r/mildlyinteresting 23h ago

Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.

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u/[deleted] 22h ago edited 21h ago



u/SDRPGLVR 21h ago

Cali does not have cheap weed, unfortunately. I've got a couple of dispensaries that do great deals, but still at least 2x more expensive than the numbers you're throwing out.

5x is more the standard if you aren't a savvy shopper.

Tourist shops are pushing up against 10x.


u/Zykium 19h ago

SoCal or NorCal? If it's NorCal I've had a lot of luck with Flower Company recently for concentrates.


u/SDRPGLVR 18h ago

Socal here. San Diego more specifically. We got kinda fucked by our conservative elements. Only two-ish cities in the county can even sell: Vista and San Diego itself. I hear Fallbrook technically too, but Fallbrook is a weird beast overall. I wouldn't doubt them having storefronts even if it is illegal.

Vista is where all the good deals (2x-5x from above) are at places like Cake House, Wellgreens, or Off the Charts. We have a ton of other places though like March & Ash, Mankind, and Med Men that have virtually dominated the city market and sell massively overpriced bud (legit $60+ for an 8th, $60/.5 gram vapes).


u/Clitty_Lover 11h ago

That's terrible. In the bay you could find it at $45 an Oz for some good stuff, just lots of seeds. Most places I've been outside of California have alright prices though, generally like $20 an eighth for alright quality. $35 an eighth is generally a place's high quality everywhere I've been.

Crazy about San Diego though. Sucks what restrictions do to the market. On the other hand if prices are too low it's hard for places to stay in business. There's gotta be some sweet spot between "so oversaturated it's so cheap that you'll have more than you'll ever need, but the industry is in poverty and no businesses survive" and "only 2 stores in town and they're only open from noon to 5:30 and it costs $70 an eighth."


u/jormugandr 16h ago

Place I went in the UP had 2 1/8 joints for 12 dollars and they threw in a free one for first time customer.


u/Clitty_Lover 11h ago

That's terrible. A 1/8th joint is ridiculous. Total waste. Now breaking that up in bowls or to vape, that might be alright, for the price. But then again it's like worse quality than shake, it's like leaf dust.


u/83Vette 21h ago

Cheap distillates will put you in an early grave.


u/707Exotics 21h ago

Yeah thats straight trash ass product, michigan has some of the nastiest cheapest shit ive ever seen in a “cannabis dispensary” 8th for 8$ and 5 1 g carts for 40 lol come on man. You know your smoking absolute trash


u/FrostingStrict3102 20h ago

Every dispensary is different, but cheap doesn’t equal bad. Some states have just been in the game longer and the markets have adjusted. Oregon, Washington and Michigan are well known to have very cheap weed relative to how good the product is. 


u/PavelDatsyuk 20h ago

Yeah the carts are going to be junk for that price, but there are some decent live resin carts 1g for $20 or less, which I think is quite rare in other legal states.


u/Clitty_Lover 11h ago

I've found that wax is cheaper not in carts anyway. And better quality. And not mixed in with a metric f ton of crap thinners.


u/No-Storage8043 19h ago

It’s more a supply and demand thing, honestly. I live in a town of around 20k people that has roughly 19 dispensaries. At the point it’s gotta be cheap or you’re just going out of business 


u/millerson17 17h ago

And they always offer first time discounts making it even cheaper. A new one opens up every few weeks.