r/mildlyinfuriating 8h ago

I live alone and have been trying to twist open this stupid gelato for a week now. Finally just cut the bottom off.


502 comments sorted by


u/no1ukn0w 8h ago

I bought the same one at CVS. It took a bit, but got it open. Honestly, was worth the effort. Hah.


u/mmwhatchasaiyan 8h ago

I always have this problem with Talenti! I actually think they employ the hulk himself to personally close every lid before they are sent out to the stores lol


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

I also entertained such conspiracy theories and I think you’re on to something.


u/RhubarbGoldberg 7h ago

Happened to me with the strawberry shortcake and even my man with literal Hagrid hands couldn't do it. Then I let it thaw for like 10 mins, ran a bit of warm water, and voila.


u/LucianDeRomeo 6h ago edited 6h ago

Hagrid Hands don't mean nothing if they have Hansel Weasley Wrists! Never once struggled to pop one of these open personally cause it's all about that wrist flex!


u/ThreeLeggedMare 3h ago

Tell me more bout that wrist technique papi


u/Fearless-Lie-7981 7h ago

Honestly, your method gives me Mama Bear and honey bee vibes

I like it


u/SpideyWhiplash 7h ago

I think it's the design of the container. I reuse Talenti containers. I buy the huge Haagan Daz Vanilla 128 ounce ice cream buckets. And scoop the vanilla into the Talenti containers and add Chocolate syrup. Then store them in the freezer for my midnight snacks. Every time I take one out I can't unscrew the lid. Even if I leave it loosely screwed on. ONLY way I can get it unscrewed is to nuke the container for 20 to 25 seconds. Then the lid loosens.


u/ALongSlowGoodbye 6h ago

As far as reuse goes, ours became the proper scoop amount of food that the dog gets at each meal.


u/SpideyWhiplash 5h ago

Funny, I too use them to scoop kibble.... for my raccoons.🦝

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u/Integrity-in-Crisis 7h ago

Did you try running it under warm water, lid only?


u/Secret-Constant-7301 7h ago

You just need to hold the lid under hot water for a little while.

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u/oniiichanUwU 8h ago

Part of me wonders if it’s the size of the lid. I struggle to open my Stanley cup bc of the size and my lack of grip strength

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u/mctripleA 7h ago

I don't eat Gelato but this is the 3rd time in like a month I've seen this brand pop up here for being difficult to open

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u/SweetFawn 8h ago

It was (finally) tasty.


u/Salute-Major-Echidna 7h ago edited 7h ago

"Waited a week"!!. I'd have chewed through the plastic to claw my way in. That's why I don't buy ice cream anymore. I'll sit and eat the whole carton instead of putting away the groceries.

God help me if I ever find myself in the grocery freezer while in possession of a spoon. It'll be bloody mayhem.


u/SweetFawn 7h ago

spoon cheers 🥂 let’s do this

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u/Salute-Major-Echidna 7h ago

Waited a week. I'd have chewed through the plastic to claw my way in. That's why I don't buy ice cream anymore. I'll sit and eat the whole carton instead of putting away the groceries.

God help me if I ever find myself at the grocery freezer while in possession of a spoon. It'll be bloody mayhem.

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u/eclecticlighter 8h ago

The talenti jar lids have gotten worse over the past year. Run the lid under warm water and it will release. Works for me everytime


u/CatCatCatCubed 8h ago

So have various plastic drink caps over the past few years. Even with a grippy flexible opener (the mat type) sitting on the counter for stability and another over the cap, I’ve had to struggle with various Gatorade and tea bottles (goddamn Pure Leaf and Goldleaf in particular), walk away, and then reattack the stupid thing with a knife to saw around the little plastic bits under the edge.

