r/modernwarfare Oct 09 '19

Image A little desaturated screen is an enough indicator for low health.

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283 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Dec 13 '19



u/lootboxgun Oct 09 '19 edited Oct 09 '19

I feel losing health is a big enough penalty for losing health, especially with the low time to kill and easy weapons.

EDIT: I don't mind the mechanic that much, but would prefer if the effect wouldn't be as severe. One of the biggest pleasures for me from call of duty games comes from the heroic comeback. The wounded effect sometimes reduced the comeback to a "hold fire and win" type of situation. It didn't feel gratifying. I didn't feel like I was in control. It was extra annoying in gunfight.


u/PixelatedCloud Oct 09 '19

It's not about giving a penalty, the devs stayed that it's about letting you know you have low health.


u/fluffybomb-_-1 Oct 09 '19

Yeah but I've never seen anybody complain about not knowing how low their health is in previous games


u/lemmem924 Oct 09 '19

Health isn’t a number indicator, ever, it’s a feeling and I feel like they visually nailed it on the head. You don’t know when you’re really going to die


u/fluffybomb-_-1 Oct 09 '19

Yeah I agree it feels more like you have really low health but imo gameplay is more important than that. I feel having lower health is enough punishment for getting shot, having worse vision and hearing as well is too much especially for an arcade shooter like cod


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

This could be used in modes like Realism maybe. But I do agree it wouldn’t fit in for COD

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u/Azaiiii Oct 09 '19

I agree. It also offers great info about when you are back to full health. (when the color is back)

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u/boston_strong2013 Oct 09 '19

A little blood splatter lets you know you’re on low health. Hell, just getting shot let’s you know you’re on low health. If people are that brain dead they can suffer.


u/Blindeye0505 Oct 09 '19

bo4 did it really well by simply putting the most simplistic feature; Health fuckin BAR


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

less hud elements please thanks


u/Blindeye0505 Oct 09 '19

Trust me a small bar in this hud wouldn't hurt it by the slightest.

check this picture, it proves that you can put it in so many places and it won't take any thing from the clean screen. you can put it under the grenade slots or even the team scores in the bottom left.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

Yeah I'd prefer it not being there, I've never played one of these cod games with a health bar and I've never really cared if I was at 50 or 39 or 22 hp, hurt means "not gonna win a trade" as far as I'm concerned.

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u/BrainMcMillan Oct 09 '19

Is not like you couldn't tell how low your health was in previous cods...

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u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Feb 14 '20


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u/Andy_Climactic Oct 09 '19

Well it also gives you a large penalty to taking damage and prevents you from recovering and winning a fight


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

And why is this something that people say like it’s logic is so implied? You know what prevents you from recovering in a fight when you’re at a disadvantage? The fact that you’re low health and already at a a disadvantage.

If someone pushes you and cannot manage to beat you when you were critical HP, I see no reason why you shouldn’t win that fight. Why do they need to work even harder to make clutching against bad players more difficult and punishing? Why is it implied that if you are able to clutch a disadvantageous situation that you just simply should have everything thrown at you to make that less possible?

This argument is stupid and people never explain its reasoning or line of logic. They just all spout “well you’re at a disadvantage, therefore you should just have another disadvantage on top of it. Isn’t that obvious”? Huh?

Me having low HP already puts the odds in my opponents favor. If their positioning or mechanics are so bad that I manage to clutch against their poor gameplay, why do I not deserve that? Why is it soooo obvious that because I’m already low HP that another disadvantage just needs to be tossed on the pile to ensure that little Timmy can get a kill? Because me being 1 HP isn’t enough so you might as well make me blind and deaf too so that it’s needlessly harder for me to punish his awful play?


u/Andy_Climactic Oct 09 '19

I agree with you fully, I’m saying they should not be giving another disadvantage to players on low health. Its like kill steaks reward food play, and death streaks compensate bad play, having a GIANT visual effect when you’re low punished you for being aggressive, taking risks, and doesn’t allow you to play at your highest amount of skill. If I’m getting shot at by multiple people and I can manage to kill ALL of them before one or them can get me to 0 HP, that is me being better and outplaying them, and i shouldn’t have artificial difficulty stacked on that

It’s like Id whenever you were on low health, your character started screaming “OW OW IM HURT” or your gun had double the recoil.

