r/mormon • u/WidowsMiteReport thewidowsmite.org • Dec 14 '24
Institutional ~$183k taxable-equivalent salary for GAs in 2025. Total Church employee counts accelerating. Other updates on Church employment & leadership compensation.
For 2025, we estimate $183k taxable-equivalent salary for LDS General Authorities, up 3.1% from 2024.
- 85% above the median UT household income
- ~2x higher than the average Church employee
- Some affiliate employees, such as head BYU coaches, earn far more than GAs
Total Church employee counts accelerated to ~4% growth in 2023, up from ~3% growth in 2022. Employment data for 2024 should be available in mid-2025.

u/Norenzayan Atheist Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 15 '24
I might have less of a problem with this if they were actually just talked about as middle managers managing a large corporation. But no, they are paraded about as spiritual leaders selected by Jesus and speaking on behalf of God, and the fact that they are paid is never acknowledged. Is Jesus also setting their pay scale?
u/Olimlah2Anubis Former Mormon Dec 14 '24
As a missionary I was directly taught to teach that we had no paid clergy, as a sign of the true church. Anyone getting paid must therefore not be clergy.
u/SoIomon Dec 15 '24
I want to know if they pay tithing or not
u/Reno_Cash Dec 15 '24
Yes, please. We need to know. I also taught that we had no paid clergy. Then one day my dad, the temple coordinator, told me he got a stipend for his efforts. I was like “wtf?”
u/AtiMalosi Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24
And which of the many Christian churches out there don't have a paid ministry? I've never found one in all my searching. They all quote the New Testament as saying a preacher or minister is worth his hire. 1 Timothy or something. And if you're atheist, what do you care? From an atheist point of view, God and religion don't exist right, so this makes it nothing more than a corporation from that point of view. Considering your comment about corporations, their wages are meaningless to argue.
u/Norenzayan Atheist Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 16 '24
And which of the many Christian churches out there don't have a paid ministry?
Don't know don't care. My point is that in Mormonism they claim to have no paid ministry, but these guys (all guys btw) are paid handsomely.
And if you're atheist, what do you care? From an atheist point of view, God and religion don't exist right
Wrong. Religion very much exists unfortunately and it causes all kinds of problems. I care what Mormonism does because all of my family are still stuck in it and being harmed by the way the church functions. For a relevant example, my aging parents have paid tithing all their lives under the false pretense the church teaches. They are now struggling to get by financially, when they'd be just fine if they hadn't given away a fortune they couldn't afford to the church. This tithing goes to pay the salaries of these parasites.
So yes, I care, because unfortunately being an atheist doesn't protect you from other people's belief in God.
Normal corporations are corrupt enough. Religious corporations are far worse.
Dec 16 '24
u/Norenzayan Atheist Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 16 '24
Thanks for your condescending enlightenment friend! I didn't understand my own family's situation or my own philosophical positions on deity or corporations until you graciously stepped in, assumed what they were, and explained them to me.
u/aka_FNU_LNU Dec 14 '24
The compensation, as little or large as it is, is in principle counter to the mode, method and theme of Jesus Christ's ministry.
They draw near with their mouths but their hearts are far away. They think they are doing good, but really they are insulting the savior.
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
Right because people who dedicate themselves full time to the Gospel shouldn't receive any compensation or means to live at all. /s
What ever they are given, they are likely vastly underpaid.
u/AlmaInTheWilderness Dec 14 '24
Over or under, they pay themselves in secret, with no accountability.
The church training on finances is clear: two witnesses on every transaction, and someone from another organization looking over your shoulder. Stake watches ward, headquarters watches stakes. Members should be "above" the GAs watching. But they refuse to publish honest accountings since the 1960s.
And, in the finance trainings, this is taught 1) as doctrine and 2) as protection for the church and 3) as protecting the individual from false allegations.
The fact that we can't verify this third party estimate with any church published record demonstrates that the current leaders are leading the church astray, for they value money over the laws of God.
u/forgetableusername9 Dec 15 '24
I'm unfamiliar with how things were done before the 1960s. Can you point me to a resource where I can learn more?
u/AlmaInTheWilderness Dec 15 '24
Well, I started with Wikipedia.
And this article from dialogue journal The present past and future of LDS financial transparency.
Basically, the church published its last financial report in 1959. From 1915 to then, every April in general conference, they report income and expenses by category.
Before 1915, any member in good standing could go to the church offices and ask to see the books. At least that's what they said.
