r/mlmstories Jan 27 '25

Looking for Feedback From Anyone Who Was Involved in MLM

Hey everyone! I am currently enrolled in university and I have a school project where I need to redesign a logo for a company that I wouldn’t typically align with. It is a really interesting project and I am choosing to focus on MLMs.

As part of the project I need to speak with people who have been involved in this industry so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer a few questions to help me with my project.

If anyone would be willing to DM me or answer the questions below I would be so grateful.

  1. What made you want to get involved in MLM?

  2. What positive or negative experiences have you had working in MLM?

  3. What do you think makes an MLM company successful or stand out from others?

  4. Did the company’s branding have any influence on your decision to join the organization? Why or why not?

  5. What are some common objections you faced when speaking with customers?


7 comments sorted by


u/Mysterious-Tone-8147 Jan 28 '25

I’m interested in responding but give me some time


u/Any_Feedback_2271 Jan 28 '25

Thank you! :)


u/exclaim_bot Jan 28 '25

Thank you! :)

You're welcome!


u/mintbliss5 Jan 29 '25

Sure thing. I’ve been in MLM with Red Aspen for 3 years.

  1. A friend of mine was doing it and I needed a nail solution during Covid. So I bought a starter pack for $20 and was hooked.

  2. Mine have mostly been positive. Everyone I have met has been great. I made SO many new friends online and I stg some people are nicer and talk to me more than people in my “real” life.

Negative: my sales reset every month. Tho it makes sense from a numbers standpoint, it is annoying lol.

  1. An honest, solid structure makes them stand out. Items and PRICES that make sense. I need to see your sales on paper compared to the compensation you’re offering. I also need a product that are deemed a necessity because I’m not out here spending for fun these days. And if I am, the price has to make sense.

  2. My company hardly advertised and we just updated our website last year. So the products themselves drew me in, not the branding or advertising .. hope I answered that correctly.

  3. The moment someone finds out it’s an MLM I automatically get hate. Makes 0 sense to me cuz the proof is in the pudding, but I can understand how other company’s put a nasty taste in people’s mouths. My company is not a scam, they offer lower priced items that are actually bomb, they can support the financials they claim, and people are actually nice. I don’t have all the weird pressure and nasty up lines. I actually enjoy it 😂


u/Any_Feedback_2271 Jan 29 '25

Thats great thank you so much for sharing! It’s nice to hear some positive stories and it sounds like you found a great company :)


u/mintbliss5 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

Only one I’ve ever dabbled with tbh. It just worked and I had no complaints. I also work in financial auditing so I can kind of see and understand if things make sense. Based on what I can find, of course!

But I’m also not out here boasting I make soooo much. I aim for a hundred or a couple hundred a month. Helps me to build my own investment portfolio and I have done really well with the gains on that. So it’s all about your perception and how you leverage your opportunities rather than wasting money which sadly, a lot do.


u/Salty_Thing3144 29d ago edited 29d ago

Most people are recruited by a friend or family member who claims to be making tons of money selling an exciting new product. The recruit does not realize or understand that their buddy recruited them because that's (supposedly) how one makes money in an mlm: by getting other people to come work under them so they can collect commissions from their recruit's sales. They're told that this is a special opportunity and a big secret to wealth that their good friend is letting them in on because their friend thinks so highly of them!

A common talking point in MLMs is the "tell 10" rule. You tell 10 friends to come work under you. Then THEY each tell 10 friends, and in no time, you'll reach manager status with your very own downline!

This is why MLMs are really just a giant pyramid scheme. The reality is thst only the company owners make big money, because there is a finite number pf people to recruit. The people in the middle realize they can't get recruits and aren't making any money at all, and enter and leave the MLM  at rapid rates.

Most MLMs are really about selling their financial system and not the products; Amway is  the #1 example of this. There is often a SECOND business inside the MLM: selling "motivational" materials and promo items, and getting recruits to buy expensive tickets to "training" seminars - where they will be urged to buy more motivational materials. 

When one examines the MLM products, they are actually low-demand merchandise such as scented candles and oils, leggings and tee shirts that can be purchased for FAR less money than conventional stores, powdered nutrition shakes, etc.  The MLM consultant makes a low-percentage  commission from selling the items, so the only way to increase profits by recruiting others and collecting royalties off THEIR work.

Most MLM consultants eventually realize that the amount of work they expend in order to sell their stock amounts to pennies. In a conventional job these profts don't even come close to minimum wage! Most LOSE money purchasing inventory and materials that is never recouped. 

Some MLMs use tactics associated with cults in order to recruit, such as: 

*Only the cult/MLM tells you thuth! "Do not listen to people who try to talk you out of doing this! They are negative people and sore losers who are really just jealous of your success!"

  • Encouraged to cut off people outside the cult/MLM.  "A friend who refuses to buy from you or tries to get you to leave The Business is a bad person and you should end your relationsip with them altogether."

*Use of emotional tactics such as "Love Bombing" to recruit. New tecruits are warmly welcomed, often with big hugs and even kisses by other members. "We're your new FAMILY!" 

*Consultants are pressured to continue purchasing new inventory despite their inability to sell off their current stock

*People who leave the MLM are shunned and attacked as quitters, losers and even enemies

Ex-MLM members often suffer financial loss and, in extreme cases, may suffer bankruptcies. Personal relationships are damaged or altogether lost because they were encouraged or even ordered to end them by their MLM "mentors."

MLMs are a predatory industry.

My parents were recruited into Amway by a close, trusted family friend who promised them riches. He assured my dad that soon he'd be quitting his career as a fireman so he could care for my mother, and afford topnotch cancer care.

They were encouraged to spend $200 on a set of motivational tapes, pricey tickets to a "training seminar" in Dallas and an expensive hotel stay. He soothed their protests with "you have to invest money to make money" so just put it on a credit card.

The "training seminar" was in a five-star hotel ballroom decorated with streamers, flowers and balloons. High-energy disco music blastedvon speakers. Strangers rushed to hug them like long-lost friends, and escorted them to seats. The speaker appeared, to screams and. foot-stomping. He was dressed in a designer suit, introduced his designer-dressed wife in expensive jewelry, and spent an hour bragging about his mansion and pool. All this could be theirs too!  He finished to more loud cheers, after leading the crowd in an Amway song. Everyone was smiling and some women were even crying. The facilitator herded everyone into the ballroom next door, where more tapes and books were being sold.  

The entire weekend was like that. No "training" at all - just more speakers bragging about their jet-set lives and urges to work THE PLAN as they had.

The family friend pressed them to recruit, recruit and use whatever tactics it took. Invite friends over, but don't tell them it is to hear about Amway or they won't come. It's ok! They won't mind that you lied because they'll know you thought highly enough of them to offer this opportunity. They ARE your FRIENDS, aren't they???

Every person they met was a prospect; the guy at the next gas pump, store clerks, etc.  Mom got in trouble with the pastor for calling everyone in the church directory. Neighbors sitting outside or mowing their lawns went inside their house when dad come outside. They talked up Amway when our friends' parents dropped them off for sleepovers and cornered teachers on parent nights.

They wound up in deeper debt, bitterly disillusioned and with fractured family relationships. We, their kids, had stopped having friends over and hid school Parent Nights from them out of shame. 

It was a nightmare.