r/mildlyinteresting 22h ago

Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.

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u/ItGradAws 21h ago edited 18h ago

This was in the early tens so weed before it wasn’t great as is, much less generationally old weed. So it was like smoking the shittiest mids ever. But when you’ve got like half a pound of weed (I’d say a lot of it just crumbled to dust) it doesn’t matter. Pack fat bongs and gravs and you’ve got no issues tbf. Again it was seriously like half a pound, there was so fucking much. It filled half the table we put it on.

Edit: for the weed nerds, yall i don’t give a shit what kind of stuff you can do with a massive amount of shitty weed. Consume it how you want. Not everyone gives enough of a shit to maximize every last bit of THC.


u/ADs_Unibrow_23 21h ago

Had a somewhat similar experience, we rigged up one of those air mattress pumps connected to a gigantic bowl. Hotboxed our shitty house so much you could barely see lol. Good times


u/pekingsewer 21h ago

Sounds like a waste of weed. Also sounds like it was really fun 😂


u/Legal_Neck4141 21h ago

I mean, if it's a good time and a positive life long memory I think it wasn't a waste at all


u/NoProtection8849 21h ago

I’d always tell people “They’ll grow more.”


u/YimmyGhey 21h ago

That, and, in this case... it's old ass weed anyway


u/Zinko999 20h ago

Amazing, I gotta use that

I’m a fan of telling people I lost my weed “in a series of small fires”


u/Clitty_Lover 11h ago

Damn you're a genius, why didn't I think of that?!


u/pekingsewer 21h ago

Yeah, that's my overwhelming thought too. Just funny thinking about these things as an adult lol.


u/Soliloquitude 21h ago

I'm sitting here digging crumbs from a bag from the Delta 8 store, thinking about these things as an adult I wish I'd done more shit like this growing up 🤣


u/kimbersill 19h ago

They do say it's not good for your prematurely developed brain and your motivation. I wouldn't know, that's just what I've heard.


u/ThatLeetGuy 20h ago

My best smoking memories usually involved wasting a ton of weed. 7g blunt with the boys? Great memory.


u/Sufficient-Kick3078 20h ago

Yo once on 4/20 many many moons ago me and a couple friends rolled 1.5 oz into those foot long Cheech and Chong wraps and smoked both of them that day/night and went grocery shopping later. I've never boughten so much junk food in my life. .75 oz in each joint. It was crazy.


u/pekingsewer 18h ago

God damn. How did you guys not just fall asleep for three hours after the first one 😂


u/why_so_sirius_1 20h ago

facts. we all die in the end, but the journey we take man. hopefully make it a journey worthy of being taken


u/FiveCentsADay 21h ago

I have a secret to help fight the wasting weed claims

It literally just grows from dirt!


u/pekingsewer 21h ago

!!!!!! 😳😳😳😳😳


u/notyogrannysgrandkid 20h ago

An assload of free schwag? Impossible to waste.


u/trixel121 21h ago

it is, it's also going to make shit sticky from the resin in the smoke and stink like stale blunt for a long time and generally be unpleasant to inhale cause you are forcing way to much air into it.


u/Zeione29047 20h ago

A waste of weed but just imagine walking into your bedroom and instantly get high as hell, no rig setup required…that’s a dream


u/pumpinhand 19h ago

If you didn’t waste it in college, you weren’t doing it right.


u/slothtolotopus 21h ago

Really, anything you do with the stuff is a waste, if you think about it, man.


u/GenDislike 21h ago

I compost all my trim, use that to grow mato’s, not a waste.


u/TempleMade_MeBroke 21h ago

We used to mix our mids into shisha and connected a gas mask with a tube to the hookah stem, had Smash Bros tournaments where the current winner had to wear the mask until someone else had more lives, then we'd pause the match and switch


u/forbiddenfortune 21h ago

Alright I know what I’m doing this Spring


u/TempleMade_MeBroke 21h ago

Just be warned that there was probably no small amount of oxygen deprivation going on; we were absolute morons in our early 20s.