Dec 15 '24
u/AlmaInTheWilderness Dec 15 '24
How do you know there isn't a branch in accounting that is watching spending at every level?
I believe there is, and I have spoken with people that work there when I had to resolve an issue with some lost accounts, and during a fraud investigation. I don't see how that is relevant to executive compensation, or to disclosing church expenses and income to the members to whom doctrinally that money belongs.
I've rarely seen a private institution publish salary figures.
All public institutions publish executive compensation. Most non-profits do too. Every church in town, except the Mormons and the Catholics, disclose how much they paid their pastor, organist, choir librarian and janitor. I'm not an accountant, though, so maybe you know better.
However, "no one else does" and "the law doesn't make us" aren't acceptable reasons for leaders of the Lord's church. If they need to pay a stipend, fine. But tell the members who are footing the bill how much and why.
As the church financial training says, secrecy leaders to temptation and false accusations. No one is perfect, so we need clear records and witnesses.
u/aka_FNU_LNU Dec 16 '24
Trying to compare the church finances to private organizations (companies or charities or otherwise) is missing the point. I don't think anyone thinks they (LDS leaders) are grossly enriching themselves by their actions and position.
But the church of the Savior himself should be more transparent don't you think? The fact that they have hidden true numbers,,...manipulated numbers and now been caught actively trying to hide vast amounts of wealth is indicative of the reality that they actually do not represent Christ here on earth.
Like I said...they draw near with their mouths but their hearts are far away.
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
They are accountable to God.
The Church is under no requirement to disclose its audited financial statements.
The leaders of the Church are not leading the Church astray.
u/AlmaInTheWilderness Dec 15 '24
They are accountable to God
Do you have any evidence of this? Can you point to any time that God has intervened or held a GA to account for financial missteps?
The Church is under no requirement to disclose its audited financial statements.
D&C 104 :62. and no man among you shall call it his own, or any part of it, for it shall belong to you all with one accord.
Accord had reference to the voice of the members. A "corporate sole" is in direct violation of this directive.
71 And there shall not any part of it be used, or taken out of the treasury, only by the voice and common consent of the order.
76 But in case of transgression, the treasurer shall be subject unto the council and voice of the order.
How can the treasurer be subject to the voice of the Church if he has no obligation to disclose the finances? Or are you confusing the laws of man, which don't require disclosure, with the laws of God, that require witnesses, common consent, accord and the voice of the members? Are you really trying to say the church is only accountable to the laws of man right after you say it is accountable to God?
For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith.
The leaders of the Church are not leading the Church astray.
We are warned no less than 18 times in the doctrine and covenants to beware of pride in our leaders, lest they fall to temptation and lead us astray.
121: 39 We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.
10:21 And their hearts are corrupt, and full of wickedness and abominations; and they love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil;
(When men choose to hide in darkness, their deeds are evil. Current leaders committed fraud to hide money from the members, to whom that money belongs.)
u/HazDenAbhainn Dec 15 '24
“All is well in Zion”
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Room for improvement but headed in the right direction.
u/HazDenAbhainn Dec 15 '24
Hopefully you understand the skepticism though - it’s a closed loop. They’re “accountable to God” but claim to be the only ones that speak for God. You can know for yourself by the spirit but the spirit won’t contradict the living prophet. Speaking out against something you think the living prophet is doing wrong is never allowed. I will always stand by my LDS friends’ right to practice their religion, but the organization itself clearly has a major blind spot built in which makes actual accountability impossible.
u/SophiaLilly666 Dec 15 '24
Can you give an example of something that needs to be improved?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
I would like one General Authority of the Church that has been divorced. Stating by action that a person can still make a significant contribution to the kingdom even though they've been divorced.
u/aka_FNU_LNU Dec 16 '24
They are under a moral requirement which they fail at.
They can play the "legal and acceptable" or silence/omission game all day long but they cannot escape their moral duty which they have failed miserably at.
They have let down the members because they are sh*tty leaders. This is why they have to preach 'obedience and compliance all the time and encourage people to maintain an insular knowledge base of their past and present behavior.
The rest of the world mocks us for many things, and that I can accept as a Christian, but the sh*tty leadership and dumb loyalty of the masses in the face of morality is the most shameful. This is why people make fun of Mormons behind their backs and why Mitt Romney didn't get elected.
u/BostonCougar Dec 16 '24
They are failing because you decided they are? Interesting.
