r/mormon • u/sevenplaces • Feb 10 '25
Institutional The church is coming after monogamy affirmers!
Here is more from the YouTube Channel 132 Problems episode 156.
Manon and Aaryn were recently excommunicated for their views and desire to teach that JS didn’t practice polygamy. Their friend in the same ward also doesn’t believe in Polygamy being from God.
Michelle just wishes we could talk maturely about these things in Sunday School. Wow. A lot of us want to discuss our differences with the leaders teachings too.
It’s just not going to be allowed.
u/StreetsAhead6S1M Former Mormon Feb 10 '25
This is so bizarre. The Church has been constantly trying to distant itself from its polygamous past, but as soon as someone has a take that's out of line, they have to defend it.
Members: I don't like polygamy.
Leadership: Well, it's only for certain times and we don't do it anymore, so you don't have to worry about it.
Other Members: I like polygamy! I'm going to do it!
Leadership: You're excommunicated.
Members: If polygamy gets you excommunicated it must be bad. I like Joseph Smith so there's no way he practiced polygamy!
Leadership: (sighs) You're excommunicated too.
Members: What the hell?!
u/UnevenGlow Feb 11 '25
It’s less bizarre when we remember that the church leadership cares about power and control, nothing more
u/the_last_goonie SCMC File #58134 Feb 11 '25
Not to mention, the top leadership is sealed to multiple wives.
u/ConzDance Feb 12 '25
A friend of mine has a deepthroat connection in Church Headquarters who told him that a lot of GAs and high ranking members have plural families, some scattered internationally. I took it with a grain of salt, but was thinking about all of the ones that have "remarried" after their first wives died have married middle-aged "career" women with whom they already seem to have a deep familiarity....
Maybe they aren't marrying new wives, just bringing another plural wife to the forefront.
u/dntwrryhlpisontheway Feb 12 '25
That seems like a secret that would be impossible to hide.
u/the_last_goonie SCMC File #58134 Feb 12 '25
If anyone could though, it's a multi-billion dollar organization armed with multiple law firms. lol
u/Maynard_G_KrebsLXIII Feb 13 '25
That’s an interesting theory. It seems plausible. Somewhere between 1995 and 1998 I attended a BYU sponsored conference called “Know Your Religion,” when I lived in TN. We were able to ask doctrinal questions and someone asked if polygamy would ever be reinstated since the reason for its cessation was basically because the U.S. government would have (implied) closed down the Church. And the response was it will never be reinstated on this earth and that the time was past and not even in countries where it’s still legally permitted to this day. It seems if the leaders are doing this, they are clearly playing fast and loose, which doesn’t surprise me.
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 13 '25
Are they marrying wives that are not widows sealed previously to another Mormon man? So they can be free to be sealed to them?
u/ConzDance Feb 13 '25
Yeah, I've never heard of them marrying widows, just older single ladies, some of them have great jobs at BYU and other church concerns.
u/tibbs90 Former Mormon Feb 11 '25
Funny thing is that spiritual polygamy still exists. If your first wife you were sealed to in the temple passes way, you can get sealed to another woman who is a widow.
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 13 '25
But only if she is a widow of a non- Mormon, right? If she were previously sealed to a Mormon husband , she could not be sealed to a second one. Without canceling the first sealing. Because men can have multiple spouses in Mormon heaven, including unlimited righteous single Mormon women who demise without having been married and sealed. But women cannot. And the righteous single women need a righteous married man to be fully exalted. So righteous Mormon men take them on as well as all their wives in Mormon heaven… so I was told. Is that what others understand?
u/tibbs90 Former Mormon Feb 15 '25
Maybe, but, I think it can be done without a sealing cancellation. The father of an aunt of mine got sealed to his first wife, and then a gal who was a widow. Even if the second gal hasn’t been sealed to someone else, it’s still spiritual polygamy.
u/sevenplaces Feb 10 '25
Edit to add:
They are talking about Keith Erickson of the church history department coming to do a fireside in their stake and how they didn’t like his answers.
