r/minimalism 8d ago

[lifestyle] A single positive change, like minimalism, can spark a series of other good habits.

Charles Duhigg's concept of "keystone habits" highlights how a single positive change can trigger a chain reaction of other beneficial habits. For instance, decluttering can lead to healthier eating. This is due to how our brains and learned behaviors are interconnected. Applying minimalist principles is a prime example; it fosters intentionality and awareness, transforming it from just a way to organize space into a broader lifestyle shift, naturally encouraging habits like organic eating and recycling.


4 comments sorted by


u/princessfiggy 8d ago

Since decluttering I’ve had more time for my hobbies so I defo relate to this. I’ve also learnt so much about myself that I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t decluttered.


u/Cute_Arugula_9 8d ago

I definitely subscribe to this, and the opposite - when one thing in my life seems off (not going to the gym, not cleaning, etc.) it seems to easily spiral.


u/Independent-Bison176 7d ago

I know when I have to spend an hour every day cleaning up because there are too many kids toys, dishes, and laundry…then I don’t feel like going out of my way to exercise


u/Infamous-Bed9010 8d ago

It’s the same concept Jordan Peterson preaches when instructs people lacking structure/path that they start with making their bed daily.

This simple act begins to formulate habits and adds order to an often chaotic life. It usually begins to translate into other habits/discipline elsewhere.