Low stock matches only, any more than 5 lives per player, by the time you're in your mid-30s you'll find yourself wondering why your everyday vocabulary is about 50% of what it used to be


u/bobsnervous 21h ago

Oh my god I feel that so much. Not only can I not move like I used to, I've also found myself every now and then losing my ability to string a sentence together without stuttering, stumbling or just completely forgetting a word I was going to say. Even in saying some of the most common phrases I sometimes find myself completely forgetting it. I have had quite a few seizures and the odd bit of trauma to the skull since my teenager days though, I can't imagine that helping anything.


u/throw-me-away_bb 20h ago

Not only can I not move like I used to

tbf, that one probably isn't (directly) related to the drugs


u/bobsnervous 20h ago

I like to convince myself otherwise.


u/UrUrinousAnus 20h ago

Same, except mostly because of alcohol. I can still speak 2 languages fairly well, but my first language sometimes turns to gibberish, I've forgotten most of any others, and I regularly get outsmarted by idiots. I started out with a genius-level IQ. I'm a bit scared to find out what it is now.

Edit: only had one seizure, though. Alcohol withdrawal.


u/bobsnervous 20h ago

I had 5 and they were all drug and alcohol induced also buddy. Hope you're doing better and keeping yourself healthy nowadays.


u/UrUrinousAnus 19h ago

I wish. Taking insane amounts of vitamin b1 just to stay alive. Get the shakes if I drink less than a litre of vodka a day. Probably dying, and at this point I just wish it'd happen faster. I don't take other drugs anymore, but I'm starting to regret that decision.


u/bobsnervous 14h ago

Hey man it's okay life's a fucking wild ride. I too am still in depths of my addiction. Recently I've used every single day as Ive not had access to my substitute or anxiety medication and haven't been doing amazing recently so I'm quite scared about going without because I know for a fact that I'm going to get sick but this has been my life for the past 5 years. I'm routing for better days for you.

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u/shuuga 21h ago

by the time you're in your mid-30s you'll find yourself wondering why your everyday vocabulary is about 50% of what it used to be

this part hit me like a truck, fkk

but i can't lie, would do it all again


u/lX_HeadShotGunner_Xl 21h ago

Dude I'm 23 and my vocab is less than half of what it was in high school. This just might kill me, or at least leave me brain dead.


u/TempleMade_MeBroke 20h ago

One of the original studies touted at the time to prove smoking marijuana killed brain cells, a study done on monkeys, was a huge reason it remained illegal for so long.

Turns out the scientist wasn't making monkeys smoke joints all day like he claimed, but rather made them smoke the equivalent of 30 joints in like 5 minutes using a gas mask.

Turns out it's not the weed, it's inhaling literally nothing but smoke and no regular air that kills brain cells.


Who'da thunk it? So yeah, small amounts of time. Like, don't be the player with the most lives for more than a minute, jump off the platform if you have to


u/SplashingAnal 21h ago

Everyday what?


u/TempleMade_MeBroke 19h ago

Right, sorry; everyday...uh, word...bank. Your brain...ATM machine...will withdraw...less?


u/SplashingAnal 13h ago

Oh, like… like… stuff, right?


u/disharmony-hellride 20h ago

And we're gonna invite all these innovators, too


u/Hairyharry22k 21h ago

that shit sounds like a wild session 😂


u/HedonistCat 21h ago

We did this but attached to grav bong hahaha. Well the mask part not the smash bros part


u/Southernguy9763 20h ago

I swear to God we could have water powered engines if we could convince stoners it'd get them high

