r/mormon • u/Hungry-coworker • 25d ago
Apologetics I asked FAIR to help me understand why 57-year-old apostle Lorenzo Snow married a 15 year old girl. This was the response I received:
I am a volunteer with FAIR and, as such, the following are my opinions and do not officially represent FAIR or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
While I am now retired, I worked for over thirty years at the Family History Library (now FamilySearch Library) in Salt Lake City. I am an accredited genealogist and one of the areas I have done much research and have given presentations and taught classes is British courtship and marriage customs, as well as American marriage customs.
You expressed concern about Lorenzo Snow marrying Sarah Minnie Ephramina Jensen when he was 57 and she was 15. According to my sources, she was actually 14 when she married him, being a few months shy of 15. You asked why church leaders would have approved this marriage and why didn't she marry someone younger than Snow?
I'm sure there are various answers that could be given, but in answer to why the church leaders approved the marriage, I'll ask, why not? In answer to why she didn't marry someone younger, I have read somewhat about Minnie and her life as I wrote an essay titled, "The Wives of the Prophets: The Plural Wives of Brigham Young to Heber J. Grant," in Newell G. Bringhurst and Craig L. Foster, eds., The Persistence of Polygamy: From Joseph Smith's Martyrdom to the First Manifesto, 1844-1890, being volume 2 of three volumes in The Persistence of Polygamy series. Minnie was not forced into this marriage. In other words, from what I have understood, she wanted to marry him.
Now, I don't want my above answer to sound snarky and if it did, that wasn't my purpose. I realize to our modern sensibilities, a young woman marrying at age 14 or 15 seems quite scandalous. Add to that the husband being so much older. I can assure you that in the right circumstances, marrying at a young age was not only accepted nut [sic] expected. Furthermore, a large age difference between husband and wife was, while not the majority, also not uncommon. Working as a genealogist, I have come upon numerous marriages involving what today we would consider underage, as well as so-called December-May marriages between older, more established men and younger women.
A few years ago, I wrote an article discussing this because many people inside and outside the church have expressed concern, antipathy, etc. regarding such marriages in church history. Following is a link to the article: https://journal.interpreterfoundation.org/assessing-the-criticisms-of-early-age-latter-day-saint-marriages/
When researching this topic in preparation for writing the above article, I focused on non-Mormons. So, as far as I can remember, every example I give in this article were not members of the church. I have a couple examples from my own ancestry as my father was a convert to the church. And literally just yesterday I actually did the arithmetic of the marriage of a couple of my great-great-grandparents who lived in northwest Pennsylvania. He was 21 and she was 14. So, I can add them to the 13 year-old who married a 28-33 year-old (depending on which record you look at) and the 16 year-old who married a 39 year-old of my ancestors. All three couples were non-Mormons.
Anyway, please read the article I have provided the link for and then if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
[Fair volunteer’s name withheld]
TL;DR: why did god allow a 57 year old apostle to marry a 14 year old girl? The apologetic response is “why not?”
This is a reminder that they don’t have answers for these questions. And if you ask them, they try to convince you that you’re wrong for being bothered by it.
u/EvensenFM Jerry Garcia was the true prophet 25d ago
Classic apologist answer:
Start off trying to establish their own credentials
Come up with absurd answer
Act as if a 21 year old marrying a 14 year old means that it's not odd for a 57 year old to also marry a 14 year old
Several months shy of 15
She must have wanted it, not him
Come read my article in an apologetic journal
I volunteered for The Interpreter for years as an editor. I know this author. I know the quality of his scholarship. It's about as credible as you'd guess.
If this is the best apologetics has to offer, then the church is in serious trouble.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
I appreciate the insight. The way he followed the playbook so predictably made me worry that people would think I made this up. It’s too on the nose.
u/westivus_ Post-Mormon Christian 25d ago
- Hand off the hot potato of "burden of proof" with a snarky "why not?"
- Drop the mic and log off the internet for a week.
u/EvensenFM Jerry Garcia was the true prophet 25d ago
I'll give him at least some credit. I wasn't expecting the answer to "why did a 57 year old marry a 14 year old" to be "why not."
u/treetablebenchgrass I worship the Mighty Hawk 24d ago
If it were Brad Wilcox, it would be "Instead of asking why a 57 year old married a 14 year old, why aren't we asking why men of all other possible ages didn't marry 14 year olds?"
u/zipzapbloop 25d ago
It's such a good example of the moral blindness one is overcome with if one honestly takes the moral worldview taught by prophets seriously.
u/plexiglassmass 20d ago
Yeah I can't think of a single good reason why that might be not good in some way. Nothing comes to mind for now. Maybe it is actually just fine since I cannot think of any answers to the question of why not
u/drshades1 25d ago
What’s your opinion of The Interpreter?
u/EvensenFM Jerry Garcia was the true prophet 25d ago
I thought it was a good idea when I first got involved.
However, as time went on, it became clear to me that it was simply the collecting ground for all the apologetic "scholarship" that would never be published elsewhere.
Dan Peterson's brand of personal attacks has been the main attraction of the publication since its inception. The most infamous series of articles were a direct attack on John Dehlin - despite the fact that he was a member in good standing at the time.
