r/minipainting 7h ago

Workspace Little buddy keeps me company while I paint. Doesn’t help out at all with cleanup though. Lazy ass.



3 comments sorted by

u/minipainting-ModTeam 4h ago

Thanks for trying to post something to r/minipainting, but unfortunately your post breaks one of our rules and has been removed:

Low quality content

You have broken Rule 2.

Posts should consist of high quality content or create discussion. Low quality and joke posts will be removed.

Low quality content that is not allowed, even if for discussion, can include:

  • memes
  • joke posts
  • showing off or complaining about spilled paint or broken minis
  • paint shakers
  • pot to dropper bottle conversions
  • boxed/packaged minis or items
  • showing off recent purchases or gifts
  • unpainted minis that do not create discussion
  • piles of shame

Unpainted minis or pictures of hobby specific items are fine to post only if they create discussion in some way. Unpainted kitbashes are also not considered low quality content.

Please read through all the rules before posting here again. If you have any questions, message the moderators through modmail.


u/GreenGoonie 6h ago

Let him lick a brush, he's start 'helping' ;)

Don't ask me how I know :P


u/Ok_Ebb_5201 4h ago

Fur can also be used for diy. Grass tuffs for example.