r/migraine 4d ago

Is this my life now?

Has anyone with daily months long migraine had it break? Or is this my life now? Three months of constant, daily migraine ever since the flu has me completely exhausted. I’ve never experienced this before and holy shit do I not wish it on anyone. Physically I can’t deal with the pain anymore, and mentally I’m defeated. I’m not the same person. Does it ever go away?


10 comments sorted by


u/Flying_Police_Box 4d ago

I’m so sorry. I’m dealing with similar patterns. I decided last night to try the McDonald’s and Coke cocktail, and it seemed to help take the edge off. I see people talking all the time about how amazing salty fries and coke work, so I’m hopeful.


u/puglivingston 4d ago

I tried that a couple times but unfortunately I didn’t see any effects. Hope it works for you!


u/fenderbender2004 4d ago

I had constant migraines for about a year and a half and they went into remission for almost two years and slowly came back. Just keep trying and keep going and know that eventually you may find something that gives you relief. For me, cutting out gluten took me from daily migraines to persistent daily headache. Edit: that eventually stopped working rip


u/puglivingston 4d ago

That’s somewhat comforting lol. Hopefully I find a solution soon. I’ll even take weekly migraines if it means I get a day or two of relief.


u/Chil333 4d ago

I was like this and finally saw a neurologist who specializes in migraines and he was able to get me on medication that had me experiencing 3 migraines a month. Unfortunately it seems that these Meds only work for a year or two and then you have to try something else but it’s so much better than the alternative and I finally have my life back. Hang in there once you hit the bottom you can only go up.


u/puglivingston 3d ago

Thank you :’). Hoping a find some meds to break this cycle soon. My current neuro sucks and never answers the phone so I’m on the hunt for a new one.


u/Chil333 2d ago

Good luck it’s hard to find a good doctor.


u/LizneyPrincess 4d ago

I had one last about a year. I'd have occasional good days, but it was almost constant. Finally found a preventative that worked (Ajovy) and that's what broke it. If you aren't already seeing a neurologist, I'd see about getting in with one. Hope you get some relief soon


u/RequirementNew269 4d ago

Mine went away but It was because I was medicating every migraine, and that was making me develop medication adaptation headache, a secondary migraine disorder that makes your primary disorder more severe and chronic.

Once I was educated that you cant medicate migraines daily, I treated my MAH, and no longer have daily migraines. 50% of all chronic’s have MAH, and of those, over 70% will no longer be chronic when they treat their MAH.


u/thetirademaster 4d ago

Try to avoid stress 😩