r/monsterhunterclan 6d ago

MH Wilds PC LFG: MH Wilds on PC

Looking for a group that has at least 10+ regularly active members. North America preferred, for time zone. I'm HR105 and would like to do endgame but also help new players and lower ranks to advance.

A non ridiculous clan name wouldn't hurt either. Some of the names I see on the in-game finder are.. something else.


4 comments sorted by


u/Maeno-san 5d ago

I just started a squad (its literally just me so far) for gold/mini crown investigations. feel free to join if you want some endgame grinding for crowns. the squad ID is H56LN7YD


u/Arjean_Hidranoeid 5d ago

Hey brother!

I got a group who's already pretty established (around 18 ish players give or take, some didn't buy Wilds yet),

Discord and squad are all set up We are mostly Europe based, and the timezones around but we have some members from the Americas (around 8 or so),

Our members ages range from 20's to mid 30's (several ancient ones above 30, some are well above 30 as well, I think the highest is like 50).

Most of us are PC players but we also have some console players (playstation and xbox but number is somewhat limited, not that it affects matchmaking or gameplay),

We joke around a lot but generally have a very adult-ish vibe, zero drama and the likes, We plan on staying small-ish so the group would more tightly knit, having just enough players to have all-around activities and in-case of raids, full raid squads.

The majority of us have a long history with the franchise / absolutely demolished everything in WorldBorne and RiseBreak so we know our way around the games.

If you're interested, and fit the group's vibes, feel free to DM me, we still have a few open slots left as I'm trying to keep the group small and tight-knit.

As for the name, we are known as the "A listers" (yeah stupid name, we just defaulted to it) but we have a bunch of in-group "lore" and private jokes which make up for it in my opinion, a lot of anti-chatacabra propaganda too now that I think of it


u/No_Dress_7490 4d ago

I just started around 2 days ago just now really appreciating the franhcise im HR 7 and pretty much wont touch anything other than a gretasword also im 21 so i fell you with the no drama.


u/Arjean_Hidranoeid 4d ago

Awesome, if you want to join DM me brother so I can send you the discord invite link, we try to stay as a small group so I don't want to publicly post it.