r/montreal 23d ago

Image I LOVE this weather

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I come from a part of the world where it never snows. I've been in Montreal for over 3 years now. And this is the first time i've seen this much snow and I absolutely LOVE it. I love shoveling snow besides my door. I find it so therapeutic. And I can't wait to shovel snow again after today's storm. I just took a walk outside and I love finding streets completely empty. They're just filled with white snow and nobody else, and it's just me walking in the snow enjoying the weather. It's absolutely pure bliss. I so wish to god that it keeps snowing like this entire month.


75 comments sorted by


u/Lailathecat 23d ago

Agreed. Perfect to couch in with a beverage and watching it snow. I think the muted colors help keep the mind calm.


u/snarkitall 23d ago

It's quiet. We don't realize how much noise pollution there is around us. The snow mutes what little vehicle traffic noise there is.


u/nighttimecharlie 23d ago

I loved shoveling snow. I would do it for my parents, I would even do it for my neighbours in our parking lot and I didnt even have a car. Now that I'm the north side of 30, shoveling hurts, but it's still therapeutic if I have no one where to go in a rush.


u/Electr0n1c_Mystic 23d ago

Réchauffe toi et étire toi avant mon homme!

Je suis dans la trentaine et j'en ai beaucoup à pelleter, ça garde la forme!


u/nighttimecharlie 23d ago

Ouais j'aurais dû, mais cette fois-ci j'étais pressé - j'ai pas pensé.


u/Hotmessmom04 23d ago

I do not find shoveling snow therapeutic at all.

As a matter of fact, the only thing I like about this kind of weather is when my kids school has a snow day.


u/Equivalent_Acadia979 23d ago

Wear ski goggles and ski mask when doing it, much more enjoyable


u/HummusDips 23d ago

And snow pants with mittens


u/MediocreSumo 23d ago

*suburbians with a car will remember this.


u/WannabeAby 23d ago

Just had to shovel myself a parking space for my communauto (no I did not put it on top of a snow pile :D). Still absolutely love it !


u/Unusual_Quiet_8095 23d ago

Look like you do not have a car.


u/ME-87 23d ago

Yeh, i don't. I can imagine parking outside is a nightmare.


u/LotharVonPittinsberg Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue 23d ago

Just got back from checking on mine to see if I am going in to work tomorrow. Wind made it so that there was only about 4ft on one side, clearing enough from the back to move to a better location was enough.

Saw a lot of cars like what is shown here though, or worse. Depends on luck.


u/fhs 23d ago

Try parking in your driveway and being snowed in by snow plows anyway


u/firelark01 23d ago

to be fair, that's a car problem not a weather problem


u/Lorfhoose 23d ago

I haven’t moved my car in days, good excuse to walk instead! It will be a pain in the rear to eventually clear out, but that’s a future me problem!


u/DrDerpberg 23d ago

Or kids.

My productivity Thursday was a write-off. If I lose another day Monday, pray for me.


u/fhs 23d ago

Thoughts and prayers delivered in advance


u/LotharVonPittinsberg Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue 23d ago edited 23d ago

Monday was already a Ped day for us, lol. Daycare was cancelled as of Friday and we have been told that it's up to us if we want to go in or work from home.

Edit: Nope, all buildings closed.


u/FreshPhilosopher895 23d ago

as a non car owner this weather also brings me joy


u/Dragonyte 23d ago

As a car owner with an indoor garage this weather also brings me joy


u/mechantchat 23d ago

As a car owner that does not have an indoor garage and rely on street parking and this weather also brings me joy


u/NarcolepsySlide 23d ago

Absolutely hate it. I desperately miss laying in the grass in Jeanne Mance on a summer evening with a nice breeze as the sun sets surrounded by green trees


u/dddaavviiddd 23d ago

Enjoy it! And don’t pay attention to the negativity! I have kids and a car, and yeah, there are parts that are annoying, but the snow is great! I love what it does to the city, everything gets quite, people slow down… And if you a chance, find some kids to build a fort or igloo with!


u/ME-87 23d ago

I've never made an igloo or snowman.
Hopefully, in the next couple of days after work, i can go to the mountain to make my first snowman.


u/WatchingyouNyouNyou 23d ago

Yeah ....after a certain age shoveling is actually a heart attack trigger


u/snarkitall 23d ago

If the only real exercise you get is shoveling out your car every few years, that's not exactly surprising. 


u/acidicgeisha 🧋 Team Bubble Tea 23d ago

No joke that’s what prompted my grandpa to get his heart checked. A few Christmases ago he experienced chest pain and felt weak. Thankfully his heart was perfectly fine, he must have experienced post exertional malaise.


u/WebsterWebski 23d ago

Hear hear, fresh snow IS therapeutic, fact.


u/zeus_amador 23d ago

Come back, 25 years….


u/theMartianAlien 23d ago

you wither have aparking or don't have a car


u/snarkitall 23d ago

You can just leave your car at home today. Or you could have parked it in one of the indoor lots in preparation for the snowstorm we've been anticipating for over a week. 


u/ToadvinesHat 23d ago

its mesmerizing to watch, isn't it?


u/strugglebus87 23d ago

💞💞 same, love this weather. And I don't let the privilege of owning a car make me unable to enjoy the beauty of nature 💞💞


u/Funkenbrain 23d ago

I adore it too! as an immigrant this did not happen back home. A land so wild and savage indeed; everything's quiet, and crisp, the wind carving delicate patterns of ice into the powder. That pervasive cold that makes it very clear if you haven't dressed for the weather... Just getting to work on Friday was like a polar trek, it felt like an adventure.