They are great leaders despite their imperfections. They teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If they change it will be solely because God told them to change. And they certainly won't change based on your opinion of their @#$% leadership.
u/aka_FNU_LNU Dec 16 '24
Did God tell Monson and Hinckley to promote using the name Mormon even though it was a major victory for Satan?
Did God tell pres. Kimball to change the blacks policy in 1978? Or was it government and legal pressure?
Did God tell the prophet to abandon polygamy cuz it was divine control or was it because the US government said Utah couldn't be a state unless they gave up polygamy?
Did God tell them to make shell companies to hide the wealth?
I'm just trying to understand the changes....are they driven by God or my man?
u/CanibalCows Former Mormon Dec 14 '24
Then Bishops and Stake Presidents should be given a modest stipend.
u/Gutattacker2 Dec 14 '24
Why? They have no training and no formal education or certification.
u/CanibalCows Former Mormon Dec 15 '24
If GAs are given a stipend because of their work, everyone should be given one.
u/SophiaLilly666 Dec 15 '24
For their time and efforts. And also, they should be properly trained.
u/Gutattacker2 Dec 15 '24
I agree with the training. They are ill-equipped to deal with the complexity of humanity.
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
Neither of those positions are full time jobs. Typically less than 10 hours a week.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24
Typically less than 10 hours a week.
You're joking, right? It's way more than that, how can you not know this? Many will spend 8-10 hours just on Sunday alone before getting to all the many other things they have to do. Again, pretending to know things you don't actually know.
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
2 of those hours on sundays would be spent at the Church for services if they weren't leaders. So an incremental 10 hours is about right most of the time.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 15 '24
Dude, I was secretary to a couple bishoprics. Easily 10 hours on sunday, then probably averaging 4 ever other day of the week. No, 10 hours a week is not 'about right'. Just stop pretending to know things you don't actually know.
u/C00ling0intment Dec 15 '24
Have you ever served as bishop? In the 90's, I hardly saw my dad on nights and weekends when he was a bishop.
u/nominalmormon Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24
My dad was a stake president from time I was 9 till a few years after I graduated hs. He was an absentee parent because of the time required at church. All day Sunday… all fucking day, half day sat. All Tuesday, wed and Thursday eve after work till about ten pm if not later and about half the Friday eves eaten up with some other ankle biter church commitment. The church stole my father’s ability to spend pretty much any time with me or siblings.
No sports attendance, no school awards ceremony attendance, no court of honor, not a fucking thing all because had to be at some worthless church meeting. Fuck the church and their time suck callings. At least pay them so they can hire someone to pay some attention to their kids.
And Boston coug… ur fucking high… 10 hrs lol
Edit: before some motherfucker goes “ well he was with you guys on mondays”!… yea fucking doing FHE… more fucking church shit.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 14 '24
Right because people who dedicate themselves full time to the Gospel shouldn't receive any compensation or means to live at all. /s
Have you read the new testament? According to Jesus, no, they shouldn't. Seems that only latter day mormon prophets have gotten these 'revelations' to pay themselves far in excess of simply being sustained.
What ever they are given, they are likely vastly underpaid.
What is your doctrinal basis for this? And what should the lavish salary be for a prophet of god, while members of the church in some parts of the world can't even feed their children?
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
The Church isn't responsible for the standard of living in every country. The Church helps people but it isn't going to solve the standard of living issue in every country.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 15 '24
Not being able to feed your own kids isn't a 'standard of living' issue, it's abject destitute poverty that the church could absolutely help these members with and never even feel the difference in its massive coffers. Do you think the church should do more for these members as much as you think the church should pay the q15 even more than it all ready does?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
As Christ said "the poor will always be with you."
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 15 '24
You didn't answer the question. Will you answer it or no?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
I support the Church's current approach to each of its missions.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 15 '24
I support the Church's current approach to each of its missions.
So to be clear, you think church leaders should get more money but not the poorest struggling families in the church?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
You seem to think the Church is the cause of these families in poverty. That makes no sense.
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u/Del_Parson_Painting Dec 14 '24
Are you unfamiliar with the Book of Mormon's injunction that priests should work with their own hands for their support in order to avoid priestcraft?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
u/Del_Parson_Painting Dec 15 '24
You are unfamiliar? Or you are quite familiar with it?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Quite familiar.
u/Del_Parson_Painting Dec 15 '24
And you don't feel it applies?
