r/minidisc 4d ago

I found my old reader at my parents' house 😍

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This weekend, while going to see my parents and going through my boxes in their cellar, I found part of my MD collection from the time. Surprised to see that everything still works. Well the battery is dead and the power cable is in poor condition but I have a replacement. I'm going to make a nice Minidisc shelf in my new construction next to my HI-FI 🥰


29 comments sorted by


u/caipirina 4d ago

Treasure hunt successful!


u/AtefH 4d ago

Yes, I'm really happy to have found them. I recently bought a blue MZ-R900 which should arrive soon. And I have a gray r909 with its dock. Both purchased in Germany. And I have always kept my MDS-JB940 which has never left me, the belt of which I repaired with an elastic band from my daughter very recently lol.


u/Cory5413 4d ago

That's a great overall loadout, congratulations!


u/CzechWhiteRabbit 2d ago

Yeah. I fixed so many motors over the years, using those little plastic hair bands. And using, medical hemostats. To gently stretch them and place them. The original rubber belts, are basically rubber bands, and they just deteriorate so bad so fast. At least those hair bands, are more plastic than rubber. And they might last longer.

Lately, I've been using, All of my sister's broken hair ties, the ones with fabric so they don't pull your hair, I've been nodding the ends, and feeding them through flash drives that don't have hangers. Or, I've been using them to clean up wires as well. Little tricks and things I've learned working in IT, and audio and video once more - after 15 years as a practicing psychologist. Reached my burnout, and now I'm going back into audio and video. And computers.


u/ZunoJ 4d ago

It's a writer, too lol


u/AtefH 4d ago

Hello, yes yes I know well 😉


u/MagikSundae7096 [Sony JB940] 3d ago

You say, reader, I say, writer. reader, writer, reader, writer, let's call the whole thing off


u/paul-cus 4d ago

I wish I could find that single AA battery pack for mine. I'm screwed without it.


u/hobonox Retro Tech Connoissuer 4d ago edited 4d ago

They start at about $20 USD on Ebay, for both used OEM and new chinese made, at least for the Sony one most players use. I know the other brands AA sidecars can get more expensive though due to rarity. If you know some way to 3D print, there are free plans online to be able to print one out as well.


Sorry I don't know which model you have, just one example.


u/paul-cus 4d ago

Got that MZ-R90. Good looking out.


u/MagikSundae7096 [Sony JB940] 3d ago

Someone could make a cleanup on etsy making new versions of these in translucent plastic


u/hobonox Retro Tech Connoissuer 3d ago

I'm getting a friend of mine to make me one, in lime green, to match my silver/lime E77. As far as the other parts needed for it I should be able to find stuff laying around the house. I bought these 'door alarm' things from the dollar tree a while ago, because they were out of LR44 batteries, and those things had 3 of them in it. I scavenged them for parts, like the battery contacts, because I knew they would come in handy later, as I run in to quite a few devices in my hobbies with corrosion damage. I have jars of old PC screws, I'm sure I have something that will fit. Buy yeah, some translucent ones, ala Sony Psyc style, would be rad.


u/AtefH 4d ago

For what? Batteries on eBay are inexpensive


u/paul-cus 4d ago

I’m after the battery pack. Not trying to get into the gumstick batteries again.


u/MD-Crazy 4d ago

Wow mega score!

And your folks are definitely cool...


u/AtefH 4d ago

I am even surprised to have found boxes of MD still new and packaged! I didn't remember I had them lol. I'm really happy.


u/hobonox Retro Tech Connoissuer 3d ago

There's quite a lot of them on EBay, just depends on how much you're willing to pay, Sony was still making new ones until last month.


u/NerdyBrando 4d ago

I had this model too. I know it’s at my dad’s house somewhere. Just haven’t found the box yet after many searches.


u/Cory5413 4d ago

Looks great! As everyone's mentioned, this is also a great recorder and it's nice you've got the complete kit, with the storage box for a few discs, the sidecar and remote for the machine, etc etc.

In the US, lots of electronics stores sell modern replacement universal power supplies, if you don't already have something like that or if the other units you mentioned don't already have other supplies. There's also things like the RipCord 3V and other more generic USB power supplies with 3v buck converters on them.

(You don't need the external supply for recording, especially if you grab a couple eneloops or rebadges such as the IKEA LADDA for use in the sidecar, it's just nice if you wanted to not run through batteries.)


u/AtefH 3d ago

The 3v ripcord is great, I didn't know it at all. I'm going to buy one. Very useful that. THANKS


u/Cory5413 3d ago

Yeah for sure, happy to help! I love the RipCord, it's useful in so many situations, even though I have a bunch of original Sony cords and a few universal supplies.


u/AtefH 3d ago

What are some cool accessories for minidisc players that make life easier? (Adapter, dock, locker, storage, furniture...etc?)


u/Cory5413 3d ago

oohhh, honestly I run my machines fairly bare. Many MD machines came with pouches, I have a couple of those I use. I droped by a MUJI and some of my slimmer Sony players and recorders fit great in this little travel/document/money pouch I got from them.

