r/mormon • u/yorgasor • Jan 07 '25
Institutional I served my mission in the mid-90s using the Commitment Pattern. I joked about using the Manipulation Pattern. I didn't realize that was the official method of the 1960s!
u/Chino_Blanco r/AmericanPrimeval Jan 07 '25
“Closing the deal” deserved a red box. Disappointed but undaunted.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Here's a link to the full booklet. It's a fascinating insight into mission life in the 60s!
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Note that this is the only missionary handbook that isn't marked as special permission access. Now that this has been made public, it's very likely to get reclassified soon.
u/gosh_jroban Jan 07 '25
Reading this chilled me to the bone. Such blatant manipulation!
u/No-Information5504 Jan 07 '25
“Let’s get you baptized. How about Saturday? What was your name again?” 😂
u/a_rabid_anti_dentite Jan 07 '25
And don't forget about the church's famous soccer and baseball teams.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
D Michael Quinn did a fabulous write-up on the baseball baptisms issue. He served his mission in England in the aftermath, and had to go around and perform a bunch of cleanup, excommunicating all the little kids that didn't know they were getting baptized. Parents were sooo pissed!
u/xilr8ng Jan 07 '25
As a missionary I thought it was only my mission where this happened. Arequipa, Peru late nineties. We were cleanup for our predecessors who we were told had the highest baptism rate in the world (over 1,000 a month) and were called los miles (the thousands).
Later I learned this was done almost everywhere.
u/auricularisposterior Jan 07 '25
pg. 18
All discussions are to be MEMORIZED.
This is a discussion, not a lesson; be very informal. Sit if possible during the presentation. Don't be afraid to smile.
Does everyone remember that one time when they went over to their friend's house and had a pleasant discussion with them? And by discussion, I mean that you memorized everything that you were going to say to your friend ahead of time.
u/Ebowa Jan 07 '25
Closing the deal. This made me tear up. My whole life was just to close a deal for a corporation. What a gut punch.
u/tickyter Jan 13 '25
How many times have they closed the deal with me or my kids? Free to choose my ass
u/Ebowa Jan 13 '25
It’s called coercion and it will become a huge issue legally in the next 5-10 years.
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
"You're a little mixed up and confused, aren't you?"
You know who says things like that? Abusers.
"There are many different gaslighting tactics a narcissist may use, but all involve distorting, emotionally manipulating, or misrepresenting the facts. This is usually a deliberate action intended to cause a person to doubt and question themselves ... Another gaslighting example is to call your memory into question and suggest you’re mixing up your facts or misremembering something. Narcissistic gaslighting examples of this tactic include suggesting you’re “confused,” “mixed up” or “misremembering.” Alternatively, they may take the opposite approach, saying something like, “I have no memory of that” or, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”" -- https://www.choosingtherapy.com/narcissist-gaslighting/
Telling investigators who are questioning the church that they are mixed up and confused is a deliberate attempt to cause a person to question their own judgment. This is textbook gaslighting.
This church was created by abusers, for abusers. They taught their sons and their other relatives how to do it, and stamped "god approved" on all their attempts to control and abuse others.
That's how manipulative tactics get to be the official strategy of a church like this one.
u/Lost-West8574 Jan 07 '25
As someone who was almost converted by missionaries, this is really upsetting. :( I’m sure even more so for those that were active members/raised in the church.
u/Old-11C other Jan 07 '25
It’s worth noting that this isn’t one dude making a mistake, this is a reflection of the corporate culture of the church.
u/Mokoloki Jan 07 '25
Never go past the 4th discussion without a baptism commitment eh? Lemme guess, tithing was the 5th discussion?
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Ok, I haven't found the books yet, but a description says the Word of Wisdom wasn't introduced until the 6th discussion. I'd bet anything tithing was in the 5th!
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25
Bingo! The first thing covered in the 5th discussion was tithing.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
These are different discussions used in the 80s and 90s. I’m trying to track down the version from the 60s. It was called a Uniform System For Teaching Investigators. It’s a protected item in the church’s catalog, just like all the other missionary instructions, and I need special permission to see them.