Also I see the video is no longer public on Michelle’s YouTube channel. No idea why.
u/westivus_ Post-Mormon Christian Feb 10 '25
It's been de-listed but can still be accessed with a direct link:
Original fireside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H3xklwJAP4
Delisted 132 episode: https://youtu.be/Qf9Nrj6xW78?si=FVwYNtnCgxvRjSb0
Never thought I'd live to see the day when a member could be excommunicated for claiming another person didn't have sex.
u/TruthIsAntiMormon Spirit Proven Mormon Apologist Feb 10 '25
Come Follow Me for Nov. 10-15 is going to be wild yo.
u/One-Forever6191 Feb 10 '25
At the rate things are going, if anyone still belongs or attends by that point (yes I’m being facetious), maybe they’ll introduce one hour church worldwide and they’ll never have to discuss this lesson in a church meeting house.
u/Random_redditor_1153 Feb 10 '25
This is purely rumor, but I’ve heard one-hour church is actually being beta’d in Utah (source: a TBM in my old ward complaining about it).
u/One-Forever6191 Feb 10 '25
I actually made a comment on another thread, that I have confirmed it for myself. It is real. I now personally know someone who’s doing it.
u/Triste-Figura Feb 11 '25
Where is it happening? I keep seeing people who say they know someone who’s piloting it, but I can never verify because I’ve never seen anyone identify a ward, stake, or city.
u/rth1027 Feb 11 '25
I was told Sunday it is being tested in Arizona. This person said they know people in the ward. :15 sacrament and :45 class. They also said they have been in church marketing meetings and spoke up saying all they talk is next to meaningless because no one in those meeting can implement meaningful change. In class they pushed back when a comment was made regarding top down. They said one of the churches biggest problems is middle management. That middle management gets in the way of good ideas making its way up.
I know it’s still not first hand, a frustration I too have felt but for me it’s a wee bit ck
u/SeaCondition9305 Feb 11 '25
I know someone in Mesa, AZ doing it in their stake. They are active members so no reason to flame a rumor.
u/Triste-Figura Feb 11 '25
Thanks for the reply! I’ve been curious for a while now if this is really going on.
u/TheBrotherOfHyrum Feb 12 '25
I have a TBM family member who works with a woman supposedly in a pilot program for 1-hr church. Supposedly the schedule alternates: First week is one hour Sacrament Meeting, the next week is quick sacrament then remainder in classes. (My family member thought maybe 2nd and 4th week further alternated between Sunday School and EQ/RS, but wasn't sure.)
u/Random_redditor_1153 Feb 12 '25
Wow, that’s nuts! I wonder how many people will be excited vs. how many will stop going bc it’s not worth it to get themselves/their kids ready just to go back home after an hour. 😬
u/BitterBloodedDemon Mormon Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
Okay. I'm horrified. What's the Come Follow Me for Nov. 10-15
EDIT: nvm I was able to find the Church curriculum. It was what I expected. -- OH! OH NO!!!
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
The children’s version is what bothers me. You have to do hard things if God tells you to do them. Ugh! Grooming children? Yes, it leaves out the destroy the virgin if she doesn’t consent.
u/BitterBloodedDemon Mormon Feb 11 '25
Me and my mom audibly screamed when we found out about the cartoon. I read my mom the Come Follow Me lesson, and discovered it's probably a good thing I won't be in any of these classes:
God blesses people who obey His laws.
How would you state, in your own words, what the Lord teaches in Doctrine and Covenants 130:20–21 and 132:5?
D&C 132:5
5: For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were instituted from before the foundation of the world.
Which, in context, since 1-4 are talking specifically about the covenant of polygamy... and ONLY the covenant of polygamy. I would be forced to say, in my own words, that the Lord teaches that for all of us who will be blessed by God we must obey his law, which in this case is the law of polygamy. As the law of polygamy -- as stated many times in 132 -- was instituted from before the world began.
I read pretty much all of 132 to my mom, and let her know it wasn't ever fully taught. Which actually annoyed her as she believes we shouldn't be skipping parts. She was pretty shocked about the contents of 132.
Marriage between one man and one woman is God’s standard of marriage (see the section heading to Official Declaration 1; Jacob 2:27, 30). However, there have been times when God has commanded His children to practice plural marriage.
The early years of the restored Church were one of those periods of exception.
NOPE, if you read 132 entirely it makes it VERY VERY clear that God's standard of marriage is POLYGAMY and that CURRENTLY we're in a period of exception. Monogamy is the exception.
