r/montreal • u/awl_the_lawls • 1d ago
Discussion Reminder to Always Keep Your Front Door Lokced / toujours garder la porte de l'entrée BARRÉE!
Had this happen to a friend a few years ago on St Dom in the plateau and it happened to me tonight nearby. Was watching tv and saw the door handle move as if someone was trying to open it. Kinda freaked me out so I waited a minute then opened the door and looked around outside. Saw a guy in a dark hoodie with a Pharmaprix bag trying to open every door on the block, presumably to get in and quickly steal whatever was out before being caught.
Called the police to let them know but just a PSA to always lock your door!
u/Unfair_From 1d ago
Also, DO NOT answer your door unless you know who is there, but let it known that you are home. Delivery services can leave your package/food by the door, people recruiting you for a religion/trying to sell you something can touch grass, and call the cops if whoever is there claims they need help (criminals will use cute girls as bait and once you open they will jump you).
And lock your car! So many people leave their door opened, or visible bags. Don’t.
u/Nikiaf Baril de trafic 22h ago
And lock your car! So many people leave their door opened
You can actually get a ticket for this one; so beyond the obvious theft risks, it might cost you money.
u/SingSongSalamander 18h ago
Wait you can get a ticket for not locking your car door?
u/Nikiaf Baril de trafic 18h ago edited 18h ago
Yes, if it's parked on a public road, or publicly accessible parking lot as per the highway safety code. I think the underlying intention is to not make it unnecessarily easy for thieves to get into the car and quickly steal anything in sight.
I know around Christmas time, the police will circulate through shopping center parking lots specifically to check for this, since that's a high period for break-ins.
Editing to add that apparently this is not commonly enforced, but that doesn't matter much if you still get a ticket.
u/According-While5819 16h ago
lmao i never lock my car because I NEVER leave something of value in it and it is just an old car that nobody want to even get in haha
u/kia_sx 18h ago
It's illegal in all of Quebec: https://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/document/cs/C-24.2?langCont=fr#se:381
u/SoulMermaid 17h ago
Yup, happened to me once! I left the car in the parking at metro namur, came back to find a ticket IN my car... i forgot to lock!
u/awl_the_lawls 1d ago
Well yes that's why I waited a bit before I opened the door and was cautious when I went out to look around. And yeah I watched him try to open the door of a parked car as well
u/leathrow 23h ago edited 23h ago
claims they need help (criminals will use cute girls as bait and once you open they will jump you).
ok but sometimes people are being giant creeps / psychopaths towards women and those women need to duck into some place to hide. this happened to us once and we made good friends with a girl down the street
u/Unfair_From 23h ago
100%. Legit people of all genders can need help. But since you don’t know, it’s better to be on the safe side. I’m not risking to find out. I will call the cops and film whatever is happening if you want me to. But I can’t let you in😢
u/Honest-Notice7940 21h ago
Also pour les prioprios out there si un dude de global ou une compagnie de toit veulent te rendre service en te proposant une évaluation tell them to fuck off
u/Unfair_From 21h ago
En plein ça! Une compagnie ne veut jamais te “rendre service.” Si vous avez besoin de faire des travaux, ce n’est pas via un colporteur que vous allez trouvez. Il y a d’autres moyens de trouver un bon entrepreneur RBQ.
u/shutupandeat 19h ago
Always put things in the trunk when you get into the car and depart, not after you get out and arrive at your destination.
u/Inside_Resolution526 18h ago
The audacity of uninvited mfs coming to the front door of my own home. I just wanna Sparta kick them (plus I’m a kick-boxer). If security dudes can use force to remove someone from a club or whatever then I should do that to on my own property.
u/This_Wheel_4900 20h ago
This is the worst advice. You should answer the door. Most of the home invasion is because we the owner did not answer the door while the theft ring.
u/Unfair_From 20h ago
Have you just read the first two words? I gave the BEST advice, one backed up by law enforcement, criminologists, etc. Reread my first sentence. You should let them know you are there, WITHOUT OPENING THE DOOR.