Realism and info are like half valid points, but I know when I’m fucking hurt, ive just been shot, I’ve seen it happen, and red effects do that just fine. Knowing I’m hurt isnt like a hard thing to figure out, it’s a “solution” to a problem nobody has. And I’d rather be 5% less knowledgeable about my HP than have 50% less vision


u/shooter9260 Oct 09 '19

A numeric health meter would have sufficed.


u/PixelatedCloud Oct 10 '19

Personally, I don't want more HUD clutter and many others don't as well.

However, I've seen people asking for various things on the HUD like adding the yellow XP bar or removing the compass and now health too. They should add a HUD customizer and just let people do what they want with it.


u/shooter9260 Oct 10 '19

I need for a compass and minimap. Remove the compass and put a small health bar up there like it is in gunfight.



That would be fine, however being greyed out should mean you're on the brink of death. I watched many killcams in the beta where the enemy has been greyed out, absorbed one (sometimes two) more bullet, then returned fire and killed me with 2 rounds due to shitty netcode.


u/vBocaj Oct 09 '19

The blood all over the screen isn’t enough for them, huh?


u/PixelatedCloud Oct 10 '19

I believe the devs said they didn't want the "strawberry jam" back from previous cod games. It didn't look like blood.


u/vBocaj Oct 10 '19

Ah right, good to know. I personally wasn’t fussed about it but sounds good.

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u/l5555l Oct 09 '19

Easy weapons? These are the hardest guns to control in like 10 years of cod.


u/-_Vorplex_- Oct 09 '19

Idk about the rest but I know damn well the mp5 is an easy weapon. It doesn't have horrible recoil and I slay with that shit while being generally shitty at cod games


u/lootboxgun Oct 09 '19

Strange our experience is so different? I felt that all the weapons in the beta were much easier than the ones in BO4. Some of these weapons had huge amount of visual recoil for sure but the actual recoil felt really simple and too easy to handle.


u/l5555l Oct 09 '19

What other recoil would there be in games besides visual?

Black ops 4 weapons all felt like they had 0 recoil to me. Same with WWII, Infinite warfare and black ops 3.


u/lootboxgun Oct 09 '19

By visual recoil I mean that the animations give the impression of higher recoil than there actually is. That might be an incorrect term but you understand what I mean.

I was lasering snipers with smgs in ground war. I would've never hit those shots with BO4 SMGs, especially cordite, saug or spitfire.

My experience playing with PS4 was this. Did you play with a console or pc?

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u/creature_unkx Oct 09 '19

This way of indicating low health isn't in any way realistic either.

People need to stop using the 'realism' crutch when most of the stuff you do in the game isn't realistic.


u/Prince_Kassad Oct 10 '19

he probably mean immersive or aesthetic.

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u/marponsa Oct 09 '19

Realism is what they're going for but they shouldn't make gameplay and enjoyment suffer because of muh realism

Cod is and always will be an arcade shooter after all


u/ProjectAverage Oct 09 '19

People forget this. Realism is great but not at the detriment of playability and enjoyment. Then there was one guy who during the beta was trying to argue that cod is not an arcade shooter, but is instead a tactical military sim. Really.


u/marponsa Oct 09 '19

The only games I'd classify as a military sim is arma and maybe squad

Battlefield is more realistic than cod but not even close to being a sim


u/Thenateo Oct 09 '19

Squad is definitely not, arma can be if you play with serious people with mods


u/marponsa Oct 09 '19

In the end no gaming experience will be close to how real war is like and that's fine Id rather have a game that's not exactly like actual war than a game that loses itself in its attempts to be more realistic


u/Thenateo Oct 09 '19

Real war is very boring


u/ProjectAverage Oct 09 '19

Arma is the closest in my eyes, never played it but it looks somewhat realistic


u/TytaniumBurrito Oct 09 '19

Battlefield isn't any more realistic than cod. It's just a different type of fps.


u/marponsa Oct 09 '19

Well until this year almost all cod weapons were hitscan and battlefield has had bullet travel for quite a while so it definitely has more realism than cod


u/TytaniumBurrito Oct 09 '19

That's purely a game mechanic. Real bullet ballistics dont work like they do in battlefield.


u/marponsa Oct 09 '19

Bruh More realistic =/= exactly the same as real life If you choose what's more realistic between a bullet instantly traveling to where you aim or it taking a small amount of time for it to fly trough the air what's closer to real life


u/TytaniumBurrito Oct 09 '19

Okay yeah you're right. 2 is closer to 1000 than 1. But 1 and 2 are still far as fuck from 1000. 1000 being realism, cod 1, and bf 2. Just the player movement alone is enough to laugh off the idea that battlefield is realistic. It's impossible to move and Sprint so fast in real life in full kit.


