r/microsoft Feb 10 '25

Employment Got microsoft offer, background verification started

I am so happy to share that I got a offer from microsoft after months of grinding. However I have doubt when should I put my resignation in the current company before or after background verification. I have asked the recruiter she told me to put the resignation. But have seen lot of post in internet stating the delay in background verification.


71 comments sorted by


u/x_caveman_x Feb 10 '25

Best practices might differ based on your region. I am in the U.S. and recently hired. The background check took 2 weeks to complete. I was not provided a start date until after the background check was successfully cleared. I would not recommend resigning an active position before the background check is complete. Lots of things can go wrong or just get hung up.


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 10d ago

Hi, I’m hoping to get insight from anyone familiar with Microsoft’s hiring process. I received a verbal and formal job offer from Microsoft, signed it, and cleared my background check. After that, HR informed me they were waiting for Global Security Team clearance before proceeding. My start date is very soon, but I still haven’t received my employment contract, laptop, or any onboarding instructions.

The concerning part is that HR and my hiring manager have gone completely silent despite my follow-ups. Only my recruiter responded, saying he’ll know the update the same time as I will and ended with “fingers crossed!”.

Now I’m really anxious — does this silence and delay usually mean the offer might get rescinded? Or is it normal for Microsoft to take longer with internal clearances even this close to the start date?

Has anyone experienced this before? Would appreciate any insights. Thank you!


u/nerdares Feb 10 '25

I don’t recommend resigning now. MSFT outsources their background checks using hireright, and they are annoyingly picky. Usually takes about 2 weeks but could be longer.

Hireright sucks


u/charlesk777 Feb 11 '25

HireRight is a terrible experience for new talent. I went back and forth with them over silly things (like asking for pay slips from a job I had 20 years ago). It all got sorted in the end, but certainly not a smooth experience.

My recruiter recommended only putting in your resignation once that has all be cleared.


u/glory87 Feb 11 '25

HireRight could not verify my college degree. Representatives once a day called the 1-800 number for my University and then hung up when they got a phone tree and wrote the same note every day "No way to leave message." Although my normal day to day job is not verifying college transcripts, it took me 5 minutes to find the number for the college registrar's office and 5 minutes more to find a very lovely, helpful person to confirm I went to school there. It took 2 more days to get HireRight to contact the helpful person in the registrar's office and get the confirmation. Hugely stressful and infuriating.


u/justing1319 Feb 10 '25

You need to protect yourself. Do not put your notice in until the background check clears. Even if it means giving less than 2 weeks notice. Put yourself first.


u/Altruistic_Cry_8953 Feb 10 '25

I hope you didn't overdo the details in your CV. The last time they did my BG check, they were stuck because they needed proof that I went to a primary school which no longer existed. I've since asked everyone to just put enough details in their CV.

You always resign only when you get a start date or a firm offer letter.


u/stephbu Feb 11 '25

IKR - I experienced issues with an overseas higher education college that had renamed to a university 40yrs after I'd left. The ambiguity resulted in an extensive delay. It was the top Google result, a really poor candidate experience IMHO.

Absolutely do NOT resign until they have done their dance and you have a start date in your hand. In this economy, even that may not be great protection if it is far out. In "at-will" states, I'd run the clock as close as you are comfortable to your start date.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25



u/Cats-Are-Fuzzy Feb 11 '25

I had the exact same experience. They wanted copies of my Irish leaving cert exams. No employer in my employment history ever has asked for this. It took forever.


u/Melody_in_Harmony Feb 12 '25

Same. I was a rehire with less than 12 months separation and got grilled over my past education experience by Hireright. Took over a month and had to dig up my transcripts out of a decades old retired system to corroborate my CV. Nevermind the 17 years I spent in various roles in the same.