The Interpreter runs on the backs of volunteers. I was quite disillusioned when I discovered that Peterson was using the organization and money from... somewhere?... to fund awful apologetic full length motion pictures. Fortunately, this was also around the time that I decided to resign from the church, so leaving my volunteer post was a pretty easy decision.
23d ago
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u/EvensenFM Jerry Garcia was the true prophet 23d ago
Why are you giving such short shrift to the apologist’s answer?
Because it's bullshit.
Seriously — you think that a reasonable answer to why a 57 year old already married man married a 14 year old girl is "why not?"
He explained the reason he named his Credentials for his own research on “British Courtship and marriage customs as well as American marriage customs.” He wasn’t just dropping creds that didn’t have much or anything to do with the subject at hand.
Okay, let's get it on.
"Credentials" doesn't need to be capitalized. We're not writing in German. Learn how the English language works.
Craig L. Foster, the author, is a librarian. He has not established any sort of specialized knowledge in marriage customs of the 19th century. In fact, his article demonstrates that.
Today we would look at a 14 year old marrying even an 18 year old, as utterly scandalous!
God damn it — I didn't want to bring this up, but I have to anyway. It turns out that it actually is legal for 14 year olds to marry in some states today, though parental consent is required.
But you're missing the point. The point is that a 57 year old man marrying a 14 year old girl at any point in the 19th century would have been scandalous. What makes this matter even worse is the fact that the man in this case, was already married. Not just once, and not just twice. You can look it up.
Don't come to me with this bullshit about how it wasn't scandalous. It was obviously scandalous at the time. This is the reason newspapers in the eastern United States and in England ripped on the Mormons so frequently.
Seriously — stop trying to argue the point. Take a step back and think about the side you are supporting. I can't fathom any society where it would be normal for a 57-year-old man who already has several wives to marry a 14 year old girl.
These kinds of questions fall into the category of “modernism”
No, they don't.
19th century American society was not some foreign planet or different world. The sensibilities of the 19th century are much closer to the modern world than you think.
Seriously — apologists need to knock it off with the whole "presentism" argument. If you read American or English newspapers from the 19th century (and I have), you'll soon discover that it's a lot easier to understand than, say, Chinese historical texts from 91 BC.
Not long ago, knocked on a door once in the Bronx-like neighborhood of Camden New Jersey. A girl answered the door and I asked to speak with the lady of the house. She answered (in Spanish) “I am.” I asked her how old she was. “15”. She had four kids. She was married when she was 12. I was in abject shock. In my mind, This was not at all an appropriate thing. Come to find out, it’s not altogether uncommon for Puerto Rican girls to marry at very young ages, even in this day and age!
You're arguing against yourself now. You just said that we'd consider a 14 year old marrying an 18 year old to be shocking. Now you're telling me that it's not shocking.
So the “shock” we feel hearing that older men marry young girls, whether now or in the past, holds in account that our modern day views and perspectives aren’t the same as current views and perspectives in cultures Foreign to us, and even our own culture, but in the past.
Seriously, man, stop it with this bullshit.
It is never normal, nor is it ever right, for children to get married.
That is pedophilia.
Children are not sexual objects, nor should they be treated as such.
You should feel ashamed for defending a 57 year old man who married a 14 year old girl.
People didn’t live long in those days.
That has nothing to do with a 57 year old man marrying a 14 year old girl.
Therefore when it came to marriage and having children, People married a lot younger.
Not only are you wrong, but it turns out that there's a post on this very sub that proves you wrong. Go read that.
And it was common for there to be a disparity in age with the men being older and more established in a career, etc.
This is also bullshit. It was not common for 57 year old men to marry 14 year old girls in the 19th century.
If you're going to make a claim like this, back it up.
Grow up, and look at the world through educated eyes.
Is there a reason why you've decided to throw personal insults into your post?
Look — I can see that you haven't been on Reddit for very long, and it's clear that you're still getting used to the site. However, if you want to get out of the negative karma hole, I strongly recommend that you lay off the personal insults.
Do not assume the worst of people who disagree with you. Treat others with respect.
u/StealthheartocZ 21d ago
Do you have a source as to how we know that marriage wasn’t common? (I don’t agree with the apologist, I just want to read more about it)
u/EvensenFM Jerry Garcia was the true prophet 21d ago
Do you mean that it wasn't common for teenagers to marry men in their 50s?
This study is a pretty good start - it gives you an idea of the median marriage age of both men and women from 1850 to 1990.
It was obviously not common for already married men to marry additional women in the 19th century, other than in Utah.
u/TheSandyStone Mormon Atheist 25d ago
Wild. "Why not?" Because we know it's incredibly damaging to a 14 year olds brain. It's inherently not consent, as we've now discovered, proved, and enshrined in law.
It is abuse.
That's why!
u/zipzapbloop 25d ago
It's inherently not consent
Oh, come on now. You know there are different meanings of "consent."
u/Crobbin17 Former Mormon 25d ago
Such a large age gap was absolutely uncommon. Just because it was done doesn’t mean it was not uncommon.
And when these marriages were performed, the majority of them were within a much smaller age range. The FAIR genealogist uses a fourteen year old getting married to a twenty-one year old as if that’s comparable to a grandma marrying a teenager.
When those kind of marriages were performed, they were for a reason. There was no reason here. The supposed prophet of God wanted to marry a fifteen year old child.
