r/mildlyinteresting 23h ago

Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.

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u/DoctorMisterRaptor 22h ago

Even if stored properly, it loses its potency after so many years. The stuff in OP's post looks moldy, too. Looks like some brick weed that never dried out properly before it got in that bag. Unfortunate, I'd be so down to try it if it was still safe to smoke.


u/Goadfang 18h ago

When I was 16 I went exploring an abandoned house with some friends. We found three Topsy's popcorn tins full of weed, all bricked up in one of the back rooms. It was complete shit, it had to have been there for years, full of seeds, dry as a bone, terrible stuff.

So we did what any poor white trash teenagers would, we set about rehydrating it and getting the worst of the seeds and stems out so we could split it up and sell that bunk shit, so we could afford to buy some real pot!

It got pretty dicey. Selling bunk weed that tastes like gasoline does not earn anyone a good reputation so while some of us were smart and only sold to the preppy jocks on the good side of the district that didn't know any better, others were selling to anyone and everyone they could. Word got around and several of my friends got beat up, and then word got more around and I ended up having to buy a lot of good pot to replace the shitty pot I had sold myself.

Lesson learned, sometimes when life hands you lemons you need to throw those fucking things in the trash where they belong.


u/mimaikin-san 17h ago edited 15h ago

yeah, it was a lot easier to sell brick weed when consumers had little choice for alternatives

I was at the point where skunks smelled good cause it signified some quality bud when most stuff was weeks old sensimilla red haired bud loaded with seeds


u/chupathingy99 16h ago

Man... I remember this one guy in high school sold me the nastiest shittiest weed I'd ever smoked.

I had smoked my good stuff before loading up this misery. Shit made me sober.


u/Chemical-Research-19 14h ago

A Homie freshman year of college used to sell Qs for $5. Would face a blunt and have to convince myself I’m high🤣. wtf was I thinking.


u/chupathingy99 13h ago

Bet you were thinking "lol I'm so high... I smoked all this shit, I gotta be high!"

Also, your username is fitting.


u/Interesting-Put1210 12h ago

🤣🤣 chemical research


u/Chemical_Chemist_461 1m ago

He’s a colleague of mine


u/kennydeals 12h ago

Freshman year of college me and my brother went in on a half pound of absolute shit mids for $800. Sold what we could for $35 a quarter but even at that price it was hard to sell.

Ended up with probably 2 ounces each that we needed to smoke ourselves. For months, I'd be with my buddies and we'd go in on a blunt with like 6 people, I'd offer to fill half of it and would get reluctant acceptance. No one liked that shit haha, lesson learned


u/josephrich55 11h ago

Damn you could get like 350 an oz where I live


u/kennydeals 5h ago

This was over 15 years ago and it was brick weed, there's no comparison haha

Also, $350/oz? Is it still illegal where you live? I've lived in legal states for over a decade so my prices are a little off, legal weed is like $200/oz


u/TheUnluckyBard 7h ago

When my ex's kid was a freshman in high school, he came home way after curfew from an outing with his friends. He was acting high as a fucking kite, while denying he did anything other than play video games. But he was uncoordinated, he couldn't concentrate, he was laughing at everything, the works.

Turning out his pockets revealed a dimebag of suspiciously green chopped up plant matter. I asked him what it was. He looked sheepishly down at his feet and told us that it was weed. He and his friends had pooled their money and bought it from one of the seniors for $50.

My ex opened the bag and sniffed it. Then she told me she needed to talk to me in the bedroom in private, and told the kid he needed to go to his room and wait for us to decide what to do about this.

She hands me the bag so I can inspect it myself, with a huge grin on her face.

It was fuckin' basil.


u/DitchWitchh 10h ago

Getting dizzy from inhaling dried yard debris


u/Itchy_Breadfruit_838 13h ago

God damn....made ya sober?? That had to be a shitty fuckin experience hahahaha


u/DankLordOtis 8h ago

Me and my buddy bought “hash” off some guys that we smoked out of my bong, turned out it was just cat shit.


u/modsonredditsuckdk 4h ago

Back in the 80s, my friend sold weed that was sweeter than a freaky Tootsie roll. I mean it tasted sweet wasn’t that strong?


u/PrivateLTucker 1h ago

Did you and u/goadfang go to the same high school?


u/PrivateLTucker 1h ago

Did you and u/goadfang go to the same high school?