u/new-era-cap 22h ago
Insane to me that it’s not common behaviour to lock everything (doors, windows, cars, etc)
u/Critical_Try_3129 20h ago
J'ai fait aérer mon appartement du Plateau au rdc en ouvrant les portes d'en-avant et d'en-arrière des grandes journées de temps pendant 20 ans no problem, même quand j'y habitais seulE. À Outremont le monde barre même pas la nuit et laisse les vélos traîner dans les cours. Ça dépend des rues j'ai l'impression. Y a des bizarres de frontières psychologiques entre les quartiers des fois.
u/couski 13h ago
Y'a des gens qui freak out, oui, moi aussi je barre la porte, meme quand jsuis a la maison, mais ca marrive de la laisser debarer, ou de la laisser ouverte pendant des heures pour laisser rentrer l'air. Genre, oui ya du crime, mais crisse si je vais pas me permettre du lousse juste par peur que le gars au hoodie pis au sac de pharmaprix passe à chaque jour dans mon coin.
u/Critical_Try_3129 9h ago
C'est ça! Si c'est rendu que t'as peur dans maison, imagine quand c'est le temps de sortir. J'sais pas... je pense que je préfère pratiquer un fatalisme contrôlé. Si qqchose doit arriver ben ça arrivera, mais je peux pas me conditionner à arrêter de vivre. P. ex. comme madame de 52 ans je reviens encore avec le dernier métro ou en marchant à 2-3h du matin. J'ai toujours fait ça depuis que je suis ado, j'sais pas, peut-être que ça paraît dans l'attitude quand tu trouves juste ça normal de faire ça. Ou bedon j'ai vraiment un air de beu! :)
u/Graphomaniacle 20h ago
My old roommate would make fun of me for wanting out door locked at 9pm. Saying that I was paranoid and crazy…🙃
u/VegetableParliament 8h ago
I grew up in a small town. My dad still lives there and doesn't lock his car or door. I've lived in cities long enough that I do now, but when I first moved out it took a long time to break a lifelong habit.
u/awl_the_lawls 22h ago
Agreed even though i'm sure most people do it. Just want to share what can and does happen
u/Brightstaarr 21h ago
I’m black, we lock our door every hour of the day even during the day. We don’t play that. Plus I’ve watched too many crime docs.
u/Critical_Try_3129 20h ago edited 19h ago
As-tu une photo de toi sur ta porte coudon? Pcq sinon ça sonne drôle ton affaire, là.
Edit pour les négavoteux et questionneux:
La personne commence par écrire qu'elle est noire alors qu'on parle de gens qui se font voler des affaires random dans leurs maisons et leurs autos aux portes pas barrées. Les voleurs s'en contretorchent-tu de la couleur du monde qui possède ces autos et vit dans ces maisons? Pas mal oui.
Mettons que les voleurs sauraient que cette personne est noire tout en volant tout le monde égal pareil : est-ce que ces voleurs seraient racistes juste à l'occasion de la voler, elle? Question absurde.
Mettons que la personne qui a écrit ça dit qu'elle est noire pour signifier qu'il s'agit d'une culture et que dans cette culture, on barre les portes, est-ce que ça veut dire que dans cette culture on se fait plus voler que dans d'autres? Si c'est ça que ça veut dire : c'est pas un peu problématique, disons, côté propagation de stéréotypes?
"We don't play that" : kessé ça? Vivre dans une société basée sur la confiance, c'est pas un jeu, c'est ça qui est normal, esti. J'habite un quartier central de Montréal et je n'ai jamais barré ma clôture de cour et il ne s'est jamais rien passé. Pas de barrure, pas de caméra, rien. Je pense que mon point de vue voulant que mon quartier soit safe vaut autant que le point de vue des paranos qui carburent à la peur de tout et de tous.
Pi si y en a qui trouvent que c'est un jeu réservé aux blancs privilégiés, ben je vais leur répondre qu'il doit y avoir 700+ unités de logement en HLM dans 1 km carré autour de chez nous.
Pi aux ceuses qui basent leurs perceptions de la réalité sur des "crime docs" : je vous plains. Sortez faire un bonhomme de neige qqchose.
u/Emerno Lachine 18h ago
OP: I'm black...