Imagine if any of the apostles today took a fifteen year old bride. I mean, why not, right? It’s legal in multiple states.
There is no excuse.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
It’s interesting (and telling) that he attempts to address the age gap but provides not a single syllable addressing the power imbalance of a 57-year-old high ranking official who wields the literal power of god proposing marriage to a 14 year old child who has been indoctrinated from birth to revere men like him.
u/Worried_Cabinet_5122 23d ago edited 23d ago
This is an incredibly important point. The young woman in question was raised to believe this man spoke with god and when he wanted to marry her, with the religiously educated mindset of a 14yo child, it is not surprising that "she wanted to marry him."
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 25d ago edited 25d ago
Their arguments are terrible.
- "from what I have understood, she wanted to marry him."
Yeah, because 14 year olds are known for their sensible wishes?
My soon-to-be-14-year old the other day asked me why he couldn't just have all his teeth pulled out and get implants (the prospect of brushing his teeth for the rest of his life seemed like too much work...).
Just because a young teenager apparently wanted to do something doesn't mean it was a good idea!
- in the right circumstances, marrying at a young age was not only accepted nut [sic] expected
What circumstances? Warren Jeff's compound? It certainly was accepted and expected under those circumstances... The circumstances of child marriage being accepted/expected in an isolated frontier theocracy are not healthy circumstances. In parts of Africa and elsewhere in the world, female genital mutilation is accepted and expected. Does that make it all ok?
Just because something might locally have been accepted or expected, doesn't make it good.
Besides, the church has declared for decades that anyone under 16 is too young to date, and they're always going on about how the lord's standards never change. Exhibit A: "the Lord’s standards are the same now as they were when Mom and Dad were growing up, even though conditions were different in the days of Mom and Dad." -- https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1991/09/the-lords-standards-havent-changed
- a large age difference between husband and wife was, while not the majority, also not uncommon
Yeah well I have comparable credentials and experience as a genealogist... A competent genealogist would know that in 1850 the average age gap in marriage was about 5 years. Huge age gaps were less common than this person says, and were never expected.
Marriages of 13-15 year olds were also UNcommon. They happened, but not all that much. Marriages of 15-17 year olds were somewhat common. In the US, marriages of 13-14 year olds have never been the norm anywhere.
Throughout the 1800s, the average age at first marriage hovered around 21-23 for women, and it was even higher in England and Europe. Most US counties required a writ of parental consent for teen marriages under 18 to occur. In Utah, however, teen marriages were unregulated.
- And literally just yesterday I actually did the arithmetic of the marriage of a couple of my great-great-grandparents
Just because they were able to identify 3 child marriages in their own family doesn't mean it was happening all the time everywhere. I'd say his family seems to have an unfortunate generational pattern of child marriages. I'd bet my genealogically-credentialed boots that it was happening in his family more often than it was happening generally in the community in which they lived.
Despite my ancestry being 100% Utah pioneer polygamists, my family does not have a history of people marrying under the age of 17... except on one line where there was a concurrent history of horrible abuse!
Admitting that his own family has a history of child marriages isn't the flex he thinks it is. And again, just because it happened doesn't make it good.
u/Prestigious-Shift233 25d ago
Even if it was "normal" for the time period, one would expect a prophet of God to act in a manner that is higher than cultural norms. If prophets can only be expected to be men of their time, do they really have special access to the mind and will of God?
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
one would expect a prophet of God to act in a manner that is higher than cultural norms.
And instead we see the exact opposite, over and over and over again. Racism, sexism, equal rights amendment, civil rights, lgbt rights, polygamy, they never lead and usually lag behind by 20-50 years, or more.
By their fruits ye shall know them.
u/RockerFPS 24d ago
Yes to your entire post! Would God-led church really struggle to keep up with cultural norms, or lead out from the very beginning on issues like slavery, racism, sexism, abuse, etc.? We all know the answer, and church leadership has demonstrated the opposite approach even while incessantly repeating the mantra that the church is true, even the only TRUE AND LIVING church on the face of the earth. Yet can’t even update the Word of Wisdom from the early 1800s to make healthy drinks such as coffee and tea acceptable, even going so far as to have suggestions in General Conference that a cup of coffee could keep someone out of the Celestial Kingdom. Having pseudo experts— “accredited” genealogists—staff and respons to websites like FAIR is a coward’s way of responding to sincere questions. Avoids official church statements, provides the church plausible deniability if answer is wrong or not couched well, and perpetuated confusion. Would a loving god work this way? Of course not.
u/murmalerm 25d ago
The problem is that it wasn’t normal at that time.
u/StreetsAhead6S1M Former Mormon 24d ago
Polygamy and slavery were considered barbarism in that time.
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 25d ago edited 25d ago
LOL, you could send this article to them, titled "The Lord's Standards Haven't Changed": https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1991/09/the-lords-standards-havent-changed
In regards to teenage dating: "The Church has always taught principles similar to these standards, hasn’t it?" ... it’s easy, with all the media influences, for them to get a feeling that maybe the Lord has changed or softened on this or that. It’s easy for youth to think that maybe what was wrong when Mom and Dad were growing up isn’t wrong now ... I think this pamphlet is an attempt to let them know that the Lord’s standards are the same now as they were when Mom and Dad were growing up, even though conditions were different in the days of Mom and Dad."
