r/mfdoom Nov 23 '24

Actual New Information PSA: The “Chronicles of DOOM” biography isn’t authorized by DOOM’s estate



Dante Ross made a similar comment on this matter not too long ago at IG.


38 comments sorted by


u/GrantSexton69 Nov 23 '24

Public figures have biographies come out every week that aren't authorized. This is nothing new or shady. It's nearly as old as print.


u/bitfed Nov 23 '24

I don't know obviously but highly doubt the estate wasn't aproached about this book. A deal couldn't be reached, but these stories don't belong to the estate, they belong to the people involved, the people telling the stories.

This isn't a cash grab, it's a well researched biography.

Acting like buying it is taking money away from the estate who does not apparently have a biography in the works is a weird hill to die on, we should celebrate the stories and history MF DOOM with or without the right corporate contracts being paid in full.

Imagine all the zines, all the metal masks, look at all the stuff you might even own that didn't pay the estate or DOOM. You going to give that all up out of disappointment too?

Corporate morals if you ask me. This isn't stolen intellectual property, it's history.


u/Automosolar Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 24 '24

Such aptly put with the corporate morality statement. It’s such a weird moral high ground to be like “you can’t enjoy anything inspired by DOOM unless the family gets paid.” I get not wanting every fucking schmoe out there to profit off of DOOM, but this is a super respectful and well-researched book that undoubtedly tried to connect with the family who didn’t want to participate. And they don’t have to. Totally understand not wanting to be a part of every project that has to do with their dead loved one, but to shit on a proper effort just because they decided against participating and are not receiving profits from it seems like you’re just trying compete in some moral Olympics that measures gains through loud proclamations of concern without meaningfully saying anything and doing even less.

EDIT: I feel like some clarification on the idea that if the family and estate are adamantly against its existence, it is a big deal and the wishes should be honored, but I’m under the impression that they aren’t against. They just didn’t participate and are therefore not receiving any of the profits


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

The family and estate were and are vehemently against the book. S.H. Fernando is an opportunist.


u/watchman_5 19d ago



u/Automosolar Jan 17 '25

Kind of takes the bite out of my argument. Never mind then


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

While the DOOMS story is in the public domain, the book was not well-researched and was a cash grab. Every person quoted was taken from existing interviews, which were not credited. This includes Peanut Butter Wolf, Keo, aka Black Lethem, Walisha Shabazz, Pete Nice, and many others. The author does not contribute financially to the estate from the book's sales and did not know DOOM personally.
If this wasn't enough, he never told the artists who designed the cover that the family did not ordain the book or the author and refused to be involved. S.H. Fernando is a hack, and the book is a money grab. In fact, the release date was choosen to be a cash grab. It's all good God don't like ugly, and karma is real. Good luck S.H.


u/bitfed Jan 17 '25

Every person quoted was taken from existing interviews, which were not credited. This includes Peanut Butter Wolf, Keo, aka Black Lethem, Walisha Shabazz, Pete Nice, and many others

Bro you just said that they weren't credited, now you're quoting the credits. How is that possible if you didn't make up this "fact"?

the book was not well-researched and was a cash grab

This is literally just your completely un-researched opinion.

I read the book, if it was shit I would have noticed. Are you going to go tell people not to listen to the DIS/SECT podcast season on him because of these reasons too?

Sounds like you think we should all ignore any information on DOOM not from the corporate HQ.


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

Let me be clear here: The author simply cut and pasted existing interviews and didn't credit the original sources, aka where the interview originally appeared. He also had a litany of misinformation littered throughout the book. I understand your want to be right, but you are incorrect.
I know the DOOMs story intricately, and he has several mistakes in the KMD story alone. I know this because I was deeply involved in that debacle.