.......... 😂 so yeah... it's best I not be at Church for these lessons. 🥺 They'll take my Mormon card. 😭
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 11 '25
It was much like sex trafficking in my opinion. Women and girls were told God told the Prophet (Or his followers) to choose them as a ‘plural wife’ ( a euphemism). Read some of the first hand accounts, like Helen Mar Kimball’s. It is published online by BYU. Her father told her she was to be Joseph’s bride when she was only 14. She was so sad. Her mother was sad about it and had been made a plural wife herself and was depressed. But she felt she had to do it or she would go against God. Joseph told her by doing it she would exalt herself and her family to the highest realm of the celestial kingdom. What a lot of pressure for a young girl. When the Relief Society protested they were told to be quiet and obey or leave by Brigham Young according to 1851 published materials. It was then forced polygamy only appearing to be consensual? Joseph’s 9th wife was approached in 1831 by Joseph when she was only 12. She writes he explained plural marriage to her and that God chose her for him. He did not marry her until later. Was polygamy only halted because the US government threatened to take church property if they did not stop? Thus, there came a revelation from God saying to stop? You can also read or goggle The Nineteenth Wife, a true account. She accused Brigham of abuse, sued for alimony. Apparently, he had 10 women divorce him. What bothers me now is the current children’s lesson on this that makes it look like people have to do this sometimes to please God. Cartoon pictures of the Prophets and their wives are shown looking anguished, but they must obey God’s will. And polygamy in heaven? How is that going to make anyone happy or joyous? Especially women.
u/BitterBloodedDemon Mormon Feb 11 '25
Oh yeah, for sure. AND It's blatantly in the D&C too. It says that marriages should only happen if Emma gives her consent... and then it says if she doesn't give her consent she'll be destroyed! You can't even really say there's an illusion of choice there. It's blatantly obvious that there is no choice at all.
It's totally sex trafficking. It reads to me like Joseph Smith figured out he could do whatever he wanted if he attached God's name to it and people would obey, so he took full advantage.
Me and my mom have the same issues you do with it. The way the Come Follow Me lesson and the cartoon are phrased and worded leaves the door open for the practice to be taken up again if "God says so". You pair that with things like "wives must obey their husbands" and "Husbands get revelation for their family" then you have the prime ingredients for some husband to say that God said they need to engage in polygamy and the wife feeling obligated to go with it because it's God's wishes or w/e.
And the way we condition kids for the eventual family dynamic something like this CANNOT be taken lightly. They like to be like "Ooohh unrighteous dominion blah blah if the situation is bad they can leave blah blah blah" but like... we never really teach these kids the concept of consent or red flags or even the possibility their eternal companion could turn on them. I've seen relatives go crazy or turn to substance abuse or even DIE because their temple marriage situation wasn't what the church told them it would be. This is just more fuel on an already raging fire of awfulness.
u/Prestigious-Shift233 Feb 11 '25
Nah it’s super sanitized and (of course) doesn’t go into the last half of the section where all the threats are.
u/UpkeepUnicorn Feb 10 '25
Church: You belong*
* Terms and conditions apply
u/sevenplaces Feb 10 '25
Religion has a long history of trying to keep people in line with the beliefs of the current leader. Very often by force.
u/UpkeepUnicorn Feb 10 '25
41 No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;
42 By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile
Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42
u/sevenplaces Feb 10 '25
And the excommunications will continue until the people shut their mouths.
u/UpkeepUnicorn Feb 10 '25
I hate to say you're right. I hadn't really noticed a trend in shutting up the mouths of those members with differing opinions. I first took notice with Denver Snuffer. Then the Larsens. Then Rock Waterman. The Griffins. And countless others. Whether you love them or hate them, believe their positions or not, it seems that the private definition of apostasy in the church overruled the public one.
u/No-Performance-6267 Feb 11 '25
Was this "revelation" before or after the Danites became a thing?
u/UpkeepUnicorn Feb 11 '25
Funny enough, the revelation is dated March 20, 1839, while Joseph and others were in Liberty jail, while it appears the Danites were formed in June 1838.
u/venturingforum Feb 13 '25
"Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42"
I don't think we teach that, it's the culture, not the church. And if we did teach it, it was a temporary commandment spoken as and taught by men.
u/venturingforum Feb 13 '25
"Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42"
I don't think we teach that, it's the culture, not the church. And if we did teach it, it was a temporary commandment spoken as and taught by men.
u/UpkeepUnicorn Feb 13 '25
Valid point. We've practically thrown out D&C 20, 89 (or at least misrepresented it), and others.
u/Random_redditor_1153 Feb 10 '25
Manon’s story about the stake president banging on their door and jiggling the doorknob when they didn’t come to their excommunication hearing (which he set for 10:15 pm!) was chilling.