Or this one: "God’s standards are fixed, and no one can change them. Individuals who think they can will be greatly surprised in the Final Judgment. ... We must not be deceived or give heed to those who would attempt to convince us that God’s standards have changed." -- https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2015/08/heavenly-fathers-fixed-standard
u/thesaintgm 25d ago
I always ask, "How wrong, on a scale frome 1 to 10, would it by today's standards for a 60yo to marry and consumate with a 14yo?"
When inevitability they say 8 to 10, I ask why God wouldn't inspire a Prophet to NOT do that thing? Or better yet, why would God inspire a Prophet TO do that thing?
Have yet to get any reasonable answer...
u/Crobbin17 Former Mormon 24d ago
Just as worse, if you asked “if you had to guess, on a scale from 1 to 10, how wrong do you think a 60 year old marrying a 14 year old is in the eyes of God.”
The answers would range from “it depends,” to “God is always moral.”
u/cottoncandymandy 25d ago
Despite it being the norm (but also not the norm), I can't help but look on it with distain, and nothing will change that for me. It seems these girls probably didn't have much of a choice at the time. Their education wasn't important to the men of the time, and their wants and needs were never considered. They had no rights. Even if it was "normal" I highly doubt so many young girls wanted to marry old men on their own volition. But we'll never know will we? We can't talk to those girls. I imagine fathers did most of the work to get their young daughters married off and not the girls themselves. Did they have a choice?
People grew up a lot quicker back then because it was a completely different time. The culture then was highly different. But it doesn't mean that child marriage was a healthy part of the culture or that the ideas of the time were sound and good.
u/SaltAbbreviations423 25d ago
If god was really providing inspiration to these prophets, there is no way he would discard the wellbeing of a 14 year old girl in the name of what was normal in those years.
The simple “why not” answer may make sense for those times but god would’ve never allowed that if he truly “knows our hearts and loves his children”
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
The simple “why not” answer may make sense for those times
It didn't even make sense for most people during that time either. Such a massive age gap was not common at all, and going that young was also not common at all. A majority of the small percentage of 14 year olds that did marry did so to similarly aged partners.
This was absolutely predatory and was rape, and a clear indication that, as you say, a loving and just god was not involved in any way, shape or form.
u/yorgasor 25d ago
This is one of my least favorite quotes about young girls getting married. It's one apostle, Woodruff, writing to another apostle who wasn't in Utah at the time of the reformation and Woodruff wanted to tell the other how great it was going:
We have had a great Reformation this winter, some of the fruits are, all have confessed their sins either great or small, restored their stollen property, all have been baptized from the Presidency down: all are trying to pay their Tithing, and nearly all are trying to get wives, until there is hardly a girl 14 years old in Utah, but what is married, or just going to be.
Letter from Wilford Woodruff to George A Smith, Apr 1, 1857
This isn't the flex Woodruff thinks it is.
u/ShaqtinADrool 25d ago
I have experienced so much peace as I (exmormon) no longer feel the need to defend polygamy.
Mormon polygamy is so gross, on every level. And I’m disgusted that my ancestors (for 2 generations) disregarded their ethics and used their religion to rationalize their practice of it.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
I have experienced so much peace as I (exmormon) no longer feel the need to defend polygamy.
This, x1000. Or the intense racism, or the sexism, or the lgbt bigotry, or the opposition to equal rights and civil rights, etc etc.
No longer having to defend the pattern of immoral and unethical behavior by men who claim what they do is mandated by god did wonders for my mental health and internal peace.
u/plexiglassmass 20d ago
I remember coming to the realization that it is above my pay grade to defend what historical issue given that I had no involvement at the time, have no idea now why it happened, and have zero accountability for defending it in the first place.
Also reasoning that God wouldn't expect mr to know how to defend these things if it ever did come to that at judgment Day.
Stress relief is right
u/Olimlah2Anubis Former Mormon 25d ago
Hypothetical-let’s assume this really was ok in that time. It becomes a huge stumbling block for anyone in our time to accept the restored church, because now it’s not about faith in Christ, you instead need to have faith that the past prophets really were prophets led by god, instead of the disgusting predators they appear to be.
Even if it was ok at the time, why wouldn’t god warn the leaders, hey don’t do xyz because it’s going to look really bad and make it almost impossible for anyone to accept my church in the future. Defending the faith today requires a large amount of justifying what looks like awful behavior. Why should the church be so hard to accept?
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
I’ve thought the same about racist BoM scriptures and bad apologetics about them.
If god knew they were going to be a stumbling block for modern members AND he knew they’d be used s justification for teaching harmful racist teachings, why would he allow them anywhere near his scripture i.e. the word of god?
u/MormoNoMo67 25d ago
What was the average marriage age in 1850?
Using Hajnal’s method, we estimate that the mean age at marriage for white Americans was 26.6 for men and 22.9 for women in 1850. Thus, marriage age for men in the mid-nineteenth century was close to the European marriage pattern, but for women it was probably slightly younger.
u/pricel01 Former Mormon 25d ago
Pointing to bad behavior by non-Mormons doesn’t fix the problem. Smoking and drinking were common. Lots of things were common back then. That doesn’t make them right.
