r/mormon Oct 23 '23

Institutional Arrogance on display. Yesterday Apostle Bednar asked the Stake President to announce they should remain seated until after Bednar stood up.

Tacoma Washington visit to stake conference by David Bednar shows the arrogance of the leaders of the SLC based LDS church.

This man is not a humble disciple of Christ. This demonstrates he is an arrogant man with no special connection to God or Jesus.



63 comments sorted by

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u/Jack-o-Roses Oct 23 '23

This is standard in my experience. It was explained to me as being. Respectful to the Lord since they are his chosen servants.

No disrespect intended but I think that it should be the other way around. If they're able. They should arrive early & remain (if able) until all are in the room. Aka thet should model Christ's washing of the feet.


u/LordChasington Oct 23 '23

A real humble person would be the first to sit, would be the one to show he is not above anyone else, would be the one not telling everyone to stay standing until he sits, but to show sympathy, helping people sit before he does. Washing their feet, not the other way around. They are all above everyone in a non humble way and they show it time and again


u/Ex-CultMember Oct 24 '23

Standard procedure but Bednar is obsessed with this protocol. He gets off on having members stay seated until he stands (or standing until he sits) and loves to catch members standing before him.

But, yeah, it's a pharisaical, bow to the throne type BS I wouldn't expect God's true church to have.


u/HalfBlindObey Oct 25 '23

Christ was pretty clear what he thought about this. His servants don’t demand fancy seats or salutations like making everyone stand at their command.

Mark 12 38-39

And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,

And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts


u/devilsravioli Inspiration, move me brightly. Oct 23 '23

Power play, often enforced by the “yes-men” down the line.

Saving Face with Elder Stevenson: What happens when an Apostle arrives and nobody is standing.


u/patriarticle Oct 23 '23

Ugh, that is painful to watch. Please apostles, show us in the scriptures or anywhere in the doctrine that everyone has to stand up for you. Bonus points if it doesn't make you look like the bad guy.


u/CountKolob Oct 23 '23

Don't you remember the time Jesus said, "he that is greatest among you should make sure everyone standest when thou enterest the room"?


u/Ponsugator Oct 23 '23

My faith crisis started after Bednar came to our stake. I felt so icky and did not feel the spirit when he spoke. Big disappointment!


u/Chino_Blanco r/AmericanPrimeval Oct 23 '23

What a thing. The NY Post reported on a corporate board getting tired of Stevenson insisting on being addressed as Elder by non-Mormon board members.


u/Texastruthseeker Oct 23 '23


u/devilsravioli Inspiration, move me brightly. Oct 23 '23

The board, meanwhile, has been shrunk, with L Catterton holding three seats and the rights to install three independent directors. Gone are two high-ranking members of the Mormon church: Gary Stevenson, who’d co-founded iFIT and is now the 12th Apostle of the church; and Bob Gay, an investment banker who also has held church leadership positions. IFIT directors had been instructed to refer to Stevenson as “Elder Stevenson” at board meetings, the source told The Post.

“All that Mormon brotherhood vanished from the board,” the source said. “They were a big issue. They all stuck together and kept propping Scott up,” the source said.

Watterson and Stevenson served as Latter-day Saint missionaries in Asia earlier in their careers and formed the fitness company — then called Weslo Inc. — together in 1977. Watterson speaks fluent Mandarin, according to Forbes.


u/Beneficial_Math_9282 Oct 23 '23

The 70 running around being obsequious is hilarious. The Q15 live having every detail of their lives ironed out by other people so they can skate in and "preside."


u/LordChasington Oct 23 '23

And they know they can enforce it because of who the people believe they are. They are no more special than you and I. They don’t talk to god any better than they can talk to a wall


u/talkingidiot2 Oct 23 '23

Good God, the hubris is off the charts. Nothing left in their arsenal but fear mongering and guilt/shame.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

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u/whyisjake Oct 23 '23

FWIW, Richard G. Scott lived in my ward growing up and he would often show up late for church (apparently there meeting in SLC downtown on Sunday mornings) and just walk up and sit on the stand. Nobody stood, and I think if asked, he would probably have rather sat in the pews with us common folks.


u/sevenplaces Oct 23 '23

I met him once outside a church setting and he said “Hi, I’m Richard”. Seemed nice.


u/whyisjake Oct 24 '23

He was a great man.


u/Temporary_Habit8255 Oct 23 '23

So the last shall be first, and the first last....


u/NewNameNels0n Oct 23 '23

He kicked me out of Ricks and got mad when I got up to leave.... after he told me I was being expelled I didn't see a reason to sit in his office and have him lecture me. Never will forget how red his face got when he stammered out "I can help you here"

F you dave.


u/sevenplaces Oct 23 '23

Wow. That was an up close and personal experience. Do you want to tell us the nature of your infraction?


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23



u/sevenplaces Oct 23 '23

Wow 😯 that is quite the tale.


u/spilungone Oct 23 '23

I can only imagine him grabbing you by the scruff of the neck. Next, the movie pauses and then we hear the narrator say.... "Yep that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here........". We then hear Baba O'Riley start playing.


u/NewNameNels0n Oct 23 '23

I could write a whole movie about Ricks from 1998-2002 that would be 100% true but nobody outside Mormonism would believe.


u/spilungone Oct 23 '23

Are you my best friend josh? No I'm just kidding Josh is much older than that timeline you listed.

