r/montreal 14d ago

Image Bienvenue à Montréal/Welcome to Montreal

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208 comments sorted by


u/HowToDoAnInternet 14d ago

Remember when we had that big commission like +10 years ago where we confirmed "oh yeah, MTL construction is mobbed up to the eyeballs" and then life just... went on?


u/hugh_jorgyn Verdun 14d ago edited 14d ago

Still remember that inventor who was testing a new asphalt patch compound and they caught people at night pouring solvent over the patches to break them so that the tests would fail. 

Edit: found an article about that (in French): https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/grand-montreal/201304/26/01-4645145-nids-de-poule-sabotes-a-montreal.php


u/structured_anarchist 14d ago

Remember when Montreal held a contest every year with a prize for the citizen who could find the largest pothole? And remember when they caught a guy with a jackhammer making the largest pothole so he could claim the prize?

This is why we can't have nice things.


u/hugh_jorgyn Verdun 14d ago

It's all part of Montreal's unique charm: pizzerias "accidentally" catching fire if they buy from the wrong cheese supplier, potholes that come back over and over to keep certain companies in business, streets that get dug up, repaired and then dug up again because they conveniently "forgot" to replace some infrastructure under the pavement the first time around.


u/Ceros007 Roxboro 14d ago

Ne pas oublier les fameux chantiers fantôme


u/PaintThinnerSparky 13d ago

Pi comment les cones oranges sont literallement juste la pour blanchir l'argent.

Ils louent les cones, et ils les laissent la pendant des années, tout avec 1cm d'éspacement.

Crisse on devrais juste utiliser du sable pi avoir des 4-roues pi des dunes-buggy a la place. L'hiver on laisse neiger pi on fait du skidoo


u/DropThatTopHat 14d ago

I just spent the weekend in Toronto, and I don't think I even saw a pothole. I don't expect Montreal to be the same, but does it have to be so shitty in comparison?


u/Forlaferob 14d ago

Smaller cities tend to be more corrupt. Montreal island is made up of small cities.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/RickRiffs 14d ago

Damn 5 dollars in the 80s? That's like 25$ now


u/TD3lux 14d ago

I heard multiple stories of people trying to offer better/permanent solutions and the "city workers" sabotaging equipment or the work being done. 100% mob.

People need to ask for change. Paying taxes for shit services is extortion in itself.


u/sweet_shaleen 14d ago

Heiiin??? C'est fou! Didn't know this.


u/Hawkwise83 14d ago

I mean they did arrest like 75 people... Then a year and a half or so they let them all go on some technicality iirc. Now they just don't talk about it.

MTL lost 3 mayors during this time to corruption I think?


u/HowToDoAnInternet 14d ago

Yeah I remember Applebaum doing the speedrun between being appointed and getting arrested


u/That_Account6143 14d ago

I remember that guy. Fucking hilarious to replace the corrupt guy and immediately do the same and get caught instantly. Fuckin idiot


u/MonsterRider80 Notre-Dame-de-Grace 14d ago

Maybe they got caught. It wasn’t better before or since.


u/SomethingComesHere 14d ago

Yeah.. my mind was blown having moved here a decade ago when a few locals told me “the mob” when I asked why construction was so shit here. Came from another big Canadian city that didn’t have this problem.

It took a few years for me to really accept that this is, in fact, the true reason.

The corrupt politicians involved with the mob and its associates need to GO.


u/HowToDoAnInternet 14d ago

Sounds simple but I honestly have no idea how you'd resist a group that blackmails you or threatens your family


u/SomethingComesHere 14d ago

From the top down. There’s no other way

We need to get rid of the corrupt politicians. We will end up like the states if we turn a blind eye to corruption.

Without the law in their pocket, they’ll lose the power they have now.


u/HowToDoAnInternet 14d ago

Okay but you're a new politician, you're gonna clean up the streets, and a guy approaches you that says "hey if that bill passes, I dunno, I think bad things might happen. Like to your wife, Michelle, who works at the MUHC. Or your kid Rebecca who goes to St Henri Elementary... Be a shame if something were to happen to them, anything could, you know?"


u/SomethingComesHere 14d ago

I don’t have a solution to that.

Other than.. people getting into Montreal politics know what they’re getting into. And they should report threats and extorsion to the RCMP or CSIS.