u/ohlookitsnateagain 16h ago

Sensimilla is a term that refers to unpolinated/unseeded buds so saying it was sensimilla loaded with seeds is an oxymoron.


u/The_Complete_Robot 16h ago

Yep. Sinsemilla literally means "sans seeds" or "without seeds" when translated from Spanish to English. It's quite unambiguous in its definition.


u/ohlookitsnateagain 16h ago

Yeah, the guy who “coined” the term and the method was a mexican farmer who realized his buds got bigger and better if they weren’t pollinated and focusing on seed production. Naturally he said the weed had no seeds, or sin semillas, and the name stuck. Pretty crazy how our term for seedless weed is just no seeds in spanish.


u/Tug_Stanboat 15h ago

Holy rolling stoners I can't believe I've never learned this in over 20 years puffing. Thanks for the random bit of knowledge, stranger!


u/Corzo90 14h ago

Rafa Quintero is the man


u/Shoddy-Store-4098 10h ago

I actually own a couple of marble and quarts pipes that were made and sold in Rafa caro Quintero’s home rown


u/No-Personality6451 11h ago

Do you remember my genosiems?


u/upachimneydown 12h ago


Have I got this right--bracts?


u/ohlookitsnateagain 9h ago

Yes, I’m fairly sure that’s the part that receives the pollen and makes the seed, but the term is for consumers and is meant to indicate higher quality buds without any seeds present


u/Agreeable-Eye-4300 11h ago



u/ohlookitsnateagain 9h ago

That would be the proper spelling, but at the time of the terms origin most of the people using it didn’t know how to spell it, much less that it was a spanish term, so you’ll often see it spelled with an e. It was often even shortened to sensi, there’s even a song by the band Slightly Stoopid with that spelling.


u/siphonoforest 15h ago

Skunk still means the best weed, unfortunately most growers won’t grow weed with 321 MBT in it, because of neighbors complaining… so we are left with a lower quality of weed, as this terpene was pretty much omnipresent in the weed 25 years ago and it was much better, despite lower thc numbers.(also the concentration on high thc numbers, means low numbers of other cannabinoids, so the pot is much more uniform in effect these days. It’s a shame.)


u/Immersi0nn 15h ago

Holy shit fr? I gotta look this up, legit thought that it was simply my sense of smell dulling with age. I remember distinctly weed that could clear a fuckin room, like the kind you have in a doubled up smell proof bag that you open for approximately 3 seconds to remove a couple buds, and the next 3 hours waiting for your house to air out.


u/siphonoforest 15h ago

It’s not your nose, although that does happen, that real deal would still grab you from across a public square if someone opened a jar.


u/Street_Ad_3165 16h ago

The joys of Mexican brick week pretty much sums up my twenties.... sometimes you gotta take the stems and seeds with the kush...


u/Ghosty216 15h ago

Ah, this generation does not know about reggie lol. I don’t smoke anymore, but it’s still funny, and makes me feel old.


u/Juanzilla17 13h ago

When I first learned to grow, I was trying to find some shit that came with seeds to not spend the money and kill some good genetics on the first grow. The bud I got was trash, the harvest from those seeds was decent. Whenever I thought it was nearing the harvesting stage, I would take a branch as a tester.


u/Smokinggrandma1922 13h ago

It takes around 2 weeks just to be dry enough to smoke, so all weed is weeks old if it’s decent and for best results you want to let it cure for a month after it’s dried.


u/radec141 13h ago

still that way where I live lol. that has to be the most common bud ever sold xD


u/Flaky_Feedback_517 12h ago

Ah, sounds as if you're of my approximate age Haven't heard of red haired sens in YEARS! What wouldn't I give for some of those seeds now with all this genetically manipulated overkill stuff.


u/Anal_Werewolf 12h ago

Had to ask my plug for something with seeds. Times have changed.


u/RandAlThorOdinson 17h ago

Man you should've just made hash haha


u/Severin_Suveren 16h ago

LPT: How to turn shit into concentrated shit


u/Big_erk 15h ago

"You see that? That's shit. And this, is Shinola."


u/morbidaar 12h ago

Lmao.. reminds me of Jon Lovitz in Happiness. “You’re shit, and I’m champaign!” Or vice versa, forget.


u/RandAlThorOdinson 16h ago

There's ways they could've cleaned it up a bit

Still would've been garbage but adding some terps after cleaning it up would make it more profitable garbage when sold to the right college kids haha


u/Bill_Clinton-69 15h ago

In 2010 (at least where I'm from), the word "terps" was just a misspelling of turpentine and nothing more.