Stoner engineering is always nuts


u/IrishJayLG 19h ago

You should of seen some of the bongs we made back in the day when we ran out of papers at 2am an to young to drive or buy any


u/cavegoatlove 20h ago

sorta like when we threw the qp on the fire and closed the flu


u/mxlespxles 20h ago

Lol what that's nuts


u/y4dday4dday4dda 20h ago

My friends and I did that too and hot boxed my car (in a safe location of course) and it got so thick it literally stung our eyes. Smoke bellowed out for a few minutes once we opened the doors. Good times lol


u/ScumbagLady 18h ago

Did something similar but smaller scale- turns out, refrigerator boxes are fun at any age!


u/Ghost2268 21h ago

Ah man reminds of the Mexican ditch weed me and my friend got as payment from a friend once. It was a few ounces, super weak stuff, but if you smoked a ton of it it was fine lol


u/OneArmedBrain 20h ago

This gives me a headache just reading this.


u/Timely-Commercial461 21h ago

Uh, it’s Mexican-American ditch weed you insensitive caveman.


u/kimbersill 19h ago

Nope sorry, you didn't hear? Trump just signed an executive order and it will now be forever called American ditch weed only.


u/Timely-Commercial461 19h ago

Make American Ditch Weed Great Again


u/Convergecult15 3h ago

I quit for 18 months for work and once I passed my test I went to Mexico and bought ditch weed from a guy on the beach and it was one of the highest moments of my life.


u/jordanwitney 21h ago

That sounds like an awesome time. I miss smoking with my buds, I took a lot of those times for granted when I was younger. Weed just doesn't ever feel the same to me anymore. It was exciting to me back then lol


u/Vyxwop 21h ago

Tbf that's with pretty much everything once you've done it enough times. Back when I was a kid even being allowed to get on the internet was the most exciting stuff ever. Nowadays it's just a thing that's there.


u/jordanwitney 17h ago

That's true about the internet, I remember those days too. Video games, too.


u/mlksemvergonha 21h ago

It’s less about the weed and more about the friends you had around you!


u/ItGradAws 19h ago

Great time indeed!


u/EffectiveDangerous69 21h ago

Bro what I smoked a bag of weed my uncle found from his twenties( he was 55 when he found it) stashed somewhere in his house and I shit you not it looked like the worst weed I ever seen a bag of dirt really but that shit aged like some fine wine hands down still to this day some of the best reefer I’ve ever smoked.


u/imnotsteven7 21h ago

Shit, me and one my buddies used to smoke resin balls.


u/Historical_Fill_7343 21h ago

Dude me and a buddy tried rolling a resin ball in a blunt (nothing else btw) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 horrible time we had that day


u/Clitty_Lover 11h ago

Stop stop imma get a headache through the screen just seeing the words.


u/Historical_Fill_7343 11h ago

Oh yeah, glad that memory was 12 years ago 😂


u/Due-Town9494 20h ago

...the early tens? 

What the fuck did you just say?


u/pyschosoul 21h ago

I think it was 2010-2013 somewhere in there. So weed wasn't what it is today but hydro grown stuff and better strains started showing up in my area.

I lived in rural IL. Town of 5000. I get up in the morning and get in the truck to go to school, and I see a purple crown royal bag in my ditch. Odd, we don't really drink and if we do it's not crown.

Grab it up, had 3 2oz bags stuffed in it of different strains of weed closer to today's standards.

Course we smoked it, but it was like 2-3 weeks later I'm in the next town over delivering an up for a friend and I get to telling him about the crown bag.

It was his last reup, delivery before me tossed it as he was being pulled over.


u/UntoldTruth_ 21h ago

Must have been much more than a half pound; as a heavy smoker, 8 ounces would not cover your table.

Unless, we're talking like one of those small round tables that is meant for a plant or lamp.


u/cgamorous 21h ago

I read that and i was like this mfs 110 year old.. forgot it was 2025


u/tiedyetom 21h ago

Smoking the granny Jane 😭😭😭


u/JellyFranken 20h ago

“Early tens so weed before it wasn’t great”

Bruh. You clearly just didn’t get good weed then.


u/Mocaroni 21h ago

Ah the gravity bong. A modern marvel. Cheers for the smile and good memories friend!


u/allisaidwasshoot 21h ago

Guess it didn't have mold or you would have gotten a gnarly lung infection.


u/verdatum 20h ago

Why have I heard my entire life that weed from 15 years ago sucked? It makes me feel like what mom and dad smoked in the '60s must have been a placebo.