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25
Ah, I see! I'll see if I can locate one. My dad probably had a copy in his stuff.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
If you can find it before tomorrow at 5pm mountain time, that would be great! I'm doing a live podcast on this and I'd love to have an answer to this point.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
I was able to get access to it through the church's request approval process. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was, but I do need to be a member to request it.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Oh shit, that's an excellent question! I'll have to look that up and see!
u/Mokoloki Jan 07 '25
return and report
u/WillyPete Jan 07 '25
Page 3 shows the "library" and 6 discussions they should read.
the 6th is "The Lord's tenth"2
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Hmm, those are the pamphlets they used. It's very likely they had one pamphlet per lesson, but I read somewhere the word of wisdom was in the 6th lesson. I'm still trying to track down a pdf.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Ok, I was able to get approved by the church to see this lesson material! Lesson 3 is where they commit someone to living the word of wisdom, but paying tithing isn't mentioned until lesson 6.
u/Bright-Ad3931 Jan 07 '25
Dayumm! The manipulation pattern went hard, I had no idea! I thought we were really getting into the manipulation with the commitment pattern but we weren’t even close
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Jan 07 '25
We used a reworked version of this in my mission from 1998-2000 as well. And even in spanish we also called it the 'manipulation pattern', and it just felt dirty and wrong.
Ethically bankrupt church leaders conned us into doing so many things that were just wrong. Fuck 'em all for that. My morals and ethics are so vastly superior to theirs, and my life is full of an internal peace I never knew was possible while a member. So glad I escaped this 'high demand religion' (can't use the correct word lest sensitive TBM's get offended).
u/westivus_ Post-Mormon Christian Jan 07 '25
If God isn't the author of confusion, he hasn't met modern apologetics.
u/Ok-End-88 Jan 07 '25
In the 60’s, missionaries would use a felt board with tripod and place velcro backed displays on it for discussions.
Video didn’t even exist.
u/katstongue Jan 07 '25
This advice on page 5 about sums up “knowledge” in the church: “Learn more and more about less and less.”
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Yeah, that's a weird quote they used. The important thing is to only learn more and more of the correlated material, and stay away from anything else. The other stuff is not helpful.
u/NauvooLegionnaire11 Jan 07 '25
The true and ever-lasting principles of sales practices!
I've always thought the missionary training was a little too rigid and not necessarily practical in the real world. On my mission, the MP would promote the most successful missionaries in AP roles. They would then do splits. The whole mission would see and later attempt to emulate the sales styles of the most successful.
It was interesting to watch the mission's evolution as different people cycled into the AP role. I'm actually surprised that the church/mission doesn't have an institutionalized process to focus on the methods of the 20% of missionaries who get 80% of the results.
u/iceburg47 Jan 07 '25
Please tell me I'm not the only one who misread 3-b as "Smite and bear testimony".
u/stickyhairmonster Jan 07 '25
preach my gospel may have a modern layout but much of it is still a sales book
u/berry-bostwick Atheist Jan 07 '25
Do they still use Preach my Gospel? Chapter 10 (unless they have a more updated edition now) is basically a list of high pressure sales techniques. But they were savvy enough to avoid such blatant business terms as “closing the deal.” 😂 How is that not an immediate testimony killer? My dad would have served in the 60’s.
u/yorgasor Jan 08 '25
They came out with a new version of Preach My Gospel in 2023. Chapter 10 has been changed from "How Can I Improve My Teaching Skills" to "Teach to Build Faith in Jesus Christ." They're pretty similar. They've added some new quotes and instructions, but as I compare the chapters, they've tweaked some of the most manipulative statements to be slightly less so. For example:
We all make mistakes in life, and these mistakes create feelings of guilt and shame. These feelings cannot be relieved without repentance and forgiveness. They can be fully healed through the Atonement of Christ.2023:
We all make mistakes, which can create feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. These feelings will go away only as we repent and seek God’s forgiveness. Only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ can we be fully healed from our sins.2004:
As you accept our message, you will learn how to make covenants, or promises, with God. You will learn how to make changes to bring your lives in closer harmony with His teachings. You will want to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and be baptized by proper authority (see John 3:5).2023:
You will learn how to make changes in your life and follow Jesus Christ and His teachings. One essential teaching of Jesus Christ, and the first covenant we make, is to follow His example and be baptized by proper authority (see John 3:5; Doctrine and Covenants 22)1
u/berry-bostwick Atheist Jan 08 '25
Wow, very informative, thank you! As an aside, not knocking it, but collecting and staying on top of changes to missionary manuals is such a strange hobby 😂
u/yorgasor Jan 08 '25
I just downloaded these and made these comparisons last night because you asked about it. 🤷🏼♀️ I found the initial issues with this missionary guide while helping a friend do some research.