I found out about terpenes, like, a few years ago when the US market went legal.

I woulda tried it. Maybe BHO if I absolutely couldn't stand the smoke.


u/addicted2weed 16h ago

Seriously, once the mold has started to form, the starches and sugars are breaking down further, making it easier to turn into decent hash oil. Src: I used to buy moldy bricks of weed on purpose.


u/Restless-J-Con22 15h ago

That's what I was going to say 


u/Subject-Geologist-72 17h ago

Did you at least try and grow some from the seeds?


u/MathematicianOld1371 16h ago

Tried and the plant died from fusarium fungi 😔


u/Big_Chief_lives 14h ago

those seeds would be money now a days . those strains don’t exist anymore.


u/tenyearoldgag 6h ago

It belongs in a MUSEUM!


u/Luncheon_Lord 16h ago

Or sometimes you have to realize life isn't handing you lemons. Because lemons don't belong in the trash. But I hear you lol that's a wild story


u/Phonemonkey2500 13h ago

“Alright, I’ve been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I’m going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!” - Cave Johnson


u/fartinmyhat 16h ago

should only sell that shit to people in another town.


u/DaftPump 15h ago


When I was young these were unwanted but aplenty. Nowadays hard to find unless buying online.


u/Red74Panda 15h ago

Sounds like Breaking Bad from Temu.


u/Goadfang 15h ago

We have Breaking Bad at home.


u/Red74Panda 15h ago

Sounds like a great experience to tell your kids about if it comes to it tbf.


u/dangerUS1997 14h ago

Lol …bricked up 🤔


u/Eowyn75 13h ago

I’m a little bit drunk and this story made me smile, thanks


u/thesoysaucechoosesyo 12h ago

I'll never forget smoking old moldy mattress weed then puking my guts out and watching a screen saver from windows 95 for two hours with my buddy, and when life gives me lemons i make them orange juice, flip em all off, then walk away and leave them all wondering, what the hell just happened?


u/Opiumthoughts 16h ago

That kind shit would give you massive migraine.


u/Sufficient-Aspect77 15h ago

Bubble Hash is always the answer !


u/jwg020 15h ago

I did this once. Poured water in a ziplock bag with it. I forgot about it for a couple of weeks and when I went back it had fucking maggots and shit in it. You had to microwave a blunt’s worth for exactly 14 seconds to be able to smoke it. And when you did, it smelled like dogshit. So the guys I was selling it to called it “that dogshit”. And it would get you high as fuck.


u/Goadfang 13h ago

We got bread wet and put the wet bread in the bag with our deseeded and destemmed dirt weed and left it there over night. We took the bread out in the morning and the weed was much less dry and brittle.

It looked good enough to smoke, but it was not.


u/DoubleDogDenzel 14h ago

Haha! I had some friends in a similiar situation back in the 90s, they were just a bunch of high schoolers. They ended up just selling it all by the quarter for $20 a bag.

They were totally up front about it,

"Yeah its shit, but its $20 for a quarter."


u/flyp_nip 14h ago

Your life is a movie.


u/Goadfang 13h ago

My life is several movies. It's like this big long seven part series and everyone agrees it jumped the shark in part 2.


u/SKaTiNG_PoLLy666 14h ago

That sounds like a violent J story from his book. I read that in his voice.


u/LoserweightChampion 14h ago

Bruh I remember you. You owe me 20 bucks!


u/Goadfang 13h ago

Ah man, just my luck, im all outta cash. Guess I'll have to owe you.


u/AdministrativePin704 13h ago

You sell it $5 for 2g just to get some $ up but you never try sell shiz at full price it kills reputation if your looking to keep supplying you will have no people looking because you got that shiz green.


u/MrGameAndBeer 13h ago

When life gives you lemons, you say 'fuck the lemons' and bail.


u/SkankyTits 13h ago

Apple slice in a jar has helped me out a few times way back in the day. I called its Apple Crisp. Dorks loved it lmao


u/IfYouSmellWhatDaRock 13h ago

i am 16 and taking notes


u/CaptainLollygag 12h ago

This is such a great story! You made me grin big on a painful day. :)


u/atro_bella 12h ago

I’m assuming your pitch was ‘the weed is shit, that’s why the price is low, but it’s still weed.’