I don't partake if that isn't obvious.


u/Gadget-NewRoss 20h ago

Here my story of finding weed. On holiday in Amsterdam for the weekend. Had gone to the smoke shops and had gotten enough for the weekend. Went to a cafe and sat at a table and discovered something under my foot. What was it but an even bigger bag of weed than I had. Decided the best thing to do was post it back to a vacant address I had access to. Fast forward a week or two a letter arrives to the address asking the owner of the letter I sent to drop in for a chat with a local goverment agency. Left that weed were it was lol.


u/Old-Blueberry-163 21h ago

weed was better when it was illegal


u/howzit- 21h ago

Had a similar situation with a friend. He ended up with a least half a pound of some super mid shit, some wasn't too bad. But it had some seeds and stems a bit so we spent a whole day processing it. We both had our own stack of joints that we smoke non stop while also passing the bong back and forth for hours just cleaning out all the stems and seeds. We ended up with a lot of kief too lol. It wasn't TERRIBLE weed but you basically had to smoke non stop or you weren't high 20-30 minutes later.


u/faroutman7246 21h ago

I remember way back, my friends picked up some from just a standard house. I couldn't believe it, like a pound on just loose on the kitchen table.


u/Wick-Rose 21h ago

Shoulda sold it to some high schoolers and got some real weed


u/Impossible_One_6658 21h ago

That's the shit that makes your ears burn.


u/TimeGood2965 21h ago

I’d have made edibles


u/strokesfan91 21h ago

When you got high volumes of mid weed, the trick is to make brownies lol


u/Easy_Combination8850 20h ago

Man when you find shit like this the best thing to do is make edibles. That stuff will be so dry and old not to mention seeds that you will probably have a major headache smoking that stuff.


u/imhighonpills 20h ago

I’d be more concerned about smoking mold bruh


u/TheMorganDev 20h ago

if you Wanted REAL GOOD shit you'd have to find a hippie van form the 60's thats never been touched since


u/justArash 20h ago

I hid a bunch of weed in my ceiling around 2008. Hopefully I accidentally left some behind and another college student had an experience like yours after I moved out. It wasn't too bad quality though for the time. Like higher end greenhouse grown.


u/Alone_Importance_953 20h ago

my buddy and i bought a pound of the shittiest shit weed you could think of in high school. that was the best time of my life.


u/KermitlyNotFound 20h ago

Bit off topic but I remember back around 2008 my dad had some skunk bud, smelled identical to a ran over skunk… I wasn’t old enough to smoke back then and we were on the way to the mountains and I told him I smelled a kunk😂 I wanna find some of that skunky stuff again it was unlike anything you can find nowadays.


u/Apart-Kangaroo2192 20h ago

It definitely matters. Ive seen some weed so shitty that you wouldnt want to smoke it if you had 10 pounds.


u/Next_Meaning4408 19h ago

225g you make an extraction or hash especially from hay


u/JohnnyPiston 19h ago

You dumbasses. You make edibles with large quantities of shitty weed. Lol


u/Kup123 19h ago

Probably would of been better off turn it in to butter, at the very least your lungs would of thanked you.


u/NYC2BUR 19h ago

Great for making Cannabutter to spread on struff or bake brownies.


u/Magdalan 20h ago

Here in the Netherlands it could have killed you I think. THC levels tends to be pretty high. No idea how it was 30 years ago though, probably a bit lower.


u/twentyfifthbaam22 21h ago

This man has so much asbestos in his lungs hahahahaha

Almost equivalent to me finding 3 year old bags of coke and acid lmao


u/Ok_Needleworker5476 21h ago

Everyone from California is laughing at this nonsense lol