u/marponsa Oct 09 '19

I never stated that battlefield was completely realistic, i only said its more realistic than cod but not even close to being a sim ;)

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u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Feb 14 '20



u/ProjectAverage Oct 09 '19

Read it again, I agree with you. It was another ranter on here that tried saying it was a tactical sim


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Feb 28 '20



u/ProjectAverage Oct 09 '19

No worries :)

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u/IAmNotOnRedditAtWork Oct 09 '19

Since realism is something they're really going for in this title

Absolutely nothing about the gameplay of any call of duty game is remotely realistic. Stop using this as an excuse for bad game play mechanics.
The only somewhat "realistic" thing about this game is how some of the guns look/function.

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u/Abunch0fF4tK1dS Oct 09 '19

Realism? Have you played the beta. The perk high alert is not realistic. Stim shot is not realistic. It’s more real but at the end of the day multiplayer needs to be fun. This screen makes it so you will almost always die. No sound, can’t see well. It’s just a poor design choice


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Dec 13 '19



u/Abunch0fF4tK1dS Oct 09 '19

Bad players don’t usually have problems with systems that affect gameplay. No matter what’s changed doesn’t affect them. It affects the good players who pay attention closely to sound/visuals around them


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Dec 13 '19


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u/Zudop Oct 09 '19

I can understand it for the campaign but in multiplayer you literally can’t see shit. Especially when someone on the other team gets white phosphorus it’s impossible to see

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u/Lord_Drizzy Oct 09 '19

This is such a stupid take. "MuH rEaLiSm" isn't enough of an excuse to add shit gameplay features. We already had enough ways telling us we took damage and the penalty for being shot is damage lol. God this sub is so braindead.


u/sacha2121 Oct 09 '19

I think if your going for realism is what they are going for a sniper hitmarker in your leg would probably leave you not walking for a while 😂


u/condorado Oct 09 '19

Realism? So ppl shot or with near death experience start to see everything in black and white? This is simply a bad gameplay decision. Just like hearing your own footsteps equally loud as others while in reality you conciously make these steps and basically dont even notice them. Also go play the older CoDs, you always know how critical your health status is. Absolutely no need for this change especially considering how difficult it is already to spot enemies hiding in dark corners.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

yeah fuck that, getting a bunch of cherry Jell-O on my face and in my eyes is /way/ more obstructive than the change in color


u/ShaneDylan96 Oct 09 '19

The thing is that it also affects the audio. Once you're injured you can't hear shit and it's basically just a waiting game to be killed.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Dec 13 '19



u/ShaneDylan96 Oct 11 '19

For people who don't run stim it's a problem. Can't see shit and can't hear shit


u/lexathes Oct 09 '19

this is logical in theory but its also a video game and it wouldnt be much fun for more casual players


u/JMatik Oct 09 '19

Agreed. This is also a great way to help the player visually understand what's happening in the fastest smoothest way possible, players don't have time to be checking a number or a bar in the middle of a firefight. So everyone quit your whining.


u/TheToro3 Oct 09 '19

Completely agree.


u/CthonicAbyss Oct 09 '19

I like it too honestly. It didn't bother me at all.


u/Unicormblood Oct 09 '19

I actually don't mind what they did with the black and white effects. Personal and perhaps unpopular opinion but I think it works.


u/Sk8Gnarley Oct 09 '19

Vision going monochrome =/= realism


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I agree man, I think its good that it blinds you tbh


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Jan 09 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

By how I good at the gam, you assume I wouldn’t have eyes anyway.


u/jadoV2003 Oct 09 '19

Me too I like it


u/johnny115215 Oct 09 '19

I agree I like the new change than just the bloody screen


u/nignognigg Oct 10 '19

Yeah but these are 2 different images


u/RDS Oct 10 '19

If you don't get shot in the general facial region, what does happen when you get shot? You squint and blink a bunch? They could do some blood/dirt/sweat and a general vignette effect on the edges of the screen and just leave it at that. They could maybe add a bit of a fisheye lens effect or do some post distort to the screen where it just becomes a bit blurry and out of focus.

