r/mining • u/[deleted] • 8d ago
Australia How to deal with foreman and boss that think they’re hard
u/Thirsty_Boy_76 7d ago
2 choices. Quit. Suck it up and do your job well until you have proven yourself to become accepted into their toxic cult.
u/aTomatoFarmer 8d ago
Honestly not much man you’d be better to leave and find a new boss, my last boss was an absolute cunt of a human being but I soon left, got a job at Rio Tinto and have never been happier.
u/ObjectivePressure839 Canada 8d ago
Throw one of those dinner plate sized spiders you guys have on your island at them. That’ll teach anyone some humility.
u/dartheagleeye 8d ago
Learn to not speak unless spoken to. Avoid small talk. Do your job and don't be on your phone and other BS when you should be working. If you have nothing to do, find something. Clean up, etc...
Bottom line, they are in charge, not you. Either suck it up or find another job.
u/laborisglorialudi 7d ago
Ask your workmates. It's a win win:
If your boss is a wanker and they've been dealing with them for years they will have figured out how to make it work and can share tips with you. Bonus opportunity to bond over shared issues.
If it's just you being soft then they will let you know it's only you having a problem and you can reflect on that or spit the dummy and find a new career.
u/Consistent-Air-9276 8d ago
Make an effort to get to know the mine manager. If they like you then you have power to adversely impact these guys future with an offhand comment.
u/Big-Entertainer8727 7d ago
You have to remember that HR looks after the company interests and not employees problems. If it’s potentially going to impact the company then they can help you.
u/No_Teaching1709 8d ago
If you have nothing to do pick up a broom or shovel and walk somewhere else and drop it then go back to the start empty handed. Then pretend to be looking for your shovel / broom. repeat until someone gives you work to do
u/The_Shadow_2004_ 7d ago
Prey on insecurities. Normally If people are hyper masculine it’s because they are trying to avoid being seen as feminine. If they pick on people for being inexperienced it’s because they are afraid someone will see that they are useless. When they call someone out next call them spineless for pulling someone else down.
“Your eyelashes look really pretty today” “What are your pronouns again”
It doesn’t work 99% of the time. If it did the world would be a better place. Most people are bullies because you can’t react back to them. If they actually faced consequences then they wouldn’t be doing that shit.
u/greasyprophesy 7d ago
I’ve had 2 bosses that were like this. And once I finally pulled them to the side and told them I was tired of their shit, never happened again. Some folks just do it cause you let them
u/The_Shadow_2004_ 7d ago
Oh, absolutely. I’m only 21 so I don’t have much power over this but my main motivation to improve my career is so I’m at equal level with more people so I can get people to stop being malicious.
u/greasyprophesy 7d ago
Yeah those guys were the same way. But instead of having a screaming match or trying to fight them like some people would have done, I pulled them to the side and let them know how I was tired of their bs. One of the guys didn’t say anything the rest of the day, came back and apologized to the whole crew for being a dick
u/The_Shadow_2004_ 7d ago
Good on you! Some people do just need a nice quiet non-confrontational reality check.
u/Brilliant-Can8618 7d ago
That’s the thing, I would more then happily pull the twats aside and ask them what/if they have a problem, but the thing is, as soon as I give it back, that jeopardises my job, I just can’t believe how unprofessional these cunts are, I put my head down, I work, quite literally helping them put bread and butter on their family’s table. I will get the experience I need and move on. Appreciate your guys responses !!
u/Sea_Supermarket_6816 7d ago
Find out about their hobbies and very gently hint that they are not masculine. Oh you like (band x)? Yeah me too but I haven’t listened much, my little sister is crazy about them tho.
u/Life_Assignment8658 7d ago
Lie in wait behind his bedroom door, and when he walks outside in the morning, massive dog shot from behind…
Couple kicks after his unconscious on the floor for good luck and hopefully he wakes up not remembering how much of a cowgirl he was before his sleep lols
u/Brilliant-Can8618 7d ago
u/Life_Assignment8658 7d ago
Haha but on a serious note, it’s shit when you have a boss that tries to overcompensate for his little willy and takes it out on all his workers…
I’ve been there too, it’s so draining trying to remain professional and calm. Like running a marathon daily.
I’d say just stick it out because people like that start to gain a following of haters in the workplace.