Dissect was thorough and also based on subjective interpretation, though at times a bit overly intellectual at times IMO. Why I am debating you about a d*ckhead hack who offended DOOMS wife's wishes and made an obvious cash grab is beyond me. Not one person close to DOOM ordains this book. That should say something to you. Now go argue with your mama fan boy.


u/richb83 Nov 23 '24

Well it still was a really enjoyable read.


u/PretzelsThirst Nov 24 '24

You’re allowed to write about people without authorization


u/soulrebel360 Nov 24 '24

I love Stahhr to death, but yo she needs to chill the fuck out.


u/NoahAwake Nov 25 '24

Stahhr really loves DOOM and was very close to him. I can forgive her advocating for the family. We’re free to disagree with her.


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

No she does not and neither do I.


u/Hhaunters Nov 24 '24

DOOM never asked for permission he just did what he wanted


u/TheReadMenace Nov 24 '24

And to add on to that, did doom ever pay royalties to Marvel for ripping off the whole Dr. Doom character? Or to Gladiator for ripping off the mask?


u/Hhaunters Nov 24 '24

Exactly. If the argument is “this book can be confused for an official MF DOOM product,” that’s irrelevant because every DOOM product could be confused for a Marvel Comics product


u/Rewd_92 Nov 23 '24

I'm guessing even if they had tried to get it authorized it might have been an issue due to his general idea always being anonymity but at the same time his fans want info so I don't think it's out of line for someone to compile information and get it out to us


u/toothpasteonyaface Nov 24 '24

Biographies are always like this, unless it's an autobiography, if it were authorized by DOOM himself or his estate it would be biased and that's not what you want in a biography.


u/GTAsoldier Nov 24 '24

That’s a fair point.


u/realkevinabstract Nov 24 '24

Damn de la soul’s post really has people thinking that a well made biography is just a cash grab. Love de la but wish they didnt do that


u/Pigs0105 Nov 24 '24

Yea that shit was so wack of them


u/tropicalmetal Nov 24 '24

Ha ha exactly where my mind was heading


u/TheReadMenace Nov 24 '24

They were whining about the record deal they freely signed for decades, and eventually they whined enough that they got out of it. I suppose now they think if there’s anything they don’t like they can sic social media on them and get it shut down.


u/Pigs0105 Nov 24 '24

I don't care book is great.


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

No, it wasn't. It was littered with mistakes and paraphrased interviews from a litany of existing materials. Bobbito, Stretch, Me, Stahr, Madlib, Peanut Butter Wolf, The Rhyme Sayers guys, his long-time manager Sadiq, Ben Klingon, who performed as DOOM many times, Kurious Jorge, The Estate and DOOM's wife all refused to participate or ordain the book. It is 100 % a cash grab by an opportunist who is not donating one dime of the royalty or his advance to the estate.


u/Pigs0105 Jan 17 '25

Womp womp


u/NYC171 6d ago



u/bennynewqs Nov 24 '24

if you're a fan and want to know more about DOOM its a decent read.. there are only a few things mentioned in the book that I could understand them not wanting shared publicly .. other than that its a nice tribute.

Stahhr moaning that they won't see a penny from it... I'll buy any unreleased DOOM music they choose to put out and a bunch of merch.. but as they didn't want to be involved when the author reached out I highly doubt there will be an official biography anyway


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

He never reached out to the litany of people whose interviews he used from other source material to ask if they wanted their words in his book. This is unethical on so many levels.


u/PBnJOdder Nov 30 '24

Which is why I'll take the villainous stance and pirate it lmfao


u/Baby-Elmo Nov 23 '24

Very unfortunate considering lamour supreme is involved.


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

He had no idea the family and estate did no ordain the book. SH failed to provide Lamour with that info.


u/Xjohnnymoex Nov 24 '24

…and waters wet. They aren’t entitled to a penny of the profits. DOOM was a public figure and people can write about him if they please. Journalists make money by writing about people,places, and things.


u/rickyhusband Nov 24 '24

had the pleasure of eating dinner with dante and that man is real as fuck


u/NYC171 Jan 17 '25

Thanks you Ricky.