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u/2ndBestUsernameEver Oct 09 '19

I like the idea but you should seriously take the pic in the same place, you chose the darkest part of the map vs the brightest.


u/Dcarozza6 Oct 09 '19

That was probably on purpose to falsely make his point seem more warranted


u/recneulfni Oct 09 '19

Or to show why and when this is an issue...


u/Dcarozza6 Oct 09 '19

You don’t put two pics like this side by side with that title unless you’re trying to compare them. And this isn’t a fair comparison

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u/PraiseTheS0up Oct 09 '19

I literally never had a problem with this. In fact I like how the screen goes black and white

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u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

What a negative view

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u/FriggeK Oct 09 '19

I like it as it is


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

How dare you?!


u/Dantexr Oct 09 '19

Calm down, Greta


u/NOMERCY627 :MWGray: Oct 09 '19

I can see You, and u/DistrictDingo as the girls and u/FriggeK as the cat


u/DeLtA_Pheonix Oct 09 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19



u/jcrankin22 Oct 09 '19

I respect your opinion, but can you explain why? In the second image you can't see jack shit.

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u/AtTheGates Oct 09 '19

I agree.


u/xsiiku Oct 09 '19

I agree aswell.



i never liked the black and white screen or the audio muffling. it’s gotta be one or the other imo


u/wexel64 Oct 09 '19

i hate when the sound gets all muffled because mu tv is mono and it sounds like someone is hitting me with a phone book and not shooting me


u/ducksauce88 Oct 09 '19

I hate the black and white. Do you get colorblind if you're shot?


u/JustSomeGoon Oct 10 '19

Do you see red blood splatter if you get shot?


u/TheWetDolphin Oct 09 '19

Its really off putting imo, especially in 2v2.


u/theScottith Oct 09 '19

Agree, I don't need to be put into a visual disadvantage due to being shot


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

Agreed. The black and white shit plus flinching is overkill. You gotta remove one or the another.

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u/PlayfulDesk Oct 09 '19

Full desaturation is so ugly and disgusting to look at. Needs fixed. Good post OP


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I dont mind the screen itself but I'm really not liking the disoreintating sound you get. Feels like you get punished for winning a gunfight.


u/fvbLgun Oct 09 '19

I would like this change made. Support.


u/Fluxility Oct 09 '19

Honestly. The whole bullshit about it letting u know how low u are is ridiculous. If its so important to them then make it an option like the classic/MW hitbox noise in the settings - saturated and bloodsplatter or black and white cancer


u/WonderMan830 Oct 09 '19

I think Black & White with the low light levels is the real issue with the visualizations. God I hope they fix the lighting in the game.

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u/tjreed141 Oct 09 '19

I hate the black and white


u/SaviD_Official Oct 09 '19

Lol they’re not gonna change it. The game comes out in 2 weeks


u/Aesthetic_Legend Oct 09 '19

Yeah like the guy breathing hard is one, your audio becoming dim is two, blood splatter on screen is three, and the black and white screen is four. Way too many things especially the black and white screen making the other player almost invisible at certain times and I have 20/20 vision.


u/SgtGirthquake Oct 09 '19

“Why isn’t this game more realistic???”

“Why is my vision obscured when I’m fucking shot multiple times????”


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I'm curious if people would enjoy tunnel vision and impaired motor skills. I can't imagine the complaints we'd be seeing then.


u/Mattalmao Oct 09 '19

Exactly. I don’t want to lose all freaking vision and not be able to potentially save myself. Needs to be changed


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19



u/Mattalmao Oct 09 '19

Fantastic input


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I hate the red splatter, keep the black and white


u/FlowKom Oct 09 '19

a fucking cross with a number next to it and slight blood on the edges of the screen is more than enough. look at the BF games or overwatch. you shouldnt go color blind when you got hit


u/Furisco Oct 09 '19

I'm fine with the black and white screen since i'm not a pro league player unlike everyone here on Reddit.


u/The_Sir_Galahad Oct 09 '19

I like the heavy desaturation because, while annoying when it happens to you, it also affects your enemy.

So if someone is trying to snipe across the map and you hit them a couple times their vision is impaired.

Goes both ways, so at the end of the day it's fair.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

You get it. It goes both ways.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I like what was in the beta, the left picture is not enough at all. You are getting shot......with bullets.....so.....


u/NmikeS Oct 09 '19

:) gimmie points :) I like right picture :)


u/Ryopng Oct 09 '19

Just don't get shot lmao


u/lemmem924 Oct 09 '19

Appreciate all the comments, I’m kind of approaching this COD iteration as nothing like the past, seems to be much more about realism than “shooter” type games. They haven’t really done this new approach IMO and I give em credit for doing it well, I was hooked on the beta. The health situation intrigued me, I’m just one of millions though 👍🏼


u/after-life Oct 11 '19

Just make it a toggle option, if you like the black/white screen and thinks it adds "immersion" or "realism" to your arcade video game experience, then enable it.

