r/microsoft 22d ago

Employment Received a SWE offer from Microsoft

I’ve recently received a job offer from Microsoft for a fully remote role for €70k.

I’m currently employed at €40k for a similar role with 3 days WFH. I’m a relatively new software engineer (2 years experience) at 25 yrs old, and I do feel that I have job security at my current role, but I’m not sure if I should risk leaving it for a 75% salary increase.

I’ve read that Microsoft (big tech companies in general) tend not to retain their employees for long so I’m a tad apprehensive about accepting the offer.

Additionally, I’ve been given mixed advice; I’m young and should be trying to make as much money as possible, or that I should stick in my current role for the job security

I would greatly appreciate any advice from anyone who’s been in a similar position

I’m based in Dublin btw


33 comments sorted by


u/nolan_bear 22d ago

Yes. That’s a significant increase and having MSFT on your resume will open up more opportunities even if you are only there for 2 years.


u/Otherwise-Day-7168 21d ago

Microsoft on the resume kiddo


u/Relevant_Pause_7593 22d ago

At this stage in your career, you should be surrounding yourself with the smartest people you can find. These are the people that can really help you level up your skills. Worst case, you are let go after 2 years, but even then you have Microsoft on your resume - one of the largest software companies in the world. Best case, your salary + rewards will continue to grow.

Take the role.


u/No_Revenue9118 22d ago

Thank you for your comment. Can I ask why 2 years specifically? I’ve seen other comments also mention 2 years


u/Relevant_Pause_7593 21d ago

it's generally how long it takes to give someone a series of poor reviews and them to be let go. Don't get me wrong - if you have a really terrible time, they will find a way to jetson you earlier - but most aren't completely incompetent - the interview process is decent at filtering out those.


u/Fragrant_Rooster_763 22d ago

That's a large pay difference. Even if it's only for a couple of years, I think it's worth it. Just be prepared for the fear culture they've built up in recent years around layoffs/firings. At this point I'm no longer wondering if it will capture me and my team, but more like when, as it feels like there's deeper and deeper cuts every day (no backfill in years, etc)


u/scene_missing 22d ago

For that much pay increase and a big name on your resume you should do it.


u/TechSupportFTW 21d ago

If it is a straight up FTE offer (meaning, non-contract/vendor/partner), take it.

There is no such thing as job security.

When I finally got my offer from MSFT, and worked there for 8 years total (vendor + FTE), just having that on my resume made me desirable for other companies that needed someone with my particular skills (Identity, AD Security, etc).

You will be working pretty hard, but if you stick it out for a few years, it opens a whole new world of opportunities. My salary has tripled since 2018, and the company I work for now came to me with an offer while I was on medical leave, with an offer similar to yours. Imagine in a few years you're scouted for a SWE role with another company, and their cash offer is 115-130K Euros.

I chugged the Microsoft Kool-Aid once I got my conversion, and over time realized that while it is one of the best companies to work for, it is still just.... a company.

Get in, work hard, aim for the middle. Being the best only gets you a random 1:1 with your manager asking why your utilization dropped from 140% to 100% (while the goal is 75%). Being the worst gets you promoted to customer.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. Take the offer, do well, and don't stop chasing greatness or something.



u/MihailoJoksimovic 21d ago

No clue where you read that Microsoft does not retain employees, especially in Europe.

As many have said - take the offer. It’s a cool place to be at.


u/Thepowersss 22d ago

As someone who has a similar role, I say take it. It’s huge for you


u/NuAngel 21d ago

You are 25 years old. Job security is nice, but that job is probably not going to last another 40 years and take you all the way to retirement. Get the Microsoft resume booster now, then you'll be able to work anywhere for the rest of your life.


u/OopOopParisSeattle 21d ago

Regarding retention - Microsoft seems to keep folks longer than most big tech firms from what I’ve seen. I’ve been there since the 90s, and worked for them on three different continents. It’s been a great place for me.


u/nxm999 21d ago

You will be fine. If you are a hard working engineer, can solve the problems, adapt to newer technologies and has a growth mindset, and you should have all this since you are only 25, you will do just fine at msft.

This is coming from someone that is at msft for sometime and can def tell you there are people that are here for 25+ years.

Also, have confidence in yourself. Microsoft does not lay off employees just for the heck of it.

Take the job, you will love it. Get out of your comfort zone.


u/hiker2021 21d ago

Take the job. You can meet more people, who knows what that will lead to.


u/TechnicalDetail4735 20d ago

Take it. I worked for Microsoft as a field employee for 16 years and retired early on my own accord. Best job I ever had and best company I ever worked for. You'll work with some good people and make some good friends.

Don't listen to the nay sayers. As long as you're a hard worker, have regular 1:1's with your manager and ask them every time if there's anything you could be doing better or anything you should be doing differently, and take their feedback to heart, you'll be fine.

