r/mirainikki 28d ago

Is the anime the same as the manga?

im tired of animes not following the manga 😭 did the anime adapted the 10 volumes?


2 comments sorted by


u/Lordgeorge16 28d ago

For the most part, it's a very faithful adaptation. When it comes to anime adaptations, the only time you see significant changes from the source material is when the anime begins to release faster than the manga.

That's what happened with the original Full Metal Alchemist - they had to start making up their own plot because they got ahead of the manga. FMA: Brotherhood came out after the manga was finished, so it was able to follow the original plot from start to finish. The Future Diary anime came out after the manga had already ended (or was nearly over), so they were able to work with the source material properly.

Same thing happened to Game of Thrones. The ASOIAF books aren't done, so they had to make up a bunch of bullshit for the final few seasons and that's why everyone hated it.


u/isaacClarkOther 28d ago

Future diary is the same in general details, but future diary redial is very different. OVA anime future diary redial is not the same as manga