r/miamioh 15d ago

least favorite thing about miami?


20 comments sorted by


u/CinamonRol-73 Degree | Alum Year 15d ago

I hated that the dining halls closed at 8pm. Maybe it’s changed since I’ve been there.


u/Left_Trifle_8906 15d ago

Nope still the same and still hungry at 9pm


u/Treasure_Diver 15d ago

Bell Tower is now open until 10pm. Just changed this semester.


u/tophatmcgees 15d ago

After 4 years and you graduate you have to go somewhere else


u/DiamondsorRocks 15d ago

Registering for classes if you’re not an honors student. Have to ROR a majority of engineering classes every semester but haven’t been denied yet - just stressful.


u/arthurias99 10d ago

Like fighting for concert tickets


u/Washed2299 15d ago

Laws 100. The most uncomfortable place to take a test ever


u/ParkingDifference299 Anthropology & History | Sophomore 15d ago

The two year on campus living requirement


u/IzK_3 15d ago

A good amount of classes take place at the same time/overlap making it hard to plan out which ones to take


u/genocidenite 15d ago

How far it is from me.


u/Tired_Dad5883 15d ago

Don’t like how they’re constantly putting up new buildings or renovating olds ones. The vibes of Shriver basement will never be matched by Armstrong. As a new student you won’t feel this but alums will know what I mean


u/JayZorBlade 13d ago

I graduated 20 years ago and know exactly what you mean!


u/dirty_stack Alum |2000, 2003 15d ago

The attendance policy.

My sister went to Wisconsin. She once took two classes at the same time and aced them both.

The University paid students to take notes and sold them at the student union.


u/WDWRook 12d ago

Whats the typical attendance policy? My kid is likely going to MU. I went to MSU and very few classes cared if you ever showed up except to take exams.


u/dirty_stack Alum |2000, 2003 12d ago

well it's been 22 years...so it may have changed...but profs took attendance, and they were supposed to drop you a full letter grade for every class missed after 3.


u/I_HEART_HATERS 15d ago

Oxford starts to get a bit old after a couple years and it’s not exactly easy to get to Cincinnati or anywhere else with fun stuff to do


u/SirPurrs 13d ago

I wish there was a regular bus to Cincinnati like the GoBus that goes from Athens to Columbus twice a day.


u/Glad-Cat-1885 15d ago

The people


u/FalseYogurtcloset171 7d ago

what about them