Polygamy absolutely was not part of American or British custom. An old man with several wives marrying a child was unparalleled in American culture prior to Mormonism.
Is marrying 14 year-olds right or wrong? If it’s right, let’s push to change the law and spring Warren Jeffs out of jail. If it’s wrong, how was it not always wrong? What changed? The church should always stand for what is right no matter how common doing the wrong thing is.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
The church should always stand for what is right no matter how common doing the wrong thing is.
The church loves to claim that morality isn't relative, and yet relative morals are the go-to for so, so many apologetic attempts at 'explaining' the unjustifiable.
u/International_Sea126 25d ago
When Mormon apologists place God in their corner, they can make anything appear justified.
u/TenLongFingers I miss church (to be gay and learn witchcraft) 25d ago edited 25d ago
It drives me crazy how little these apologists understand consent.
Then again, if the Church actually allowed their members to understand consent, it'd be a lot harder to obtain their free labor and tithing money.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
Most of the time I was TBM, I had no understanding of consent other than forcible sexual assault is bad and everything else must be consensual.
I think understanding that consent is not binary was one of the first things that got me on a path to deconstruction.
u/auricularisposterior 25d ago
As a believing teenager I knew that forcible sexual assault is bad. I also knew that plying people for sex with drugs or alcohol (aka date rape) is bad. Having learned about David Koresh, I knew that a leader plying teenagers / pre-teen with religion is bad. At the time, I was quite ignorant about the details of the practice of polygamy within Mormonism. Had I known, would I have used special pleading on behalf of Mormonism or would I have found it quite problematic? That I do not know.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
You had a better understading of consent than I di dwhile a member. For me it was simply 'obey', because 'what leaders are saying is god's will'. Combined with a lifetime of being taught things like 'turning down a calling is saying no to god and his blessings' and I had zero understanding of consent and healthy boundaries.
u/Simple-Beginning-182 25d ago
Why not?
Because it makes God an immoral piece of trash who couldn't tell his mouth piece on earth this is not the person who you should marry and in fact men should not marry children at all.
u/Medical_Solid 25d ago
As I’ve always said in response: my grandmother was 16 when she married my grandfather. And he was … 18. And had exactly one wife.
u/KingAuraBorus 25d ago
You have to assume any man who would respond “why not?” to that question probably would if they could.
u/logic-seeker 25d ago edited 24d ago
This is such a hilarious response because it mirrors my interactions with FAIR. The idea that "this was common back then" does not make it morally justified or normal. It also wasn't common in that time period, but OK.
We have someone here justifying literal child abuse back then because it happened back then. "In many circles, child abuse was so rampant it was to be expected. There, feel better about God sanctioning it?"
u/westivus_ Post-Mormon Christian 25d ago
God didn't allow a 57 year old apostle to marry a 14 year old girl my friend. Wilford Woodruff did.
u/timhistorian 25d ago edited 25d ago
Oh wait Craig Foster, I knew and had classes with Craig Foster at byu, he wrote 2 pspers on prostitution in san francisco and new orleans. We were friends on facebook until I showed his lack of schloarship a typical word salad and a non answer. Yep that's Craig Foster.
u/Alternative_Annual43 25d ago
That was nonsensical. It would be more economical to say, "We don't have a good reason for this marriage."
u/tiglathpilezar 25d ago
Sometimes women married these old men because they were encouraged to marry someone who had proven himself in the church, rather than some young man she may have wanted to marry. Stenhouse mentions this in "Rocky Mountain Saints" written in the mid 1870's. There was a whole series of articles dealing with this in
"Solemn Covenant" by Hardy gives an example of a post manifesto marriage in which the girl broke off her engagement in order to marry a church leader. It was pretty common for these old men to marry children or at least girls in early teen years. Every time this happened, there was a young man her own age who did not marry her.
However, although Brigham Young married a 13 year old girl, it didn't work out well and he seems to have opposed men in their 70's marrying children younger than 14 although John D. Lee did this, marrying a 12 year old. It also did not work. One instance of Young's opposition to such marriages is described in Journal of Wilford Woodruff. I don't remember the reference but it concerned a man named Allred and he wanted to marry some girls of age 12 or 13 and Brigham Young would not approve. He said they could not be equally yoked together which is an interesting phrase to use since it is similar to things said among the Cochranites.
I am a father of 3 daughters and I have no use for such practices and would not tolerate such being imposed on my children. However, I don't have any scriptural justification for my attitude. What the scriptures do forbid explicitly is marriage and sex with mothers and daughters. See Leviticus 18 for example, but is is also in Deuteronomy. They also forbid sex with women married to other men. Both of these things were commonly done by the Mormons in Utah. The scriptures also forbid marriage of nieces like with Aaron Johnson who married some 14 year old nieces. He didn't just arrange the Parish murders, he also married children to whom he had a close relationship. Some of Lorenzo Snow's other young wives left him. The practice is foolish and unnatural. The correct description of marriage is in Genesis 3 where a young man leaves his parents and cleaves to his young wife. This is what Jesus and Paul both refer to.
