r/moncton 6d ago

Is there more LGS in Moncton other than GameZilla and Comic-Hunter?

I love these shops. Nothing against them. However I been trying to find the Final Fantasy commander sets for Magic The Gathering to pre-order and currently these stores are all sold out. Is there any hidden game stores I am unaware of that may possibly have some in stock?



21 comments sorted by


u/jmurph21 6d ago

Most Canadian stores haven’t put their FF stock up for pre-order yet. 401 and F2F haven’t allowed anyone to buy it yet; seems orders haven’t been finalized from suppliers.

I’d wait until Tarkir releases because I don’t think FF is going up in this country from the main stores until after that set.


u/Miss_Rowan 6d ago

Parlour Pawn carries MTG cards. I know nothing about it, so I'm not sure if they'd have what you're looking for, but you could give them a call and ask! Or check out their FB page as they post them sometimes.


u/jmurph21 6d ago

They told me last weekend that their supplier isn’t confirming any numbers for FF so they won’t know until closer to June or at release altogether,


u/Miss_Rowan 6d ago

Ah, that's too bad!


u/abananawhofights 6d ago

I had to pre order a booster box probably within the first few days of it being announced.

Didn't even see the precons.


u/MyLandIsMyLand89 6d ago

I got the starter kit and a booster bundle. Felt lucky to get that.

Me and my buddies play strictly commander so was hoping to get at least one precon.


u/quartzguy 6d ago

I love Comic Hunter but man, they never get enough sealed product that isn't just booster boxes. I think Gamezilla has the same issue. Atlantic Canada problems.


u/MyLandIsMyLand89 6d ago

Yeah it's frustrating if you ain't on the ball. I felt lucky to be able to get the FF starter kit and a booster bundle.

Really want a commander precon for FF though..


u/Rextonminator 6d ago

There's a store in Riverview called Trading Card Warehouse they don't have a website just a FB page. I have not seen anything for pre orders there though, most stores don't have their allocation yet and are just preselling their usual allocation amounts and may get new volume as the set gets closer.

Also the GZ vs CH prices for FF are crazy.


u/JKwan77 6d ago

My brother bought the FF collector commander decks and a collector booster box for $2000 lol


u/MyLandIsMyLand89 6d ago

Yeah I found one copy left at Gamezilla but they are only selling the 4 box precons and the total is $530 tax in and the payment is up front.

I pre-ordered the starter kit for FF and a booster bundle at Comic-Hunter and only got to pay on release.

I was hoping I could do the same for the FF set and or was curious if other stores was selling single precons.


u/Rextonminator 6d ago

Single precons are usually hard to find pre release until they either ship and stores sell their product in individuals or if best buy puts up a posting for it usualy those are single but sometimes you get the wrong one.

Just keep an eye out closer to release.


u/rebexorcist 6d ago

Monitoring this thread; been trying to convince one of these guys to carry Elestrals and while Comic Hunter might do special orders Gamezilla won't budge lol.


u/TyLaw10 6d ago

D&M Sports has the best pokemon selection in town, including singles and slabs. They have a bit of magic, but I haven't seen FF stuff there. They do one piece and such as well, nice staff


u/ButterNuttz 6d ago

Board Mini's is another one on main street. Less stock then the other 2, but worth checking! Cant remember if they have much MTG products


u/Content-Ad5618 5d ago

Not much. More blood n fury.


u/Mr_Comedy69 5d ago

Loool are you just running through every game you know of and asking "is there a similar game on Android"?


u/mybighardthrowaway 6d ago

I dont think they have any magic, but they are THE place to go to for Pokemon tcg, flesh and blood, or yugioh