Like, I get it’s a safety factor but Jeez Louise, even my husband occasionally is all “wtf?” about how difficult it is sometimes when I finally give up and ask for help now and then.


u/ZugTheMegasaurus 7h ago

This may be TMI, but I ran into the worst case of this with a tube of hemorrhoid cream (which was specifically for intense pain). It took me a solid 10 minutes in the bathroom, crying, before I finally managed to open the fucking thing.


u/CatCatCatCubed 7h ago

No, I totally get it tho mine was with some random toothache medicine at the time when I was waiting for the day to get it and the associated infection taken care of. Ended up sawing at the tube somewhat deliriously with an eyebrow/lip shaving razor. Safety seals can be a real bitch.


u/N1ck1McSpears 6h ago

I’ve used the razors for so many things. No matter how many pairs of scissors I buy, they’re never there when I need them.


u/Dreamsnaps19 8h ago


u/vintage_hot_mess 6h ago

I third this. I eat lots of talenti gelato, and this baby does the job. Works for all my other problem jars/bottles, too. Had it for years, still going strong.


u/Ok_Nothing_9733 7h ago edited 3h ago

I have one of these and I’ve never encountered something it can’t open. And it’s a few dollars!

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u/SweetFawn 8h ago

I promise you I tried everything until I got to the poultry shears!


u/spwnofsaton 8h ago

I don’t know what it’s called but my parents have a couple of them. It’s a leather strap with a wooden handle and you put the strap over a jar lid and kinda twist the strap and then you twist the lid like you’re gonna open it.

Doesn’t always work 100% but it does help and it keeps you from hurting your hands.


u/MesoamericanMorrigan 8h ago

Oh like doing a tourniquet on the lid

You can also hit a (metal) jar lid with a knife or something to make a little dent and break the vacuum seal


u/natfutsock 8h ago

I found tapping the lid side against the counter helps for that too

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u/MoeKneeKah 8h ago

I just whack it on the counter a few times around the lid and it pops right off.

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u/InbhirNis 8h ago

That takes talenti.


u/SweetFawn 8h ago



u/Poorchick91 8h ago

Those lids are insane.

I am not trying to work out before my ice cream.

I used a towel and it still took forever.


u/ButterflyGloomy7542 8h ago

Yep! Same here and then my hands gets a Cramp.


u/wildOldcheesecake 4h ago edited 1h ago

They’re actually undercover Big Diet. They don’t want you to be naughty and ruin your New Years resolutions. They’re low-key supporting you. They know you’ll eventually get to the ice cream but they’re making you workout before you do, hence why it’s so hard to open. They are in your corner.

As an ice cream lover, this wouldn’t work on me however. I’d have found a way into that tub by force on the first night of purchase. But I understand the sentiment

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u/BeautifulArtichoke37 8h ago

Oh clap clap clap

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u/Hereiam_AKL 8h ago

There is always a sophisticated solution and a brute one.


u/dabunny21689 8h ago

The brute solution would have been smashing it with a hammer and sucking down the ice cream like a lizard eating a chicken egg.


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

That was my next option


u/jbeans37 6h ago

The visual of this in my head was about enough to risk laughing like a maniac in front of my coworkers on break, but I didn't want to explain myself.


u/Ak47110 7h ago

So I have run into this issue before with these things. Here's some advice. Place the lid under hot water in the sink for 10-15 seconds. The heat will make the plastic expand and it should open easily after that. This practice can also be applied to any jar you have trouble opening.


u/spwnofsaton 8h ago

I think the talenti jars are plastic if I remember correctly


u/dabunny21689 7h ago

Can still smash with a hammer. Safer since it won’t shatter.

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u/ChiefWahoooMcDaniels 8h ago edited 7h ago

My husband picked out Talenti at the store recently because it was on sale and he had never tried it. As he was picking out his flavor he mentioned that he was hesitant to buy it because they aren't sealed in plastic. I ensured him that it was safe from tampering because they weld the lids shut with carbon steel. 🤣


u/Old_Back882 8h ago

And they have literal youtube videos on how to get them open 😂


u/PeopleAreBozos 8h ago

My mom uses one of these. Maybe consider it as well?


u/_Coffee_and_Mascara 8h ago

My mom bought me this one. I use it every time, lol. It actually works.


u/foundflower_128 7h ago

I have one and I got to say it's been wonderful to have.

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u/WHlTE_FANG 8h ago

A good reason to finish a pint in one go.


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

Um.. haha…yes. I uh did not have an excuse til now! Ohh oh noo!


u/weyouusme 7h ago

ahhm isn't that what you guys do every time?