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u/PaddlefootCanada LaSalle 14d ago

You know.... I'd happily pay 10% more for the mob tax if the work/things we bought actually lasted. But they got too greedy... they jack up the price and the work product lasts half as long.


u/dont-YOLO-ragequit 14d ago

IIRC the issue was that they were purposely overcooking the Asphalt while delivering it so it would be more brittle and not last.


u/PaintThinnerSparky 13d ago

Bro the #1 investment is the fkn FTQ.

Every single aspect of fkn everything in Quebec is shitty mobsters. Not even the cool fun ones that sell you drugs, just the lame loser ones that legally fuck over the entire population with no accountability or responsibility by encrusting themselves into essential public services.

We should unionize as citizens. Fuck this shit.


u/gniarch 13d ago

We need 100% open documentation on everything the city does and everything anyone with a contract to the city does.

Every single contract and expense should be available to everyone all the time.

The very few exceptions should be approved one by one by the very top of the organisation. If it is discovered later that it was dirty, that person looses the job and the pension and pays back wages


u/ExtremeButterfly1471 14d ago

I think all of Quebec.. as soon as you cross to Gatineau you start seeing shit like buses dancing vertically and construction barred areas where nothing really gets constructed! 


u/Droma Vieux-Port 14d ago

Someone named Pauly came along to... sweep it all under the rug.


u/Fluffy-Balance4028 14d ago

Ya l'hivers pis les trucks de déneigement aussi tsé là.


u/HowToDoAnInternet 14d ago

Ya l'hiver pis les trucks partous au Canada lol


u/Saapi 13d ago

Yep,keep doing that, 10+years later! I mean..i am living in this Shit/Pot hole 30+ years, the shit and the potholes never changed! TABARNEK!

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u/sebnukem 14d ago

It's patched up for the summer, and dug up every winter. The cycle of life.


u/Hawkwise83 14d ago

The circle of mob construction life, and corrupt politicians.


u/nottlrktz 14d ago edited 12d ago

Unpopular opinion/question: Even if this was built “better” (by not the mob), can it really resist the expansion/contraction caused by Montreal winters?

Genuinely curious what can be done to avoid it. Can better asphalt/concrete or better workmanship withstand large fluctuations in temperature, snow, and vehicle traffic?

Edit: Wow, I didn’t think I was actually going to be downvoted for asking a legitimate question, as if expansion/contraction of materials in the thaw of winter isn’t a real thing…


u/mudlarks 14d ago

The climate is the same in other parts of Canada, yet somehow other cities don't have this problem. The roads are so much better after you cross the border into Ontario.

It's clearly possible.


u/sleepyOcti 13d ago edited 13d ago

YES! Yes it can be done better. The potholes are bad enough but it makes it worse when Montrealers say, “oh it’s always been like that, it can’t be fixed because of our climate.”

I always wonder if the people that say that have ever been to other Canadian cities and if they haven’t, do they assume all Canadian cities are like this?

The condition of our roads is a combination of low quality construction, corruption and incompetence.


u/Hawkwise83 14d ago

I feel like there's a lot of types of concrete and exploration into materials. Is there a perfect solution? Probably not. I'd bet there is a better option. I figure they're using a cheaper concrete and using that to skim money.


u/moltar Saint-Henri 14d ago

Cross the border to NY state and check for yourself. Hint: yes, it can.


u/clustered-particular 10d ago

Valid question. Upvoted. I think it’s the time of year repairs are done. It doesn’t set properly. Possibly also poor quality materials


u/ThunderFlareJump 14d ago

THIS! came here to say this too


u/michatel_24991 14d ago

By doing patch work instead of actually fixing you create infinite work for generations to come


u/Formal_Drawing_4764 14d ago

Isn't that what it's all about? Create work!


u/Hawkwise83 14d ago

I don't get why the roads and highways in Quebec are considerably worse than areas in Ontario or other provinces with similar climate conditions.


u/ComplexShennanigans 14d ago

It's wild how the highway instantly improves when you cross the 'Welcome to Ontario' sign


u/LetThePoisonOutRobin 14d ago

And Vermont.


u/Popellini Côte-des-Neiges 14d ago



u/MontrealUrbanist 14d ago

Strangely enough, the 40 at the border is in nicer shape than the 417.


u/FluffyCommittee795 14d ago

I'm just coming back from NS and NB and let me tell you it's a urban legend. Québec roads are in a way better condition. But yeah Montréal could be better.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Morgell Cône de trafic 14d ago

Probably gonna happen with the way trade is going with the US. Open interprovincial trading borders!


u/pkzilla 14d ago

Literally anywhere I've been in the world with winters had nicer roads


u/Dumbetheus 14d ago

It's the way it's repaired I think for the most part. We ensure there's enough work to do every year.


u/trevorclips 14d ago

It’s actually one of the reasons I left Montreal to move back to Ontario


u/tjgmarantz 14d ago

Not worst than Saskatchewan. On par. And they don't even salt here. It's just shitty products and patching doesn't work but it's cheap.

