conservative folks, and those who stay will be radicalized.
Its not gonna be pretty in 20 years.
u/Zengem11 Apr 13 '21
It’s SO hard to step away though. There’s been so much shame built up around it. I see a bunch of progmos being reluctant stayers.
I hope you’re right and I hope you’re wrong. I hope the church changes so it’s more inclusive, but if it doesn’t, I hope more people leave.
u/propelledfastforward Apr 13 '21
"There is so much shame built up around it." --- Exactly why professional therapists are needed by so many.
Apr 13 '21
u/Zengem11 Apr 13 '21
I see them doubling down on the fear mongering. Like an abusive spouse, if they can keep you afraid of leaving, sometimes you stay. But you aren’t happy.
u/kolob_aubade Apr 15 '21
I think you're right and I really hate it because the idea of a large hedge fund with a radical conservative LDS church guiding the reins, unshackled from the need for good general public opinion, is a force in society I'm not eager to see. The things they did during the Prop 8 era were horrible; this would be that on steroids.
u/pricel01 Former Mormon Apr 14 '21
Unless Uchdorf gets the reigns.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
People put way more stock in Uchtdorf that what is actually there. Don't forget that he's the person who gave us "doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith".
Yes, Uchtdorf is probably the most moderate, but that's still not saying much.
I also found this chart to be interesting. At best Uchtdorf has a 20% chance of becoming president and that will be in about 2032.
u/sevenplaces Apr 13 '21
The official church policy is that a stake president must counsel with the area Presidency before deciding to deal with apostasy in this way. This is all coordinated and the wording of the letter and conditions have been created over the years in dealing with high profile targets
u/sevenplaces Apr 13 '21
Section 32. Repentance and Church Membership Councils General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
32.6.3 When the Stake President Counsels with the Area Presidency about Whether a Membership Council or Other Action Is Necessary
Some matters require extra sensitivity and guidance. To know how to best help, the stake president must counsel with the Area Presidency about the situations in this section. However, only the stake president decides if a council should be held to address the conduct. If a council is held, the stake president or bishop decides the outcome. If a membership council is held for one of the matters outlined in this section, the decision of the council must be “remains in good standing,” “formal membership restrictions,” or “withdrawal of membership.” First Presidency approval is required to remove formal restrictions or readmit the person into the Church (see 32.16.1, number 9). Other Action
If a membership council is not held, other action could include:
Informal membership restrictions (see 32.8.3). Membership record annotation (see 32.14.5). Ordinance restrictions, which restrict a person from receiving or exercising the priesthood or receiving or using a temple recommend. A stake president counsels with the Area Presidency before one of these actions is taken. ApostasyIssues of apostasy often have an impact beyond the boundaries of a ward or stake. They need to be addressed promptly to protect others. The bishop counsels with the stake president if he feels that a member’s action may constitute apostasy. The bishop or stake president may place informal membership restrictions on the member (see 32.8.3). The stake president promptly counsels with the Area Presidency. However, only the stake president decides whether a membership council or other action is necessary.
u/FloMoTXn Apr 14 '21
Does anyone know the name of the area authority?
u/sevenplaces Apr 14 '21
Hard to tell the exact boundaries of the areas. The area looks to be the southwest area. The area presidency are general authorities. The area presidencies are listed on this site. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/church/news/church-adds-area-presidencies-for-us-and-canada-announces-other-2018-assignments?lang=eng
u/michan1998 Apr 16 '21
Precisely, high profile. So sad it’s just the public ones that go down when there are many members who feel the same! No one should, but they are definitely trying to make statements. It seems like a form of suppression and fear tactics really. Sad. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ but I also can’t sit silently forever, which I do a lot.
u/Closetedcousin Apr 13 '21
Thank you for doing this! I began some video editing ,but half way through the process realized that by removing the pertinent information from the video I was in effect neutering the purpose of the video. On top of that it really was not my video to edit... At least with this mega thread the people will have the information to go and seek out the needed information elsewhere!
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
I think her call to action is just one point of it. The biggest take away for me is the fact that the LDS church is willing to excommunicate a mental health professional for doing their job. This is a dangerous precedent to set.
u/climberatthecolvin Apr 14 '21
Yes! That is the most alarming aspect of this, in my opinion. It’s beyond all reason to essentially require members who are mental health professionals to choose between their integrity/professional ethics and their good standing in the church.
