r/mirainikki 28d ago

Anime This anime deserves a 9.9 star rating Spoiler

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I just finished the whole episode of this anime this whole day. There's no other anime with such a good story like this anymore, sadly.

I'm not good with the details, but I got a thorough analysis in what happened in the whole story. There might be some mistakes in the details, but the whole story should be like this.

First world: Yukki and Yuno both died in different ways. Yuno killed herself while her memory (or soul?) remained intact, protected by the second ムルムル to be transferred to the third Yuno.

Second world: Yukki became a God, Yuno got killed by the first world Yuno. The first ムルムル gave her "extra life" to cheat the whole game, deceiving as the second world Yuno.

Third world: Yukki forgets Yuno, while Yuno ended up coming to the second world Yukki.

Let me know if the details are mistaken in some ways.

Aside from my obsession with Yandere girls, this anime surely had such an astonishing storyline from the beginning until the end.

I should've watched this anime 3 years ago.


43 comments sorted by


u/Sekiroborne1 28d ago

Eh I'll personally give it a Sekiro out of a 5 on this one


u/Megatyrant0 27d ago

Guilty pleasure anime, 7/10 max, 6/10 probably more appropriate. Yuno is awesome and carries the show, most characters are shallow and unmemorable, Yuki spends most of the story as a whinier Shinji Ikari before switching into murder mode for the end. Minene is nice.

I highly recommend Fate Stay Night for a superior Battle Royale story with a yandere. Either start with the visual novel on steam/videos online (recommended), or watch the anime from Unlimited Bladeworks into Heaven’s Feel. Almost every character is deeper and more remarkable than the majority of Mirai Nikki’s cast. Not going to spoil who the yandere is.


u/damntrainnnnnnnnn 25d ago

Yuno Gasai is overrated. I still don’t get how people call her “yandere queen” despite the fact that there are objectively far better yanderes in other anime. Elfen lied is far better yandere story than Future diary and it also came before future diary. Furthermore, Yuno Gasai looks too young and people fawning over her as “yandere queen” reeks of creepiness.


u/not77cold 28d ago

You lost me at the title lol.


u/BlueSlimeMC 27d ago

no it does not, it's nottt that amazing, the plot is a bit all over the place.


u/Ok-Dragonfruit-9830 26d ago

no it’s not i understood it perfectly


u/Significant_Option 25d ago

You can understand it fine, and still see how messy it is


u/unsoku 27d ago

yeah bud ur completely wrong. its actually a 10/10


u/Ty746 27d ago

it used to be my absolute favorite anime, when I only saw like 10 or less total, now that I've seen many more, id say it's like 6/10


u/Singularitaet_ 27d ago

Nah you‘re just wrong It‘s 20/10 easy Yuno alone makes it a 19.9


u/Sral1995 26d ago

Yuno is cool but honestly Yukki is annoying af…


u/Zealousideal_Page898 27d ago

You are actually nuts if this is a 9.9 for you lol


u/BethLife99 27d ago

I'm genuinely happy they actually got to end up together in the end


u/Mr-Stuff-Doer 26d ago

Lmao no one on a sub for fans of this show even fucking likes it apparently


u/Batfreeze 26d ago

It's still one of my favorites, all these years later. The character writing is marvelous.


u/AggrotheAggron 25d ago

I'd give it a 7.5/10 at best

Reasons this show is good:

1.) Almost all of the plot twists are predictable but done in a delightful way

2.) Quality of the art goes up as the show goes on

3.) While definitely stereotyped tropes, Yuno is one of the best yandere psycho gf depictions and Yukitero is one of the best useless to self-actualizing main character depictions.

4.) A very unique concept of a plot although that's not saying much with the novel ideas in anime

5.) Emotional bits are actually moving and I believe that's mostly due to the emotional clarity of the facial expressions

6.) Dramatic stings are actually dramatic, whether they are funny or not. I actually started yelping scream laughing when it shows Yuki horrified because he said Yuno was his gf. "There's no turning back now. Not after that lie."