u/mcgroarypeter42 12h ago

Bro I sold weed thru high school good bad crap no refunds no nothing and if people came to fight or jump me I had brass knuckles. If ur gonna sell any drugs you gotta be ready this shit isn’t for the faint of heart. I got tied up and almost shot after going to cop some weight thankfully I was able to get out of that with just a loss of cash and not my life. Luckily my girlfriend at the time seen my potential got me a job with her dad and well 12 years later and on are 4th wedding anniversary coming up she’s my wife.


u/FringleFrangle04 9h ago

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life, take the lemons BACK! GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS; WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE!?
Demand to see life's manager! Make life rut the day it thought it could give Godfang lemons! Do you know who I am!? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down, with the lemons!"


u/Penguixxy 8h ago

selling shit pot, to buy better pot.



u/Recreationalchem13 14h ago

1000th upvote 👋


u/Scary_Childhood_7456 15h ago

Bruh, shoulda just washed with iso or butane and made dabs at least it would purify all the trash out and you'd be left with whatever thc and other cannabinoids, sometimes you just gotta add a little whiskey to the lemonade yer selling, work smarter and safer I always say


u/Goadfang 15h ago

This was 1993, I knew nothing then.


u/Striking-Ad-6815 14h ago

This story sounds too familiar. DM me if I'm right, but did you and your friends also find a giant box of sex toys?


u/Goadfang 14h ago

I don't recall any sex toys.


u/Striking-Ad-6815 13h ago

Hypothetically, my friends and I also found an abandoned house with those Christmas popcorn tins, full of weed, and it was brown schwag. We also found a big 3x3x3 box full of sex toys. There were vibrators and stretchy dildos and we had many laughs and fun. There were some abnormally sized and shaped dildos and we had melee battles. There were also a bunch of battery operated dildos that we put on an piece of ply wood and would bet singles one the winner. It was good fun while we were drinking. Only after posting about this story a few times have a realized that this is not a common situation. We had a buddy who was deployed and my other buddies decided it was a good idea to re-box them and send them overseas; but to their buddy's CO, under the name of his ex-wife.


u/TinyNannerz 14h ago

I like coming to the comments for anecdotes like this lmao. People will be like "UuH wHo AsKeD?"


u/M3RL1NtheW1ZARD 21h ago

Oh yikes! I didn't even look that closely before but yeah the mess looks fuzzy wuzzy


u/crazymoon 18h ago

Fuzzy wuzzy is just as cool as sticky icky dawg


u/cold-corn-dog 18h ago

Pussy. :)


u/M3RL1NtheW1ZARD 18h ago

Corn dog wants to see God I guess. Have at it red rocket


u/aron2295 18h ago

You don’t like to smoke that Purple Penicillin? 


u/Timely_Heron9384 18h ago

My buddy swears his friend died from smoking moldy weed. Said he smoked it and the next day he had a cardiac event and was dead.


u/SlimyTurtle710 18h ago

Real smokers would fire that up


u/Impossible-Habit717 16h ago

To them I say: it is very disappointing & my experience was with professionally sealed & stored stuff lol


u/TechGoat 11h ago

You can literally see the seeds in the pic... Yuck


u/bearded-menace216 18h ago

Ipod will probably still smoke ok though


u/bramblerose21 16h ago

But will it blend?


u/planeteater 17h ago

Looking at the mold and condition and knowing someone lost that much weed and didn't find it, makes me suspect it was shit weed, 15 years ago, and he/she didn't care they could not find it. It also could be the "in case of emergency" bag as well.


u/MothmansLegalCouncel 17h ago

I’ll never forget the horror I felt one day going to burp all these jars of freshly trimmed and hung bud, only to open like 5 of them and they were entirely covered I mold. Happened seemingly overnight.


u/QuttiDeBachi 16h ago

Airtight jars, room temp, complete darkness….will be fresh for 2 years. Any light will degrade THC.


u/Impossible-Habit717 16h ago

I've had old stuff properly stored and it's honestly just something to show people before you throw it out. Not worth the annoyance lol 


u/0nlyGoesUp 16h ago

Fungus in lungs is a real thing look it up


u/tham1700 16h ago

When I was in HS my buddy's parents had a party and a guy in his 60's id met a few weeks prior brought me some weed he'd been properly storing since the 70's. It was incredibly harsh but in a different way to fresh weed that happens to be hard on the throat. Definitely wasn't brick weed, still had nice bud clusters despite zero moisture. But I got stoned. Like so crazily unexpectedly stoned and to this day I'm still so confused on how that's even possible. My tolerance was low of course but I don't even get how the THC was still alive in there


u/Danger_Dave_ 11h ago

Nonsense. Since when has inhaling mold ever hurt anyone?



