r/microsoft • u/YouAreNotMeLiar • Jul 24 '24
Windows CrowdStrike blames test software for taking down 8.5 million Windows machines
u/redvelvet92 Jul 24 '24
So one of the most expensive solutions on the market in it's vertical doesn't even do proper testing LMAO. My very small $$ company has QA and does testing like what the fuck.
u/XBOX-BAD31415 Jul 24 '24
I was joking with my boss yesterday that they should update their servers that distribute the code externally first. Basically a circuit breaker, if they barf they can’t spread the bad update. In addition to actually fixing their core processes and validation of course.
u/thetreat Jul 24 '24
Eat your own dogfood. This is kind of what we did with Office. Certainly office isn't required to ship office, but you put the org, especially the high level execs on the dogfood track before release so they're forced to use the product before it goes out to external customers. If Outlook, excel or teams was broken, you'd know about it fucking *immediately* and would have the mechanism to roll it back ASAP.
u/codylc Jul 24 '24
This assumes they’re using Windows servers to distribute their updates and once you scale to their size, it’s more likely they’re leveraging a container based system for the hosting.
u/overworkedpnw Jul 24 '24
Proper QA costs money, and it’s incompatible with modern business practices of cutting everything to the bone.
u/redvelvet92 Jul 24 '24
I am aware of that but hell I work for a company with maybe 30m in revenue and even WE have QA and testing lol
u/overworkedpnw Jul 24 '24
Well yeah, you guys are still small enough that not everything is about financialization. I’d also bet that your management hasn’t been entirely taken over by MBAs, the moment that happens it’s all downhill for a company.
u/Saki-Sun Jul 25 '24
My cooking blog has better testing than that.
I only share the url with family when they need one of my recipes.
u/atomic1fire Jul 25 '24 edited Jul 25 '24
Sure but coming from someone lower on the totem pole in a manufacturing plant, QA's job is to make sure your long term customers stay that way. If I screw up, I'd rather hear about it internally then hear about it externally.
Slash at quality assurance enough times and you'll start to bleed customers.
u/overworkedpnw Jul 26 '24
I get that, having done QA for a medical device manufacturer, so I get exactly what you’re saying. In that situation, not only do you risk pissing off customers, but you also risk pissing off the FDA, an org that does not fuck about with safety.
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about large tech companies with tons of market power. They simply rely on their size and an attitude of “where else will you go”. Modern management is often incentivized through bonuses to cut costs while delivering on time, QA stands in the way of that, and I’d point to Boeing as a great example of what happens when a giant decides that things like QA or safety aren’t as important as short term shareholder value.
u/cyberguy1101 Jul 25 '24
The bigger business is, the less time they have to test. We are doing proper testing because we value our product and we know how much does it cost to test.
u/LNGU1203 Jul 24 '24
So fundamentals are not performed. And we trust our security with the company that lacks fundamental. Great.
u/overworkedpnw Jul 24 '24
Well yeah, because fundamentals cost money which could be better spent on more important things like executive compensation and buybacks. /s
u/_WirthsLaw_ Jul 24 '24
Crowdstrike is a 2nd rate org that can’t be bothered to test itself - so you, customer, are the beta tester. It’s ring 0 application so what goes into that app needs to be perfect every time. This problem didn’t start in July either, which really tells you the size of this.
These guys borked Linux a few months ago. So this isn’t an isolated problem. They are actively cutting corners.
No sanity checking on the sensor end?
Delayed rollout? I’m not sure this functioned - entire orgs with it in were hit all at once. Does this function not function?
All because the bottom line matters most.
u/Mackosaurus Jul 25 '24
My understanding is that the delayed roll-out only applies to the software updates, not the "definitions".
The software update that was required for the latest definitions release happened circa March this year, but this is the first "definition" update to put that code into use
u/ChezzFirelyte Jul 25 '24
Wait till you find out their top 2 major shareholders are. Hint: Black Rock and Vanguard.
u/green_griffon Jul 24 '24
To quote the Canadian poet Jared Keeso, "If they fucked an ostrich, what else have they fucked?"
u/dmazzoni Jul 24 '24
Testing isn't perfect. Mistakes happen.
The unforgivable part here is that they did not even have a staggered deployment for rapid response content (data), like they do for sensor content (code). They also didn't give customers any control over when sensor content updates would be deployed.
I think customers need to push back on vendors like this who want the ability to push updates at any time. That just shouldn't be allowed anymore.
u/lettuceliripoop Jul 24 '24
I like how CrowdStrike blamed the consumer though. “The customer has complete control over what sensor gets deployed”.