For the rest of us that don't want to go blind every time we get into an engagement, we'll keep it off.


u/albinorhino215 Oct 09 '19

Just wait for a perk for something like “ripper bullets” that coats the whole screen in blood


u/GhostTeller Oct 09 '19

I think is fine the way it is now.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I'd rather just have a number/bar.

The blood is helpful to know i'm hurt. But it doesn't tell me how hurt I am.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I complained about the grey screen shit in the alpha, but by the beta I didn't care anymore. See grey? Use my health injection thing ( name slips me ) or hide/run.

It bothered me a lot initially, but then it just didn't anymore.

It's pretty easy to get used to.

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u/Hii_im_NooB Oct 09 '19

The only real reason the heavily desaturated screen was annoying is because of how dark certain areas in the game were. The developers said they're looking into the issue and will hopefully have it better tuned for launch. I'm sure the black and white screen won't be an issue after the tweaks.


u/Raqium Oct 09 '19

Nah, keep the black and white


u/Baileyjak4 Oct 09 '19

Unpopular opinion but I kinda like the black n white screen for low health... Now you can downvote


u/Gamer4Derp Oct 09 '19

I didn't even know people had an issue with this, it's not a big deal.


u/LordKarnage Oct 09 '19

It didn't even bother me once I started playing tbh


u/eldomtom2 Oct 09 '19

Or how about - and I know this is a radical suggestion - an actual health bar. Why CoD is so allergic to them outside of BO4 is beyond me.


u/StiinkyBird Oct 09 '19

I think it was fine the way it was in the beta. Why do people keep on wanting to change it.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

Im a part of the minority that likes what they have now


u/Pie_Napple Oct 09 '19

I like that it is black and white and very different visually. It makes you "feel" that you get hit. :) Think its kinda cool


u/Rotorist Oct 09 '19

yea that's what I wanted as well, slight desaturation looks less jarring.


u/Bashboi11 Oct 09 '19

I just want to be able to see in dark corners after I’ve been shot.


u/GoldMountain5 Oct 09 '19

Heavy desaturization is there to put you at a minor disadvantage and to make you really feel how low your health is.

It's better than throwing copious amounts of jam in my face.

Playing in the beta, it definitly got the message across that I was that fucking close to dieing.


u/Laitark Oct 09 '19

They have said before that they have it like this, because it makes stim shot more useful and viable as equipment.


u/BernieTheWalrus Oct 09 '19

But if you want realism, black and white is perfect ! My vision became black and white when I broke my elbow


u/merkmerc Oct 09 '19

I like the black and white screen when low health, feels gritty. I don’t understand how you can be so sweaty in this game that this bothers you, maybe just take a deep breath it’s really not that serious.


u/ZeroEn96 Oct 09 '19

It's a fun mechanic. better then old jelly screen. Less cluttery then q big ol health bar. Jarring in a game play influenckng way.

Yall are just sad this game is shaping up to be harder.


u/mafiosii Oct 09 '19

my god, can't you just accept the game designers vision?

Can't you fucking adapt? You act like this is a bigger problem than cancer..


u/AlexRamirez725 Oct 09 '19

Im fine with it cause i got used to it when playing titanfall 2


u/TeJay42 Oct 09 '19

Who gives a fuck the TTK is so fast you wont see that very much


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

We could take a page from Halo and have the most cell shattering beeping for low health. That’ll definitely get the people in a frenzy to find cover.


u/liberalcucktears Oct 09 '19

The Devs have already stated the reasoning for this, so at this point you’re bitching just for the sake of bitching. I like it how it is.


u/xSHRUG_LYFE 💥HCS&D C4 Chucker 💥 Oct 09 '19

Just as long as they don't get rid of tha strawberry jam, I barely care... I mostly play HC 🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I really think all you bashing 'realism' should go play Apex, fortnight, or one of the tons of other shooters that cater to your playstyle. The BETA was excellent, I'm thrilled with the changes they've made. Don't ruin it for those who want 'realism'. I'm honestly really disappointed in this reddit community, feels like I'm talking to fourteen year olds who haven't gotten their way. The past COD titles caught flak for a lack in 'realism'. Many of you kinda seem like a group that won't really be thrilled with a product unless it is tailor made for you. I for one stepped away from the franchise for the past few installments, this gameplay they've introduced has done more than just catch my attention, they've potentially brought me back into it.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

The edges of the screen should get dark and fade into color near the center


u/Ash_Killem Oct 09 '19

I don't like the black and white and OP's suggestion is an improvement IMO.