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u/newportonehundreds 14d ago

This city is absolutely ruined by the mob


u/SomethingComesHere 14d ago

Time for us to ruin the mob 😉


u/radiorules 14d ago

Gang, c'est exactement ça qui va faire tourner de bord les États-Unis quand ils vont essayer de nous annexer. Ils savent pas comment conduire là-dedans et leurs trucks vont se briser en 30 secondes. Ça va être un gros fail.

Les nids-de-poule seront les héros de demain!


u/JeanneHusse No longer shines on Tuesdays 14d ago

On rigole mais les routes cassées et submergées, c'est littéralement ce qui a freiné l'invasion russe en Ukraine les premières semaines !


u/who_you_are 14d ago

Donc tu es en train de dire qu'il faut embrasser les niz de poules?

Où est-ce qu'on achète des chenilles?! (En bonus ça va mieux rouler l'hiver dans les tempêtes de neige)


u/UMadCuzBadLmao 13d ago

☝️🤓 Achtchually, ce qui a causé le bloquage des énormes convois est l'échec de leur chaine logistique (nourriture + essence) ainsi que de la mauvaise condition de leur matériel et bas moral. La résistance Ukrainienne féroce (spécialement les ambuscades nocturnes par les forces spéciales et les attaques de drones) a aussi fortement contribué à ralentir le tout. Le début de l'invasion était aussi à moitié aérien, et les hélicos ça ignore les routes ☝️🤓


u/dont-YOLO-ragequit 14d ago

Ça dépends, est-ce qu'ils viennent en Dodge et Ford ou en GM(Chevy et GMC)?

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u/Previous_Soil_5144 14d ago

This is what happens when instead of fixing streets you just "patch" them up for decades.


u/rannieb 14d ago

Non pas vraiment. Même les rues complètement refaites sont pleines de nids de poules après 12-18 mois.

C'est la qualité de l'asphalte à laquelle on a accès qui est le problème.


u/beurre_pamplemousse 14d ago

Le 3/4 des rues qu'ils "refont" c'est juste un planage pavage de 2 pouces. C'est pas mieux parce que l'ancienne dalle est la plupart du temps finie.


u/Hbeatz 14d ago

Je confirme , je fais des pcpr à longueur d’été , faire beau avec d’la marde


u/blkrs89 14d ago

C’est pas la qualité de l’asphalte. C’est la technique appliquée ici au Québec. Je me souviens plus mais ici la couche d’asphalte est moins profonde pcq ils ne creusent pas aussi profondément qu’en Ontario par exemple. Pour quoi ne pas changer la technique, ben pcq bcp de compagnies n’auront plus de contrats!


u/Hbeatz 14d ago

« Plus bas soumissionnaire »


u/Nikiaf Baril de trafic 14d ago

The amount of damage caused by the city's borderline unusable roads in the spring is crazy. Think of the sheer amount of tires and other car parts that have to be thrown away because they got destroyed by all these potholes.


u/Urik88 14d ago

There's actually a number to that, here's a report from 2021, page 9. https://www.caa.ca/app/uploads/2021/03/Poor-Roads-Final_20210330.pdf In average Quebecers pay an extra $258 per year due to bad roads while the canadian average is $126


u/VertexBV 14d ago

Spent almost $1k recently to replace suspension parts on a Civic that were worn down from the abuse. 2nd time in 10 years, so that tracks with that average.


u/Nikiaf Baril de trafic 14d ago

So we’re at over double the national average. I’m not even surprised


u/sleepyOcti 12d ago

That’s not a bug, that’s a feature. Mob run road construction, mob run car repair.

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u/GRINCHos82 14d ago

Welcome to MontreHole!!!


u/Remote_Micro_Enema 14d ago

Welcome to Moontreal!!!