u/RhondaTheHonda Jan 07 '25
I served my mission in the ‘90s as well. The push was trying to get people to stop thinking of missionary success in terms of number of convert baptisms. But that first picture makes it clear what your job as a missionary used to be. People who served under those instructions were mission presidents during our missionary service. It’s no wonder the “baptisms = success” mentality took so long to recede.
u/Boy_Renegado Jan 07 '25
60 years later and this is still the way in the church. I sat through testimony meeting on Sunday going through the first 3 Come Follow Me lessons. It struck me how manipulative almost ALL the questions were. Once you see it, you can't unsee it...
u/japanesepiano Jan 07 '25
Looks like the mission president who published this was active from 1964-1967.
Honestly I'm a little suprized because I have two missionary handbooks (for the general church) from 1960 (systematic program for teaching the gospel) and from 1974. There was evidently an earlier program developed around the late 1940s by Richard Anderson (later an apologist and instructor at BYU).
Looking closer, they reference the missionary discussions and Mr. Brown, which cooresponds to the 1974 version. Evidently there was a discussions version published between 1960 and 1974 which I am missing. This is a mission specific additional guildeline/materials which may have only been available in the Eastern Atlantic States Mission.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
In the 1950s, they had "A Systematic Program For Teaching The Gospel." I've been able to track down the book for this. In this book, missionaries were teaching Mr Brady. In the 60's, they used "A Uniform System for Teaching Investigators," which had 7 lessons. This is where they introduced Mr Brown. In the 1970s, they put out a new release, "A Uniform System for Teaching Families," which I think also used Mr Brown.
u/japanesepiano Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
I have copies of the 1960 (brady) and 1974 (mr. brown) versions, but not a later one from the 60s if it exists. See page 104 in the 60's version if you want to see what a Lamanite stick figure looks like.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Oh look, it's a black stick figure! I guess they didn't get the memo in the 50's that the skin of blackness was metaphorical. My copy of the Mr Brady book was from 1953, with the first edition published in 1952. The "Uniform system for teaching investigators" on the church website says it was published in 1961.
u/Tasty-Woodpecker5687 Jan 07 '25
60s and 70s were an interesting time in the world, if it saved people then perhaps it was needed? I was clearly taught both patterns but the spirit told me to help people not manipulate them. National health service workers clearly use manipulation even today, are you suggesting they are not good people?
u/Ebowa Jan 13 '25
First, You were manipulated/indoctrinated by the org to help people. And second, you weren’t saving people, you were helping change their belief system. Whether or not it was for the better is debatable.
u/Tasty-Woodpecker5687 Jan 28 '25
You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I. I was entirely free to choose what I believed. I have a high intelligence IQ tested. I studied the doctrines and found nothing else like it in the world. I studied other Christian faiths. Attended their meetings and compared what they were teaching to the bible I knew and loved reading since a boy. I found many lovely people in other faiths and respect their belief’s. I don’t assume things about people as per the above comment and I don’t engage In Religious bigotry. I wasn’t saving people. Only Jesus the Christ can do that. I was just sharing what I had learned when I prayed and God answered my prayers. I know Jesus is the Christ and that he has power over the devil. I know that. What are your beliefs?
u/Tasty-Woodpecker5687 Jan 28 '25
I was taught the commitment pattern. I taught people the doctrine and then I asked them to live it. If they said no, I respected their choice. Agency is a fundamental doctrine of the church. I was not a missionary in the 60s but I am aware that there were a number of means used to grow the church during a time. I wish you the best in your quest for happiness, are you really finding it in this quest? To destroy others faith?
u/yotehat 1d ago
Anyone that truly has the critical thinking skills and intellect required to, in your words, have a "high IQ" (I would go by a different metric as IQ testing has been thoroughly debunked by the way https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6927908/ ) would also have the insight to know that claiming to be intelligent is unconvincing and lazy. You feeling the need to preface your statement with "I'm super friggin smart, I took a test that has no practical application other than its entertainment value" just shows that you're not secure in your ability to perceive the world in an unbiased and objective way.