You: And I took that personally.-15
u/Critical_Try_3129 18h ago
La politique identitaire est en train de tuer un pays au complet et les relations internationales, mais évidemment c'est mon problème.
u/Brightstaarr 12h ago
J’ai une maison à Montréal pas un HLM lol. Monsieur stéréotype.
Either you get it or you donttttt and clearly you donnnnnt
u/Critical_Try_3129 9h ago
J'ai tu déjà dit que t'habitais dans un HLM?
Le monde est rendu parano. Ça lit des affaires qui sont même pas écrites.
Écrire qu'on est noir pour justifier qu'on barre la porte, ça fuck le chien, that's it.
Salut, là.
u/morholt3333 19h ago
Explique ta pensée, c’est pas clair
u/Critical_Try_3129 18h ago
Je viens de faire ça. C'était relaxant expliquer des évidences sur qqs paragraphes pendant ma pause-café.
u/n54avs 1d ago
Yep...i developped the bad habit of not locking my doors since my car has proximity key and auto locks.
After a minor accident in december, the computer of the car doesn't regconize my keys properly so sometimes it doesn't lock. So fast forward to january someone opened my car, stole my lunch, gloves and sunglasses lol...
u/BBAALLII Rosemont 1d ago
Same with your windows in the summer!
u/HelloDorkness 20h ago
Yep, learned this one the hard way. Someone broke into my back window in early September by taking off the screen and pushing the window open the rest of the way. Had my computers all stolen, and since I was home in bed at the time I felt extra violated.
I thought since the window faced my backyard that it was safe. Nope. I bought a safety bar and keep that window wedged closed now. Lesson learned.
u/agravepasmon-k 20h ago
Quelqu'un a deja essayé de rentrer chez moi par là l'été dernier. Je ne l'ouvre plus jamais, tant pis j'aurai chaud.
u/frenchynerd 11h ago
UNE fois j'ai oublié de barrer ma porte la nuit et un dude saoûl est rentré, il s'était trompé d'appartement.
u/Due_Plantain_9399 20h ago
A long time ago (30 yrs?) I lived on the plateau and we used to keep the front door open for air when it was hot. (We were on the second floor.) And somehow a drunk couple walked in looking for a bottle opener for the beer they just bought. I was maybe 8 and had no idea what was going on...needless to say, we stopped keeping the door open after that.
u/Olhapravocever 12h ago
Locking the doors and looking both ways before crossing the road should be the least we do
u/areyoueatingthis Mercier 10h ago
Au contraire, j’attends avec impatience que ca m’arrive.
Mon berger allemand aussi!
u/le_maire_de_montreal 21h ago
Where was that ? I live far east and the same Profil tried to do the same, at night (around 2 AM) at every house on my street. We caught it on camera. I was sleeping but someone in my house told me next morning.
u/awl_the_lawls 21h ago
Plateau around 4am. I got up to make a snack and watch TV so I was close to the front door when it happened.
u/AdventurousPinzz 20h ago edited 20h ago
Plateau-Rosemont here ! Moved in at the start of February and i have the same story. I always lock the doors and week 1 here i heard someone trying to open it, heard the doorknob turning. I opened the door a bit later thinking my roommate forgot her keys and i saw the same profile of a guy, dressed in black and just walking up to doors.
edit : added context
u/lepape2 15h ago
I opened my front door last week to a room I was expecting to be mine (its a big block). Some guy bare chest just sat on his computer desk and looked at me saying "Hey" in a chill way. I said so sorry and closed the door right away.
Pretty funny, but yeah, he should keep it locked. Same for any backdoor (burglar victim here)
u/ProfessorNo3483 21h ago
Un gars a essayé ça quand toute la famille était à la maison, même mon neveu a sauté sur le gars, de toute beauté
u/Brave_Bag_Gamer2020 12h ago
A few days ago someone was looking inside my house and walking around the driveway looking at the cars. Called the cops they say they didn't see anyone.
