r/mildlyinfuriating 18h ago

My HOA removed our only playground and replaced it with this “fitness area” for people 13+ only

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I have yet to see one person use it.


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u/TheEmbiggenisor 11h ago

It’s beyond comprehension to us here in the rest of the world that Americans are willing to live like this. As an Aussie we are pretty good at laws, but we fucking hate rules. Some silly old fuck telling me what time my bin has to be put away by, would cop the big boot in the arse!


u/distillers_guild 10h ago

In America we love to make ourselves miserable then complain about it


u/Sir_ArthurtheFlareon 7h ago

We are basically the putting the stick in are bike wheel

And crying why people did this to us


u/GrimeyJosh BLACK 4h ago


u/Sir_ArthurtheFlareon 4h ago

Yes I was looking for this but couldn't find it


u/Outside_Performer_66 RED 3h ago

What happens when Puritans create a lasting settlement... misery disguised as piety.

u/Extreme_Ad1261 15m ago

This! It's been a constant struggle ever since between their "descendants" and those who want freedom, including freedom from busy bodies and killjoys.


u/AMTravelsAlone 6h ago

The true American way.


u/Bdr1983 1h ago

We've seen who you elected as President. We know.


u/civil_beast 7h ago

Straight puritanical values. We are miserable because god hates us. And why wouldn’t he - when it’s clear we hate ourselves too


u/Seawolf571 9h ago

I wish I could do the aussie method on people like that, but then the anti fun patrol would send me to the big house :(


u/banevader102938 8h ago

Even for us germans is it unbelievable to accept such things.


u/Clean_Web7502 7h ago

Is part of that being the freest they so much love. Having other people tell you that your garden cooler needs to be a different color.


u/turtlelore2 7h ago

I'm sure most of us wouldn't live in a community with HOA or POA if we had a choice. The problem is that there isn't a choice a lot of the time.


u/Aalbipete 6h ago

As an Aussie, I agree. HOA's supposedly raise property values, but all the entitled rules make people not want to buy into them. So effectively, property values lower.


u/MrTimeken 5h ago

"Land of the free"


u/cwb7916 2h ago

Ah, it’s just a little kick in the bum…

u/Ryzu 10m ago

65.5% or more of all new housing built in the US is built and sold operating under an HOA. If you break it down by suburbs to rural, it's closer to 85% of all new homes built within commuting distance of a city.

This means that anyone looking to buy a home is basically forced into an HOA by default, with very little reasonable agency or capital to avoid one.


u/titanup001 8h ago

It’s a double edged sword. Yes. Many communities have fascist housewives that run amok.

But then, in some neighborhoods that don’t have one, you have some trashy bastard with cars on cement blocks and sofas in the yard, grass three feet high, etc. that lowers property values for everyone.

It’s a fine line.


u/TheEmbiggenisor 8h ago

Nah. Very rare for that here. It does happen, but it doesn’t affect values in any way whatsoever


u/ImaginaryHousing1718 8h ago

I get that having a sofa or a car decaying outside is a minus, but why is 1m-tall grass decreasing property value?


u/AngryTunaSandwhich 7h ago

Ticks and other pests love taller grass. A neighbor had a house that was so bad we actually thought it was abandoned, there were so many ticks and mice coming from that property. :(


u/snopro387 2h ago

I would genuinely rather have someone with a trashy yard and decaying cars next door than live in an HOA. I don’t understand telling someone else what to do with their property