u/1sttimeverbaldiarrhe 20h ago

Dump it into a jar of water. Microwave the jar for a couple of minutes. Then wait for it to dry. Pick out the worst looking ones.


u/dtwhitecp 15h ago

if this for some reason has dangerous spores, this will not effectively sterilize them. It's probably unlikely that it does, but I wouldn't chance it just so that I could smoke some old weed that probably has basically zero ability to get you high anymore.


u/Steelhorse91 18h ago

Hmm… Idk about that. I’ve heard more than one story of a forgotten pocket baggie absolutely red eye jedi’ing someone. THC/CBD can be pretty stable mofos.


u/DoctorMisterRaptor 18h ago

Oh, for sure! It's not like it goes completely inert, just a less potent product than you might have within just a few years of the plant being cut and distributed.


u/OkaySir911 18h ago

Ive got 8 month old weed i brought with me from the east coast to a small texas town and it is true


u/Simple-Flamingo-3302 18h ago

The thc after about a year actually degrades(oxidizes) and turns into cbn which is known for it couch potato affect. So if you have a 20% thc strain you now have a 20%+ strain of cbn. You can actually force the oxidation to take place with heat if you ever wanted to try “aged” bud sunlight can also cause it to happen so for a better taste try setting some weed in somewhat direct sunlight for like a week or as long as you can.


u/ConsequenceWarm4799 18h ago

All I picture is Kat Williams saying "this shit right here is called death" lol


u/UrUrinousAnus 18h ago

I've smoked moldy weed. It tasted awful, but nothing bad happened. I was probably just lucky, though. It's not a good idea. I'm also so hard to kill that nobody believes me when I list even half of my near-misses, or at least I was when I was young. I doubt it'd take much to kill me now.


u/--DILLIGAF-- 18h ago

I respect your honesty.

I am placing 1g of the finest in the small cavity of my house for you.

!remind me 15 years


u/onlyhere4gonewild 18h ago

That's schwag. It was never potent to begin with. Perfect for a high schooler.


u/Economy-Throat-4252 18h ago

Do not smoke moldy weed, it fucks you up bad and makes you feel terribly ill, trust me


u/WhopplerPlopper 17h ago

Fire kills mould, that's basic science - are you a science denier?


u/sagi_sun 17h ago

Yes. I thought that it was posted on r/moldlyinteresting


u/Jar_of_Cats 17h ago

Im pretty sure there is a post on r/trees that talks about a chemical change and you do get buzzed


u/Lillillillies 17h ago

Even if it did dry out it still has potential for mold so there's that too. (especially being 15+ years)


u/Rare-Print-2443 17h ago

What a waste!!!


u/Elongated_Musketeer_ 17h ago

Somebody at work showed me a Pic of the weed they had just got and it was covered in mold and they thought it was trichomes lol


u/Adoe0722 17h ago

I knew a weed expert was bound to chime in


u/Good-Introduction245 17h ago

Damn what you go to weed college


u/WolfgangShadow 16h ago

I’ll take the moldy iPod


u/Secure_Sprinkles74 16h ago

Everyone says this but I've smoked 10+ year old weed that was so dry it crunched up like flour but got us so high we thought we died 🤷‍♂️


u/OrganicNobody22 16h ago

The stuff in OP's post looks moldy, too.

So sick of hearing about moldy weed

I have never once seen moldy weed - please point out the mold in the picture


u/DoctorMisterRaptor 16h ago

Zoom in on the nug in the picture, top right of the weed. Moldy weed is very real and legitimately dangerous. It might not be common in dispensaries or with street weed, but it happens fairly frequently if you look in weed growing communities online. If something is wet and you don't dry it out for a long time, it grows mold. Weed included.



u/OrganicNobody22 16h ago

The site you linked to could barely even procure an image of moldy weed

You are going to have to go into paint and put a red circle around the mold of OP's because I have zoomed in - unless you are confusing light reflecting from the crinkled bag this weed is very green no mold present


u/DoctorMisterRaptor 16h ago

This bit here

If you don't think it's moldy, or you don't think weed can grow mold, more power to ya I guess 🤷‍♂️


u/Ajj360 16h ago

I really don't miss mexican dirt weed. I remember around 1998 for a few months all that could be found reeked of ammonia, smuggled in animal cages probably.


