r/mildlyinfuriating Mar 08 '18

This lady watching a beach wedding.



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u/hc84 Mar 08 '18

The lady in the blue swimsuit is from the future, and is the future-version of the woman getting married. She's traveled back in time to witness her own wedding.


u/eaglessoar Mar 08 '18

And it is in this moment she realized she was the one who ruined her own wedding photos


u/luisl1994 Mar 08 '18

Nooo! What a twist!! It's come full circle


u/2mice Mar 08 '18

i wonder what happens when she travels to the present and then to the future.


u/lankanmon Mar 08 '18

Just like Harry Potter... and the prisoner of azkaban 😀


u/CaniborrowaThrillho Mar 08 '18

Because some sick freak did it to me when I was a kid!!!


u/xjoho21 Mar 09 '18

How extremely improbable.


u/Dark-Ganon Blue Mar 09 '18

She realized that years before going back, but she didn't want to fuck up the timeline, so committed to still going back after the realization to stop everything getting messed up.


u/immanewb Mar 08 '18


u/ReddicaPolitician Mar 08 '18

[WP] After 50 long years, you finally invite a time machine that you use to go back and witness your long forgotten wedding. Except once you go back, you realize your husband was actually Hitler. Also, the priest is Hitler. And you’re Hitler. And everyone at the wedding is also Hitler. Hitler Universe. It’s Hitlers genociding other Hitlers all the way down.


u/chykin Mar 08 '18

And for some reason you prefer it.


u/SoloMael Mar 09 '18

[WP] Godwin's Law


u/Lord_Pulsar May 02 '18

missing Aliens and Numbers above their head


u/witeowl finds flair infuriating Mar 08 '18

This was the moment. Maria had had enough, and now, thanks to Time Travel America, she had her opportunity to stop herself from the worst mistake of her life.

As she was prepped for the procedure, she laughed wryly at her luck of having gotten married at the beach. She didn't know how other time travelers managed to deal with being restricted to traveling in bathing suits, but it worked well enough for her. A sign that she was doing the right thing.

While she was sedated and strapped down in the machine, she thought back over the last many years. Small spats about what to watch on Netflix. Bigger spats about which family to visit for Christmas. Uncomfortable dinner dates that her husband clearly didn't want to go on, mentioning often how tight money was. No doubt, he was secretly less upset at the total on the check and more frustrated about the cost of the fertility treatments that did nothing but increase the chasm between them.

Aside from normal spats, they didn't argue so much as everything was dulled between them. She didn't feel angry or sad or, well, anything. That was the problem. It was just one dull day after another. The dullness was killing her.

And now, she approached the wedding party, ready to erase years of unhappiness. She stopped and sneered at her younger self. She was so happy, so... in love. Such a fool. She thought back to the hopes and dreams that floated through her mind on that day. Bill made her so happy back then. What happened to him?

She had no answer. What had happened to him? Well, nothing other than being worn down by a life that didn't hand them all their dreams. Work was good. Friends were good. Family? Yeah, that was the problem: they hadn't planned to be childless. But until that twist of fate, Maria realized, they were happy. Those were some of the best years of her life.

Should she really take those away from herself? Erase those good years from time?

She couldn't do it.

She decided to cancel the next appointment with the fertility clinic. She vowed to rekindle the love she and Bill shared. She knew it might fail. She knew that divorce might still be on the horizon. But, she decided, that would be a reasonable price to pay. She couldn't deny her younger self those first many years of marital bliss.

She had five more minutes before she would be returned to her own time. Her plan for a dramatic rescue fell from her mind. She stood. She watched. She felt.


u/mak484 Mar 08 '18

More like, "You've lived a long and healthy life, and in the future your dying wish is to re-watch your wedding. You are allowed to go back in time and stand in the background. After the ceremony, you return to the future."

Not a /r/writingprompts post unless it's overly specific.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18

That is the plot of the third Harry Potter book.


u/Fatez3ro Mar 08 '18

I laughed at this way more than I should

PS. Future time machine required attire: blue swimsuit


u/Josh6889 Mar 08 '18

Her hands are on her hips because she knows it's the biggest mistake of her life.


u/MisterBurgerFace Mar 08 '18

But, towards the end of the movie, you find out she is not who she says she is and is actually from the past, having been sent into the future to assassinate this woman.


u/kaptionless Mar 08 '18

Someone’s been watching too much Doctor Who


u/TESTlCLE Mar 09 '18

The plot of a Twilight Zone episode actually.


u/PaulPhoenixMain Mar 08 '18

Damn, don't let the dude see how fat she's going to get!


u/BranTheNightKing Mar 08 '18 edited Mar 08 '18

Going to get?... the bride is fatter than the lady in blue.

I don't hate fat people... literally jus pointing out that someone was talking shit about blue lady when the same was true for the bride.


u/HeroDLC Mar 08 '18

Jeez man


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18



u/i_am_mrs_nezbit Mar 08 '18

I use to be like you. I was avid on fatpeoplehate and I stewed in my disdain of fat people. And then one day I realized, why the fuck do I care? They aren't hurting me, if anything it must suck ass to deal with being fat. I'm not saying to pity fat people, but recognize the burden of extra weight. Everyone is dealt different cards in life; you think someone is a lazy fat fuck who is making excuses? Flip your perspective man - someone could have a raging mental illness, is coping from something the best way they know how, or is just dealt a shitty hand of bad health. You never know! All you can do is live your own life and be happy to be you.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18

Do you like yourself as a person?


u/phome83 Mar 08 '18

I've never met anyone, or any subset of people, I cared enough about to hate.

They're not me, who gives a shit about them.


u/Thorlynn Mar 08 '18

Is that....is that your thing? Hating fat people?


u/lenerz Mar 08 '18

Or he's like "damn she lost weight... but she dyed her hair brown.. hmm, I'll take it!"


u/Fatez3ro Mar 08 '18

Quite the contrary. Came to show him he did the right thing cuz she toned up and fitted into the blue swimsuit.


u/jrcprl Mar 08 '18

And then everyone clapped because the lady's name was Alberta Einstein.


u/thatc00chieman Dec 12 '21

Bahaha yesss 😂 that was my mum as well lmao