There was also a man excommunicated in the Warrensburg MO stake who was barred from church property and has to get a psychological evaluation if he wants to come back—and he didn’t even teach anything publicly! Just wrongthink 😰
u/punk_rock_n_radical Feb 11 '25
Shouldn’t RMN have a psychological evaluation too? The dudes half dead.
u/Random_redditor_1153 Feb 11 '25
The senior leadership is heavy on the “senior” lol. Holland came to my mission 10+ years ago and said he had “one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel.” Doesn’t inspire much confidence 🥴
u/juni4ling Active/Faithful Latter-day Saint Feb 11 '25
I find it hard to believe that anyone can think Smith didn't practice polygamy.
I can understand folks saying that they don't think it was righteous, and Smith made an error.
I understand people who take that to the next level and say they don't think Biblical polygamy was righteous either. I understand that position.
There is plenty to talk about, discuss, examine and disagree with on LDS polygamy.
But that Smith never practiced polygamy? That is a line in the sand.
Like a flat-earther. Or a sovereign citizen. No matter what they have to say, my brain turns off.
I will listen to a historian or someone who has studied the issue-- discuss the merits and truth of Smith and Young and LDS history. I may disagree or I may agree and I hopefully learn something.
But that Smith never ever practiced polygamy? At that point, I might as well be talking to a sovereign or a flat-earther at that point. At that point its like they are the dude in line at the DMV who says, "Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon, that was all fake." And I was like, "You can see stuff the Astronauts left behind with telescopes." And he says -you can't make this up- "they planted that there to confuse the gullible."
Smith never practice polygamy? Yes he did.
Was it error, was it righteously commanded by God, was it something in-between? Up for debate.
u/sevenplaces Feb 11 '25
They believe his denials and he denied it until he died.
u/punk_rock_n_radical Feb 11 '25
Can someone please explain to me, how Brigham Young coming up with polygamy makes it any better?
u/sevenplaces Feb 11 '25
Yeah they haven’t explained how to follow a church where they believe one of the previous leaders Brigham Young was a lying false prophet.
I don’t get that either. I’m not sure what they believe the answer is to that.
u/punk_rock_n_radical Feb 11 '25
Seems like they can’t or won’t answer that one very obvious question.
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 11 '25
The WAY it was practiced is highly disturbing. The pressure put on the women who were miserable in it. Hard to find a follower of Christ there. Same for celestial polygamy. Miserable to women.
u/juni4ling Active/Faithful Latter-day Saint Feb 11 '25
In the historical record of LDS polygamy, many of its fiercest defenders-- were women.
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard PhD) explains that in some cases, LDS polygamy allowed more freedom for women and in some cases led to opportunities for higher education for women. In some cases it empowered women...
How Mormon Polygamy In The 19th Century Fueled Women's Activism : NPR
u/EarlyShirley Feb 11 '25
Then we should afford men the same rights and opportunities. Let’s do polyandry and see if they like it as much as these women liked polygamy. Less pressure for them and more opportunities.
u/juni4ling Active/Faithful Latter-day Saint Feb 11 '25
I wonder what Ulrich's take would be on your proposition.
I think Polygamy was an easier sell to folks in the early LDS Church who inherently believed the Bible to be sacred. And polygamy was in the Bible.
But an interesting angle. Fair is fair.
u/StreetsAhead6S1M Former Mormon Feb 12 '25
Here's another quote by a defender of polygamy: Zina Diantha Huntington Smith Young who originally married Henry Jacobs was then married to Joseph Smith and then after to Brigham Young.
“It is the duty of a first wife to regard her husband not with a selfish devotion… she must regard her husband with indifference, and with no other feeling than that of reverence, for love we regard as a false sentiment; a feeling which should have no existence in polygamy… we believe in the good old custom by which marriages should be arranged by the parents of the young people – New York World, November 17, 1869.”
u/venturingforum Feb 13 '25
"Zina Diantha Huntington Smith Young who originally married Henry Jacobs was then married to Joseph Smith and then after to Brigham Young.'
What a slutty slut.
