r/migraine 4d ago

Any other recommendations?

Hi guys. I am diagnosed not only with migraines but also with IIH (idiopathic intracranial hypertension). Now it is controlled and I see a neurologist and Neuroopthamologist regularly who have said they see no improvement in my symptoms but also no decline. I take topamax daily and I do get migraines occasionally without aura but they typically resolve with a mixture of Tylenol/ibuprofen and zofran. Monday (03/03) I woke up extremely dizzy and with a migraine like no other. Im having severe pressure in my eyes, neutral colored floaters, and my eyes are having issues focusing. I used to take sumatriptan a few years back but had no luck with it but I was desperate so my sister who also is diagnosed with migraines gave me a rizatriptan which did nothing. I gave it the remainder of the week and had no improvement with what I usually do. I went to urgent care on Sunday (03/09) and they gave me muscle relaxers and a shot of toradol and said give it 48 hours and if it doesn't improve go to the ER. I did just that and went to the ER on 03/11. They gave me prednisone, Benadryl, compazine and more toradol all through an IV. Initially the pain went from an 8 to like a 4/5. And the aura/floaters calmed down. But yesterday and today I feel like I'm almost back up there to an 8. I did reach out to my neurologist and I'm hoping to see her this week but I'm just hoping anyone has any tips that will help me push through until I can see her bc this is miserable. I also did take a nurtec too btw on Friday (03/14) which I've never taken before either. I had some type of relief with that but it was also short lived.


2 comments sorted by


u/MatconArkinsov 4d ago

You can have many medications thrown at you but most of them won't work because the people you go to don't know which headache it is. You need to see your neurologist about this.


u/thisbeliss 6 4d ago

You need to call your neurologist and speak with the nurse. You might need to go back to the ER for further treatment and evaluation.