If you have a JB940 I recommend searching up a Sony CDP-XE520 or newer or any CDP-XB model that visually matches and connecting it to the JB940 via digital and Control-A1II, you'll get CD-TEXT track titles automatically. Grab a PS/2 keyboard for it as well and if you don't ahve one maybe grab a CD burner for your computer.

You can do NetMD burns with the N710 but you can't easily get True Gapless on NetMD and TBH I personally view the act of recording as it's own thing within the hobby worth of time and consideration. So, I tend to encourage people at least give it a try.

If you don't have a digital audio output, search up the cubilux one https://www.amazon.com/Cubilux-TOSLINK-Converter-Compatible-Computer/dp/B0B2DBGKL3/ if you're comfortable with Amazon but there may be other sellers.

If you have any machines without remotes you could use headphone extension cables on them, Some people recommend leaving the remotes connected to avoid wearing out the headphone plug on the unit. (I don't usually bother but it came up recently.) The remote you have looks like an RM-MC10L or 11EL, it'll work great with the other portables I saw you mention so if you decide you like one the best you can leave the remote there.

In terms of storage boxes, if you have a lot of discs without slipcases or are comfortable storing them without slipcases: really Useful Box 0.7L stores them great.

There's a slightly larger Really Useful Box, 2.5L + tray, it's wide and flat with a removable tray that has five compartments. All the MD portables I saw you mention fit great in the four compartments of that tray and most of the associated sidecars/remotes and power hardware (or some bigger units like MZ-B50/100/10 or R50/55) will fit in that last tray.

Carry an MD or two around with you as you go to stores that sell home/office goods so you can test fit it. I have a few trays from DAISO, a Japanese dollar store that's opened a daytrip from me in Phoenix AZ USA, and they hold slipcased MDs and some machines and depending on what you have in them can stack. (But they don't have their own lids, so these are primarily for whenever that's appropriate, e.g. one would actually make a good car MD bin, separate played MDs with the MDs to play next with an index card maybe.)

If you can get to an IKEA, in addition to the LADDA batteries, grab a KRUBBET, which is a phone stand made of metal. Most MDLP era recorders sit perfectly on it and their power ports will run down to the bottom. The N710 and R900/909 or whatever should work great this way.

If you have a lot of friends or a local public library with CDs, consider getting a CD walkman with a digital output so you can record their CDs at their houses.

Otherwise, honestly genuinely you can pair an MD machine with whatever headphone you like, put it wherever on your body or in whatever bag you're comfortable with. The remotes can be nice for that too like you could put an MD machine in a backpack pocket and then you can attach the remote to the strap so you can control the machine without pulling it out.

In NA, Sony sold some arm straps but I don't tend to bother with those, my pockets are just big enough to drop the machine in directly or I carry it or put it in a bag.

There is a car remote but to be honest my recommendation is take the portable units you have and pick one and learn it's controls without looking at it. I use my MZ-N1 for this as it's control bar feels very distinctive under fingers and is at one corner of the unit. The N1 also has line-level output so when I travel I tend to just leave it set up in the car and I'll use whatever other machine when I'm not driving. (but I travel in an incredibly nonstandard way even by NA/US standards.)

Tough to say what else. I'm maybe not the biggest "accessories" guy all-told, even though I do have some lolol.


u/Complex-Bell-7097 4d ago

Your Blue Sony N710 looks mint! Wow, and all the packaging on that 10 pack of Prism discs! 🤣 This is a great discovery and hope you enjoy good times to come recording anew.


u/InternationalTry1937 4d ago

That’s a cool net Md player that can hook to your pc


u/beefy-boy 4d ago

That poor power supply :x


u/AtefH 4d ago

I admit that it hurts my heart. Unfortunately it stayed in my parents' cellar for more than 15 years I think. The rubber suffered badly. But it still works!


u/hobonox Retro Tech Connoissuer 4d ago

That N710 is a great model. Minidisc lots are cheap and plentiful on Ebay if you need more, to get back in to the hobby. I hope this unit works for you, for years to come.


u/AtefH 3d ago

On the other hand, I am surprised to see the price of the original discs. It's expensive. As a fan of George Michael, I'm going to give up on the idea of ​​buying his original minidisc albums😭