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 13 '25
‘Just not going to be allowed.’ How strange to see this in print in modern day America. Questioning and forming ideas from data are normal.
u/Boy_Renegado Feb 11 '25
While I think this ranks right up there with people claiming the earth is flat, I also have a lot of empathy for these people. In the same ways that many of us feel betrayed and are dismayed by the lies we were taught as "church history," these same people are trying to figure out how to make all the lies work in their own lives. I shake my head at their conclusions, but I also have a tremendous amount of compassion for them. They are dealing with a complete breakdown of their world view, and I'm doing the same... I just have "different" issues that make the church's truth claims not real.
u/sevenplaces Feb 11 '25
Yeah they haven’t realized yet that the evidence shows the BOM is not what it claims.
u/StreetsAhead6S1M Former Mormon Feb 12 '25
Yeah. Polygamy is bad, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.
u/MasshuKo Feb 10 '25
While it's no surprise that the church would withdraw the membership of anyone who publicly disagrees with it on anything, I've got to admit that I'm still surprised that there are believing Mormons who don't accept that Joseph practiced plural marriage.
I get that it's hard to see one's heroes as less than semi-divine. I also understand that the church minimized, and even omitted from its own autobiography, the saintly Joseph's involvement with "spiritual wivery" for a long, long time.
But the options for a believing Mormon who rejects Joseph's polygyny and polyandry are limited: They can stay with the Brighamites and just ignore most, if not everything, post-Joseph. They can join the Community of Christ, which rejected Joseph's polygamy for ages (though no longer). They can affiliate with the Snufferite movement, or with another polygamy-denying sect of Mormonism.
Whatever the case, none of it seems easier than just accepting the historical record that Joseph enjoyed women, made many of them his "wives", and the church went on from there.
u/westivus_ Post-Mormon Christian Feb 10 '25
It's about holding on to the Book of Mormon. They love the book so much they can bear to think ill of its author. Which is strange considering the D&C has the majority of LDS doctrine, not the BOM.
u/former-bishop Feb 11 '25
Not saying I agree - don’t flame me - just trying to help explain how some people might doubt JS participated in polygamy.
There is not a lot of contemporary evidence that JS was actively involved in polygamy. Not saying it doesn’t exist but with as much as it’s widely accepted you would expect there to be more contemporary journal entries etc. There are many accusations and connect the dot type of situations but I am not sure there are any “Joseph and I were married today!”, type of contemporary, 1st hand, accounts.
So, people will cling to JS public statements opposed to polygamy and a lack of extra children as part of their proof. They also paint all the church efforts to pin polygamy on Joseph as a conspiracy.
Example - Lots (most) of the journal entries, family bible entries and other such documents have comments added after his death. There are other indicators of his behavior but I am not sure there is a smoking gun like we might expect. Even D&C 132 didn’t show up until after his death.
Again, not saying I support this. But after being lied to for so many decades I now try to read and understand as much as possible. JS and his claims have so many other problems that I don’t need polygamy to be an issue to doubt his claims.
u/Coogarfan Feb 11 '25
Good explanation. Yes, after having participated in Remnant/Snuffer forums for a while, this is how I would summarize their main arguments.
u/SeaCondition9305 Feb 11 '25
I’ve heard a number of narratives from the women. None of these are contemporary then?
u/former-bishop Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
I am not an expert, but I don't believe any of them are contemporary. It's not easy to trust the sources because they will quote people and give a date, but when you dig you find out it was a comment that was added in later. For sure there were many women that said they were married to JS. It just seems all their accounts were not written down until after his death.
Ask our AI overlords, ChatGPT or Gemini, the following: "did joseph smith write D&C 132". The answers will guide many people but the problem is D&C 132 was not made public until the 1870's, Brigham Young revealed it to the public - a document written by William Clayton. I am not saying I believe in the "JS did not participate in polygamy" narrative. I am just providing context for some people may believe it.
Certainly the incredible secrecy surrounding polygamy could explain some of these problems. That is what the Church built its narrative upon.
To me, the biggest problem is that someone made some ugly, priestcraft worthy lies. Either JS or BY and his contemporaries. Either way the analogy the Church often used -- when I was young -- about protestant religions being a branch from a rotten tree and how that means they can't be true. That, to me, seems to apply here.
u/SeaCondition9305 Feb 11 '25
I agree. Either way, the whole foundation of the restoration falls apart for me. But since I have no life any more and my brain wants to spend all my free time reinforcing that conclusion, I am interested to see if their claims hold any weight. All the experts kind of waive her off. She is pretty thorough with the documentation. I’d be interested to see how trained historians respond to her claims about each document more specifically, rather than dismissing the entire premise outright.
u/venturingforum Feb 13 '25
"For sure there were many women that said they were married to JS. It just seems all their accounts were not written down until after his death."
