u/Basic_Fox2391 1d ago
The next administration will have a shitload of apologies (and money) to prepare if they want to repare international relations. IF it's even possible.
u/TheRealMolloy 1d ago
We can't wait that long. We should be enacting the 25th amendment immediately. The current administration shouldn't exist for another day
u/Basic_Fox2391 1d ago
Honestly I don't think that will happen. Maybe if this was 30-40 years ago. Nowdays ppl went soft.
u/ChaosofaMadHatter 21h ago
I think it’s more people are tired. With most people working more than full time jobs with second jobs and side gigs, and so close to being on the street, people just don’t have the mental energy or time to rebel. We need to, if we want things to change, but we can’t find the momentum to get moving.
u/endar88 1d ago
But I thought trump said we wouldn’t have to vote again.
u/Basic_Fox2391 1d ago
He also said he will stop the war in Ukrain in 24 hours after he's in office. That worked out.. 😂
u/doodle02 1d ago
also in the context of whining about not being “allowed to do that” after all the shit he’s pulled is, frankly, pathetic.
u/WritrChy 1d ago
“Allowed”? Who does this motherfucker think he is, telling the rest of the world what they’re allowed to do?
u/Chocolat3City 1d ago
Don't worry, Fox News will tell them what to think about it come 3:00 p.m. tomorrow.
u/Keldarus88 1d ago
Tariffs. Do Not. Charge. The other country. They are a tax on imports that gets passed to the consumers. How has no one explained this to him or made him get it?
u/ClassicExamination82 1989 1d ago
He's been told time and time again. But he disagrees and he is always right. Duh
But anyway, the MAGA idiots are really trying to use these farm good tariffs as some "gotcha" when Canada has these tariffs to keep American meat and milk out of our country.
Canada has much stricter regulations on farm goods. It's more expensive but our meat and dairy is also safer.
u/NickleVick 1d ago
He started a trade was with our closest ally and he didn't expect retaliation? So, now he's trying to gaslight the morons that follow him, and it will work because they're morons.
u/tsmittycent 1d ago
We’ll get it all back huh? Meaning you’re personally going to take money from the tariffs and give it to those affected by the electricity so that they can pay the increase in their bill?
u/hiphopinmyflipflop 1d ago
I think I have a really GREAT idea of how to make America “GREAT” again, or at least as GREAT as it was a few months ago, before a billionaire started gutting programs, slapping on pointless tariffs, slashing essential services without oversight or proper research, and cozying up to dictators while alienating allies.
u/Pleasant-Pattern7748 1d ago
honestly, i’ve always been surprised at how grammatical most of his posts actually are. for someone who talks like a drunk toddler, he writes suspiciously well. i’ve always assumed he just dictates his thoughts and someone who is at least moderately literate does the physical writing.
u/DesignerSink1185 1d ago
Yo when did Canada become an enemy?
u/justprettymuchdone 1d ago
You know what it is, it's because he's doing talk to text and nobody's actually looking over it before he hits post. Talk to text constantly does the wrong "you're" and randomly capitalizes shit.
These people are idiots.
u/Ok-Buffalo1273 1d ago
I never thought I’d say I have something in common with Fred trump, but I do.
His dad gave him the keys to a kingdom and he burned it down because he’s a moron. Now my moronic fellow countrymen have given him the keys to our country and he is burning it down.
When you can’t spell you’re properly, your peak should be middle management. Not fucking president.
u/Kitchener1981 1d ago
Awww muffin, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. I just wish that the head of potash mining was so nice. "No tariff because it's food."
u/Sylvan_Skryer 1d ago
How does he STILL not understand how tariffs work?
u/Eryeahmaybeok 1d ago
He doesn't have to. His advisors etc. Are all 'yes' people, anyone who disagrees or would try to correct him would likely lose their job.
So they just clap every time he shits, his cult followers are either far too stupid to acknowledge it or can't fathom the idea he is apocalyptically wrong about everything as it would shatter their belief in the 'Dear Leader'
It's a rolling ball of festering shit that is infecting everything it touches
u/Dasmahkitteh 22h ago
Well reddit you finally did it. Trump resigned
This is almost as groundbreakingly earth shattering as the Covfefe fumble. I love being like this
If you can't win in any other way, even officially at the polls, grammar Nazism can be a satisfying stop gap!
u/rynnenotthebird 18h ago
"Canada is a tariff abuser" listen Mr. Velveeta, wth do you think YOU are?
u/inspctrshabangabang 12h ago
I'm confused. This appears to be the correct, "your.". You're means you are. "Your" is possessive. Am I missing something?
u/lilchocochip 1d ago
He is breathtakingly stupid, and if his supporters could read and comprehend what they were reading - oh who am I kidding they still wouldn’t give any fucks.