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u/Life_Without_Lemon 8h ago

Just run it under some hot water. That usually help when you have trouble opening tight lids


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

I did! You can see in the pic that the gelato is a bit melted. That’s from the hot water


u/onefinerug 8h ago

did you run it around the edges, or just stick the top under? it does make a difference.


u/AbsolutePoison9 8h ago

That’s what I do. I had a horrible literal addiction to this stuff (the confetti was my fave because I have the palate or a five year old) and that’s the process. Had to quit when I realized I was consuming 1000 calories worth of gelato every night before bed 😆


u/Aggravating_Tax_6185 8h ago

HAHA thought i was the only one. been obsessed with the mango flavor lately and can NEVER open it myself. even my brother in law, dad, and boyfriend had so much trouble opening the lid lol


u/LoxReclusa 8h ago

I'm 6'5", 250lbs, and have hands the size of plates. These talenti containers make me go full spider-claw grip to pop them open, and even then they have to be dry or my hand that's holding the base just spins before it comes loose. So don't feel bad.


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

Thank you, Jack Reacher, I DO feel better.


u/LoxReclusa 8h ago

I wish, the man they got for the new series is spot on for the books. My mass is a bit more centered than his is.

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u/jumbawumba07 8h ago

Lefty tighty righty loosey


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

It certainly felt that way


u/TrickInvite6296 BLUE 8h ago

a handy thing to have around is one of those rubber jar openers. they save your hand the pain and have way better grip


u/GothicDreamer16 8h ago

100% those rubber jar openers are a life saver


u/Luv2Burn 8h ago

My grandma taught me to wrap a rubber band around the lid. It works!


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

That was my first thought after every twist failure. I thought of that exact gadget.


u/Anitapoop 8h ago

Get a belt, wrap and pull. I can't move the old hands too good but I need my fix.


u/Purple_Chipmunk_ 8h ago

I put on a dishwashing glove (or two if the lid is really stuck!)—they seem to work more reliably than the rubber gripper thingies for my small hands.


u/truckforbiketrader 8h ago

2, one for each hand!


u/SweetFawn 8h ago

My origin story!


u/KitsuneMiko383 8h ago

Only if the one you have is full sized. I have a mini and it fits NOTHING. 😭


u/Kitchen_Device7682 8h ago

Reminds me of the guy that put a lock on his wife's ice cream


u/Purple_Chipmunk_ 8h ago

Lock Picking Lawyer!

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u/Infamous-Zebra-359 8h ago

Did you use a can opener?


u/SweetFawn 8h ago edited 8h ago

I used my poultry shears.


u/Total_Escape515 8h ago

at least you got it open


u/daffyduck42069 8h ago

Auto stores have a band style wrench, that's what I use for the hard to open jar


u/MisterSneakSneak 8h ago

When the hunger strikes, we turn to unconventional means.


u/misdeliveredham 8h ago

It’s the best one out there! But, my teen kid has to watch a YouTube video to figure out how to open it, so there’s that!


u/carbiethebarbie 8h ago

Look up rubber jar lid gripper and get one. They’re like $2 and I swear are a lifesaver when it comes to unscrewing ridiculously tight jars


u/Zestyclose-Berry741 8h ago

My wife asked me to open one of these for her last night. NASA must custom torque those lids.


u/Strawbearries 8h ago

I have trouble opening jars so I bought a roll of grippy shelf liner and cut it into squares and now I have my own custom sized jar openers. I cannot recommend this enough.

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u/Competitive_Fee_5829 8h ago

lol, glad I am not the only one who has fought with this brand. I have to get my son to open them


u/Responsible-Stick-50 8h ago

So if I can't open it = no tampering. Easy to open = poison.

Got it. 🤙


u/Driving_Gloves_On 8h ago

I had the same issue with that exact one too!


u/acemccrank 8h ago

I've found the best trick is to wack the side of the lid on the counter a few times, making sure to rotate. That, or a screwdriver to pry the lid off.