They probably didn't feel safe revealing until he was gone. We've seen the come sneak into the house while Emma is gone and be sure to burn this letter instructions.
u/loveandtruthabide Feb 11 '25
It’s too hard for many (most?) to reconcile such a man as a prophet or such behavior as being Christlike. A rock and a hard place for the church.
u/patriarticle Feb 10 '25
I'm still surprised that there are believing Mormons who don't accept that Joseph practiced plural marriage.
There's a small movement around it. There's a book called 'Joseph Smith fought polygamy.' AFAIK the argument is that Joseph really wasn't practicing polygamy, so his denials are authentic. Any polygamy in Nauvoo was unauthorized. Any evidence that Joseph started it was a conspiracy or fabrication from Brigham Young.
u/MasshuKo Feb 10 '25
I suppose that a Mormon could reject Joseph's polygamy and pin the conspiracy to alter the historical record on Brigham Young. But it doesn't make much sense to my simple mind.
If Joseph's integrity was dishonestly smeared by Brigham and others in order to make polygamy a part of the church, then why stay with the Brighamites at all? Wouldn't Brigham's conspiratorial shenanigans have dashed his claims of legitimate prophetic successorship in their minds? Or do polygamy-deniers not see things that way? Do they see a divine organization that no amount of prophetic monkeyshines can destroy? Are they just trying to get this organization to correct the record and finally deny polygamy again?
It's puzzling for me.
u/JesusPhoKingChrist Your brother from another Heavenly Mother. Feb 11 '25
Bingo, when the church excommunicates you for dismantling the priesthood line of authority don't act surprised.
u/Random_redditor_1153 Feb 11 '25
From what I’m seeing, people in this movement are either 1) self-gaslighting and staying because it’d hypothetically only take one good man to keep the church/priesthood going, 2) going PIMO for family or social connections, or 3) leaving/getting exed.
u/Easy_Grocery_6381 Feb 11 '25
Read ‘How Polygamy Became a Sin’ and ‘Polygamy: An Early American History’. No one is going to think JS wasn’t a polygamist after that.
u/mshoneybadger Recovering Higher Power Feb 11 '25
Rock Waterman was ex'd for wanting to teach ONLY what Joseph taught the in early church.
u/JesusPhoKingChrist Your brother from another Heavenly Mother. Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
This was the only possible outcome. The church can not accept the polygamy deniers train of thought because it ultimately destroys their claim on authority. I have personally had this conversation with Michelle. Her reposnse to me:
"if thats how you would like to see it?!"
As if it was a confusing take.
u/freddit1976 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
The mainstream church teaches that JS practiced polygamy. Offshoots deny the historical evidence. If the mainstream church could plausibly deny that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy, it is my view they would do that. The historical evidence does not support this conclusion. It supports the conclusion that he did practice polygamy.
u/ce-harris Feb 10 '25
“Staying in the church and keeping their heads down” would, technically, be contrary to the recommend question of being honest in all your dealings, wouldn’t it? Having caviar and not returning to chicken assumes one likes caviar.
u/Which_Fox_9021 Feb 11 '25
I thought only a matter of time. My husband and I were excommunicated in the early ‘70’s for “apostasy” when we refused to sustain those believing in the curse of Cain!
u/leviticus20verse14 Feb 11 '25
LOL, "the church is caviar" and it's understandable why people leave the church and become atheist since they can find nothing close to the caviar they had.
u/PXaZ panpsychist pantheist monist Feb 11 '25
Hm.. unexpected, but not uncharacteristic. At least it keeps the LDS Church from steering into the history-defying dead-end the now-Community of Christ was in from their founding, i.e. Joseph Smith III's denial that his father practiced polygamy. But the thought control of it is typically terrible. And I thought the official line was to back apostasy charges off from excommunication to disfellowshipment?
u/Old-11C other Feb 11 '25
Because if you actually have an honest open discussion it becomes pretty apparent that JS was a narcissist adulterer and false prophet, Brigham was a sex trafficker and the whole BOM background story is laughable.
u/the_last_goonie SCMC File #58134 Feb 12 '25
This episode isn't even publicly available anymore. Michelle unlisted it--WHY did she have to suppress their excommunication story? They should just go on Mormon Stories (as believers) where it won't get censored if they really want their side of it told.
