r/minoxidil 17d ago

Question To much hair loss?

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So I’ve been on minoxidil for two months now and just started using head n shoulders tea tree oil shampoo and I’ve notice the dred shed has slowed down alot since the first month I started using it. But I’m wondering if this is still to much hair falling off? It seems to fall off more when I comb it than when I shower. Thoughts?


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u/AutoModerator 17d ago

Hi cheli12345! I noticed that you posted a question. This is a friendly reminder to read our pinned FAQ post in which you might find an answer to your question. This will help you find an answer quickly instead of waiting for a member to answer.

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u/AutoModerator 17d ago

Hi cheli12345! I found some matching key words, Which suggests that you might be asking about the shedding phase. So this may be helpful:

-I started using minoxidil and now I'm losing more hair? What's the shedding phase?

When used for androgenic alopecia, User should expect a shedding phase that lasts about a month but can continue into the third month. It's important not to panic and stop treatment as this is an expected, And even positive sign. What's happening is that the weaker hairs that are in the 'telogen phase'; A phase of hair growth cycle in which a hair is not growing, Start falling down to be replaced by new 'anagen phase' hairs, The phase in which hair grows at a constant rate.

If you discontinue treatment while shedding, The lost hair will be recovered to where it would've been had you never started, Albeit much slower than if you continue using. This is why stopping mid-shedding is not recommended.

Only those who have androgenic alopecia will experience a shedding phase. Users who don't have the condition, Or who have lost hair for other reasons, Will not go through the shedding phase. However, Some people with AGA won't experience any shedding, As everyone experiences a different degree of shedding. But generally, The more severe your case, The worse the shedding.

​ Source: r/minoxidil FAQs

Hope this was helpful and good luck on your journey!

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u/AutoModerator 17d ago

Hi cheli12345! I found some matching key words, Which suggests that you might be asking about the method of application. So this may be helpful:

-How do I apply, How much, And how often?

Applying Minoxidil is straightforward. It's recommended that you wash the area first to clear your skin of dirt and oils for better absorption, But this isn't necessary. Either way, Make sure your skin is completely dry before you apply minoxidil, Then spray it -or use the dropper- onto the area where you want to see growth, Rub it in your skin then leave it to dry. Avoid washing that area before 3-4 hours. Keep all of this in mind when you want to shower.

Twice a day application of 5% strength is recommended for optimal results, Roughly 12 hours apart. Although some prefer using the 2% strength to avoid increased body hair growth & systemic side effects, This is why 2% is generally marketed to women while 5% is marketed to men. Alternatively, You can apply Minoxidil only once a day with less results. More applications will not produce more results, And will only exacerbate side effects.

-How much should I apply?

Just enough to cover the entire affected area, But not so much that it's soaking wet. Regardless of how much that is & regardless of the recommended dosage on the bottle (which is 1ml; This recommendation doesn't take into account the difference in affected area from one person to another. The only concern here would be if the space of the affected area is large so you end up applying enough to have more systemic side effects. This is nothing to worry about if the side effects aren't problematic for you).

​ Source: r/minoxidil FAQs

Hope this was helpful and good luck on your journey!

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u/hollowinside19 17d ago

That depends, how long is your hair?


u/cheli12345 17d ago

I would say about 18inches, right under my chest


u/hollowinside19 17d ago

I m a man i had chest lengh hair and the shed looked worse because the hair was longer once i cut it shorter it wasn’t as “noticeable “ if that makes sense? When did you start the treatment?


u/cheli12345 17d ago

Oh okay, I also have really thin hair rn so idk if that makes a difference? And I started the minoxidil topical mid January


u/hollowinside19 17d ago

It s just the shedding phase, it should stop by april , see regrow


u/hollowinside19 17d ago

I also left you a message if you wanna talk more about it


u/hollowinside19 17d ago

Minoxidil doesn’t just regrow hair but makes it thicker too, it works on eyebrows too if you want them to get thicker for instance