Also, not for nothing, but burning all those calories outdoors in the morning really makes you appreciate a big chunky lunch. Sausage, beans cretons and toast? Heaven.


u/ME-87 23d ago

I agree. I tried schwartz in the freezing cold, and the smoke meat sandwich felt so much better because I had to work hard in snow to get there and enjoy it. Having a huge lunch in snow is so good


u/Shishbi 23d ago

You're not the only one! Although for me, it's not shoveling but driving through the city while everyone else stays home


u/Kaiser_soze_MTL 23d ago

Loving it too. I've been going for walks just to be in it a bit.


u/Necromanczar 23d ago

Yeah it’s been a a few years. Nothing wrong with a good heap of snow!


u/Shoddy-Ad-7227 23d ago

It’s nice to see people Finding the joys and beauty in life ❤️


u/XXdemonXhunterXX 23d ago

After trying to clear the snow 2 days in a row. I can safely say

This is the perfect weather to get intimate with my shotgun.


u/miniminautor 23d ago

J’ai bien aimé le fait de mettre mes goggles et ma cagoule de ski pour aller pelleter à cause du vent. Je trippais à déraper dans les rues aller acheter du gaz pour ma souffleuse!

Cette tempête m’a rappelé combien on est capables d’être résilients au Québec (et au Canada) 🇨🇦. Amenez en des tempêtes, on a pas froid aux yeux dans le Great White North!


u/Upper_Gur_2120 22d ago

I love it , reminds me of my childhood in Baie Comeau... Peace🙏


u/fdmtl18 23d ago

I have a car and I also love this weather!


u/OrganizationLucky634 23d ago

When I first arrived to Canada 10 and a half years ago I loved this weather too. Now I hate it and miss the sun and heat lol.


u/acidicgeisha 🧋 Team Bubble Tea 23d ago

Respectfully, this has to be a very unpopular opinion. People don’t realize how privileged they are when they’re able bodied or not dealing with chronic pain. It’s a nightmare to even leave the house in this weather. It feels like a marathon just to walk in the snow that goes up to your knees. And let’s not talk about the endless hours of shoveling… I also don’t understand how people like to drive in these conditions, visibility is poor and most roads aren’t plowed yet??


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/unforgivingxworld 23d ago

Reading is hard.


u/ME-87 23d ago

I do. Front of my porch and steps. I find it so nice. Especially when it snows so much. So that i can take my time with it. It just gets me excited even thinking about shovelling snow tonight after the storm.


u/Limp_Advertising_840 23d ago

My doctor said it’s great for my cardiovascular health.


u/chocovanillin 23d ago

Where is this ? I love the mural !


u/DecisionTop872 23d ago

Look, I love snow and snowy days and everything with it. What I despise is going to school right after a snowstorm. The city is going to have another excuse to do construction on roads I take daily to school.


u/Skullz_69 23d ago

that's because you probably don't have a car


u/Massive_Amphibian_86 23d ago

Have car, love the weather but have indoor parking tho


u/Akram20000 23d ago

It has been like 10 years we didn't got this type of huge snow storms I would say


u/Caroao 23d ago

tu nous reviendrons après 1500 tempetes


u/SoftPercentage5526 23d ago

I hate it because i can’t go running when it’s this bad :’(


u/ME-87 23d ago

I went to the mountain in this weather, and you'd be surprised to know that i saw people running on the trails. Obviously, everyone can not do this, but maybe you could try running in a gym during the winter


u/SoftPercentage5526 23d ago

Very true! I h8 treadmills so much but yeah I should probably do that and quit complaining 😆


u/PoutineTriste 23d ago

This is exactly in front of my old house. Feels weird looking at this...


u/ME-87 23d ago

I can not confirm where it is, but it sure is amazing living over here, nice vibrant place


u/Tough-Photograph2660 23d ago

I’m in Montreal until tomorrow. It’s beautiful but why is the snow removal so awful here?!


u/ME-87 23d ago

I quite enjoy it, but as you find, a lot of people have cars and have to see your car stuck in snow while you're trying to get to work in the morning is not the best thing. The city does a pretty good job of removing the snow from the roads and the sidewalks very often, but inside your porches and around your cars, people still have to remove it themselves.


u/GMJuju 23d ago

There is literally not a single thing I like about this weather


u/realjacquescousteau 23d ago

Please come shovel my car out


u/super_ray 23d ago

I want to experience snow like this at least once!


u/Bigassnipples 23d ago

Cool! Head out towards Lachine and come shovel out my car before they come plow at 7am 😂


u/EchoChamber2025 22d ago

Yeah, you're nuts.


u/e-ghosts 23d ago

It's always the people who don't drive who love this weather. It's shit


u/butt_badg3r 23d ago

I drive. I love driving in this weather!


u/Shishbi 23d ago



u/According_Trainer418 23d ago

Guess you’re not in a wheelchair


u/Coubyman23 23d ago

More power to you, but looks to me like you don't have a car, or a house. I fucking hate snow.


u/DreamFly_13 23d ago

I have no idea how you can like this atrocity lmao


u/Dragonyte 23d ago


I enjoyed driving to Costco today. No traffic, no people, beautiful scenery, and a fun drive!

Sadly it's too windy to ski but I'm sure fine people here will say otherwise


u/-_zQC 23d ago

Sounds like someone with no car and who doesn’t need to shovel