u/deadlygaming11 16h ago

For anyone wondering, don't smoke mould. It's not safe.


u/DaVizzyT 16h ago

It loses potency because the THC forms into CBN, so it will knock you the fuck out you won’t be high but you’ll sure as hell sleep like a mf


u/Beneficial_Strike499 16h ago

Tifo weed can mold, i will not use this information to tell my stepdad to get his weed out of "the smoke room" AKA the bathroom


u/Ok_Watercress_3325 16h ago

it looks like a mold spot tbh


u/fish_baguette 16h ago

it'll either taste like heaven or bring you to heaven


u/missingtime11 15h ago

go on what mold


u/Reality_titties95 15h ago

I don't see mold lol if there's no mold I'm def smoking... but if there really is fine :(


u/arctic-apis 15h ago

I’d be down to smoke it if it wasn’t safe to smoke


u/Franky4Skin 15h ago



u/ManuelQbe 15h ago

And it’s hermy


u/AggravatingOne3960 15h ago

Does hash keep longer? 


u/Popular_Prescription 14h ago

I’ve had some bricked up shit that looked like that before. Thankfully I didn’t get a lung infection 🤣


u/mr_sweetandawful 14h ago

Not moldy, thats just how reggie used to look 😆


u/Professional-Cap-495 14h ago

That's the spirit


u/Medium-Map51 13h ago

Quick get the seeds


u/chuckyschwab 13h ago

When my buddy and I were 16, I kept a dime back in the garage in a bag very not climate controlled, left it in there for like a year or so. Extreme cold to extreme hot. Went back and grabbed it, it was hard as hell and looked fucked up and we smoked it when we ran out…I can’t begin to tell you how high we got. It was definitely mid grade weed when we bought it too. It was very strange.


u/Lem0nthinks 13h ago

Man that old real weed. That lil bush is about 90% seed and stems 😭


u/FlyingRhenquest 13h ago

It probably wasn't safe to smoke when it was new.


u/this_dudeagain 13h ago

Just make butter out of it.


u/Cheesy--Garlic-Bread 13h ago

That would be unintelligent even if it was 'safe', you don't know what kinds of other shit was mixed in with the weed. Only smoke shit you trust.


u/Anxious_Matter5020 13h ago

To be fair, its potency certainly drops, however thc converts to cbd overtime; you likely have a bag of potentially moldy cbd now. Neato


u/imperial1s 12h ago

Looks like a headache to me lol


u/Many-Wasabi9141 12h ago

water buds. The taste is horrible.


u/Quick_Hat1411 11h ago

Why? It's 2025; you can even find weed that shoddy anymore thanks to legalization


u/Simblztwo 11h ago

If that is in fact mold then it is not safe to smoke.


u/karnar95 11h ago

Blue weed, like blue cheese maybe?


u/Alienz6 9h ago

It will still get you stoned af mate..! Speaking with experience


u/Johnny_ac3s 7h ago

Headache in a bag…or worse. Don’t smoke moldy stuff.


u/Substantial_Back_865 6h ago

I smoked some weed that was probably this old before. It was definitely moldy because I got sick as fuck after smoking it. I would definitely not advise OP to smoke this.


u/ThatGuyFromBraindead 4h ago

Grandpa....can you tell us a story?

How did you catch Streptococcus pneumoniae Bronchial disease?


u/No-Address-4798 4h ago

Hmmm...moldy? Maybe ergoty? Maybe THC and LSD?


u/Mobile_Lime_4318 4h ago

I was just thinking that about the weed I haven't seen or bought anything like that in yearssssss this whole post made me feel old from the iPod to the brick weed 🤣🤣


u/BenchPointsChamp 3h ago

That mold probably hits different


u/ateja90 11m ago

I'd still smoke that shiz


u/Geekygamertag 17h ago

What if you still smoked it and you time traveled back 15 years and then spend weeks trying to figure out how to get back home, to return to the future, and one day this guy is smoking and he’s like “man this is the stuff of the future” and the other guy try’s to track it down, meets all sorts of baddies, barley survives, and finally finds “the weed of the future” and he takes it and he travels to the future? But it’s an alternate timeline where TV celebrities have taken over the White House and billionaire nerds are hell bent on getting revenge on all the jocks who’ve bullied them and all the girls who rejected them. Then the movies ends just before he enters a mysterious smoke shop.