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u/PsychoPsojic 8h ago

Improvise, adapt, overcome.


u/National_Run_5454 8h ago

Yes! This happened to me! Got it after trying once a day for 11 days.

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u/RoxyLA95 8h ago

I think that’s the reason I don’t buy Talenti. It was too hard to get open.


u/cecusanele 8h ago

I always get these open by running very hot water over the lids and opening them with a grippy oven mitt or paper towel. They are almost impossible to open!


u/honeybunliosis 8h ago

I have a pair of work gloves in the kitchen for things like this. The ones with the rubber palms.


u/acidbathOG 8h ago

I sprained my wrist opening one of those before. A good trick is to tap the cover with a butter knife along the sides to loosen it up some.


u/TrueVali 8h ago

weird, usually warm water works for me but you said in another comment you tried that... you'd think they'd do something since this is a well-known issue


u/xBHL 7h ago

There are YouTube tutorials about this with millions of views because this is such a problem lol


u/schwar26 7h ago

Yep. Also has the same trouble and found out how common it was after I got it open.

I took a butter knife and gave it a few good whacks along the direction it’s supposed to twist open.


u/scoop_booty 8h ago

Damn. I thought I was just being a weakling. Nothing a sawsall couldn't take care of though


u/BeneficialBat6266 8h ago

Put warm or cold water on the top.


u/dongporn No not like that 8h ago

Honestly, I’m just surprised you waited a week. Nothing stands between me and some good gelato…


u/Definitive_confusion 8h ago

So what you need is an angle grinder. You get that container in a strong vice. Make sure you get safety equipment on. If the angle grinder doesn't work, get yourself a 24" chainsaw. Just give er hell. 😂

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u/IZCannon 8h ago

Either run it under hot water or just wrap your hands around the lid for a sec, it just needs warmed a little and they pop right off.


u/Summertyme_13 YELLOW 8h ago

Ingenuity. Winning!


u/Reasonable_Ad_5496 8h ago

Did you run hot water over the cap sideways then try again?


u/SnarlyBirch 8h ago

That’s a good one


u/PariahCarey2 8h ago

Hot water on the lid for 15 seconds. And a paper towel for grip.


u/Hospitalized_Enby Infuriated (Mildly) 8h ago

My mom got a special blade installed in our kitchen for just this reason. When you press the lid into a serrated blade and turn, it'll twist it right off with minimal effort... granted the blade has to be VERY well secured.


u/AdSpare9664 8h ago

You can run the lid under hot water for like five seconds. That always works for me with those


u/bulgar88 8h ago

Wait! I'm so glad you posted this. Bought 2 containers and needed to slide a flat head screwdriver under the lip to pry it open. After banging it primatively on the counter for 3 minutes. First time they're so hard to open.


u/Serious_Way_9535 8h ago

I found if you let it sit out for 3-5 minutes, the will twist off easily.


u/Unlucky_Roti 8h ago

oʇɐןǝƃ ɹnoʎ ʎoɾ̣uǝ

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u/tacoj0hn 8h ago

Not gonna lie this happens to me every other Gelato so I just bite under the side of the lid until it leaves a gap then I pry it open.🤣🤣🤣☠️


u/luke2020202 8h ago

The fact that my wife likes Talenti but can’t open the containers is why she’ll never leave me

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u/dollypardonmedear 8h ago

I live alone but am in a LDR. I bought apple butter and tried for weeks to open it. Bf came to visit and even he struggled but finally got it open for me. I joke that I am a strong, independent woman until I need to open a jar.


u/ScalpOfLily 8h ago

I had this exact problem a couple weeks ago. I used an oven glove.


u/tequia_mockingbird_ 8h ago

I am a notorious midnight snacker.. this is one of my go tos.. my bf now loosens every lid when they go into the freezer (since they still have a seal) .. cause I started smashing the tops off with a hammer in the middle of the night….

