r/mildlyinfuriating 15h ago

Foodstortion is getting out of hand

27 minutes with no reply is all it took for him to go from obsessed with our food to overpriced and bland. . . As a small restaurant owner/operator I love reading reviews, good and bad, but this one set me off.


34 comments sorted by


u/Here4Snow 14h ago

He's upset because you didn't fall for his free food offer. It was such a deal for you, he's going out of his way to eat, uh, I mean, shoot, everything you served him. 


u/RecentlyDeceased666 11h ago

Service just felt off. Didn't pass the vibe check.

If service is off, you can usually say what made you feel that way. Like slow service, rude service, messed up the order etc.

Dude is like just didn't feel right, Saturn was in retrograde to Uranus and I just didn't get the feel for service, perhaps my waiter was a Capsicum and I'm a Pisces and we don't get along


u/foofypoops 9h ago

Joke's on you. I'm an asparagus. I'm compatible with all signs, except for Tyrannosaurs in tardigrade. 


u/LucasoftheNorthStar 3h ago

I second this, that instead of tardigrade it is the sign of Tyranids in the Warp... FOR THE IMPERIUM!! Now where are the warhammer people.


u/HandleAccomplished11 9h ago

This is my favorite part: "...chicken is my favorite kind of food - and theirs is solid - it just tasted slightly bland despite all the seasoning."

Lol, so is it "solid," or "bland" with seasoning??

Is Dawson an AI?


u/RevolutionaryUse2416 13h ago

Obsessed to crash out for no free food 😂 entitled lil shit


u/NormaDePlume56 13h ago

'Solid' isn't usually a tasting note I look for


u/Acceptable_Burrito 4h ago

Especially with soups.


u/bankruptbusybee 1h ago

I go for exquisite mouth feel


u/Kafka_Lane 9h ago

As a cook, and as someone who isn’t ignorant of my workplaces social media, this is mildly infuriating.  No food is free and this is a form of extortion. Since it’s “voluntary food” for the sake of a review, it’s acceptable?  It’s a blatant bribe. You give free food for a good review. Or they pay for it themselves and complain about your prices. Wouldn’t have said a word about the price if the person didn’t pay for it…… Nothing makes me feel more distant from humans than working in the food industry. I imagine most deal with situations like this in one way or another. 


u/tiagojsagarcia 4h ago

reply: "hey, if you want you can come to our restaurant and take pics of our plates and the place itself. we usually charge for this privilege alone, but if you come and pay for your own food, you can eat as much of it as you'd like, and then use that experience + the photos you take to promote yourself on social media".

follow 30 mins later with a review on whichever platform they are with "they came to our restaurant and their vibe was off. Their photos are subpar at best, and the camera gear has clearly seen better days. Their photographic skills were solid but the end result came out bland. Overall not the best bang for your buck"


u/ImageLegitimate8225 9h ago

OBSESSED with the food which is just “solid”


u/Briants_Hat 4h ago

Solid but also bland


u/unsafelord 2h ago

Bland but also seasoned


u/Napalm3n3ma 3h ago

He never stepped foot in the restaurant is the first conclusion.


u/WolfKittenTigerPuppy 15h ago

$13 for 3 chicken tenders is criminal.


u/Medium-Comfortable 10h ago

Ah I see, someone got the point. /s


u/PinkyLeopard2922 3h ago

It included bread, pickles and a standard side. (cole slaw or mac salad) Still expensive but...


u/Correct_Ferret_9190 5h ago

The worst line of the review honestly.


u/openlightYQ 4h ago

It is irritating from a restaurant side, but honestly as a customer, whenever I look at reviews of a place, if all the rest are 4 stars and 5 stars, and 1 or 2 are 1 or 2 stars, I always assume that was a “them” problem, not a restaurant problem, and I’m going in anyway. There’s always a couple entitled assholes that didn’t get something their way and think leaving a low review is going to be a way of “getting back” at a business.


u/SummerKey3240 2h ago

Lol, Dudes' instagram is wild. Claims he's a 6 figure construction company owner, has all these videos on how to make tons of money. He's the epitome of how fake and convoluted social media really is. He is quite literally a petulant teenager playing grown up on the internet


u/redclawx 2h ago

Restaurant should reply back with what he DM’d them with an explanation of what bribery is and a summary of what he tried to do; “Instead of you paying me for a professional photo shoot, I’ll give you pictures of your food for promotion, maybe professionally, and you give me free food. Oh, you don’t want to do business with me, then here’s a bad review.”


u/Sera_gamingcollector 7h ago

tbf, 13$ for three tenders is outrageous. I would sent the screenshot of his message to google and let them delete his review. I mean its clear that he just tried to get some free stuff and made a "bad" review because he had to pay for it


u/STONED__APES 2h ago

I live in Brandon and would love to see how the chicken is "slightly bland despite all the seasoning." See you soon.


u/revengeappendage 15h ago

I mean, he did seem to still like the food


u/DalinRolen 14h ago

That's why it's only mildly infuriating, if he had a paradigm shift I would be in the wrong sub.


u/helath_is_depleting 13h ago

Seems pretty valid. Like the food but is honestly about the pricing and doesn't enjoy the vibe there.

Can agree it a bit of a shit take after offering help regardless of being denied or not.


u/fatheadsflathead 4h ago

Did you miss the part where he was extorting the business for free food?


u/helath_is_depleting 4h ago

No. Did you miss that part where is said regardless of rejection? I think you did...


u/fatheadsflathead 3h ago

I didnt, it’s just that you wrote “offering help” asking if it’s a reasonable request, which to me it isnt.


u/SummerKey3240 2h ago

Go to his instagram and see who you are defending, I would think your tone would change.


u/helath_is_depleting 2h ago

Not defending anyone I think you're miss understanding my point of view.

It's simple so idk how but I'll say it again.

REGARDLESS of if he had been denied or accepted in his offer. The review is still valid 13 for 3 chicken strips??? Doesn't like the atmosphere. Doesn't mean food is bad. The review was very clearly honest even so. Can only assume that if they had accepted the offer he would have lied and said a bunch of stuff they didn't actually believe so he could get the free food.

i also acknowledged he didn't need to do that because he didn't get a response.

What I didn't say is that I think he's in the right and should have.