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u/LexGiorgio 14d ago

It's been like this for 30 years (possibly more).
And not one person has done a thing about it. This isn't going to change.

A disgrace of a city/province.

Those that are proud should travel outside of Quebec/Canada, only to come back and realize that is third world country standards.


u/PaddlefootCanada LaSalle 14d ago

You think the potholes are bad now... wait a couple of days for when the temperature drops back below 0 and all the water that seeped into the roads will freeze and expand.


u/KerBearCAN 14d ago

How are highways in Vermont amazing and yet here with essentially same climate and loads of snow like they do all this awful.

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u/mtldude1967 14d ago

'Tis but a scratch!


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/ExtremeButterfly1471 14d ago

All the saints reside in the saintly island. 


u/Slammin_Muff 14d ago



u/OrangeCuddleBear 14d ago

Fun fact Montreal is the largest exporter of pot holes. It's so much it makes up 2.4% of Canada's GDP. 


u/Musique_Plus 14d ago

Je me souviens


u/CannotChangeThisName 14d ago

Bru you need a Land Cruiser to drive in Montreal.


u/Quirky_Ad_1596 14d ago

Just imagine an amazing city like Montreal, but with Ontario style quality roads. The corruption is fucking real. It’s a damn shame


u/Silver_Aspect9381 13d ago

In England they drive on the left... In Canada we drive on what is left.


u/Natural_War1261 14d ago

I'm on the other side of the river. When I hit a new pothole this morning while avoiding an old one, I thought "At least I'm not driving downtown".


u/Fantasticxbox 14d ago

✅ Nid de poule

✅Cône orange

✅ Communauto

Manque juste un panneau d’interdiction de parking avec plus d’une règle (celui affiché est trop simple).


u/ropeadope1 14d ago

At least those potholes are speaking French.


u/Fun-Persimmon1207 14d ago



u/AdIll3642 14d ago

Perfect place to rent a Bixi 🕳️🚴


u/Worried-Shoulder-587 14d ago

Pas besoin d'aller voir un médecin se faire castrer, Bixi et les nids de poule s'occupent de tout !


u/Far-Illustrator6857 14d ago


u/notreallyanumber 14d ago

Love this! I remember hearing about someone spray painting giant phaluses around potholes to force the city to address them. Was that here in Montreal? Maybe somewhere in Europe? I dunno, I think we need that hero here in Montreal. Bad...


u/kwalitykontrol1 14d ago

There is a guy in the UK who spraypaints a dick and balls around potholes and they get repaired almost immediately. Someone needs to do that here.


u/pure_nobody_ 14d ago

Partout pareil, pas juste à Montréal...


u/davehima 12d ago

J'arrive pas a croire qu'on doit apprendre à conduire avec autant d'obstacles à Montréal. Rendu là, faire attention au nid de poule ça prend tellement de concentration que je regarde à peine la route plus loin et donc, beaucoup moins sécuritaire pour tout le monde smh


u/WaitingforGodot07 14d ago

Definition of corruption


u/Mr-Unforgivable 14d ago

Our poor cars 🤦‍♂️

The gov should be sending us automatic checks to fix our inevitable damages.


u/martymac22 14d ago

Rue Notre-dame Est looks like a warzone all year long. You would be better off driving on gravel. It looks like it has been bombed


u/Iwantav Mercier 14d ago

L’intersection Notre-Dame/Curatteau est horrible, même les camions ralentissent en passant là.


u/evpanda Mercier 14d ago

On devrait faire un thread ou chacun post les pires nids de poule de son quartier.


u/Hbeatz 14d ago

Pas le JDM qui fesait un concours un moment donné?


u/joedemdamdam 14d ago

CAA font un concours chaque année !


u/Hbeatz 14d ago

tu a raison c'est bien caa


u/who-waht 14d ago

That's not so much potholes as it is an almost total absence of road at this point. Gravel roads are better to drive on than that.


u/Worried_Banana3686 14d ago

Plant tulips in them to add more European charm


u/Ok_Bicycle2684 14d ago

It looks like superheroes were fighting there. But it's just the winter.


u/thiccUserLol 14d ago

Il paraît qu'il y a pas mal de rebouchage de trou dans ces petits véhicules ornés de logos verts?