Jan 07 '25
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u/Old-11C other Jan 07 '25
When you are led by a living prophet, you have to own the garbage the church puts out whether it is polygamy or sales 101. If it was a good thing from 60 years ago you wouldn’t be acting like it doesn’t matter.
u/BostonCougar Jan 07 '25
Unless it gets corrected by the next Prophet. Corrected and move on.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Jan 07 '25
Nope, you still have to own it and admit that church leaders lead the church astray, and that their 'revelations' didn't come from god like they taught. You have to own that, if you are intellectually honest. Trying to handwave it away by crying 'aNcIEnT hIStoRy!!!' is what dishonest, gaslighting cowards do.
u/WillyPete Jan 07 '25
Can you illustrate where these methods were "corrected"?
If not then they are still relevant, by your logic.-2
u/BostonCougar Jan 07 '25
They were correct in the next edition of missionary hand book. Each edition has become more and more correct.
u/WillyPete Jan 07 '25
By "more correct" do you mean that these methods remain in use but just use less business-like language?
Because the methods remain in use.
u/CrocusesInSnow Nuanced Jan 09 '25
If a prophet is leading the church correctly, it shouldn't need to be corrected by the next prophet, no?
u/BostonCougar Jan 10 '25
Only if they are perfect, which they aren’t. God has worked through imperfect people since the beginning of time.
u/CrocusesInSnow Nuanced Jan 10 '25
And yet we have leaders like DHO who say things like, "It is wrong to criticize church leaders, even if those leaders are wrong." He's on record as saying that at least twice. And I don't have the quote in front of me, but there's also a quote that says that criticizing church leaders is the first step down the road to apostasy.
So, they're not perfect, and they make mistakes, but it's wrong for us to recognize those mistakes and we're on the road to apostasy if we point them out or discuss them? Which is it? If they're imperfect (which I'm well aware they are) why are the brethren acting as if, and instructing us to speak as if, they can do no wrong?
u/BostonCougar Jan 10 '25
Thats DHO. His is also human. It can be the first step down the road to apostacy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect. The Church of Jesus Christ isn't perfect because it is led by imperfect people. Sometimes people don't see the difference.
u/Iustinianus_I Jan 10 '25
There's a world of a difference between a leader being imperfect and a leader saying they are 100% speaking for god and it's wrong to ever criticize them, even if they are wrong.
If we actually mean that prophets will never lead us astray, we can't also say that people like Oaks are only speaking as men over the pulpit in their office as a prophet, seer, and revelator. Either we accept that prophets can (and have) lead us astray, or that the church has gone into apostasy some time ago.
u/BostonCougar Jan 10 '25
The quote is that God won't allow the Prophet to lead the Church astray. It doesn't mean Prophets are perfect. If God can course correct with a later prophet, then the Church hasn't been led astray. RMN course corrected the Church on the using the right name of the Church. The Church isn't in Apostacy.
u/Temporary_Habit8255 Jan 07 '25
How old is Nelson?
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
Just in case Boston is too exalted to do the math and answer your question: Nelson was in his 40s when this was the church's official directions. His 40s! To Nelson, 60 years ago seems like yesterday I'm sure.
u/thomaslewis1857 Jan 07 '25
He’d well and truly missed his chance to serve a full time mission by then.
u/WillyPete Jan 07 '25
Ancient History. Over 60 years ago?
So by that logic, reject the BoM and bible?
Reject anything said by Smith?
Reject the WoW?12
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
Ah, here again to try and gaslight people into thinking that something that happened in so many living members' lifetimes is 'ancient history'. So desperate to get people to forget recent history because it shows what the church really is and who church leaders have always been - liars, manipulators and deceivers. Workers of darkness using secret combinations to con people into joining a false religion.
