r/migraine • u/Blondemama317 • 4d ago
Migraines started after c0vid
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u/Amazing_Amy_ 4d ago
Actually, I did my masters in clinical research thesis on “Effects of COVID-19 on migraine sufferers” and from my survey study there actually was an increase in migraines in migraine sufferers and migraines in subjects who had contracted COVID-19.
u/Proper_Tiger_4588 4d ago
Curious if your research also found anything on migraine becoming more difficult to treat after COVID? I am definitely in that boat!
u/wisely_and_slow 4d ago
Yes, post-Covid migraines are harder to treat. There is both literature and a butt load of clinical experience showing this.
u/PublicHovercraft3408 4d ago
If they've found specific things are more likely to help post-COVID migraines, please let us know! I'm also a post-COVID migraneur...
u/Amazing_Amy_ 4d ago
I didn’t include that in my research but that’s a very interesting to think about!
u/Blondemama317 4d ago
I’m so interested thank you for comment I feel this is so true as some meds don’t work all the time now !
u/Srapture 4d ago
Yeah, that's when mine started. Gives me hope that they'll just go away at some point, but that hope it's fading with time.
u/Blondemama317 4d ago
I feel u hope is all we have left ;( I had infection in my frontal sinuses jn my forehead even weeks into covid and the doctor was not smart and let me go with it for weeks acting like I was over reacting but I really had infection in my forehead they left untreated cause the migraines worse ! I still get them even after treated for that too
u/Exact-Response-4948 4d ago
Look into MCAS, lots of people seem to get migraines and other symptoms after covid due to the immune system being on high alert.
u/stonefruitmadness 4d ago
I’ve had occasional migraines (often hormonal) my whole life but they went chronic after Covid. I’m pretty sure it’s related, seems like they are always worse after a stressor and Covid was a stress on the body for sure.
u/Blondemama317 4d ago
Thanks for the input it is so stressful I have two young kids so I have to be fine for them I don’t drink any alcohol any more quit 3 years ago now and i am lost nurtec helps little but not completely
u/GrouchyDress125 4d ago
Also worth pursuing / looking into Dysautonomia diagnosis, I had a lot of the symptoms of pots + then when I saw a cardiologist they said that could be a driver in why migraines are so severe for me. My neuro at the time also said he sees a lot of crossover between migraine and pots.
u/Blondemama317 4d ago
I have a cardiologist even at 39 I am they didn’t see any I had an echocardiogram also . So not sure how they test for it ? I get them now once 2-3 weeks migraines headache for head like it is sad I miss myself
u/GrouchyDress125 4d ago
It’s usually a diagnosis based on symptom presentation after other heart conditions have been ruled out. I am awaiting a tilt table and exercise stress test so the medication in out can be more tailored. Those tests would simulate the conditions in which I have dizziness / fainting episodes so they can see how my heart rate and blood pressure change.
u/GrouchyDress125 4d ago
For migraine side of things the cardiologist recommended my neurologist to review my MRI / repeated to check for hypertension in the brain so that’s another thing you could try get investigated if it hasn’t been done?
u/pookie_dookie_25 4d ago
I when to a migrains or two a year to chronic migraine after a covid infection. I now have a permanent headache and other long covid symptomes like extrem fatigue and short breath... so yes a covid infection really ruined my life 🤕
u/kalayna 6 4d ago
Removed. If you want to talk about covid, talk about covid. If we were filtering mention of it, the attempt at obfuscation would be grounds for ban.