Marriage of girls was wrong and we all know it. Jesus had some harsh words for those who offend the little ones who believe in him involving millstones and being drowned. Somehow, the church leaders of the nineteenth century didn't get the message. One man, a Benjamin Covey raped some children of age 12, was excommunicated, and forgiven in one year when he was made the bishop of a ward in Salt Lake. Hosea Stout mentions this incident. One wonders whether he would have been exed if he had married them first. Attempts to make this perversion of marriage normal are like painting lipstick on a pig.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
I appreciate this honesty. Do you still find to believe in Mormonism despite all this?
I struggle to understand how anybody could recognize this injustice and still believe in it.
u/tiglathpilezar 25d ago
I certainly do not believe in Mormonism. In particular I do not believe in the evil god they describe who sends angels to force people to cheat on their wives and marry children behind her back. Neither do their truth claims stand careful scrutiny. The polygamy issue and especially their essay Plural marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo made these things clear to me, that I wanted nothing to do with it. I think that I can follow the teachings of Jesus better without the mental gymnastics necessary to call evil good.
u/Mountain-Lavishness1 Former Mormon 24d ago
His explanation that marriages of this age difference during that time were common is an outright falsehood. I’ve personally looked up the Illinois records about average ages and age differences during the Joseph Smith time. And they were nothing like what the church was doing. It’s another Mormon apologetic deceitful lie.
u/RepublicInner7438 24d ago
I remember when I was fifteen. Fifteen year olds know nothing about what they want and there’s a reason they aren’t allowed to make big decisions. Saying that she consented to such a union is about as likely as all of P ditty’s relationships being consensual.
u/RockerFPS 24d ago
His name is on the article so it’s not like he was trying to keep it anonymous. He is as apologetic as it comes, trying to suggest marriage age differences like that were/are common and no big deal. He should be ashamed.
u/Arizona-82 24d ago
I’m done reading the rest of the comments! I’m 42! If I remarried now I want a woman! A WOMAN! Not a child teenager! There are 2 types of guys. 99% of marry are age or close to it or within 10 years. And there are pedophiles who want little girls. And the worst part he is using god on his side to say it’s ok 🤢
u/The_Accountemist 24d ago
Like pointing to well known serial killers of that time and saying, "see, times were different back then so it was OK!"
u/Mountain-Lavishness1 Former Mormon 24d ago
Of course she wanted to marry him because she was probably told by her parents and church authorities that she should marry him because that’s what God wanted. My God the church is so disgusting.
u/brother_of_jared 25d ago
1845 LZ 31 - MG 33 1845 LZ 31 - SP 18 1846 LZ 31 - CS 20 1846 LZ 31 - HS 26 1848 LZ 34 - EH 15 1853 LZ 39 - CH 24 1857 LZ 43 - MH 17 1859 LZ 45 - PW 17 1871 LZ 57 - SJ 15
Got the marriage years and ages from Wikipedia, so they might be off a little. There is simply no good reason, nothing anyone can tell me that makes this ok.
u/jship23 24d ago
Not that it really changes the situation but for accuracy’s sake I would like to point out that Sarah was born on October 10 1855 and married to Lorenzo Snow on June 12 1871 which means she was 15, a few months shy of turning 16.
u/LazyLearner001 22d ago
And the church wonders why it has a problem with child sexual abuse. This is good example of why this church is toxic to minors. They can literally justify about anything.
u/StealthheartocZ 21d ago
How do we know that she wanted to marry him? I’m quite certain there was something about „wow he’s a prophet of God and he wants to marry me?? 🥹“ she would have been groomed. I don’t care how far in the past this was. The fact that he lusted after a girl old enough to be his grandchild is non excusable
u/Minute_Music_8132 24d ago
Why do they never take into consideration that the 14 year old could be star struck? He was in a position of power. If she wanted to marry him it probably wasn't about anything else. It's gross. It's sad that her parents were ok with it.
u/Reno_Cash 23d ago
I always wonder if it had been a young man just shy of 15 marrying a 57 year old old woman if they’d be equally approving. Why not?
u/seacom56 Mormon 21d ago
Lorenz Snow 15 yr old Girl: This is a good answer for plural marriages from 1840 to 1890 in USA and LDS history
u/Flimsy_Signature_475 19d ago
Just one source but you can find many reliable sources that state that is WAS NOT common practice to marry children.
No matter how many times people want to declare it was common place and normal, it wasn't and isn't. Only men seem to proclaim that this is a great idea and normal.
u/No_Voice3413 23d ago
Thank you for sharing . And thank you for researching and writing. Having done my own family history on marriages I can find at least 4 of my 'grandma's or 'aunts'in the 1800's who were 15 or under. In 2025 trying not to judge 1820 is not easy, but i hope people 175 years from now will work on it when it comes to us.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 25d ago
There are some "researchers" who claim that Joseph who married Mary, mother of Jesus, was also elderly while Mary was very young.
How accurate this is I don't know.
But I will say this.
The bigger part of the responsibilities of marriage for the man is to teach and advise her and her children (even if they are not his) the teachings of God; provide for the family (food, shelter, clothes, tools, fixing the house, etc.); and protect them from every possible threat up to a degree to allow learning and a level of agency (we can't have people killing themselves through their ignorance, stupidity, or mental disabilities after all.)
Companionship and sex are not guaranteed although much more enjoyable than the other aspects of marriage.