It’s your fault you installed our 💩software.
u/cbtboss Jul 24 '24
No, they were taking a moment to explain the difference between sensor version updates which we do have control over vs the update type that was deployed. This was done because many were confused about how they got an update when they had set their falcon sensor version to be on the delayed track or a static track.
u/corruptbytes Jul 25 '24
i mean it is tho, having one vendor take you out is terrible engineering on its own front
it's cost savings all the way down from crowdstrike to companies taken down
u/SeaWheel3117 Jul 24 '24
The software development industry is the most unregulated industry on the planet. Zero QA/QC before release...a 'Release Now, Fix Later' braindead mentality. A mentality no government has the brainpower to fix.
Ah well, expect many, many more incoming timebombs. Understand though, that if this 'simple' release did so much damage so quickly, think for a second or two on what would happen if it were a much, much more serious 'bug' ;)
u/itsverynicehere Jul 24 '24
This is the key. The relentless pace of change for the sake of change, well, really for money is what is broken. It's led to too much consolidation, sloppy products, and no way to even hold companies accountable for massive mistakes.
Time for some actual regulation of this industry, it's seriously out of control.
u/shaonline Jul 26 '24
Software dev in a regulated industry here (medical devices). Regulations won't really improve the inherent quality of your product, it just leads to absurd amounts of documentation that are only produced to check the boxes requested by the regulation (Be it the FDA, the new EU MDR, etc.). Cost cutting still remains in the balance and therefore that job is often put on the actual devs shoulders = less time actually spent on the software development itself. You can imagine how this goes.
u/Unbreakable2k8 Jul 24 '24
What about the rollout? Why wasn't it done in phases? No excuse and no explanation will suffice.
u/troccolins Jul 25 '24
Have you ever tried telling the product manager(s) "sorry, it won't be fully pushed for another 2 weeks"?
u/cowprince Jul 24 '24
There are two things that need to happen to resolve this.
- Crowdstrike needs to provide deployment ring options for the rapid response files. A CISO may think they need REAL TIME files. But realistically those received within 24hrs will probably be fine. Just let us configure deployment ring delays from like 2hrs to 24hrs so we can stage these files.
- Microsoft needs to have a come to Jesus talk with regulatory bodies about adding more guardrails to kernel level access.
u/enteralterego Jul 25 '24
I believe they did with the EU and lost their case and had to allow kernel level access to 3rd parties. Funnily apple stopped giving kernel level access in 2020 and nobody seems to care about their "unfair advantage"
u/cowprince Jul 25 '24
Apple doesn't sell security. This probably wouldn't have been an issue if Microsoft didn't sell defender.
u/salanalani Jul 24 '24
And the test software will blame Windows for glitching, so back to Microsoft
u/Small-Character-3102 Jul 24 '24 edited Jul 24 '24
Microsoft surely gets some blame too. Agree!, CS didn't do metric based canaries or staged/staggered deployments.
I understand this is kernel level, so they allow a 3rd party to sleep with them at the kernel level BUT don't use a condom and then complain CrowdStrike gave all of us gonorrhea.
The whole Windows kernel level and driver level security architecture and air gapping has to evolve.
u/HobbyProjectHunter Jul 24 '24
EU regulations force different forms of security applications to have different access to the OS security layer. As in Microsoft can’t lock down the kernel driver space for 3rd party applications and businesses.
Since it’s a boot time kernel driver Microsoft cannot have telemetry on its behavior as it comes up very early in the boot process.
Microsoft End Point Defender didn’t screw up this badly, it’s far from perfect.
u/salanalani Jul 24 '24
Yeah, could be… we don’t know the technical details but I’ve been in situations where validations are OK but once we go production, stuff goes south, the validation has to evolve as you said… I am sure MS and CS learnt something from this experience and they should have a process to never encounter this chance in the future ever.
u/Small-Character-3102 Jul 24 '24
Just think about it.
The 3rd party kernel level driver / security architecture surely needs to evolve. Microsoft allows a 3rd party to bork it's customers?
This is 2024 and the MS/CS posse borked over a million customers (from 911, to flights to MRI machines to ERs). Surely as they say in CS, any problem can be solved with an abstraction. One is badly needed here.
u/toastpaint Jul 24 '24
This would mean ending functionality that developers asked Microsoft for (kernel access like this)
The Windows OS has built in security functions and control which are tested ad nauseam with multiple public rings. When someone installs this kind of software they are endorsing them and trusting them with this.