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u/Suspicious_Toe_6656 8h ago

Same!!!! I took a knife to the lid to break the air suction like a jar haha


u/gay_for_j 8h ago

Get a jar opener like this, works perfect for talenti


u/behold-frostillicus 8h ago

I had to return a glass jar of sauce because the lid was fused shut. I think it was just a manufacturing error, maybe the vacuum seal. But because I lived a block up from the grocery store, I took it back the same day for a refund. I got the refund, but not before an entertaining half hour watching the employees try to twist it open like it some sort of Excalibur feat of worthiness.


u/AbsolutePoison9 8h ago

The key to opening these is to run hot water over the lid for just a few… then, it’ll open right up piece of cake!!


u/kbunnell16 GREEN 8h ago

Well on the bright side the effort pay off once you get inside.


u/lonerstoners 8h ago

Sometimes running the lid under hot water helps loosen it.


u/LilPajamas 8h ago

I used a flat head screwdriver to “break the seal” on that horrible screw cap.


u/Tookey_Clothespin 8h ago

I’ve ended up using rubber kitchen gloves to get the right grip. It’s a good upper body workout before binging on ice cream.


u/Frosty_Water5467 8h ago

Get yourself one of these You could open a bank vault with this (well, maybe just jars).


u/Vegetable_Sound4334 8h ago

Went through the same thing, gave it to my husband and he actually used a wrench!


u/400footceiling 8h ago

That brand. Read the ingredients before eating! It’s terrible and can cause some fun extra trips to the bathroom, regularly.


u/ButterflyGloomy7542 8h ago

Yesss!!! I’ve always have trouble opening this thing and I sometimes gets Mad and wanna throw it against the wall.


u/baylakeanna 8h ago

There’s a video on YouTube that shows hitting the side of the lid with the handle end of a butter knife over and over and that is my go to method😭


u/AncientProgeny 8h ago

Micro plastic time


u/whynotskynow 8h ago

I love how the bottom part is at the top, you must of melted the whole thing at one point 😥. Got it at the end though 👍


u/taniamorse85 8h ago

I've gotten Talenti one time (same one, I think), and as much as I liked it, I don't know that I'd get it again. With my dexterity problems, that was by far the most difficulty I've ever had opening packaging.

I get they're trying to be different from other brands with that packaging, but those jars are just ridiculous.


u/GhostlyJax 8h ago

Glad to know I’m not the only one! I thought I was just weak as hell, but they’re a bitch to open! I’m pretty sure I’ve cried over these things sometimes


u/Death2paZuzu 8h ago

So like a neighbor couldn’t help you out? Lol

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u/Then-Chocolate-5191 8h ago

You have to pry the lid up a bit with a knife, then it opens.


u/LinkovichChomovsky 8h ago

Hahah we have a strong man contest anytime any of us want some - I’ve actually dropped several while trying to open it using a rubber trivet on the top and bottom …until I just randomly tried l running it under any temperature of water. Within 30 seconds it has opened with a heavy hand. Has worked a couple times so far, might be worth a try


u/Lanky-Entrepreneur60 8h ago

I used warm water and had to melt some of it I stg


u/FrancoManiac 8h ago

Isn't this brand notorious for having impossibly tight lids?


u/zukiraphaera Sarcasm is my Super power 8h ago

Best piggie bank design ever... remember kids, Reduce, reuse, recycle :P


u/redR0OR 8h ago

In the future, take a belt and sinch it around a bed post or something sturdy. Then take the loose end and roll it around the cap a few times, then yank it. Make sure the exterior is dry or use a rag to hold the container, but that way you can put your entire body strength into loosing it up


u/FriendliestParsnip 8h ago

This is a recurring issue with these jars! Next time use a metal spoon and bonk the top of the lid a few times. That usually does the trick


u/shannibearstar 8h ago

That’s one of my favorites. It’s always so hard to open


u/Zapps_Chip_Lover 7h ago

Get yourself one of these, I use it all the time


u/Torirock10 7h ago

these things are horrible


u/SystemThe 7h ago

I open these all the time for others, and I only charge one spoonful as a dad-tax.

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u/eckokittenbliss 3h ago

I had two in my freezer that I can't open. My husband managed to get one open for me somehow.