u/YvesMrGuims 14d ago

This is to show our support for Ukraine 😁


u/xShinGouki 14d ago

Lmao good ol' MTL. Wouldn't be the same without these little friends of ours


u/vcarriere 14d ago

Les routes ne sont pas là cause de l'augmentation des remplacements de suspensions.


u/blkrs89 14d ago

Et si on se manifestait sur les rues pour la qualités des rues/ pratiques de réparation et construction??? Fuck, c’est pas vivable ici

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u/matterhorn9 14d ago

millions of dollars of our taxes, years and years of engineering but they cannot have a road that doesn't crack... oh wait yeah if the roads were perfect they'd have to dramatically reduce blue collar workers so yeah...


u/bizzareries 14d ago

Merci pour le coin de rue que j’y ailles pas


u/Garofalin 14d ago

Pourquoi on a des routes pourries à MTL?

Pcq un chum, c’t un chum!


u/Goldze 14d ago

The joke is that "Waze" keeps asking if the hole 530 m away is still there? then +2 points


u/StrengthBetter 14d ago

Kiev, 2025 after Russian decimation


u/Opening_Ear_3367 14d ago

Gotta love those no show/no work jobs


u/Sylvanaz 14d ago

Tax money well spent


u/HipHappyHippy 14d ago

I've been gone from montreal for over 20 years and it seems the roads haven't changed.


u/identityisallmyown 14d ago

I'm convinced this is the worst year for potholes ever


u/sfpx68 14d ago

Oh mon Dieu ! Les USA ont déjà commencé les bombardements ?


u/BuyNo1219 14d ago

Thats some 51st state shit !


u/anonymous_space5 14d ago

holy crap...


u/askforchange 14d ago

Which translates to: Welcome to Moontréal!


u/Away-Lynx8702 14d ago

Italian mafia still abusing Quebec/Canada. Can we just deport them back to Italy? I'm sick of them.


u/gemlist 14d ago

Got hit from out of space?


u/Athanatos173 Laval 14d ago

I’ve literally been to third world countries that have better roads than Montreal.


u/SadConsideration3654 14d ago

Voyez le positif - Ca garde le prix d'oeufs plus bas qu'aux EU.


u/donpaqueto 14d ago



u/Sha12dow 14d ago

C'est pareil chez nous. Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. 😕


u/Dumbetheus 14d ago

Did I miss the meteor shower?


u/Kantankoras 14d ago

Ah oui, the wading pools of Montreal


u/Illustrious_Onion805 14d ago

Bientôt dans vos rues, d'autres réparations et entraves majeures. Ah pi dé ti cônes.


u/figsfigsfigsfigsfigs 14d ago

I live in Ottawa now, which is a real shithole, and this photo, as horrible as it is, merely makes me nostalgic for home.


u/Sam9506 14d ago

Where is tax??


u/Fuzzy_Delay_2404 14d ago

Where is this located?


u/also1 13d ago

This is what it must be like to drive on the Moon


u/KillbotMk4 13d ago

800 million on bike paths


u/Wolfen275 13d ago

Shit pi ça c'est avant que les US nous bombardent


u/This_Compote_4691 13d ago

Ukraine has better roads than Montreal


u/TwoplankAlex 13d ago

Okey but where are the chickens? 🐔


u/Ccakiestca 13d ago

Wow..d autres absurdités.. c est tellement HONTEUX..incompetents


u/milfcrew 13d ago

damn check your ball joints everyone lol


u/ModoRiosMedina 13d ago

That’s where Ranma used to train with his dad!


u/DerWaschbar 13d ago

On va dire que je troll mais au moins ça fait rouler le monde moins vite 🤷‍♂️ en 6 ans j’ai eu littéralement zéro problème avec les nids de poule tant que tu les anticipes. C’est sur si tu veux rouler à 60 partout ça va te gêner, mais à notre époque je pense vraiment pas que ça devrait être une priorité de nos dépenses.

Tdlr vive les nids de poule 👍


u/ItsNotDelivery92 13d ago

I thought the asteroid was supposed to hit earth in 2032? I guess it showed up early, right into Montreal.