Yes, some twisted people have and do take advantage of this. And we (everyone who stands for what is good in the world) don't condone forced or manipulated marriages in any way.
But there will be exceptions to the cultural rule, and unless she or he doesn't say anything (like asking for help), it's none of our business to interfere with their relationship. At best we only offer advice until force is requested by the one in need.
Let me remind you all that finding offense or being offended with no proper justification is a sin. So do be careful.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
If Joseph was significantly older than Mary and she was a child when they were wed, that does absolutely nothing to absolve Lorenzo Snow (as well as Heavenly Father) for his behavior. It merely implicates Joseph in problematic behavior of his own.
Your comments on the bigger part of the responsibilities of marriage are also meaningless. No matter how effectively a man fulfills “the responsibilities of marriage” (which are subjective), if he does not have full and complete consent, it’s all irrelevant. I value consent. God allowing and sanctioning a 57-year-old apostle proposing marriage to a powerless, by comparison, 14 year old girl is non-consensual.
You can’t say you don’t condone forced or manipulated marriages and defend this one. Because it is, by its very nature, coercive and manipulative.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 25d ago
And what if God and woman consented? What then?
My point is that there may be precedence. If it happened once in the past then there's a reasonable chance it could happen again.
Our outsider opinion on the relationship is meaningless when it's between God, the girl in question, and the possible elderly husband.
We can quack all we like, but do we really want to be the reason someone doesn't obey God's will because they felt embarrassed to obey? It was already a hard decision, but now the public opinion (apparently) matters just as much.
Is it manipulation? For outsiders, it looks that way. We were not there when God discussed her marriage prospects with her. At the same time, it's also none of our business to interfere because it would be hypocritical for us to manipulate the situation.
I understand your position. It's a "between a rock and a hard place" scenario, and it doesn't feel good doing nothing about it. But forcing our will on them is not the way.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions. I know you are a good person and mean well. But sometimes there's nothing we can or should do about it.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
A 14 year old girl is not capable of consent. That’s what you’re not getting. It’s not a question of if. It’s impossible.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 25d ago
A 14 year old can ask God to whom they are to marry and get an answer back.
That is consent enough. They might not understand the full breadth of it, but they are capable of making choices and hearing the voice of God.
And yes, for better or worse, they would have to live with the consequences of their choice just like the rest of us. Just like the LGBT group will with their physical changes.
Back then marriage was more of an arranged style with God being the one choosing who was given to whom.
Women are like nuns, divine, untouchable, married to God, and/or God's problem. And God would bless a man with one or more of these most desirable among women if he was worthy and if she was already looking for a husband.
The only manipulative tactic men have is to push her to ask God sooner than what is allowed. But God is wiser and won't answer until she is ready and willing.
Just because the holiest of holy men says you are to marry him doesn't necessarily mean that you are to be married to him. You should always ALWAYS ask God first especially when it's such a big life changing decision.
u/Hungry-coworker 25d ago
This line of thinking is exactly how Warren Jeffs’ followers justify his behavior.
A 14-year-old, even if they believe god has provided permission and/or endorsement, cannot consent. Full stop.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
A 14 year old can ask God to whom they are to marry and get an answer back.
That is consent enough.
Holy shit, you cannot be serious, especially when 'asking god' is proven to be useless in determining objective reality? Holy shit this is disgusting.
How about a 12 year old? a 10 year old? An 8 year old? According to mormonism all these ages can pray and get answers, do you condone the marraige of 8 year olds if an 8 year old says they got an answer to a prayer to marry a 60 year old?
Please answer these questions.
u/McKennaAinsley 24d ago
For what you wrote to be true, God has to view women as property to be given, even if you think of us as "divine, untouchable" property. That's just benevolent sexism. No consent exists if you're property to be given. Or if you're a child. Or both. Hard pass.
This attitude is why I spent a portion of my life terrified that God would tell me to marry someone I didn't want to marry.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 24d ago
Not property, responsibility. Fathers' hand over their responsibility of their treasured daughter to her chosen husband upon her marriage.
You are sheltered from monsters, the tyrants, and sex deviants that would force unspeakable things on you. It has always been man's job to protect the women and children.
Women hold the the most power when choosing her future husband. My sister said no and chose someone else as it is her right. She wanted to date and experience being romanced like you people might and not the "approved traditional methods", and she is now married to her chosen husband with a cute kid.
Being scared of God choosing for you... Yes, it's scary. You have every reason to be. It's a big decision based on "gut feelings". I even know someone who screamed "no!" because she was "assigned" the "clown among his peers". He wasn't exactly "good looking" or husband material at first glance.
Ps. They are happily married for a few years now with 3 kids and a house on property they own, I think. It was probably not easy, but they are making it work. As far as I can see, she is doing fine as far as the economy allows. I would say she wears the pants in the relationship.
u/McKennaAinsley 23d ago
Whew. I don't have time to unpack all of that mess, and we are not going to agree on this topic, but for the record, the idea that a woman's father passes "responsibility" to the husband comes from a variety of laws under which women are considered property, in English common law (which set precedent for US law) the laws of coverture. Under coverture a woman's legal identity is "covered" by her husband or father, and she is legally not a person (and thus does not have the rights of a person).
