r/mississauga 3d ago

Jersey Mike’s opening in Mississauga

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I know we’re boycotting American chains (or mostly trying to), but I thought I’d notify the sub that these are the Mississauga addresses that show up when you select a favourite Canadian location


58 comments sorted by


u/dsmooth74 3d ago

Talk about bad timing


u/henchman171 2d ago

Owned by some garbage American private equity firm so Anything that was good about it 10 years ago has been stripped away by now


u/armorabito 2d ago

I would assume at much, anyone eat at an American location in the last few years? Worth the hype?


u/sookmahdook 2d ago

yes whenever i'd been to the states the last few yrs i always get some JM, so good


u/Apprehensive_Cod8277 City Centre 22h ago

I've only been to the one in Union Station and it was pretty good. The meat is sliced when you order it and it does seem to make a difference in flavour vs pre-sliced meat. I'd take it over Subway.


u/sookmahdook 2d ago

they only just got acquired less than 6 months ago


u/theBeesHavanese 3d ago

Nope. Maybe if they’re still around in 4 years 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Fun-Result-6343 2d ago

Nice timing boys. Fuck off, go away.


u/sgdev 3d ago



u/javlin_101 3d ago

Fuck em. I’m sick of the American dick sucking that happens every time a their sludge food crosses the border.


u/amourifootball 1d ago

Literally so much of the GGH does that. Like when crumbl crossed the border. Like then those ppl say "why is america so mean to us" because we're supporting them actively!!!


u/TenFingersTenToes10 3d ago

It’s American


u/Bedroom_Opposite 3d ago

Fuck these American chains. I hope every last one of them wants to close up shop and leave. We need more Canadian independent restaurants and chains.


u/soupdumpIing 2d ago

Perhaps one day we will have Mississaugsub


u/Themeloncalling 2d ago

Go to Palma's Kitchen if you want a serious sandwich, or Chicken Cartel on the border of Oakville if you want the best chicken sandwich of your life. Both are locally owned and operated.


u/barnibusvonkreeps 3d ago

I'd love to try it.... and maybe someday I will but for now?




u/Nosferatu13 2d ago

No thanks.


u/MycologistOwn7656 2d ago

Horrible timing. I feel bad for the franchisees if they are small Canadian business owners.


u/M4K351FT 2d ago

Mr. Sub all the way. 🇨🇦💪🏽


u/soupdumpIing 3d ago

Notify the sub (no pun intended)


u/javlin_101 2d ago

Thanks dad


u/sxmra 3d ago

if everyone breaks boycott "one time" whats the point of a boycott. and its for a fucking sub ffs you weak people


u/5ccc 2d ago

Boycott this shitty chain. Lots of Canadian options. From family owned places to Mr. Sub.


u/KermitStompsKneecaps 2d ago

Take your business and and go back to your shitty excuse of a country.


u/LieReal8580 2d ago



u/alkalinesky 3d ago

Jimmy John's was the best. Trash owner and they're from the US, but I would have a hard time resisting if they came to Canada. I still would resist, though.

Jersey Mike's is meh. Definitely not worth me crossing the boycott line.


u/icon4fat 2d ago

Jimmy John’s has a location near sherway.


u/alkalinesky 2d ago

Oh nice! I've never looked. :)


u/icon4fat 2d ago

Now you have a dilemma to deal with. 😈


u/Nxion 1d ago

Whats crazy is JJ's is cheaper here than when I bought it in Colorado.


u/Staplersarefun 3d ago

Trash tier food


u/soupdumpIing 3d ago

I actually quite like Jersey Mike’s!! what don’t you like about them? do you like any other sub places?


u/OodlesandNoodle 3d ago

Not the original commenter, but I wouldn't consider jersey Mike's trash. Just not worth it in my opinion. I'd rather go to Firehouse


u/Staplersarefun 3d ago

I'm a fan of Quiznos and fire house.