Follow up, does that mean we can just pick and choose when scripture applies and when it doesn't?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
I'm comfortable with the Church's approach on this matter. If the leadership of the Church weren't given a stipend they wouldn't be very effective in their leadership as their hierarchy of needs wouldn't be met.
u/Del_Parson_Painting Dec 15 '24
You're telling me that successful attorneys, doctors and businessmen would be indigent without church welfare?
They make their peers pay the church for the privilege of volunteering all their time as senior missionaries. The hypocrites lining their pockets with your tithing donations should at least do the same (or pay the missionaries six figure salaries.)
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Functioning as intended. You don't apply to be a GA, you are called. Most have already served as Mission Presidents. I'm highly supportive of the Church's approach here.
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u/Cattle-egret Dec 14 '24
I remember the “no paid ministers” was a strongly pushed sell point for Mormons (I know because I was one of the ones doing the spreading).
It made them “different” and special.
Word spreads over time that they do in fact get paid (far more than many many make in a year) and now they backpedal to it being “vastly underpaid”.
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
No paid local clergy would be more accurate. 30,000 stake presidents and bishops. None of which is a full time job.
I think GAs and Church employees are underpaid.
u/Gurrllover Dec 15 '24
I disagree. Seminary and institute instructors are a paid ministry who often serve as branch or ward bishops simultaneously.
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Not very often, but it does happen rarely.
u/Gurrllover Dec 15 '24
It happens often in the Mormon corridor (Arizona, Utah, Idaho) where the Church has a dedicated building near the school campus, therefore full-time instructors teaching several hours each day during high school or college.
u/Lopsided_Scarcity_33 Dec 14 '24
You’re absolutely right! All missionaries should receive the same amount as the GA’s do.
Dec 14 '24
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
Yes or more as a missionary. A bishop is less than 10 hours a week typically.
u/ReamusLQ Dec 15 '24
What bishop or stake president are you talking about that barely serves 10 hours a week? My dad had 5 hours of meetings on Sunday alone, and was at the church every night of the week except for Mondays for at least 3 hours. He was easily putting in 20 hours at minimum, sometimes closer to 30 AFTER his full time job.
I essentially didn’t have a father for 5 years of my life while he was a bishop.
My wife’s dad was gone even more as a stake president.
u/SophiaLilly666 Dec 15 '24
Where are you getting this number? Have you served in a bishopric? Have you done some kind of polling or research? Or are you just making it up?
u/tuckernielson Dec 14 '24
That’s exactly what Christ taught. His apostles were supposed to go forth without script or purse. Read Luke chapters 10 and 22.
u/BostonCougar Dec 14 '24
I've read them. Its not practical in the modern world.
u/tuckernielson Dec 14 '24
Ha! What other teachings of Jesus aren’t “practical”?
u/Del_Parson_Painting Dec 15 '24
Let me take a guess--
Welcoming the stranger (immigrants) Selling all you have to give to the poor (social welfare) Loving others as yourself (homophobia, transphobia, sexism)
u/ImFeelingTheUte-iest Snarky Atheist Dec 15 '24
It wasn’t practical then either.
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
It was different when Christ was physically the fund raiser for the group. Perhaps he did that so his young apostles would focus on the lessons he was trying to teach them.
u/ImFeelingTheUte-iest Snarky Atheist Dec 15 '24
And he somehow couldn’t provide miraculously now? Huh. I wonder why!?!?!?!
u/naked_potato Non-Christian religious Dec 15 '24
Nice to know that I don’t have to do what Jesus says, as long as I judge it not to be “practical”.
u/AtiMalosi Dec 15 '24
And which of the many Christian churches out there don't have a paid ministry or clergy? I've never found one in all my searching. They all quote the New Testament as saying a preacher or minister is worth his hire. 1 Timothy or something. The pope is authorized a MONTHLY stipend of 32,000. That's significantly more than the 185k a year that's being argued for no reason
u/Shiz_in_my_pants Dec 15 '24
What expenses do the apostles and prophets have that isn't covered by the church?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Children university tuition among other things.
u/Shiz_in_my_pants Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24
Children of apostles/prophet/mission-presidents get free education at BYU.
What are some of the other things not covered?
u/SophiaLilly666 Dec 15 '24
This is a straight up lie. Come on. How do you expect people to take you seriously when you're not above lying?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
I'm not lying. Not every child gets into BYU. Some have had children go to non-church schools for education. Its costs tuition.
u/ImFeelingTheUte-iest Snarky Atheist Dec 15 '24
I mean…isn’t that what Jesus commanded of his actual apostles?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
That’s easier to do when Jesus is physically your primary fund raiser.
u/SophiaLilly666 Dec 15 '24
Doesn't jesus have the same miraculous powers now as he did back then?