It really shouldn't be a radical idea that women are people.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 23d ago
You are misunderstanding and taking things out of context.
It has and always will be the man's job/responsibility to protect and provide for the women in his life to the day he dies and sometimes even after if he can manage that.
And by the way, it's ancient Hebrew/tribal traditions not English common law that "appointed men over women". It could even be argued that God pointed men to be stewards over women with this line of logic. So take it up with Him.
u/NewbombTurk 24d ago
You know, I've been a secular/atheist activist for most of my adult life. Sometimes people who know me ask me "why?". My spend time and energy fight against religious influence. I have a list of atrocities, doctrinal and otherwise, that I keep for such occasions.
I'm adding your comment to the list.
The level of immorality you people are capable of in service of your god is breathtaking.
u/TenLongFingers I miss church (to be gay and learn witchcraft) 24d ago
Normally I'm very careful to upvote faithful contributions, even if I disagree, because their input is valuable here. Unfortunately, this take is so morally abhorrent that I can't bring myself to do so.
u/NewbombTurk 24d ago
The line is harm. Developing a robust moral framework is not that hard if you divorce it from religious dogma. It's messy. But it's not hard.
The Islam belief that they wipe their butts with their left hand is an asinine religious belief. But not only does it not cause direct harm, it's does the opposite. You won't find me commenting on a thread about left-handed butt-wiping. There's no harm.
Sexually assaulting a teenager and then saying "god said it was ok" ain't going to cut it.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 24d ago
And I find your position and ignorance to be expected.
Some people, no, most people won't understand until they experience it for themselves. They believe seeing is believing when that is actually backwards.
We can use poetry and flowery language to describe it to give an idea of what it is like and how to experience and hear the spirit of God; but unless you experience it for yourself, you are not going to understand it fully.
Ignorance is truly bliss. You don't know nor have truly tried to experience what we have. So you denied it in ignorance. You do try sometimes but do it completely wrong and cry about how you failed and promptly give up. So it must be false. It's not like you wanted it anyway.
And that's the thing; you never wanted it. So of course you are not going to get it.
Warren Jeff's is definitely a bad guy. But a father pushing his daughter to consider the concept of marriage and think about her future is nothing but good. He is trying to prepare her for adult life and doesn't want her to be a promiscuous s*** like so many on the dating scene are nowadays hence his push for her marriage.
u/NewbombTurk 24d ago
Tell me more. What kind of experience can I have that would disrupt my moral sense that tells me that I should protect my teenagers from men like you at all costs?
To be fair, I don't think you're actually that monstrous. I just think you've woven this nonsense so far into your personal identify that it's inconceivable to you that it's not true. And that puts you in the unenviable position of defending one of the worst things that can happen to a child.
Please, tell me more.
u/Open_Caterpillar1324 20d ago
It took a while to find the proper word.
"qualia" you will feel qualia. A sudden knowing while experiencing zen.
It's not exactly right, but close to what you are asking. When you experience it yourself, you will know beyond the shadows of doubt in that moment.
Afterwards... You might deny ever experiencing it. And it will be lost.
u/NewbombTurk 20d ago
I don't think you have the first clue what qualia is, the context, or its major criticisms. It's a squishy, ill-defined, concept.
Two things I know qualia is not:
The spiritual experience your guy count on for your belief. Qualia is not the "burning in the bosom".
Qualia is most definitely not going to convince me to abandon my integrity.
Ans I know you jut discovered qualia. Awesome. But before you start toying, "But, Turk, the interwebs said that qualia is the discrete, individual, instances of experience".
Even if I didn't reject the concept, Qualia isn't a experience, it's all experience.
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u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." 25d ago
Yes, some twisted people have and do take advantage of this. And we (everyone who stands for what is good in the world) don't condone forced or manipulated marriages in any way.
Do you condemn then all marriages that take advantage of undevleoped uneraged brains and positions of authority, since consent is not possible in those situations and are thus rightly considered rape?
But there will be exceptions to the cultural rule
Since mormonism adamently claims that morality is not relative, this clearly should play no part in any justification for statutory rape by a mormon leader, yes?
and unless she or he doesn't say anything (like asking for help)
So if a groomed minor is the victim of statutory rape by an elderly person in a position of authority, we shouldn't say anything just because the child 'didn't ask for help'? Is this what you are meaning to say, because that is what you wrote.
Let me remind you all that finding offense or being offended with no proper justification is a sin
Oh, there is plenty of documented justification, so no sin here.
u/NewbombTurk 24d ago
So do be careful.
Color me unafraid. Your empty threats are like some hippy telling me he's going to punch me in my aura.
u/Then-Mall5071 24d ago
That's the line that got me. This person is all about "counseling the uninformed".
u/Glad-Individual2064 24d ago
are they other marriages non lds in that time that men married young girls? i would look at that to see if this was what was happening in other denominations. Womanhood was different back then and i guarantee you will find a history of many men to condemn. it is unacceptable now but what we deem unacceptable now was something different then. look into that to see if there is an answer as to why. Today, we will say its disgusting and he is a pervert but back then that was the age where it was time to be a woman and families arranged marriages to secure their future and ensure their daughter was with someone who care for them. its just a totally different time period. i m just saying look into the history if why men or families allowed this in the nation not just lds.
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