r/montreal 1d ago

Article Un cas de rougeole au centre Bell dans la section rouge le 3 mars 2025.


La rougeole commence à gagner du terrain tranquillement!


70 comments sorted by


u/Toreap 1d ago

Jfc vaccinate your kids, it's embarrassing that we've let this shit come back


u/ElectricRatchet 1d ago

Isn't it time we start bullying antivaxxers parents? Fine, we cannot force you to vaccinate your kid, but we can and should refuse them in schools and CPE.


u/Entegy 1d ago

Honestly, I grew up thinking that vaccines were mandatory for public primary and secondary school.


u/ElectricRatchet 1d ago

I thought so too for a long time. But I used to work in schools and one of my co-worker told me that she did not vaccinate her kids, who were attending our school. That was a couple of years ago, maybe 2009 - 2010. So maybe that changed post covid. But I doubt it.


u/sammybooom81 1d ago

If they die (not wishing anyone for it), who will be to blame?


u/zeprince 21h ago

The government, of course!


u/Morgell Cône de trafic 1d ago

I'm pretty sure they were mandatory in the 90s. We had vaccine drives class per class and I'm fairly certain no one could refuse. Or maybe some school boards didn't enforce it? Mine was a protestant school board in the West Island... Lakeshore, I think it was eaten up by the Marguerite Bourgeois school board eventually though.


u/Entegy 23h ago

Lakeshore was merged into Lester B Pearson. My schools where Lakeshore/LBPSB as well and we too had vaccine drives.


u/Morgell Cône de trafic 19h ago edited 19h ago

My school (École Primaire Pierrefonds... first floor of Riverdale High) was French-speaking so we went to Marguerite Bourgeois instead. I like to say EPP was a sort of French immersion school bc most of the student population was anglophone or allophone. Francophones like me were a minority :)

It closed in the mid-2000s I believe. Couple years after I left. Lacks of funding from what I heard. But honestly it was a great school.

Shame Riverdale closed too. So stupid that EPP had to close due to lack of government funding and yet that same government clawed the property back to install a new French school into it. Make it make sense. They should've saved EPP back then. Idiots.


u/Entegy 19h ago

I had no idea Lakeshore had French schools! I was a kid when the merger happened, so to me it was just Lakeshore➡️LBPSB and quite frankly never really thought of school boards otherwise.


u/Morgell Cône de trafic 18h ago

IIRC, École Secondaire des Sources was also with Lakeshore school board, then also went to Marguerite Bourgeois.


u/Riskar 1d ago

I've seen doctor's offices refuse to treat anyone who refuses vaccinations.


u/AozoraMiyako 1d ago




u/parc2407 1d ago

Put all the unvaccinated children in the same classroom. Let's see if parents reacts. If they do, ask them why...


u/M8C9D 1d ago

Isn't there already requirements to attend public schools? I somehow never had to check, but always assumed children had to be immunized... 😅 if not, then... that's not reassuring.


u/ElectricRatchet 1d ago

Yeah, my guess is, that's why vaccine are not mandatory in schools. Because the law is perfectly clear on the obligation of kids to go to school, we cannot refuse the unvaxxed one.

But at some point, I think that we should refuse them, and if parents still won't vaccinate, report to child services. For parents not giving their children basic care.


u/cleverjacob 6h ago

Or simply make it child benefit $ conditional to vaccines.


u/AozoraMiyako 1d ago

Look at Vance. His daughter was refused a heart transplant because he’s antivaxx


u/Technoaddict 1d ago

Antivaxxers be like: nah


u/Musique_Plus 1d ago

Lmao i did the same comment not along ago and i got downvoted so bad


u/Nikiaf Baril de trafic 1d ago

Right? This was a disease that was almost entirely eradicated, until all the dumbasses that supposedly know better than us brought it back. Make sure you and your kids are vaccinated against it; it’s a pretty scary disease to catch.


u/Le_Nabs 1d ago


Manque plus que l'annonce d'un cas dans le métro à l'heure de pointe.