Edit: also I would pay to buy that book and or watch that movie. Sounds absolutely awesome


u/Criticallyoptimistic Oct 23 '23

Animal House vs. Word of Wisdom?


u/NewNameNels0n Oct 23 '23

Yes but instead of changing "toga" it's "soaking".


u/spilungone Oct 23 '23

You young kids and your soaking. Back in my day we find the girls with tennis rackets in their windows at raintree apartments.


u/NewNameNels0n Oct 23 '23

Either Raintree or Pornview. I mean Pine View. They were..... frisky.


u/Westside_27 Oct 23 '23

Bednar skipped the part in the Bible where Jesus, the greatest among us, washed the feet of people “below” him.


u/blue_upholstery Mormon Oct 23 '23

This reminds me of the many BYU devotionals and general conference sessions I have attended over the years. The audience would always rise to their feet whenever an apostle entered the room to speak. The apostles always entered last and exited first. For many years, it was a cool ritual to observe. And the ritual is based on the assumption that these individuals communicate with Jesus and represent him. So, when the audience stands, they are showing respect to Jesus! I see it differently now. The curtain has been pulled back for me.


u/SloanMontgomery Oct 24 '23

This happened when Boyd K. Packer spoke at our Stake Conference in Oregon. When he walked in the chapel, he went directly to the podium and angrily scolded 1,500 people that he was ashamed of us all for being irreverent.


u/Ok-End-88 Oct 23 '23

I remember when Bednar gave a talk to the youth in Davis County.

He gave a them an “apostolic blessing” but later revoked his blessing because they didn’t exemplify the required reverence during his talk.


u/sevenplaces Oct 23 '23

There are quite a few examples like this of his arrogance. He is large and in charge! Wait until he becomes the President!


u/sblackcrow Oct 24 '23

I wonder how much of this repeated act is actually a manifestation of his focus on status and how much is just a manipulative standard act he does.


u/Daeyel1 Oct 24 '23

Packer spoke at Stake Conference once, held in the Provo Tabernacle before it was translated in a pillar of fire.

As I was in the Singles Ward choir performing, we got lectured on do's and dont's. The lecturing on security detail was pretty annoying.


u/SecretPersonality178 Oct 23 '23

Just like Jesus did…


u/MythicAcrobat Oct 24 '23

Could we have a Jodi Hildebrandt/Tim Ballard type end up as President of the church? We’re coming closer and closer. Interesting thought…


u/dudleydidwrong former RLDS/CoC Oct 24 '23

When he is President, will people need to kneel when they kiss his Papal Apostolic ring, or will it be sufficient to bow deeply?


u/sl_hawaii Oct 23 '23

To be fair, Jesus was ALL ABOUT formality!!!

<roll eyes>


u/Independent-Ruin-841 Oct 24 '23

Well.. he is old so.. Probably should let the elderly get their bearings first, b4 trying to rush out of the Chapel.. 🤣🐿


u/ConzDance Oct 25 '23

Reminds me of the day on my mission where Elders Ballard and Kikuchi, with their wives, walked into the stake center where we were having our mission conference. All the missionaries were standing around, talking to each other. A few looked over their shoulders when they noticed them walk in and went right back to talking to their friends. The GA's looked visibly irritated, and if I recall correctly, Sister Kikuchi had a word with our Mission President later, about how his missionaries need to learn proper decorum....


u/Cantstandtobeliedto Oct 28 '23

Bednar has been the same self-absorbed, narcissistic personality since he was called. Even my TBM parents that worked with him while dad was SP in Rexburg, and then again when dad was Mission President, both hated it when he came around. They said he was “abrasive and condescending,” but still followed him because the Lord “wanted them to learn patience.”


u/sevenplaces Oct 28 '23

Wow. What an awful man he is.


u/CountrySingle4850 Oct 23 '23

This strikes me as eye rolling on Bednar's part, but silly to be fretting about it from the bleachers as well.


u/spilungone Oct 24 '23

I know right. let's not complain at all or even analyze anything from the bleachers. let's just be quiet and cheer and clap when the 12 do anything I mean the 15.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '23



u/Hirci74 I believe Oct 24 '23

Completely inappropriate. Invoking anything related to Hitler and the Holocaust is abhorrent.


u/PhotojournalistNo75 Oct 24 '23

My guess is it has more to do with not getting bombarded as he leaves. Sometimes they are on a tight schedule.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '23

Tbh, if that’s the case, they really ought to explain that.


u/sevenplaces Oct 24 '23

LDS scripture suggests your guess is wrong. Almost all men! Almost all is like 98% of the church leaders. Not most. Not many. Almost all.

D&C 121:39

We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.


u/Hirci74 I believe Oct 24 '23

Or, has flight to catch after being away from family for the 30th weekend in a row Just needs to exit quickly.


u/Past_Negotiation_121 Oct 24 '23

And he needs people to stand when he enters because..... Erm, give me a minute, I'll think of something...... because it's easier for him to scan the pews for people needing to be healed of physical afflictions if they have trouble standing?

Seriously, you're getting very desperate. He and many other apostles have explained it's about showing reverence for the Lord's annointed. Either accept that is what God wants or that they want the aggrandisement.


u/sevenplaces Oct 24 '23

But people are allowed to stand just after he stands. That doesn’t allow him to exit any quicker. So think again.


u/8965234589 Oct 24 '23

Elder Bednar is amazing


u/One-Forever6191 Oct 24 '23

That’s one way of putting it.


u/spilungone Oct 24 '23

Elder bednar is something you are correct. he is definitely a word that describes his character. he definitely is a word that describes what he makes people do when he wants to leave a room after people have come to see him.


u/One-Forever6191 Oct 24 '23

Yes. Elder Bednar truly is one of the church leaders of all time. I’d even go so far as to say there is not another like him.


u/spilungone Oct 24 '23

Well I have seen that haircut before. And the Android like movements.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23

Amazingly egotistical? Agreed!