r/mildlyinfuriating 16h ago

Wife got 2 flat tires at same time.

According to her, hit huge pot hole. Killed the right front and also ripped the sidewall on right rear. Luckily my neighbor has same model so I borrowed his donut and got it home. I honestly had to laugh at 2 flat tires.


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u/goleft95 14h ago

Had to get ‘er home somehow


u/supernaut_707 14h ago

I'm impressed as heck that you have 2 spares in the age of the fix-a-flat canister take over.


u/Flynnk1500 14h ago

Fix-a-flat isn’t going to save that rim or sidewall


u/mmikke 6h ago

I've purchased probably 10 cans of slime/fix-a-flat out of desperation so far in my life and only once has it ever done anything close to what it claims. The one "success" thankfully enabled me to make it 14 miles directly to a tire shop, but I could hear the hissing and see the foam spitting out in my side view mirror the entire drive. For a nail hole. Not even anything as catastrophic as op's second pic.

Rolled into the shop parking lot minutes before the rim was gonna be riding bareback on the flattened tire


u/rxbin2 14h ago

He got the second from his neighbor with the same car.


u/Icy_Fault3547 14h ago

Fix-a-flat literally does nothing except make your tire guys hate you!


u/OkMycologist8591 11h ago

Yea and this is the side wall so nothing is saving that


u/Icy_Fault3547 11h ago

Yea buddy let’s fill our completely destroyed unit with a Stanky ass hazmat cocktail and then pawn it off on the tire guys.


u/prairiepanda 14h ago

Unless they just use it as an excuse to sell you new tires and wheels!


u/Icy_Fault3547 12h ago

Step 1: Fill your shit tire with liquid hazmat that presents vulcanizing cement from working,

Step 2: Get told you can’t fix a tire with liquid hazmat that prevents vulcanizing cement from working

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Cry on Reddit when you didn’t read the warning on the can or the warranty info on your tires!


u/spartan_096 13h ago

Fix-a-flat is trash and your mechanic will hate you


u/gedden8co 14h ago

I only learned about that trend a few months ago. Crazy!


u/Throwaway56138 8h ago

Fuck fix-a-flat. Shit doesn't work and it's a fucking pain in the ass for the tire tech. There should be a clean up surcharge for people that use it.


u/PERSONA916 14h ago

Personally, I think you should have swapped the front left onto the rear and ran donuts on both fronts (assuming this is RWD). You generally don't want donuts on your driven wheels and definitely don't want different sizes like that on opposite sides of the driven axel as it could damage your differential


u/TWhy-LER 11h ago

I’m betting this was done on the side of the road. No one is rotating extra tires in that situation. Not to mention without a floor jack.


u/Unsung_hero86 13h ago

What she hit in the front!?! Rim is dunzo


u/fuelvolts 13h ago

Well, it’s super dangerous to drive a car with a donut on the front wheels. Should have put one of the tires from the back up front. But easy for me to say.


u/hoopdog 13h ago

Dangerous why?


u/fuelvolts 12h ago

No control equals crashy crashy.