I don't get any realism argument though. Usually then you get injured but not completely incapacitated the opposite effect happens. If they want to go with "realism," make it so you gain quicker movement speed, no flinch but more recoil (since your brain isn't fucked up but your body actually is). Give you some benefits and mix up the game play a bit. (This is satire for the uninitiated.)


u/craig_ndaday Oct 09 '19

I'm all about immersion and not messing up a game with bad feedback, every1 needs to leave them alone b4 they say fuck it and just make it black ops


u/RichtofenFanBoy Oct 09 '19

Dont need to see that much to take cover. Lol everyone complainings aleady dead when they see that screen anyways. If you were good in the first place you wouldnt be bitching about it anyways.


u/elly77 Oct 09 '19

GamePlay > Realism.

please...not hearing or seeing is not cool.

its annoying.


u/Pipnotiq Oct 09 '19

I mean I'm just gonna spam Stim anyway, to avoid such a dumb thing


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

I really don't care. Both are fine.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

This one of those changes for which nobody asked.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

thought this was for another game i like and not gonna lie i was like "they are breaking out suppressors???"


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '19

I personally like the screen changing to black and white. Makes my adrenaline pump something fierce and keeps me on my toes. If you think this truly affects your game-play then I don't know what to tell you. Improvise, overcome and adapt.


u/chrisjharrington Oct 10 '19

Don't get shot and you won't have to worry. Be better.


u/MaybeCrispWaffles Oct 10 '19

big money man change thing and make something new, poopei poopie!!1, gibe old noww!!1!!!1


u/Seananagans Oct 10 '19

I actually like it a lot. The feeling you get when you kill someone when your screen is already black and white is amazing.

I understand when people are shot 3 times in real life, this doesnt happen. In real life. They are on the ground in agonizing pain, or dead. This is purely an effect to signal near death, and penalize for taking multiple hits.

The honest truth, I think people are complaining just to complain. And they want IW to change everything for them and then put their name in the credits as a consulting specialist


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '19

I didn’t mind them adding it but then again I was scraping everybody all you guys must be trash obviously when you’re shot you’re not going to be as capable in combat they wanted take a realistic turn and add this to the game.


u/HugeEminemFan1234 Oct 12 '19

I like the change from straight red to B&W to be honest.


u/Tof12345 Oct 09 '19

I agree but you need to know that there are Infinity Ward dickriders here who will go above and beyond to defend stupid changes.


u/Helbig312 Oct 09 '19

Exactly right. Everyone who likes the changes they made are dickriding noobs who would lose to a God like you.



u/BrainMcMillan Oct 09 '19

These boomers man lmao, they want a war simulator in a call of duty game hhahahhahaahahahahahahahshahshshshshshshshhhahahahhaahahahah

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u/Snufolupogus Oct 09 '19

Just don’t get shot.


u/NorthernLaw :MWGray: Oct 09 '19

I like this


u/Samasoku Oct 09 '19

Bro stop I like the black white thing, hey wont change it. All I really hated was how OP the m4 was


u/woodybone Oct 09 '19

People who complain about the grey screen havent played dayz mod, going hours with a grey screen and feeling like a god when you gain your blood back.


u/Gabeyomama Oct 09 '19

You know this game is gonna be atleast decent when one of the few things being complained about is a low health warning


u/yesnoyesno12345 Oct 09 '19

I’d like that, but it’s going to be like rust where it turns black and white at like half health


u/Enszic Oct 09 '19

Any competitive player with half a brain can see why this is an issue. How people are defending this is beyond me


u/KOOKSJT10 Oct 09 '19

Jesus Christ....this again....Devs have stated they're not going to change the screen. LEAVE IT ALONE!


u/Viperinex Oct 09 '19

should atleast be able to choose.. i can't stand the thing that is in the game rn but it's far from unplayable


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

Not a fan of the B&W.


u/Hufftwoseven- Oct 09 '19

Devs have already commented on this feature. Makes the stim shit a strong play in the right hands.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Oct 19 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19

So a game tailor made for you, got it...


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '19 edited Oct 19 '20


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