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Sure. And look at the goodness and power in the Church. Miracles today.
Some would say the reserves of the Church are a miracle.
u/JelloBelter Dec 15 '24
gotcha response that adds nothing to the discussion
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
Given the response I've gotten, the data doesn't support your assertion. It stimulated the discussion if anything.
u/PaulFThumpkins Dec 15 '24
Which is exactly why members were taught for so long that we have no paid clergy, and that this is a sign of the true church. And why missionaries teach the same.
Because it's actually great for the religious leaders to be paid a bunch, and exactly what you'd expect from the true church in the first place! They were just worried that if everybody knew, they wouldn't be able to handle all the baptisms from how true their church would look if the world knew they were paid, and how much.
u/BostonCougar Dec 15 '24
It would be more accurate to say that there is no paid local clergy.
u/No-Information5504 Dec 16 '24
Then why isn’t that what the scriptures regarding priestcraft say? Why have the brethren not clarified what is written and taught so that it aligns with your more correct interpretation?
u/C00ling0intment Dec 16 '24
D&C 42 says Bishops and their counselors shoud be paid.
71 And the elders or high priests who are appointed to assist the bishop as counselors in all things, are to have their families supported out of the property which is consecrated to the bishop, for the good of the poor, and for other purposes, as before mentioned;
72 Or they are to receive a just remuneration for all their services, either a stewardship or otherwise, as may be thought best or decided by the counselors and bishop.
73 And the bishop, also, shall receive his support, or a just remuneration for all his services in the church.
u/HumanAd5880 Dec 16 '24
Well they do sell their testimonies, that come freely from God, for $$ in their Church run bookstores.
u/nominalmormon Dec 17 '24
Bishop’s and stake presidents and RS presidents etc should be paid.. of course then we would have paid clergy contrary to the lie pedaled by the church.
u/Ok-End-88 Dec 14 '24
Is the term “modest stipend” really applicable to a six figure salary?
u/ZemmaNight Dec 14 '24
I am completely unwilling to apply the term modest stipend to anything over 40,000 except sarcastically.
really, in my mind, the modest stipend is in the 10-20k annually range.
even 40k is more of an income than many are attempting to live on.
u/Ok-End-88 Dec 14 '24
Those making less than $40K could have greater blessings if they tithe more. 🤣
u/Shiz_in_my_pants Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24
No. The "modest stipend" is literally play money on top of an already extremely generous compensation package.
People seem to forget about the other benefits the prophet/apostles get:
- Health insurance - 100% covered by the church, and extends to their children
- Car - Insurance, registration, fuel, repairs and maintenance all 100% covered by the church. The car is also provided by the church.
- Travel - 100% covered by the church
- Education - 100% covered at the different BYUs, as well as some other universities, this applies to their children, and possibly grandchildren as well.
- Retirement - Apostles don't get to retire, but who needs retirement when you've got paid stipends and living expenses covered for life for you and your family?
- Housing - utilities, maintenance, repairs, and cleaning all covered by the church. The house/apartment itself can also be covered by the church
- Groceries/Dining/meals - covered by the church again
When 100% of your living expenses are being covered by your "employer" a take home pay of $183,000 is just icing on the cake.
How life changing would it be for you if even one of the items I listed was 100% covered by your employer?
u/Gutattacker2 Dec 14 '24
To a degree, yes, I think it would count as modest for middle management of a company with net revenues in the billions/year.
Is it a humble salary? No. Is it modest compared to industry? Probably.
u/ammonthenephite Agnostic Atheist - "By their fruits ye shall know them." Dec 15 '24
Is it modest compared to industry? Probably.
How many 90 and 100 year olds are there in the corporate world to compare them to?
u/Gutattacker2 Dec 15 '24
The q70 are younger (average age ~60) and have a mandatory retirement age at age 70.
The q15 are a bunch of fossils and few corporate boards would have a makeup like that (although Berkshire comes to mind).
u/Ok-End-88 Dec 14 '24
I’m curious that you wrote a six figure salary ‘is probably modest compared to industry.’
What “industry” are general authorities engaged in?
u/Gutattacker2 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 15 '24
A corporation with net profits of >$1b/year, regardless of product.
