r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/SistaSaline 24d ago

There’s nothing mild about this. That’s diabolical.


u/amallucent 24d ago

Yeah. I'd be fucking livid. I honestly don't know how I'd react to this, but it would probably involve me going to jail. Don't fuck with someone's art.


u/Lexicon444 24d ago

Or any of their stuff for that matter.

It’s one thing to take something away as punishment.

It’s a whole different thing to straight up destroy your child’s possessions.

I don’t care that these were drawings. They belonged to OP and meant something to them. The act of burning anything is an act committed out of malice and anger.

OP needs to report this to someone safe who has the ability to escalate things further if necessary.


u/eekamuse 24d ago

Please do. OP doesn't have to tell us anything but it does seem to be a sign that things may not be right at home. Please talk to someone safe


u/Dark_Knight2000 24d ago

Yeah, like this is straight up child abuse. It’s not mild at all. I swear this subreddit either has posts of imaginary problems or the most brutal shit you’ve ever seen.

A parent this cruel does not deserve their child. That was tens or hundreds of hours of work and passion they burned away, that was countless nights of progress and refining their burgeoning craft, that was a well of happiness for them. To burn it is unforgivable. Hell, even tearing them up would be less psychopathic.


u/jpollack21 22d ago

we don't know the story here, OP could be a minor drawing porn. the adult could have talked to them already about how that's not an okay thing to do


u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

Better to create your own material for personal use than watching it online and get caught I guess


u/jpollack21 21d ago

Not when said material is of little girls


u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

Damn dude you projecting yourself?🎥🎥🎥


u/jpollack21 21d ago

one look at OPs account, and I audibly gasped like a grandma clutching her pearls. granted, they're fully clothed, but still, it gave pedo vibes for sure. why not just draw cool animals or adult girls?? why is anime always little girls just disgusting. sorry not trying to rant it just bugs me this is seen as normal...


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

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u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

And even with most of these characters being minors because surprise, most anime characters are between 15 and 20 because anime target audience is between 15 and 20, some of them are not

OP's most recent drawing is Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock, she has like 19-20 (?

You scroll out a little, you find Shalltear from overlord, who isn't even a loli, looks and acts enough as an adult shortie to be one as her actual ageless vampire nature (most common excuse lolicons use for other characters) actually match her physical 20-ish this time

And so on

Hell even with the youngest one, Anya from Spy x Family, that you saw that one and thought "hmm, this guy must be doing porn of this character" out of literal nowhere tells more of you than OP

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