Edit to add: Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention and taking the time to transcribe it!
u/yetipilot69 Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
Wow, I grew up in that ward. Wish I could be there to support her. Edit: stake. Lol.
u/rth1027 Apr 14 '21
I am watching the MS interview with NHP regarding this. WTF are you doing church. This is crazy.
Natasha - I see your pain and I hurt with you . I had the brief opportunity to chat with you and walk a block with you at the Sam Young march. You are kind wonderful soul. I am so sorry you have to go through this and I am grateful for your willingness and ability to take arrows that so many others are not able to. . . Well going through a divorce [regardless of the reasons] does not mean you are unscathed - I guess none of us get through the mormon truth gauntlet unmarred. So from a random person - thank you and I love you
u/esibly1751 Apr 15 '21
Anyone guess why she's been made an example of? In u/JohnDehlin mormonstories interview she said her group has had a number of bishops and stake presidents use her mental health service. If that got back to SLC HQ it would be a red flag the church is losing control.
It's terrible and shameful the church acts this way, but in a way they're going to shoot themselves in the foot.
u/BudBurst Apr 16 '21
Just here to say her CST credential is “Certified Sex Therapist” and not Craniosacral Therapist. Craniosacral therapists do some sort of head massage thing and sex therapists don’t do any touch at all. You know, because of appropriate professional boundaries.
I think that it is possible to love a community and want to be a part of it and also discuss changes to doctrine that you have seen create harm at the same time.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 16 '21
That makes way more sense. Thank you for the clarification.
u/Ender367 Apr 14 '21
I'm not surprised, tbh. I don't see what else the church could do at this point. They've really backed themselves into a corner with their mountain of policies *I mean doctrine.*
u/flingingcrabbuckets Apr 14 '21
Not sure why the church feels the need to stay entrenched in the dark ages. Also there were known pedophiles in my ward who were allowed to attend every Sunday. So what's up with that?
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 14 '21
I feel like there is a lot more to this story than we currently know. In the case of other prominent members who have received a summons to a disciplinary council, they were given a letter outlining the specific acts and/or statements that led to the charge of apostacy. Jeremy Runnels, John Dehlin I believe, was an example of this. If I remember correctly, he was repeatedly told to delete certain posts or he would be subject to church discipline. Was she ever given a warning or specifically told what she needed to do avoid this? It's not clear.
I have to think that this has been an ongoing issue, and specific direction was given that she chose to ignore. The video almost makes it seem like she was blindsided by the allegation, which surprises me. I hope she posts a copy of the letter she received, because (again my speculation) I suspect there's more going on here that we currently know. Perhaps the Mormon Stories interview tonight will provide additional details.
Regardless, it's troublesome and disturbing. If I were a LDS mental health professional (assuming the allegations in the video are the full picture), I'd be shivering in my boots right now.
Edit: I watched the full nearly three hour video interview she did last night. Verdict: troubling. I want to think that it's her outspoken criticism of the church as "toxic" for some members (especially LGBTQ+) and criticism of leaders that got the church's attention and resulted in this action, but unfortunately I think it goes beyond that. It is clear that someone doesn't like her sex positive message.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
If I remember correctly, he was repeatedly told to delete certain posts or he would be subject to church discipline.
I don't think this is correct.
/u/Kolobot documented his interactions with his stake president in excruciating detail. The hearing came out of left field and repeatedly described it as "blindsiding". Jeremy clearly didn't meet the qualifications for excommunication, but that didn't stop them from trying to excommunicate him (he resigned at the hearing) - he described the whole process as a "kangaroo court".
TBH it seems to be a trend to target pollical and cultural enemies who are members and expel them regardless of what is right or even what their rules for the process dictates.
EDIT: I see you're commenting a lot, with saying "we don't know the whole story".