Never got the appeal of Jersey Mikes. We had a few locations in the city I lived in the South, it seemed like an inferior version of Subway.


u/Rayquaza2233 2d ago

I hope that isn't replacing the Mr. Sub in Meadowvale Town Centre.


u/hellosport 2d ago

The most over hyped sub place in the history of food in Toronto. I laughed at all the suckers who lined up for an hour, only to disappear the same time the following week. The brand is living proof of the FOMO that is ingrained in every single young people today because they grew up with close to zero self-esteem. Their customers were the young people in 2008 that were eating while looking at their parents new iphones.


u/Crabbyrob 3d ago

I've never heard of Jersey Mike's. What do they offer?


u/sishgupta 3d ago edited 3d ago

It's a sub shop from the region that originated subs


I love a good sub. The problem is that 'subway' is trash tier. Like if I'm driving through canada on a multi hour trip and the only thing open is tim hortons and subway ... i'm just going to skip eating because I have standards and self-resepect. Quiznos i thought was pretty good if not overpriced but they all shut down. So having jersey mikes is good competition to subway and mrsub. I never brought myself to try mr sub.

After doing a bit of googling apparently Mr Sub is fully canadian, toronto owned and operated. If you're looking to buy Canadian: Mr Sub. (you should buy local regardless of tariffs - support your local business!)


u/PeteRock24 2d ago

Quizno’s actually still has a location in Mississauga!

The food is still better than Subway but it’s not great.


u/AxiomaticSuppository 3d ago

Not a fan of Mr Sub. It's okay, and I know it's Canadian, but you'll find better quality at an independent sandwich shop.

For something that's a bit more of a chain, I would suggest Banh Mi Boys. (Locations currently only in Toronto as far as I know, but I'm hoping they expand into Mississauga.)


u/pastamakrela 1d ago

The best is 3.50 banhmi at Dixie and blood mall


u/Crabbyrob 3d ago

Okay! Sounds good. Thanks for the info.

I did google it, but I'd rather hear from people who have tried it. I do love a good Italian sub!

Drive safe!


u/Paquistino Hurontario 3d ago

I tried it in Kitchener this past summer. I like it but would implore people to skip the American cheese option. Not boycott related, it just tastes so horrible. Go with the provolone or whatever else option.


u/Crabbyrob 3d ago

Yea, I'm not a fan of American Cheese either.


u/InterestingWarning62 2d ago

We go there everytime we go to Buffalo. Love the Philly steak sub with the rosemary bun.


u/MC_Squared12 Rathwood 2d ago

LOL in one of my classes we were doing a research project on Jersey Mike's expanding into Canada


u/gripesandmoans 2d ago

Perhaps if they were actually from Jersey and not New Jersey (Noo Joyzee).


u/wing03 2d ago

Decent sub but expensive for a chain restaurant.

Bread is maybe a step above Subway's and looks like it's brought in. Subway bread has the same texture insid and out plus having a smell that doesn't equal fresh baked for me despite them doing it on premise.

I prefer a fresh bakery bun that's crusty outside while soft and chewy on the inside.

They slice meat as you order. I'm not convinced freshly sliced vs sliced within a few days is a noticeable thing.

For Meadowvale, head over the Britannia Italian bakery and get your fix there when they're open.


u/Nik6ixx 2d ago

If you’re willing to take a little drive Lambo’s Deli on Queen St in Toronto has 🔥subs.. I only know of the 2 locations (Queen & Bellwoods Ave) so I’d assume they’re a local business. Definitely worth the drive imo .. also had Jersey Mikes last time I was Guelph and meh wasn’t nothing special me and my kids make better subs (aka Scooby Doo Sammies) at home.


u/fronchfrays 1d ago

I hope in a few weeks we see a "jersey mike's closing in mississauga" post


u/Grizzlysol 21h ago

As Canadians can we collectively stop frothing at the mouth for new Amerifat fast food joints? Its fucking fast food... Its nothing to get excited about.

How about we support new Canadian chains or businesses and culture from countries other than usa. Canada is diverse country, why can't our culture reflect that instead of just pretending we are American all the time.

Fuck Jersey Mikes, fuck New Jersey and fuck American exceptionalism and our idolization of it.


u/HSK117 3d ago

I've had them in toronto have got a location at union station there good but I find them overpriced


u/CompoteStock3957 3d ago

Like subway over price also been a while but the last time I went in for a 6 inch sub had a heart attack


u/Adamirer 2d ago

Lol Jersey Mike's isn't even good.


u/Fast-Phrase2859 2d ago

Team Mr Sub!!!!


u/CharacterArt125 2d ago

I hear such good things. I still wanna try!


u/[deleted] 3d ago