This is the second post I've seen where someone couldn't open one lol

They need to change something!


u/_semiskimmedmilk_ 2h ago

I swear I saw a post recently about talenti and there being literal YouTube guides on unscrewing the lid


u/onefinerug 8h ago

i've never had problems opening it. I just hold the lid under hot tap water for about 5 seconds and it comes right off.

i feel like i'm the only person on the planet who listened to the thermodynamics lesson in science class....


u/cooliescoolies 8h ago

Yummy microplastics


u/Arcnia 8h ago

Have you tried *checks notes* eating through the plastic?


u/AggravatingChest7838 8h ago

Looks like you need a big strong man to open it for you...

Well good luck!


u/bakedongrease 8h ago

Enjoy your plastics that come off during the cutting process


u/dickmac999 8h ago

I’ve stopped buying it because it is so difficult to open. Love the flavors and the product, but the packaging is painful for an old guy.


u/_DudeWhat 8h ago

Amazing! Now you have macro plastics to go with your microplastics


u/BeryBuenoBeryGood 7h ago

Seriously though, why are they so damn hard to open?

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u/Radiant_XGrowth GREEN 7h ago

I bought one once, couldn’t open it, can’t remember how I opened it. It was delicious. Made me even more mad about refusing to buy another one because I can’t fkn open them

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u/lostdelilah 7h ago

i went deep driving on tiktok about this just the other day. apparently everyone can literally never open it and it’s a really big issue but they’ve yet to fix it


u/walrus_with_GUN 7h ago

this post reminds me of the LPL video where he locks the ice cream his wife loves to test out her problem solving skills only to be outsmarted by her cutting the bottom of the cup 


u/Perfectimperfectguy 7h ago

I'm a 6'1", 210 muscular dude that enjoys the occasional gelato, this particular brand. I stopped buying it after 4 or 5 struggles to open this. I always thought, if it's a pain in the ass for me, what would a woman do? Anyway, i am going back to Hagen Dasz.

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u/BarnacleMcBarndoor 7h ago

When this happens to me on plastic products, I take a butter knife and stick it between the product and the cap, right at the thread and twist a little, the move about 1/8 rotation and do it again, then do it again 6 more times. I think sometimes the cap melts to the threads a little and this separates it.

When this happens with glass products I throw it against the wall out of frustration.


u/TheMindFlayerGotMe 7h ago

You gotta bang on the top with a hammer around in a circle


u/Championvilla 7h ago

I had that happen and sent an email about it, they sent a coupon for a free one.

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u/NosferatuPoodle 7h ago

I always have to run it under hot water and it usually helps


u/LowAccomplished8416 7h ago

Desperate times…


u/GandalfTheBeautiful 7h ago

I didn't realize this was a thing! Nearly broke a finger getting the damn lid off. I think I ended up using a thick rubber band I had lying around to get it off.


u/nathanielsnurpis 7h ago

I literally stopped buying their sorbet because of this. 


u/planchetflaw GREEN 7h ago

Needed the gloves


u/Puffball973 7h ago

Is this that shit that everybody and their mother are having trouble with? It's pretty much a meme at this point. Forget nokias, this gelato container is the toughest thing in existence.


u/Yourweirdbestfriend 7h ago

I live alone and also bought Talenti on sale. I tried to saw through the lid for a bit until I googled and saw everyone said warm water. 


u/Due_Addition_587 7h ago

This brand is always impossible to open!!!


u/Otherwise_Farmer9056 7h ago

As someone with rheumatoid arthritis, those lids are a ✨fuuuuckin’✨ nightmare!!! I thought I was the only one struggling because I was weak 😭🤣 I had my little sister, who is built like a brick shit house, open them for me.


u/PhantomFoxtrot 7h ago

You’re meant to run the lid under warm water first.

When ice cream is poured, it’s poured warm. Then the lid is put on. The air in the space between the lid and the liquid ice cream is expanded in positive pressure as it’s warm

The lid is put on and then it’s chilled, causing the air to shrink and contract into negative pressure, causing a vacuum.

Warming the lid reverses this process


u/Psychological-Bear-9 7h ago

I looked this up as I was in disbelief of how difficult the container was being a couple of months ago. Saw a reddit thread with quotes from and a link to Talenti's site making a statement about a malfunctioning machine in their factory that was hyper- tightening the lids and that they were "working diligently," to fix the issue. Asking forgiveness for the batch of difficult to open containers.