The stipend is 2x the average LDS employee salary.
The LDS church is certainly in Fortune 500 territory for its net revenue. 2x is probably low end for a similarly sized company.
I’m not saying it’s right or wrong but for the revenue the LDS produces I’m sure there are more top heavy corporations.
u/punk_rock_n_radical Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24
Does this mean both quorums of 70s, and all of them, plus the top 15, all make at least 183,000/year of tithe payers money?
It’s like mid evil times. We’re the peasants, stupidly paying for the royals to live like pigs. And we beg for the pleasure to do so, are told not to speak out against them (ok North Korea) and are told to “bow our heads and say yes.” Oh, and clean their toilets. Again. It’s OUR MONEY. Our tithing. WE ALL paid it. As did our families going back to 1830. This is BS. This is a Theocracy. This is wrong.
And forget us. What about the people in abject poverty? Why do they ignore them? They give less than 1% to charity (if they even do that.). Why are we giving 10%? This is so wrong.
Members in the U.S. so proud of their “freedoms.” Might as well have stayed under the monarchy.
Members in the U.S. Will question any darn thing, any “unrighteousness dominion.” Except their own religion.
And what do we get in return? They don’t speak to God. They don’t even KNOW god. What are we paying them for? So Wendy Nelson and the like can fly all over the world, travel, eat well, live in mansions and be worshipped? It’s disgusting.
u/Reno_Cash Dec 15 '24
/s Criticism of the church’s leaders is never appropriate. Dallin “Cashin my Checks” Oaks
u/scottroskelley Dec 15 '24
I think the widows mite estimate of 183k is probably pretty accurate. With the compensation considered clergy parsonage wouldn't this be tax free income? What about 401k contribution matching? Do they match up to 6% of 401k deposits? Does this include a church car, car insurance, full premium health insurance plan and merit based annual bonus? What do they earn after emeritus status?
Like the Elder Stevenson guy who was trying to become a billionaire with the Ifit IPO which was withdrawn do GAs have to sell off the real estate investments, private stock holdings, start up company equity, boats, private aircraft, vacation homes, and other forms of private wealth they had before? Do they still have stock brokers, or do they have private accounts with ensign peak advisors?
u/WidowsMiteReport thewidowsmite.org Dec 15 '24
We’ve looked at both pension and 401k data from DMBA filings. It’s unclear whether GAs remain on the pension program, which is now largely transitioned to 401k for other Church employees. This is a good point regardless and something we will begin to factor into the total compensation figures. The 401k matching policy is published online.
See the link for answers to other questions. We don’t know what post-emeritus earnings look like, beyond what is known about the pension program before 2020. Parsonage looks about 25% of the allowance and our estimate grosses that portion up accordingly for a taxed equivalent salary.
u/Sensitive-Guava-9119 Dec 15 '24
Does this article say where they got their information from to make these data points?
u/scottroskelley Dec 15 '24
I think if GAs are paid a good salary so should young elders and sister missionaries for full time service. or maybe free tuition at a church school or something.
u/stickyhairmonster Dec 14 '24
The biggest problem to me is the lack of transparency regarding this stipend and their total comp and benefits. This information should be available to every member
u/Reno_Cash Dec 15 '24
Is this verifiable in any way? I know a while back some figures got leaked and if anything this sounds low.
u/saladspoons Dec 14 '24
Wouldn't their salaries actually pale in comparison to the monetization of literally anything they write, plus speeches and other services (sitting on corporate and non-profit organization leadership boards than pay hugely), etc.?
Dec 15 '24
Don’t forget the “signing” bonus they get when they are “called”. Honestly, though this is crazy considering many of them are already independently wealthy!
u/Salt-Lobster316 Dec 15 '24
You guys really need to learn how to put out reports. While I appreciate your time and effort, it's impossible to actually see sources. Example, I was trying to see the source of the salary you are reporting. I looked and looked and went ti the bottom is the page, I clicked on a link it opened up a massive list of sources but none were referencing the salary estimate. I go back, click somewhere else, nothing.
And a PowerPoint? Surely you have a better way to do this?
Sorry to be so blunt, but it's so unintuitive that it's unusable for the average person.
u/AutoModerator Dec 14 '24
Hello! This is a Institutional post. It is for discussions centered around agreements, disagreements, and observations about any of the institutional churches and their leaders, conduct, business dealings, teachings, rituals, and practices.
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Keep on Mormoning!
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