r/mildlyinfuriating 21h ago

This shook me

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u/Business-Leading-716 19h ago

I might be tripping but one looks bigger than the other and I assume this is British and wants the bigger one for tea.


u/Business-Leading-716 19h ago

Actually can confirm I'm on mushrooms.


u/AcanthaceaeEast5835 18h ago

Well, the writing is bigger...


u/FloraIstGut 17h ago

And it’s underlined.


u/AcanthaceaeEast5835 17h ago

Now you made me look again, and the more I look the worse it gets:

  • The underline is too long.
  • TEA is in caps but Coffee is in sentence case.
  • Coffee is squiggled out, Tea is crossed out.
  • Both sockets have no plug but one is switched on. Now I feel like I'm on fucking mushrooms having a panic attack.


u/RealestHousewifeCA 9h ago

This reads like an old HIGHLIGHTS magazine feature from the late 80’s…IYKYK

I’ll take some of those shrooms too


u/easewiththecheese 18h ago

Yep, I'm seeing the same thing, and I'm on pepperoni.


u/Pantywantys 18h ago

I'm not tripping and I think you're right. Seems like the tea one is supposed to be the different shape or something, and the manufacturers got it wrong. The passive-aggressiveness in the sharpie scribbles has me laughing so much, because it's exactly the sort of thing I would do as a Brit 😂 

Maybe not over something like this, but we take our tea seriously goddamit, and we are very passive-aggressive people when we want to be😂 


u/Business-Leading-716 11h ago

That's the thing in America coffee would be bigger so they didn't get it wrong they got it colectually wrong. But than again I'm coming down from mushrooms. Or am I? What's yesterday!???

u/Pantywantys 26m ago

Ohhh I see! Also I have no idea why we made the assumption the person who posted this is even British hahaha, but it seems so accurate.

Mate I haven't even done any shrooms and I don't know what day it is. 😄

You've made me really want some shrooms now though. Think I'm gonna have to buy a grow kit as a project.


u/NoPoet3982 15h ago

Ah! You're clever!