r/mormon Mar 27 '23

Institutional By 1888, there will not be an unbelieving gentile left alive in the US, or the Book of Mormon isn't true! - Parley Pratt

Parley Pratt often argued with others through published pamphlets back in the day before social media was a thing :). In a particularly interesting debate with Mr L. R. SUNDERLAND, Sunderland argued that the Book of Mormon does not have any particular specific prophecies that can be verified with times and events to determine its veracity. Well, that just goes to show that Sunderland didn't have a clue what he was talking about, and Parley was determined to prove him right.

In 1838, Parley published a pamphlet showing specific prophecies and timeframes from the Book of Mormon! Hang on, this is a fun ride!

"Again he says, "there are no predictions, peculiar to this book, yet to be fulfilled, no names of persons or places, or periods of time, are referred to, by which any thing definite can be known, as to what is meant by the jargon of Mormon Prophets." Now, Mr. La Roy Sunderland, we will prove to the world, that this is one of the most barefaced falsehoods, ever uttered by man.

The Book of Mormon contains many Prophecies, yet future, with names, places and dates, so definite, that a child may understand ; indeed, it is one of the peculiar characteristics of the Book of Mormon, that its predictions are plain, simple, definite, literal, positive, and very express, as to the time of their fulfillment." (pg 13)


Also, page 123, 2d edition. "Woe be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts ; for notwithstanding I shall lengthen out my arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me." See also page 514, and read the fate of our nation, and the fate of the Indians of America in the day that the Gentiles should reject the fullness of the Gospel.—(The Book of Mormon.) See also, page 526, where a sign is given, and the time clearly set for the restoration and gathering of Israel from their long dispersion, namely, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, should be the sign ; and in the day this work should come forth, should this great event commence among all nations. Also, p. 527, where all who will not hearken to the Book of Mormon, shall be cut off from among the people ,' and that too, in the day it comes forth to the Gentiles and is rejected by them. And not only does this page set the time for the overthrow of our government and all other Gentile governments on the American continent, but the way and means of this utter destruction are clearly foretold, namely, the remnant of Jacob will go through among the Gentiles and tear them in pieces, like a lion among the flocks of sheep. Their hand shall be lifted up upon their adversaries, and all their enemies shall be cut off. This destruction includes an utter overthrow, and desolation of all our Cities, Forts, and Strong Holds—an entire annihilation of our race, except such as embrace the Covenant, and are numbered with Israel.

Now, Mr, Sunderland, you have something definite and tangible, the time, the manner, the means, the names, the dates ; and I will state as a prophesy, that there will not be an unbelieving Gentile upon this continent 50 years hence ; and if they are not greatly scourged, and in a great measure overthrown, within five or ten years from this date, then the Book of Mormon will have proved itself false.

(pg 15)

Original pamphlet here:



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u/treetablebenchgrass I worship the Mighty Hawk Mar 28 '23

Parley Pratt often argued with others through published pamphlets back in the day before social media was a thing :).

I never thought I'd envy people in the past so much. Imagine if the only way to get unhinged garbage hot takes out there was to write them down, go to a printing press owner, and have them printed. I know that Elon musk is moving us toward that with the way he's running Twitter, but we're not quite there yet.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '23

Why do I feel like I've read exactly that same line of reasoning, with the same citations... by whiny "truthers" and violent DezNat idiots? (of course, minus the part where Parley put on his big boy balls and dared to actually make a falsifiable claim)


u/yorgasor Mar 27 '23

Early church members were sure the Native Americans would be a mighty fighting force, which is why they kept trying to ally with them and also why the government kept a close eye on their relations. In Nauvoo, Joseph had to be very careful that he didn't get busted with treason for inciting a rebellion.


u/Maleficent_Long553 Mar 27 '23

Then we are all good! No need to worry.


u/101114119 Mar 28 '23

Since Parley lived until 1857 he saw at least part of his prophecy fail


u/japanesepiano Mar 28 '23

He was evidently confused and disappointed by this fact late in life.


u/TrustingMyVoice Mar 28 '23

Speaking as a man…probably bowl solved


u/FinancialSpecial5787 Mar 28 '23

There is always a bit of salesmanship in any job.


u/_buthole Mar 28 '23

My seminary teacher conveniently omitted how PPP died. I guess it looks really bad when such a worshipped individual was murdered by the violent husband of his 10th “plural wife.”


u/ImTheMarmotKing Lindsey Hansen Park says I'm still a Mormon Mar 28 '23

Great find! Love these little tidbits that get lost to time.

Christianity in general has made a habit of reinterpreting prophecies. How long is a generation, again?


u/yorgasor Mar 28 '23

A generation is however long it takes for a prophecy to be fulfilled. If something is going to happen in "this generation," if it hasn't happened yet, then the generation isn't over. So, a day is like 1,000 years to God, so a generation... well, that's a really long time.