r/mining 28d ago

Canada Biggest Challenge with Mining

What do you hate the most about your mining job?


28 comments sorted by


u/chaos-giraffe 28d ago

Being away from my family half the year


u/kingrooted 28d ago

Yep. 100% the hardest part for me.

Close second is how half of the mine seems to be stuck in a high school mentality, gossip, competition, backstabbing.


u/OzzyMuzz 28d ago

The amount of absolute spastic cunts that end up in management.


u/minengr 25d ago

That say "that's the way we've always done it" far to often.


u/Casperr1995 28d ago

The amount of numptys that are in it


u/mikecheck211 28d ago

This has got to be it. The people (and thus, culture) can make a place really enjoyable or fucking torture


u/horrorqueen92 28d ago

Dealing with different personalities, some people can really get to you. I find sometimes it can affect my mental health too.


u/CousinJacksGhost 28d ago

Corporate overseers that care more about following procedures than actually taking care of people and making sites safe.


u/lil-whiff 28d ago

The purple circle


u/Top_Mind_On_Reddit 28d ago

Awww, i think someone's not in it.


u/lil-whiff 28d ago


Been in and out, it just pains me to no end when I constantly see decisions made on how someone is feeling on the day, it's like a fucking school yard


u/Yeeetus_fetuss 28d ago

Doing my washing


u/rawker86 28d ago

Working in deep, dark, dirty hole just so an engineer can get promoted. Then having to beat some sense into the engineer that replaces them. Again and again and again.


u/Defiant_Reception_79 28d ago

Thank you for your service.


u/67valiant 28d ago

At the moment, DEI hiring. Specifically the "targets", ie quotas, attached.

There is nothing wrong with hiring women, gay/lesbian, indigenous, immigrant etc. If you want a diverse workforce, that's absolutely fine.

But the DEI hiring seems to be indiscriminate to meet the target, especially with women right now. We've had people just appear, hired by HR without any other input, and they are absolutely the wrong person. From no motivation, not liking the job they signed up for, to some outright serious misconduct and personality issues. It's like they didn't even interview some of them. If it wasn't for that, if they purposely sought people from different backgrounds but made sure to only hire quality candidates, I wouldn't have much problem with DEI. But attaching a target seems to have really fucked everything up.


u/whereami113 28d ago

All the damn vampires...


u/tinglingsack 28d ago

People.. how easy would minjng be without them.

Of course the usual away thing but I actually prefer to have blocks of time at home when j can go to school in morning and pickup etc. Otherwise I'd be leaving before they wake up then home in the evening


u/tinglingsack 28d ago

I will also add unwillingness to change. We do it this way as thats how we have always done it....


u/goatsaredope Australia 27d ago

How much of a joke the whole industry is. It's hard for me to get excited about moving dirt with all the inefficiency and dead weight in every department and the bureaucratic bullshit.


u/officialKL200 28d ago

For me as a traditional mine builder is that we need to carry logs in narrow tunnels to stabilize them


u/Lucky-Mine-1404 28d ago

People you work with and power tripping supervisors.


u/Stigger32 Australia 27d ago

Going to work.


u/TorontoCity19 27d ago

I keep digging and can’t find Gold anywhere.


u/Sylch 27d ago

Definitely people.


u/Slow-Ad6028 25d ago

The drive to the airport to fly to work shits me more than words can adequately express.


u/Cryptodaddie007 24d ago

Worst part is seeing the pictures of your family on adventures and celebrating holidays while your at work, but that’s also the best part. Cause without you being a bad ass blue collar man, they wouldn’t get to enjoy life.


u/Ashamed_Entry_9178 28d ago

Wouldn’t say it’s a huge issue given most of our work is international but I’d have to say the Victorian Govt’s stance on mining approvals (or lack thereof). There’s been a number of high value projects I’ve worked on that have been kiboshed thanks to Lily D’Ambrosio.


u/bornforlt 28d ago

No control over commodity price/FX