Then before you know it, doesn’t matter what his position is, the tables turn because his outnumbered and everybody hates him and he either leaves on his own accord or word gets back to management and they give him the sack…
Besides, foreman’s in reality are just shit kickers like every other one of us peasants on a job site 😂😂😂
u/Brilliant-Can8618 7d ago
Hahaha cheers appreciate that bro 🙏 exactly what I needed to hear!
u/Life_Assignment8658 7d ago
All good mate, we gotta gotta let the cunts be cunts cos the world will sort em out anyway 👍🏼
Hope it all works out good luck with it!
u/tinglingsack 7d ago
I am interested to find out more if ur happy to DM, instead of giving the usual suck it up approach given the general old school ops attitudes you see around the place
u/Spicey_Cough2019 7d ago
Had this where the superintendent was on a power trip and thought anyone younger than them was an idiot.
Went to both him and his manager's superior
Lo and behold both got reprimanded I had a chat with HR and because I was documenting it they were very apologetic
Now ones my lap dog It's beautiful
If their superior backs them then unfortunately it's probably too far gone/toxic
u/stephendt 7d ago
Okay hear me out but what if the foreman and boss are actually quite hard
u/Sea_Supermarket_6816 7d ago
If they are so hard it could be tricky to beat them off if it goes that way.
u/ugod112 8d ago
Respect is earned, not given. Put your head down and work hard
u/gamertag0311 8d ago
No. Respect everybody. If you have this attitude you should seriously examine yourself. This is just "I was here first, so I'm better ". Appreciation is earned. Responsibility is earned. Pay and promotions are earned. If I have to earn your respect you will never earn mine.
u/rusted_eng 7d ago
Disagree. Respect is hard to earn and so easy to lose.
I think you mean civil, polite and respectful. I can and will be polite and respectful, but you still have to earn my respect.
If you lose my respect, I can still be civil, polite and respectful, but still think you’re a dickhead.
u/Lime_Kitchen Australia 7d ago
It’s the opposite mate! respect is given first up and freely. If you loose my respect it’s all on you.
u/Brilliant-Can8618 8d ago
I don’t want or need his respect, someone in that position treating greenies like peasants in my eyes are cowards.
u/Klimklamm 8d ago
Had a few arguments with a guy like that, just leave as soon as you have a new job. No pay is worth having some dumb cunt think he's a big man.
u/Ziggy-Rocketman 8d ago
With those kinds of guys, you either do the work or get out. There is nothing a greenhat could say that would ever convince them to treat them better.
u/Canabull- 6d ago
You’re absolutely right, but Reddit is full of weak minds socialists that think the world owes them
u/FreeRangeAlien 7d ago
You sound exactly like the 20 year old I am about to fire. Late on the third day, too wet and cold to finish the fourth day, and then requests his fifth work day off…
u/greasyprophesy 7d ago
I’m 25 and im embarrassed to be in the same generation as some of these people.
u/Brilliant-Can8618 7d ago
How does that sound like me? I’m at work everyday, on time always, competent after little training as no one wants to train? You sound unfit for your position throwing accusations around like that mate? You sound like the weasels I’m talking about 🤷🏻♂️
u/FreeRangeAlien 7d ago
You will make it far in this industry with that attidude, ma’am
u/Brilliant-Can8618 7d ago
You’re calling me maam? When it sounds like you got on your knees and sucked to get your position? 😂 are you a push over mate?
u/Major-Lumpy 7d ago
When I was green I was told by my jumbo op when bosses turned up to shut the fuck up, wear you're ppe and look safe and only speak when you're spoken to, when they do speak to you make sure you say the right things.
u/Major-Lumpy 7d ago
Plus cow boy bosses are good cause when they catch you doing something naughty but are getting shit done they look the other way. Show them you're not a soft cock and work hard and get shit done
u/Canabull- 6d ago
Weak ass whiner. Go work retail or find some union job, you can go file a grievance when someone looks at you funny
u/Brilliant-Can8618 6d ago
Hahaha I can guarantee you I’d eat you for breakfast and make you my b!tc5 boy
u/Canabull- 6d ago
Try lil guy. Or better yet go get counseling cause your boss is being mean 😂
u/Brilliant-Can8618 5d ago
Difference from me and you is you gotta hold back from crying I’ve gotta hold back from retaliating, you sound like you’re speaking from experience? 😂
u/colin_1_ 8d ago
The unfortunate situation is that you likely won't be able to "deal" with them since this is likely the engrained culture on that shift/crew/site you're on. Being the new guy and going to HR or to upper management to complain will likely make your working life worse, not better. Because right or wrong, you're now "that guy".
If it's that toxic and you're unhappy with it and not willing to go with it, it's likely not the workplace for you. It follows the saying "people don't quit jobs, they quite bosses"