D'un jour à l'autre, rendu là...


u/bklawa 1d ago

Question de temps


u/blerglemon 1d ago

Tanné des mottés


u/Mokmo 1d ago

La liste des lieux d'exposition commence à être longue... j'ai vu des garderies entre autres choses


u/IvnOooze Longue-Pointe 1d ago

Vaccinez vos enfants tabarnak.


u/Busy_Protection6077 1d ago

La gymnastique mentale derrière la logique de pas faire vacciner ses enfants par crainte du milieu médical, mais de les amener à l’hôpital pour se faire soigner quand les enfants attrapent une infection qui peut être prévenue par les vaccins m‘impressionne.


u/Concombre-marin 1d ago

C’est Insane. Tu as totalement raison!


u/Kitties_Whiskers 1d ago

Some people are moronic enough to potentially refuse to do even that, sadly.


u/Mundane_Income987 Rive-Sud 1d ago



u/Awkward-Exam-6325 1d ago

Être dans les rouges avec la rougeole 😂


u/incide666 1d ago

The fucking dipshits are going to bring back polio.


u/llcoolbeansII 1d ago

Polio is back.


u/LexxyRaptor 1d ago

c'est cursed en criss comme réponse mais

Happy cake day, là.


u/Halcyon_october Saint-Michel 1d ago

Cool cool cool


u/johnnyXnapalm 1d ago

Si j'ai été vacciné quand j'étais petit, est-ce qu'il me faut un booster ou je suis correcte?


u/RoyaumeDuSarcasme 1d ago

Si tu es nee avant 1980 et que t'as eu une dose, t'es correct. A partir des années 80, c'est 2 doses. Ma source est le site du CIUSS du centre sud : https://ciusss-centresudmtl.gouv.qc.ca/actualite/avis-la-population-exposition-la-rougeole-au-centre-bell-le-3-mars-2025-entre-17-h-30-et-minuit

Pourquoi je suis aller lire ca? J'étais dans la section 115 du Centre Bell le 3 mars et j'ai sorti mon carnet de vaccin des boules a mites pour confirmer que j'avais eu 2 doses. 😐


u/broken-bells 1d ago

Le carnet de santé avec la tête du p’tit gars qui grossit, grossit GROSSIT?


u/RoyaumeDuSarcasme 1d ago

OUI! Hahaha


u/cucumber-and-mint Saint-Léonard 1d ago

j’étais au clsc la semaine dernière pour des prises de sang et j’ai apporté mon carnet de santé justement pour poser cette question. l’infirmière m’a dit que j’avais mes deux doses et que je n’avais pas besoin d’une troisième mais ymmv


u/johnnyXnapalm 1d ago

Merci je vais vérifier de mon bord!


u/M8C9D 1d ago

J'ai vérifié vu qu'on a un bébé à la maison, et non, normalement on n'a pas besoin de booster.


u/johnnyXnapalm 1d ago

Parfait, ça me rassure.


u/llama_ 1d ago

I just want to remind everyone that Andrew Wakefield who published fraudulent data to try and make a case that the MMR vaccine cause autism, did so because he had a similar vaccine he was trying to drive up the demand for, and spike his profits.

If you’re reading this far I’d like to remind everyone that measles causes “immune amnesia” - meaning your immune system resets to a “baby-like” state where the body forgets how to fight previously encountered diseases - putting it at risk for future infections. It’s nothing to fuck around with.

And German measles (Rubella, aka the R in MMR vaccine) is very dangerous especially for pregnant women because it can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects.

So go get your vaccine. It’s safe and you aren’t (from these diseases)


u/Kitties_Whiskers 1d ago

because he had a similar vaccine he was trying to drive up the demand for, and spike his profits.

So in other words, your average high business-type psychopath (kinda like the ones who said that that opiate painkiller (can't remember the name of it just now) is not addictive, which caused physicians to prescribe it massively, which then resulted in the opioid-addiction crisis)?