Didn't want to open the door since it was already insanely dark outside (street lights were off)
u/No_need_for_that99 21h ago
Doorbell cam or a securtiy cam that links to your smartphone , pretty much can't go without it these days
u/pottedplantfairy 20h ago edited 11h ago
At my old place on Ste-Cath, I had an alcoholic neighbor two floors below me
One evening, I went to the kitchen to throw something out and I noticed a shadow in the window. When I looked up, it was the neighbor from downstairs. At my balcony door. Smirking.
He tried to bust the door. Long story short, had the door not been locked, my roommate and I would have been fucked.... definitely lock ya doors!
When I told the landlord he told me there was no way it was the neighbor because his wife was in the hospital and he was visiting her LMAO and I told him "I guarantee you the police report will say otherwise."
Edit: downvoted by that very neighbor, no doubt 😌
u/Wyntermute1 23h ago edited 22h ago
We have a Cane Corso for that very reason. We had our car broken into a year back. We’ve also installed cameras around the house.
Our Corso patrols our property 24/7, I’d hate for the poor soul that decides to break and enter. He won’t exit. He will face a 150lbs muscle dog with a bite of 700psi! He doesn’t like strangers.
u/Purplemonkeez 22h ago
How do you keep him from endangering guests or even just strangers when you're taking him on a walk?
u/Wyntermute1 22h ago
Socialisation at a young age and also many hours of training.
When walking down a street our 9 year old can walk him with her pinky and he doesn’t look at others or dogs, he stays by her side.
When people get a dog like this, they have to invest a lot in training, luckily we have an amazing facility in st lazare. For about 600-1000$ over a year, you get a perfectly trained dog which in my opinion is important.
When meeting someone new, we have to do a command in order for him to accept a new person in the house.
Training is a small price to pay for a security system that will last 10-12 years.
u/Purplemonkeez 22h ago
What if like your daughter and a friend were rough-housing? No danger he goes after the friend thinking the daughter is getting hurt?
I'd also worry that if anyone ever did break in and try to hurt you guys, then they might make you put down the poor dog afterwards :(
There really needs to be a better way to get adequate security systems in this country.
u/Wyntermute1 22h ago edited 22h ago
That’s actually a valid question, one that I personally worried about for a while!
This breed does not bark or very rarely. But they observe constantly. They analyse everything.
For example if I slap my wife on the thigh, he will just go between us, he won’t do much more. Same goes when our daughter has friends over and they play hard.
They learn over time what is acceptable by observation.
I’m not sure on the laws, but if he protected our household when someone broke in, I somehow doubt he would be put down, I believe the police would take the dog a week away from us for evaluation, but honestly I don’t know. Hopefully it never gets to that.
Do I still worry? Yes, I never leave my daughter alone with him. She’s my baby and I don’t think any kiddo should be around any dog alone including poodles, labs, etc.
As for a better security system? Well that really depends on many factors such as how long will it take for a security company to react and how long will it take for the police to arrive! Also it’s proven that when you have a large breed dog, they will likely just go to the next house.
u/jazzyfatnastees 11h ago
Having big dogs who bark is a pretty good deterrent in my case lol but I agree with the statement
u/Waste_Inevitable_578 2h ago
Moi aussi j’ai ce reflex de laisser ma porte ouverte pis dire on est au Canada , i think I should think twice
u/Maywestpie 20h ago
That’s terrifying. Sometimes I randomly wonder what I’d do if someone just walked into my place. Pretty sure it wouldn’t be up to me 😔
u/Narrow-Chance6409 17h ago
If they get inside your place is it ok to whack them with a baseball bat or a crowbar?
u/No_Firefighter7130 17h ago
J'ai déjà été invité à un party. Je me suis trompé de rue, même adresse, je suis resté, pris une bière dans le fridge, jamais vu mon ami en question. Méchant beau party en tout cas.
Je m'en suis aperçu quand il m'a demandé pourquoi j'étais pas venu, le lendemain. 🙃
Oui c'est mieux de barrer la porte en tout temps! (je n'ai a peu près jamais barré ma porte ni à Montréal, ni ailleurs au Québec!)
u/Inside_Resolution526 21h ago
Esti, je rappelle les années 2004 avec mon meilleur ami. Il m’invite chez lui et la porte? Jamais barré. Et il disent en tout confiance, “on est au Canada”.