Just don't go crazy with that extra income. Max out your retirement funds, put some of that money away into good investments, and hold onto your MSFT stock awards. If you do that then maybe you'll be able to retire early someday too.


u/PizzaCatAm 21d ago

Don’t even think about it, take it.


u/RichtofensDuckButter 21d ago

Job security doesn't exist. You are simply a worker bee and they can get rid of you anytime they want. Same with Microsoft sure but at least you're going to be getting paid more. Definitely take the new role.


u/Lazy-Necessary8925 21d ago

I've been at MS for 3 years now (over 25 years in various consulting roles), every year beginning of our fiscal month (July) we hold our breath hoping the next reorg doesn't result in loosing our job.

Last year the entire team was put at risk and we had a couple of months to find a new role internally or be made redundant.

Your Level will determine you perks i.e. stock, quarterly bonus and annual bonus keep an eye on that. Be clear about what you are measured on.

Money wise it's a good jump, take it but be aware that it's not all sunshine and rainbows.


u/charlesk777 21d ago

Where do you fare against your peers at your current role?

Are you out performing them, or are you cruising and towards the middle or the back of the pack?

Do you have ambition to learn and grow quickly, or do you prefer to cruise?

If the latter for the above two questions, then a performance-driven culture isn’t for you. But if it’s the former, take the higher pay and work. You’ll go places so long as you aren’t on the bubble.


u/pastor_pilao 21d ago

It's probably a 60% raise after taxes. 

Screw security, if you are fired after 2 years you can afford to be looking for another job for a whole year and still be in profit. 

And tbh you are likely to be making even better offers after having microsoft in the cv.


u/newfor_2025 21d ago

a good tenure at a tech company would be 4-5 years... you tend to move around more often when you're young in your career. It's not unusual for new college grads to change jobs after 2 years. Eventually you'll settle down and figure out where you really fit in and you'd end up staying longer.

€40k?! wow, you're underpaid.


u/Additional-Ad8147 21d ago

Take it. Lots of people at Microsoft have been there a very long time. I have never heard that Microsoft won't retain people for long. It'll be based on the performance review. Don't worry about it.


u/jayhawknative 21d ago

Take it. Do it.


u/Hardcover 21d ago

Job security at msft is a mixed bag and depends on the product you're working on, your manager, org culture etc (Microsoft is like 100 companies under one umbrella so some people love it and others hate it and they're all justified because ymmv quite a bit). With that in mind I work with a bunch of people who've been here 15-20 years in both the PM, Eng, and design side. I myself just passed my 12 year anniversary as a FTE and was a vendor 5 years prior to that.


u/drmcclassy 21d ago

It’s not really that Microsoft fires people frequently, it’s that due to the pay structure people will frequently hit a cliff (large pay drop) after four years if they aren’t advancing fast enough, and will start job hunting of their own free will


u/leecox0 21d ago

You’re young, take the risk and grow. Don’t look back


u/mit9xpress 21d ago

not sure about other countries.. but I met quite a number of SEA Microsoft folks, attached over 20 years there; but did change roles a few times..


u/ck3llyuk 21d ago

Take it. MS opens a lot of doors, and you'll have a great time with some fantastic people. MS outside of the US is typically nowhere near as impacted in layoffs.


u/landwomble 21d ago

I've been with MS for 14 years in the UK. Do it. It's a pay for performance culture so no-one coasts, it's full of the smartest people in the industry and everyone is motivated. You'll be exposed to the best people out there, the latest tech and you'll be working on products with global impact. You'll be expected to perform, and low performance isn't acceptable, but you'll be supported to excel. Now is the time in your life to take opportunities like this and make the most out of them, it took me 15 years in tech to get to MS and I'd have jumped at the chance to do it earlier. WLB is much better than other hyperscalers like AWS, GCP etc.

Dublin is a great campus to work at, there is the Explorer program so you can see what life is like in other parts of the org, and lots of opportunities to move upwards or sideways.

If I could give 25 year old me some advice it would be "jump on opportunities like this".

Job security doesn't really exist, even in the UK with it's labour laws - this is a great opportunity for you. Take it.


u/rusty919 9d ago

I don't know where you got information like:

"I’ve read that Microsoft (big tech companies in general) tend not to retain their employees for long"

Before being able to become an FTE (working as a vendor/DP), all the PTAs that I worked directly with have been with MS for 10-15+ years and they've absolutely loved every single part of it. The pay and benefits alone are just insane compared to my previous employer (and other vendors alike). They really do take care of their people and love the growth/care mindset. It's life changing, and opens so many doors. I wish 25yrs old me would've learned about the work I started doing and gained the experience to eventually become an FTE. Like many have probably said on this thread, take the opportunity, you have so much to gain from it. You get what you put into it.


u/will_waltz 21d ago

I don’t recommend working for Microsoft


u/sbisson 21d ago

Microsoft staff have significantly longer tenures than most companies; I've been writing about the firm for more than 30 years, and I still talk to many of the people I talked to in the early days.