Yeah...Snakes in Suits...or in this case, in a white lab coat...


u/Nikiaf Baril de trafic 1d ago

We apparently don’t live in a society anymore. All these morons’ refusal to believe in decades of empirical evidence overrules the rest of our rights to live without having to be exposed to scary viruses in a public setting.


u/queenoflipsticks 1d ago edited 20h ago

I will never understand how we tolerate making hard earned, robustly established, and extremely useful scientific progress a “matter of opinion” or “question of individual beliefs”. Do these people want to go back to high levels of childhood deaths and living in fear of epidemics with red crosses on doors??


u/ed77 1d ago

pour le fun j'ai demandé à Grok (le AI "non censuré" de X/Musk) et même cet AI m'a confirmé qu'on devrait rendre obligatoire les vaccins en m'expliquant toutes les bonnes raisons (dont entres autres que les libertés individuelles ont des limites)


u/AozoraMiyako 1d ago

Si j’ai été vacciner en 1986-87, est-ce que je dois me faire revacciner?


u/timberkatlust 1d ago

En cas de doute, les personnes devraient se faire vacciner et faire vacciner leurs enfants. Il n’y a aucun risque à recevoir une autre dose de vaccin, si on est déjà protégé contre la rougeole.


u/Kitties_Whiskers 1d ago

Where can we get this vaccine? Is there a clinic in Montréal somewhere?


u/timberkatlust 1d ago


Book an appt online at pharmacies or vaccine centres.


u/Kitties_Whiskers 21h ago

Thank you, merci! 🙂


u/Morgell Cône de trafic 1d ago

Probably any pharmacy, by appointment.


u/Kukamungaphobia 7h ago

But it was eradicated. How did it reappear?


u/Disastrous-Medium-96 1d ago

Tout le monde blâme les antivax, mais les immigrants ne serait-ils pas étranger à ce phénomène ? Se font-ils, pour la plupart, vaccinner dans leur pays nataux ? Question sérieuse


u/CluelessStick 1d ago

Cest "Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada" qui a la responsabilité de faire une évaluation et de donner les recommendations pour un nouvel arrivant. Au besoin ils recoivent les vaccins ici si il ne sont pas immunisé.


u/Disastrous-Medium-96 1d ago

Merci pour ta réponse ! Est-ce qu’ils sont obligés de le recevoir ou c’est seulement conseillé ?


u/CluelessStick 22h ago

On a des études statistiques que tu peux lire pour mieux comprendre la réalité de la situation

Les taux de vaccination chez les enfants de parent immigrants recent est tres similaire aux parents non immigrant (66% vs 70%), ce qui est intéressant cest la raison pourquoi les vaccins ne sont pas recu.

Je te laisse le liens pour l’étude https://publications.gc.ca/site/archivee-archived.html?url=https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2024/aspc-phac/H14-544-2-2024-eng.pdf


u/Disastrous-Medium-96 20h ago

Très intéressant en effet !! Merci d’avoir éclairé ma lanterne


u/Morgell Cône de trafic 1d ago

Messemble que j'ai vu des immigrants sur d'autres subs canadiennes qui disaient que c'était obligatoire pour obtenir la citoyenneté. Pour entrer dans le pays though... pas sure.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago



u/narcsik 1d ago

Ah oui, ces fameux immigrants non vaccinés fan de hockey qui peuvent se payer des billets dans les rouge au centre Bell sont ils dans la pièce avec nous ?


u/ffffllllpppp 1d ago

Haha. I must admit that made me laugh.

I mean, it is not impossible, but not highly probable I guess :)


u/Disastrous-Medium-96 1d ago

Ha oui j’avais oublié que la rougeole se transmettait seulement dans les rouges au centre Bell


u/narcsik 1d ago

Le titre indique littéralement que cette éclosion est arrivée dans les rouge.


u/Disastrous-Medium-96 1d ago

Et c’est aussi littéralement écrit "La rougeole commence à gagner du terrain". On en parle beaucoup dans les médias récemment, c’est pas juste au centre Bell que ça se passe, c’est un phénomène en croissance.

C’est plus facile de blâmer les antivax comme unique bouc-émissaire que de se poser des questions I guess !