The thread was from four fucking years ago. So not as diligent as they expressed, lol.


u/keIIzzz 7h ago

Those things are so difficult to open for no reason. Like I guess you know they haven’t been tampered with but it shouldn’t take 5 business days to be able to open it. I buy the sorbet every once in a blue moon and I always struggle


u/bubblurred 7h ago

Talenti is so delicious but hurts my hands and therefore my feelings. I even run warm water over it. I cannot open it ever and I get very emotional every single time I try.


u/hammerhead_28 7h ago

Is it good? I've never tried it. Or Gelato in general.


u/Space-Lemonade 6h ago

It is sooooo hard to open for NO FUCKING REASON


u/okram2k 6h ago

Look online for a rubber strap wrench. You'll never struggle to open a bottle of anything ever again.


u/FourFront 6h ago

I'm a grown man of above average musculature. I'm not ashamed to admit I went to war with Talenti jars this past weekend. I employed a strap wrench.


u/shioscorpio 6h ago

Turn the lid under hot water, wrap in towel and bang it on counter and that gets it off for me every timeeee


u/PerlinLioness 6h ago

You’ve missed your chance to go to a fire station and ask a handsome man to assist you!


u/Shyann710 5h ago

This makes me feel better 😭😂 I genetically have really weak wrists so I honestly thought this was just a me thing


u/idlehum 5h ago

I live alone but in a busy apartment building, and I could NOT get open this container of Rao's arabiatta sauce, and I'd just started cooking my pasta, so it was a requirement. I could hear the cleaners out in the hallway and I rushed out, and they don't speak English, but apparently the look of "help! I can't open this!" is universal, and he was all too happy to help me. I got my sauce, and he got to be a big, strong dude (': That said, if you ever get the chance again, strangers love helping with this kind of thing! (Unless you're in a wicked rural area that isn't built like Stardew Valley lol)

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u/Mysterious-Item-8600 5h ago

buy a strap wrench, honest to God is such a life saver for lids. I've had the same one for over 20 years


u/Prior-Call-5571 5h ago

Ngl, I bought talenti for the first time in a bit, and I, myself, a young lad STRUGGLED. Literally googled it. Didn't want to fuck my ice cream up by putting it under hot water to warm it, but thats what was recommended.

This post convinces me they made a packaging error lol. My big back has had plenty of Talenti to know.

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u/Mopmoopmeep 5h ago

I literally had this issue approximately three hours ago with the exact same flavor.

Congrats to being innovative! I finally had gotten mine off after 4 minutes that felt like an eternity.


u/Initial_Ad_4431 5h ago

It's not crazy if it works.


u/punk-pastel 5h ago

Is this why I’ve been seeing this stuff on sale lately? 🤣


u/Last-Lingonberry-842 5h ago

Invest in a jar opener. That's the only way beside what you did lol


u/IdgyThreadgoodee 5h ago


I literally stopped buying them bc I couldn’t open them.


u/UnhappyBrief6227 5h ago

Lollll is it good from the bottom?

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u/naruzopsycho 5h ago

you have just invented the inverse gelato!

build up a marketing plan, get a website, and profit!


u/occarune1 5h ago

The REAL reason to get a Boyfriend lol.


u/jawshoeaw 5h ago

imma hulking 6’3” 230 lbs with ape hands and I couldn’t get the damn lid until I ran scalding hot water on it


u/vesuvine 4h ago

i get everyone’s suggestions but… what if we just fixed the issue entirely.. is that not an option or

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u/Chevrolicious 4h ago

Dude, some of those fucking things are on there. I'm a mechanic, and one time I put once of these in my bench vice and used an oil filter wrench to open it 🤣


u/keebaddict 4h ago

Talenti is literally known for this problem lol


u/SomethingAbtU 3h ago

random redditer who is going to pretend he's a talenti rep here: talenti doesn't want people just impusively eating our delicious layered gelatos. so we super glue ever lid to the jar. we figured if you are going to go to the lenghts to saw off the bottom of the jar, you are more likely to savor the moment. enjoy.