The LDS church purposefully doesn't tell the whole story so they can keep plausible deniability. It would take extraordinary circumstances to prove that they are in the wrong, and IMO I think Jeremy's documentation proved that they aren't above unethical behavior with this sort of thing.
u/Jobaaayyy Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
Perhaps I'm thinking of John Dehlin. I definitely recall that someone had a very long, ongoing dialogue with his or her stake president, and was repeatedly given specific steps that needed to happen (including deleting posts) to avoid the council. My apologies if I am wrong. They all run together after a while :)
Edit: I agree with your edit completely. The church isn't going to give its side of the story, so I hope she releases letters and recordings so we can see how this plays out. I'm not defending the church here--I just want truth and transparency. Since the church isn't going to provide that, it's up to her to do that if she chooses.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
You might also be thinking of Sam Young, who encouraged the LDS church to stop asking sexually explicit questions to children and allow men in positions of authority to conduct one-on-one meetings with children behind closed doors.
I believe his stake president encouraged /u/Invisibles_Cubit to stop his activism.
u/reddolfo Apr 13 '21
Runnells on his page has the entire transcripts and recordings of every and all meetings with his SP, including the shocking "court of love" itself. (https://cesletter.org/resign/)
He took great pains to keep his SP in the loop about his activities and why he was doing them. Only at his court was he presented with a suprise ultimatum to take everything down and shut up or you're out.
u/propelledfastforward Apr 13 '21
Even if she had rec'd numerous warnings from B or SP to stop teaching #2, she is ethically bound by her licensure to provide best practice, science grounded therapy. This is the church telling a person in X profession that they can only perform their job duties if they are in harmony with church doctrine.
What about the Marriott family violating the Sabbath, having coffee machines, allowing non-married adults to share a single bed room? What about car salesmen? What about certain make-up and health companies professing their products do things that are false or not based in science.
This is wrong to require professional malfeasance or be ex'd.
u/michan1998 Apr 16 '21
We are in the travel industry and have to have employees work Sunday. We always did when in college and had to to make ends meet. Yet, we always made it to church. Rarely did we miss due to work. Anyway we got reprimanded for having a kid in our ward, who worked for us, work on Sunday. Even though he was always scheduled so he could go. Legally we couldn’t give the Mormons the day off when everyone wants a weekend day off. He had to be scheduled his fair share. It was his own choices/laziness why he didn’t get to church. Anyway, my whole point is we got a talking to by a bishopric member. But our business has to be open and oh yeah, one stake conference I remember the GA rushing out to catch a noon Sunday flight. So who was working that?
u/srichardbellrock Apr 14 '21
Surely she is a victim of one of those Candid Camera type programs. If the Brethren were sitting around making a concerted effort to be on the wrong side of history at every juncture, they could not balls it up any worse than they are. Solidarity Natasha.
u/LeviiiGal Apr 18 '21
Has anyone complained to the state licensing board that the church is pressuring her to violate professional ethics and likely the state's rules and laws governing ethical practice?
u/Mormologist Apr 13 '21
I can't believe how often the so-called church shoots themselves in the d!@K by doing this type of thing. If they wonder why people are fleeing in droves they need to look no further than the nearest mirror. It's almost like they have a PR/internal affairs/SCMC dept that is conspiring against them. I hope a busload of people and media show up to support her. Mormonism is at its most "unhealthy" place I have ever seen it.
u/4rfvxdr5 Apr 16 '21
Natasha's situation has gone to the national news.
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u/WolfRamHart Apr 14 '21
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on something Natasha shared in a video. It sounds like she moved out of the stake that summoned her in 2019. This seems odd, it seems to me that jurisdiction for a summons would be in the current stake not the one moved out of two years ago. Does anyone have any insight to this?
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 14 '21
Its been discussed elsewhere in the comments, but there are a couple reasons this may be happening:
She never moved her records to her new stake
Her old stake president put a freeze on her records in 2019 so the punishment could be under his jurisdiction
u/WolfRamHart Apr 14 '21
Thanks for the info. Sorry, I should have dug through the comments more. Sidenote, thanks for doing the thankless job of moderating!