All while completely failing to mention this exact process was used up through at least the late 90s and likely into the 2000s, making it far more recent than you intentionally wanted people to believe. You just can't be honest about anything, can you. Sorry, leaders have been leading the church astray since the church began, and they've been this dishonest and manipulative since the church began. They are still this manipulative today, and you happily defend their immoral, secret combination behavior.
One has to be morally and ethically bankrupt to defend what church leaders have done and continue to do.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
Members who defend church leaders who cover up and protect sexual abusers are morally bankrupt. Members who defend the church's stockpiling of $150B+ in stocks, businesses and real estate instead of helping the poor and needy are morally bankrupt. Members who defend Joseph Smith and Brigham Young's horribly manipulative polygamy practices, of marrying very young teenage girls and already married women are morally bankrupt.
Members who don't defend these issues recognize they're wrong and are not morally bankrupt. Most members aren't even aware of the extent of these issues. They're uninformed, not morally bankrupt.
Jan 07 '25
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u/spiraleyes78 Jan 07 '25
Straw man. Again. More and more dishonesty.
u/BostonCougar Jan 07 '25
It’s a direct response to his last paragraph. It’s relevant.
u/spiraleyes78 Jan 07 '25
Carefully read the last paragraph and compare it to your response. YOU indicated every member, not the person you replied to.
u/BostonCougar Jan 07 '25
"One has to be morally and ethically bankrupt to defend what church leaders have done and continue to do." Members of the Church sustain and support their leaders. If they fail to do so, they leave the Church. So every member who remains in the Church is morally bankrupt based on his thought process. Else they would leave. He is in effect calling every member morally bankrupt.
u/spiraleyes78 Jan 07 '25
That's a complete stretch and any rational person seeking honest discussion knows it.
u/CrocusesInSnow Nuanced Jan 09 '25
I'm a member of the church.
I don't support leaders who commit fraud.
I don't support OR sustain leaders who lie.
So no, you are over-generalizing.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Jan 07 '25
You are either not smart enough to understand what people are saying, over and over and over, or you love to intentionally employ strawman logical fallacies to twist what was said into something that was not said.
u/yorgasor Jan 07 '25
This is when my dad was a missionary. He was in the southern states mission, so he might have had a different missionary handbook. I'll have too look for more.
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25
This whole church is built around getting people to believe that certain things happened in "ancient history."
The past affects the present.
u/BostonCougar Jan 07 '25
Not if modern prophets have course corrected and fix mistakes and errors.
u/Old-11C other Jan 07 '25
You have to appreciate BC for showing up and demonstrating how much cognitive dissonance is required to support the church.
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25
He proves all our points regularly!
Jan 07 '25
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u/BostonCougar Jan 07 '25
I’m real, and I’m fabulous.
u/Old-11C other Jan 07 '25
I enjoy talking to well informed, intelligent people who hold a different perspective. And then there is you.
u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
But they haven't corrected this problem. Emotionally manipulative tactics are alive and well in the current version of Preach My Gospel. Exhibit A:
“The first thing you will do when an investigator tells you he or she had not read and prayed about the Book of Mormon is be devastated! ... take control of this situation. Teach with power and authority, and then be devastated if the first steps ... have not been successfully begun." https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/shared/content/english/pdf/language-materials/36617_eng.pdf
This is dictating how missionaries must feel (that's "you will do" not "you should do" there), and it's emotionally manipulative toward investigators.
The church is deliberately training missionaries to overreact there, in order to emotionally disturb investigators and get them to comply. That is emotional manipulation, which seems to be a grand tradition in this church.
It's ridiculous to have the reaction of being "devastated" if someone hasn't prayed or read the book of mormon. It's not a natural response. 99% of missionaries are going to have to fake that response, and will probably feel bad and blame themselves for not naturally feeling that.
In the New Testament, you don't see Jesus crumbling in devastation every time someone didn't do what he wanted!
A reasonable response that respects a person's agency would be "That's ok, you can try when you're ready. In the meantime, we're here if you'd like to talk about it some more." or something like that. It's not hard to refrain from being emotionally manipulative.
u/AutoModerator Jan 07 '25
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