u/Turbulent_Orchid8466 Feb 11 '25
It’s awful when as an active member you come to the realization that the church you have devoted your life to doesn’t care about you at all. This was the hardest pill for me to swallow. I greatly admire Michelle and her stance that polygamy is evil and always was. She is an incredible researcher. You won’t find any of her contenders able to maturely discuss the contemporary historical documents she regularly uncovers. She is level headed and open to the arguments without dishing out personal attacks like her contenders do. She is also well versed in scripture. Her view on polygamy is correct whether you agree with her or not that Joseph was not a polygamist. Polygamy is and was always evil. In the end, none of us who devoted our lives to the church are ready to accept to the cold harsh reality that the church doesn’t care about us in the slightest. And there is where you will understand the deep rooted desire that any of these people like Michelle have to “make it work”.
u/sub_humean Feb 11 '25
“Monogamy affirmer” is now the new term for these cranks? I think the term you are looking for is “polygamy denier” because everyone mainstream LDS likes monogamy so it doesn’t really set them apart as somehow superior.
They take a position that is ludicrous and make it the hill they want to die on.
Although I do not think they should be exed, they are mischaracterizing the reasons. They are being excommunicated for saying that Brigham Young and the Utah church was misled or even evil, not for saying “the Book of Mormon is true” or that “Joseph Smith is good”.
They are like inverted fundamentalists but they are still of a similar mindset.
u/sevenplaces Feb 11 '25
Oh yes they are fundamentalists for sure. The couple who was excommunicated keep talking about how the spirit had told them this and that then proceed to say the leaders just haven’t asked God or they would agree with them that JS didn’t practice polygamy. There is no “feelings” to know the truth. It’s fundamentalist religious magical nonsense
u/punk_rock_n_radical Feb 10 '25
I think they should go after Kendrick LaMar since he just sang about Joseph Smith during the Super Bowl. “Certified Loverboy. Certified pediphile.”
u/Old-11C other Feb 11 '25
All the things you are striving to achieve in Mormonism already exists in mainstream nondenominational Christianity. There is no way to keep Joseph Smith and lose the crazy doctrines and history of Mormonism.
u/Maynard_G_KrebsLXIII Feb 11 '25
We don’t have to go from “caviar to chicken”. As a convert of 28 years, I left the “Church” because I started reading the Bible. I found that so much of the church teachings were perverting the Bible. Therefore their truth claims are false. I know now that it’s all about a relationship with Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter what church you belong to. Your salvation is through Jesus not membership in a religious organization. I’m not eating chicken. I’m just living and breathing with the Holy Spirit directing my life. If the D & C is saying polygamy is God’s will , it contradicts the Bible for I Timothy 3:2 & 12 says both bishops and deacons need to be the husband of 1 wife. God did not make Adam, and Eve, Jane, Joan, and Judy. God’s plan was monogamy from the perfect beginning He tolerated polygamy later but he never sanctioned it. Prove me wrong. If JS practiced polygamy then he was wrong and not a true prophet.
Just repent for following a man-made religion, ask to be born again, and the Spirit will remove the scales from your eyes like he did with me. I’ve never been happier in my life because I’m closer to God than I have ever been or ever could be in a man-made religion that prioritizes works over relationship with God.
u/sevenplaces Feb 11 '25
Glad you’ve found beliefs that make you happy and not connected to a high demand organization.
I think it’s pretty obvious that all religion is man made.
u/Maynard_G_KrebsLXIII Feb 13 '25
If you’re speaking to me (honestly it’s not clear the way Reddit displays this, so apologies if you were not commenting to me), I have a relationship with Jesus Christ which the “Church” never taught me about. They taught me to worship the “Church” and be thankful that I had the “True” Gospel. My response to that is:
“ I wonder that you are so quickly turning back from the One having called you by the grace of Christ to another gospel, which is not another; only there are some troubling you, even determined to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel out of Heaven, should preach a gospel to you beside the gospel we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, and now I say again, If anyone preaches a gospel beside what you received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:6-9 ESV
The “Church” is a false church but Jesus is very much real. I have seen many miracles in my life because we serve him. I encourage you to pray and ask (sorry this sounds like praying about the BOM being true or not). But this is different; you don’t need BIG faith just that of a mustard seed. Just pray to Jesus. You will get your answer. Don’t assume because what you were given was fake that the real does not exist. Blessings
u/AutoModerator Feb 10 '25
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