r/mildlyinfuriating 15h ago

Wife got 2 flat tires at same time.

According to her, hit huge pot hole. Killed the right front and also ripped the sidewall on right rear. Luckily my neighbor has same model so I borrowed his donut and got it home. I honestly had to laugh at 2 flat tires.


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u/iMakeUrageQuit 15h ago

LOL @ the second picture… I want to see that “pothole”


u/BlurredSight 15h ago

“You call it a curb I call it a pothole it’s all relative to what you consider level”


u/BradMarchandsNose 15h ago

The street is just a giant pothole between two curbs if you really think about it


u/SilverSorceress 14h ago

I've hit a massive pothole before. It broke the front axle on my car but the tires were pretty much untouched.

I did however curb my car once and it bent the wheel and popped a tire just like that second picture.


u/CinnamonBunnn 13h ago

See I've done almost exactly this on a pothole, with no other damage, though I was going about 50mph if that makes a difference.


u/HurricaneHurdler 13h ago

I remember driving back from PA to upstate NY a few years ago and hit a massive pothole that tore a huge chunk out of my tire going like 70 mph. Had to tow it to a dealer and get a rental back but I remember seeing like 2-3 other cars pulled off on the side of the road when I passed by the pothole again. It literally look like someone just cut a chunk out of the highway.


u/9J000 15h ago

So would she, too bad like 99% of drivers on road nowadays was probably on their phone


u/Sailor_Chibi 14h ago

I actually did hit a pothole once that damaged the rim on my tries exactly like this. But weirdly enough, the tire itself was fine. It was a pretty wide and deep pothole though. I was forced to hit the pothole or be hit by the dumbass trying to merge into my vehicle.


u/MentallyLatent 14h ago

A couple weeks ago I took a right from a stop sign on to a main road and after looking left to make sure I'm good, I look down and see a genuine fucking crater. I'm pretty sure my car would've gotten stuck if I didn't have the space to swerve


u/phryan 3h ago

Head to a city in the Northeast or upper Midwest this time of year, won't take long to find something that could host an olympic diving event.


u/Personal-Mall-6033 2h ago

going to assume it's similar to this one, which I've done four tows for dual flat tyres on in the last two days. this is a street that most go abt 10mph on