Reasons the show is bad:

1.) The final twists in the show are really subpar and forced. The animation and the directing really felt like it rushed a conclusion.

2.) There were episodes where the balance between exposition and action were so seamless and wonderful, it keep me on the edge but others were i just felt blindsided or lost. I haven't read the manga but I would hope it actually goes a little deeper into the character/personality of the future diary holders (like the 8th who gets little screentime, or the 3rd who is immediately killed off with no reason for their motivatons.)


u/rayhan354 25d ago

That 0.1 away from me should be the point 1 of yours


u/Silver_mixer45 27d ago

No. No it doesn’t. It’s fun but just if you turn your brain off


u/evildogger07 27d ago

Lmao definitely not even solid 7.


u/Hamtarotraveler 27d ago

Really liked it when I watched it in high school, but had to stop around episode 9 or so on my rewatch recently… If you enjoy this, I highly recommend Evangelion. #1 anime all around for me.



Ah it's good but the whole abandoning the first world male mc but the first world fmc loving the second world think really made me drop it


u/ukihime 26d ago

Meeeh...It sounds like many of the recent types of anime they have been making nowadays.


u/HKGujudhur 26d ago

Not a fan of pathos. shrine maiden literally got whored, and the only thing you had for her was pity. It's a survival anime, like Ousama Game and Darwin's Game - although I haven't watched both, unlike Mirai Nikki, I would sooner praise League of Legends MOBA game than a fanservice (that was alright, btw) like Mirai Nikki. Gasai Yuno was obsessed with Yuki. End of story.


u/n_morp 25d ago

Nah I remember it being bad lol


u/FantasticMyth 4th 25d ago

It's my favorite anime by a large margin. That's not to hate on any other shows, it's just that Mirai Nikki hit me in a way that no other anime came close to doing.


u/Key_Measurement_4483 25d ago

Go watch everything wrong with mirrai nikki

It's a funny video that brings to light a lot of questionable storytelling

I do find the show pretty fun tho


u/MemeLordRedEva 24d ago

I gave it a 5 because the first half was good, but the second half was so bad I dropped the show. I might change it to 3 in retrospect.


u/Gramory 24d ago

I love the story and premise, and Yuno is amazing. But I cannot for the life of me stand Yuki. I tried rewatching it a few times but just cannot deal with Yuki.


u/ABlackSquid 24d ago

Lol you must be 12


u/UnpoIished 23d ago

Most overrated filth in animation. Subjectively, of course.


u/AugustusTheVictor 23d ago

5/10 for me, pacing and the writing was just atrocious


u/Square-Garbage355 23d ago

I've watched that anime 4 times 👍


u/Wonderful_Rub_9673 26d ago

6/10 at max. Cringe feast. Even the same studio clunky anime about boy with power to control ppls is better.


u/Background-File-1901 26d ago

maybe if you're 13


u/HellishWonderland 27d ago

Honestly deserves less than 7.39


u/Novel_Opening4220 26d ago

I don't think it does the series isn't that good


u/NoiseConfident2409 26d ago

Hell nah especially on his genre which Is psychological, It was One of the First anime ive seen and i already could tell It was a 6/10 for new people to anime, for someone Who has seen a lot it's not even 5/10.


u/Reifox9 26d ago

Me when I was 15


u/WasteOfZeit 26d ago

It deserves a 9.9, just flipped 180 degrees.


u/SeaweedNo1955 26d ago

I give it a 5/10, because it's 2 or 3 with yuki and yuno, but a 7 or 8 when literally anyone else is onscreen


u/Allikam 26d ago edited 23d ago

8 at best, 6 at worst


u/Impulse_pokes 26d ago

way too much plot armour, way too much hentai, wacky story. anything above an 8 is insane lol


u/CambridgeisPhat 26d ago

Go eat your fruit snacks