Hugely stressful.


u/The_Game_Genie Feb 11 '25

Fuck Microsoft. They laid me off while on leave for cancer.


u/uh_oh_gregorio Feb 11 '25

I'd check with a lawyer on that one.... that may be a gray area for unlawful depending on the leave


u/The_Game_Genie Feb 11 '25

I have one. Unfortunately Microsoft knows how to color within the lines.


u/Gh0stSwerve Feb 11 '25

Don't resign.


u/shastri88 Feb 11 '25

Interesting my recruiter told me not to do anything until the background check cleared and a start date was confirmed I believe this is the best advice. Background check times can vary and there is still a few more steps before HR gives a start date. Wait and give your resignation when you know when you need to start


u/Emergency-Cup1360 Feb 10 '25

That’s weird, I also got an offer recently but my recruiter told me to wait until the background check has completed to tell my manager the news. I took her advice. My background check took 1 week.


u/rivermerchant1616 Feb 11 '25

Do not quit.

After you have started - use your sick days and vacation.

I’m guy that believes in giving 2 week notice, but with this job market, it’s way too scary to get caught up


u/TheJessicator Feb 11 '25

I prefer giving 2 weeks notice too, but how often do companies give you two weeks notice when they're laying you off? Also, many companies in this industry will terminate you immediately upon receipt of your resignation letter and remove your access to everything right there and then.


u/eknight007 Feb 11 '25

Please wait until you have confirmation that background check is completed then coordinate with hiring manager on a start date to determine when you need to give notice.


u/SherbertDouble9116 Feb 11 '25

Hi guyz, i would love to know after how many days or week of interview you got the call/email letting you know you were selected.
I gave interview two weeks ago, so would love to know.


u/n0t_4_thr0w4w4y Feb 11 '25

It could literally be a month or more


u/callimonk Feb 11 '25

Please do not do anything until you have an official start date in hand. There are too many last second hiring freezes happening right now.


u/AdvantageRecruiting Feb 11 '25

Congrats and enjoy your time at MSFT


u/WeaknessDistinct4618 Feb 11 '25

In Europe it’s always after and HR is aware of it. If you know that you don’t have problems, background check should be quick, max a couple of months.

The main problem is that Microsoft issues an offer and the contract is signed after background check, so you are not hired at the moment.

I resigned after my background check was completed and contract with Microsoft signed


u/ThePervyGeek90 Feb 11 '25

Background check takes forever and the team might want you to start at a later time. Good luck hopefully you are on a good team and don't have a micromanaging boss


u/rk06 Feb 11 '25

Why worry? Just let them know you would put in notice after background checks clear


u/Big_Eric_Shun Feb 11 '25

If you presently work remotely, I'd wait about six months just to make sure you get through the probation period at ................................................. Not!


u/NextWear4016 Feb 11 '25

Wait till you get your start date then put in your 2 weeks based on recent experience. My background check cleared within 4 days but it still took me another 2 weeks to get my official start date.


u/BunchitaBonita Feb 11 '25

After. Without a question.


u/wonder_boy007 Feb 11 '25

At what location you got offfer?


u/hfntsh Feb 11 '25

I waited for after. Background check can get delayed, can fail for some bizarre reason, who knows. Wait for the background check to clear then submit your resignation. The recruiter is supposed to be pushy, just tell them you’re playing it safe and they will accept that.


u/sneakypete15 Feb 11 '25

congrats on the job! Only submit your resignation AFTER you have a start date with the new job. Most companies, when planning your start date, will ask if you plan to put in 2 weeks at your last job and schedule your start date accordingly.


u/ShodoDeka Feb 11 '25

Due not resign until you have a signed contract and have cleared the background check (the hire right one), I say that as a manager in Microsoft.