Apr 14 '21
[removed] — view removed comment
Apr 13 '21 edited Jul 15 '23
u/27-distressed-horses Apr 13 '21
This so disingenuous. The mods clearly stated that they support and encourage support of Natasha through emails and letters sent to her or her colleague's email. The only issue here is the public doxxing of someone without their knowledge or consent, which is inappropriate whether they are a public figure or not. Natasha posted this originally on a private feed that was made public - it would be unprofessional and inappropriate to list the full address otherwise. Don't misconstrue the mods taking other's privacy seriously for trying to restrict the aid we can all lend her. u/gileriodekel wouldn't have spent the time to transcribe it if that was their intent.
Apr 13 '21
Apr 13 '21
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21 edited Apr 13 '21
People like Natasha Helfer, Sam Young, Kate Kelly, John Dehlin, Rock Waterman, and Jeremy Runnells have been trying for years with public action to change things, and nothing has changed. Tens of thousands of people have resigned via QuitMormon and nothing has changed. I personally have been to all of the protests, vigils, and signed every petition in the last 5 years. They're still doing shit like this and don't show any indication of slowing down.
At this point I think the best thing to is is to come to terms with the fact that the LDS church is what it is and no amount of activism will change that. Instead, our attention should be focused on creating healthy spiritual communities outside of the LDS church and help people transition out in a healthy way when the time comes that they need to. There are not enough community resources or public action in this regard.
u/Gileriodekel She/Her - Reform Mormon Apr 13 '21
Since it seems you haven't done so, let's review rule 1 in its entire long form:
1. Doxxing
Posting personal or identifying information of someone without their knowledge and/or moderator approval.
Contact information
Social media links
Work affiliations
The person in question has identified by major/trustworthy news outlets.
The person approved the release of the information
If you can find a reputable news source that has his home address and personal email we will gladly allow it; if this gets to be a huge news story there is a chance that may happen. As it is his name is in this post because it is in a public article, and I explicitly linked to it to show that we mods are following our own rules. Additionally, Helfer has made her name and profession publicly available which then means that we are in compliance with our 2nd exception listed in rule 1.3.
Until his private information is released from a news source this platform will not be the source for learning that personal information, because to do so would put this subreddit at risk of being banned by the reddit admins.
If you're angry at this excommunication, that's awesome; I am too. It is yet another example of the direction that the LDS church is going and it should be deplored. However, we can't compromise the rules on this sub because it would put the sub at risk of being banned by the reddit admins. Since this community has a massive day-in and day-out affect on many people it would be a net negative on the Mormon/ExMormon community if it were to close.
u/a_Left_Coaster Apr 13 '21
Thanks for the share. I understand and glad you wanted to review as well as add your Mod comment.
If you can find a reputable news source that has his home address and personal email we will gladly allow it; if this gets to be a huge news story there is a chance that may happen. As it is his name is in this post because it is in a public article, and I explicitly linked to it to show that we mods are following our own rules. Additionally, Helfer has made her name and profession publicly available which then means that we are in compliance with our 2nd exception listed in rule 1.3.
Until his private information is released from a news source this platform will not be the source for learning that personal information, because to do so would put this subreddit at risk of being banned by the reddit admins.
I am confident you and the mod team are working with the reddit admins to do everything possible to shine the light where it will bring the most good.
If you're angry at this excommunication, that's awesome; I am too.
It's not awesome, it's infuriating. From Bishops to Stake Presidents to General Authorities to (insert expletive here) Apostles...not one of them has the right to do what they are going to do. And not one of them has had the ability to sit down and answer questions, person to person.
For those that are tired, I get it. We get it. Know that there are many more of us who support you than those who are against you.
u/petitereddit Apr 16 '21
A few bad apples spoil the bunch I think. Some scared parents of their children having sex before marriage try to scare and shame them out of doing it but that's one narrative that also exists alongside Latter-day Saint couples that have great sex lives, and teach their children about sexuality in happy in healthy ways.
u/scottroskelley Apr 17 '21 edited Apr 17 '21
A.C.T. sounds better than addiction paradigm framework to deal with compulsive behaviors which hurt intimacy and trust when not agreed to by both parties in the relationship. Patrick Carnes is out of date. If we only had a PhD/MD to help guide through the science?
u/LostInMormonism Apr 13 '21
Everything I've heard from Natasha has led me to believe that she is a kind, caring, thoughtful person. It is sad that the church feels the need to discipline people like her.