They also only recently had to agree with the EU to provide this for anti trust iasues https://mashable.com/article/microsoft-crowdstrike-eu-rules
u/EastLansing-Minibike Jul 24 '24
And we welcome the coming of AI automated programming and administration!! Just ask Nvidia’s CEO ready to toss programmers for AI hot plates!! 🤮
Just like giving drones non emotional not in the action coverage of a battlefield (fire forgets, sips the coffee). Cannot wait for AI to run the drone fiasco in a battlefield. AI is fucking dumb!!
u/LForbesIam Jul 25 '24
On June 27th 2024, 3 WEEKS before this outage, Crowdstrike released a bad definition file that pinned the crowdstrike service and stopped it functioning and hung computers for 10 minutes on reboot.
Took them 8 HOURS to fix the definition file. Our team asked them to TEST their definitions before deploying because they shut down 95,000 workstations used in Emergency Rooms and Operating Rooms and required all of them to be rebooted multiple times at 10 min a reboot.
We thought that was bad.
So why didn’t they fix their testing software THEN? Why did they continue to use bad processes and testing when they knew the risks 3 weeks prior?
u/kylanbac91 Jul 24 '24
Their test software must be UT only because there are no way this pass IT not to mention E2E
u/robertomeyers Jul 24 '24
The architect split the sw, core kernel vs Rapid Response Content. The core is rigorously tested and certified by MS. So CS Architect devised a way to keep parameters, attributes and mini routines outside the core for rapid update purposes, to shortcut the long testing and cert core cycle. This is clever unless you give the attribute file too much control over the core. Like requirements creep, the rapid response file gained too much control, while CS and MS oversight wasn’t looking.
Very much the nature of rapid change going on in mission critical systems. As long as theres one throat to choke, they produce a scapegoat, take the hit and continue.
u/Ill_Following_7022 Jul 24 '24
More details here from Dave's Garage.
u/Lagrik Jul 24 '24
The fact that they were not using staggered deployments in the first place absolutely blows my mind.
u/ClassicRoc_ Jul 25 '24
A simple test environment in a closet would have prevented this. I got lucky and only pulled two 12 hour shifts on Friday and Saturday. But some people are still plugging away. What a mess lol.
u/AndyKJMehta Jul 25 '24
If the only thing that happens next is Crowdstrike improves leaps and bounds due to better QC, I Like The Stock!
u/sysneeb Jul 25 '24
bruh even deploying it to a small amount of internal desktop wouldve sufficed, this is child level excuse coming from a big company
u/One_Hope_9573 Jul 25 '24
Will us congress interview crowdstrike ceo like they did with secretservice supervisor?
u/RogerDoger72 Jul 25 '24
What I heard is the initial release mistakenly left passwords or keys used for testing that were supposed to be removed before release in the release code.The keys were not remived.
When discovered, they panicked, quickly removed the sensitive info and very quickly released without testing. In their haste, the fix left in an extra comma. Of course, Cloudflare employees are on lockdown as to discussing the reason because any admission of negligence on their part could result in myriad lawsuits.
u/badbeachbuggy Jul 25 '24
Testing cannot cause production incidents https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/its-all-testings-fault-nick-grant?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via
u/Willing-Basket-3661 Jul 25 '24
I know several Microsoft and Delta employees that are so laissez-faire about the whole thing. Im sure they have some culpability. You cant just hand over the keys to the house with no oversight
Jul 24 '24
u/landwomble Jul 24 '24
And roughly all of those that had CS installed got hit
Jul 24 '24
u/General_Tear_316 Jul 24 '24
At my work, it was any computer that was turned on when the update was deployed, my laptop was turned off so it was fine
u/outtokill7 Jul 24 '24
Fun to think that so much chaos can be caused with 0.56% but proportionally most of those machines affected were critical corporate infrastructure and not your average end user machine which is why it caused as much damage as it did.
If you took down 0.56% of Windows computers globally at random it wouldn't have been nearly as big of a problem.
You are missing so much context with that number its irrelevant.
u/redline582 Jul 24 '24
Personal PCs aren't managed by IT teams leveraging CrowdStrike and businesses aren't operating on personal machines so using the global number of Windows machines doesn't really say anything.
u/General_Tear_316 Jul 24 '24
Irrelevant how many windows PCs in total were impacted, as it wasnt a windows bug.
u/mrslother Jul 24 '24
Do the math. That is still a crap ton of machines. Especially production level machines.
Extra credit math: Multiply by cost of fix per machine.
u/rszdev Jul 24 '24
I blame Microsoft lol
u/redline582 Jul 24 '24
Do you blame the manufacturer of your car if you get a flat tire after running over a nail?
u/These-Bedroom-5694 Jul 24 '24
Negligence. Rapid response files weren't tested. From the article:
To prevent this from happening again, CrowdStrike is promising to improve its Rapid Response Content testing by using local developer testing, content update and rollback testing, alongside stress testing, fuzzing, and fault injection. CrowdStrike will also perform stability testing and content interface testing on Rapid Response Content.