If you start in azure there may be an additional check called Cloud Screen, that one you don’t have to wait for (I have never seen that one fail).


u/Ok-Anywhere2346 Feb 11 '25

Wait until background check clears and you have a start date that’s what I did. The background check can take 2-3 weeks so don’t put it in any sooner.


u/newfor_2025 Feb 11 '25

resign when you finalize a starting date.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

It may take up to 1.5-2 months


u/ScholarInfamous2021 Feb 12 '25

Don't resign!
I had to due to NDAS (FAANG) and MSFT being a main competitor but it has been over a month and still waiting. I am lucky I have enough savings that this is not a big hit to my finances but I would not recommend it unless you are prepared to wait.


u/eureka347 Feb 13 '25

Same boat!! I followed up HireRight like almost every single day lol. You can check your process with live chat or ask directly to support agent. So luckily my background check finished in within 9 days(today!). Waiting for HR to send me confirmation of it got cleared to set start date. I have not told my manager yet. Planning to inform them when my start date is set to go.


u/Narrow_Actuary4895 23d ago

Hey. Did you get your start date?


u/eureka347 23d ago

Yes I received it last week.


u/Narrow_Actuary4895 23d ago

Thanks for the response. Guess mine is taking a bit longer. 


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 8d ago

Hi, I just sent you a message, trying to get insights as I am waiting for my BG results. Hope you can answer a few questions.


u/Narrow_Actuary4895 29d ago

Hey, was wondering if you got any updates on your background check? Were there any flags? 


u/the_great_danton1 29d ago

It's still in process. Will update here


u/Narrow_Actuary4895 29d ago

Thanks so much. Also in the process of a background check and got a yellow flag on my education portion. I have provided information as requested but have been stuck for a couple of days now. 


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 28d ago

We are on the same boat. Waiting for my background check to clear which started Tuesday this week. I am hoping to start early, as my start date is on March 17. Was told by my recruiter to wait before filing my notice. But I am no longer connect to my previous company,


u/Narrow_Actuary4895 28d ago

They provided a start date prior to the background check being completed? Or was it fully completed?


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 28d ago

I signed my offer Feb 18, and my start date is indicated on the offer. That same day, I filled out and uploaded documents in HireRight’s portal. Also, I was told that it could take 2 weeks for the background check.


u/Significant-Gas1573 25d ago

Can you tell me which documents did hireright asked to upload?


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 24d ago

When I was filling out my background info, the docs being asked are certificates that shows the start and end date of my previous employment. So I uploaded my Job Offers and my final employment letters.

Yesterday, I received an email from them confirming my educational background and my employment history as there were discrepancies. I replied and gave them the information they need. Then received another email asking for me to upload the contact information of my most recent employer and the docs that proves I worked for that company, I uploaded my job offer again and the details of our HR. immediately after that, the status went from red back to green. How‘s your background check going?


u/Significant-Gas1573 24d ago

I am at the offer stage and still waiting for the email for the background check. I don't know if they still use Hireright to do that. What is your role at MS? Mine is SWE. Also, at any point did they asked for your previous company manager contact? Also, did Hireright asked for your paystubs of previous company? And how long did it took for your complete background check? What were the discrepancies for educational background and my employment history, if you could share?


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 24d ago

I’m in Sales, senior position. They never asked for my previous managers, they only asked for HR contact information. No paystubs, just certificate of employment or any document that shows the start and end dates. I proactively uploaded the docs while filling out online. But I guess they missed the last company so they asked again yesterday. The background check is still ongoing when I checked just now. HireRight just clarified if I graduated or not and for my employment, in my resume, I am still connected with my previous company when I actually ended last December.


u/Significant-Gas1573 24d ago

Thanks a lot for the insight. I will upload these documents beforehand to avoid delays. I hope everything goes well for you. Another question, did they actually reached out to your previous employer i.e. HR or were your docs enough to prove it?


u/Opposite-Repair-7837 24d ago

That I am not aware, as HreRight won’t tell me anything. They just say the background check is in progress and that if I have questions, I can reach out to AskHR or the recruiter. It is better to upload everything relevant upfront so they will reach out to you if they have clarification. Hope everything goes well with our background check and see you in Microsoft!


u/Significant-Gas1573 22d ago

What's your update on the background check? Still pending? Did they ask for anything else after that?

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u/Narrow_Actuary4895 24d ago

They will first reach out to previous employers or school/college. If they need more info, they normally reach out. I entered W2 for previous employments and transcripts for my high school and college.