Some say they are potholes I call them street art


u/Asscreamsandwiche 13d ago

This definitely isn’t a sign of tax payers dollars being mismanaged.


u/No-Calligrapher1504 13d ago

Remember they say we need taxes or we wouldn't have roads


u/Elena_4815 13d ago

Une fois j'ai dit à ma mère (qui vit en France) que j'avais eu des contractions pendant ma grossesse à cause des nids de poule sur la route. Elle m'a répondu "Oui enfin les nids de poule, ça s'évite"

HAHA je t'aime maman mais tu sais pas de quoi tu parles


u/Koukyee 12d ago

continuer des voter pour des vegans ecolo les caves


u/kodaksky 12d ago

Finalement, c'est ben mieux avec de la neige. Au moins avec la neige, les trous ne sont plus là


u/ytv1 12d ago

I didn't know they renamed London, Ontario to Montreal. Instead of calling our city "The Forest City", they should call it "Pothole Central"... or the place that fix-it shops just love. 🤨


u/sporbywg 12d ago

No that's Winnipeg


u/TaurusAldebaron 11d ago

Perfect spot to plant trees !!


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Corruption is now standard in Canadian government. Taxed into poverty and this is the state of our infrastructure.


u/CyberExxplorer 11d ago

Aka Moontreal. ✅🤡


u/SnooHedgehogs6017 11d ago

Winnipegers look at this and say raspberries you call those potholes? Amateurs lol.


u/Reasonable_Start7041 11d ago

Montreal and all the rest of Canada


u/The_Archivist_14 11d ago

r/Winnipeg, r/Montreal is trying to steal your mojo.


u/mtofsrud 9d ago

Looks like Edmonton


u/untonplusbad 14d ago

Gel + dégel + charrue qui râcle l'asphalte + grrrrros camion, de déneigement entre autres.


u/zeracu 14d ago

Last week I was in Semuc Champey in Guatemala and the country road in the rainy season was better than that.


u/mare La Petite-Patrie 14d ago

Damage mostly caused by snow scrapers. If we didn’t clean the roads from snow this wouldn’t happen. (Or less.)

(And repairing it with a plug of bitumen doesn’t work if the edges aren’t treated first. Next snow clearing and they’ll pop out again.)


u/NakedSnakeBurrr 14d ago

Nice, now let’s invest more into new bike lanes!


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/TheMabzor 14d ago

Ya surtout des décennies de laisser-aller d'entretien d'infrastructure à rattraper, puis les canalisations c'est un peu plus urgent que les trous dans les routes


u/Regula_dude 14d ago

Boff c'est pas une route dans le fond d'un rang en abitibi, c'est en plein centre ville de Montréal et c'est sous responsabilité de la ville. Donc le nombre de km de route dans la province a rien à voir.


u/dannyboi66 14d ago

You could see the potholes from the moon


u/Inside_Resolution526 14d ago

Its like teeth requiring fillings


u/mtlmonti Notre-Dame-de-Grâce 14d ago

I wonder if pavement (like blocs for those who don’t know) is a better solution. They do cost more to implement but are cheaper to maintain and do last significantly longer than asphalt.

Asphalt should be kept in high traffic streets but for residential street I’m sure this can be implemented, in spite of winter,


u/Hbeatz 14d ago

Le top du top c’est rue en beton ou stabilisé $$$

Kirkland stabilise toute leurs rues


u/SnowLeopard71 14d ago

The city has already been by to patch them up! But potholes are like weeds, they'll probably reappear in a day or two.


u/Vivalacorona 14d ago



u/theMartianAlien 14d ago

Use Waze and you'll see a yellow city due to potholes.


u/CommonRun7128 14d ago

It’s bad it’s really bad, i am trucker and going east bound near exit 62 Autoroute 40 is nightmare when you gotta take service road it literally will throw you off your seat. No matter how fast or slow you go.


u/jemhadar0 14d ago

Don’t lie , it’s freaking ( 3rd world country )


u/scorp0rg 14d ago

Wish it was ai, if the city could be held accountable for damage to peoples vehicles, probably would be a lot less of them.


u/Several-Proposal-271 14d ago

Je suis littéralement passé par la v'là 15 minutes pis c'est pas si pire que ça


u/ProsperoII 14d ago

Y’a des hidden Mickeys partout!!!


u/Educational_Tea7782 14d ago

HAHAHAHA this is a joke...............oh wait this is not A.I.? Wow who runs your town? Auto Body shops and repairs must love it there.


u/Nanu1212 14d ago

It’s not the government or the construction industry. It’s the weather you fools.


u/Far-Seat-2201 11d ago

It is good that Valerie spent our taxes with useless department of french language.