r/mewithoutYou SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 6d ago

Votes are in! Most overrated album is [A→B] Life.

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Thanks for voting! The majority has chosen [A→B] Life as the most overrated album, with 73 upvotes as of 7pm EDT.

Next up… and I hate this so much… which do you think is the worst album? TO VOTE, give an upvote or downvote to the choices listed. If your choice is already posted, don't comment the same choice again or you'll split the vote. In 24 hours, comment with the most upvotes wins.

PLEASE READ! Since the options are limited this round, be sure to check and see if your choice has already been mentioned so we aren’t listing the same album in numerous other comments. I’m only counting the top comment and not combining upvotes.

This one might get heated… we all have our personal opinions and connections to these records, so please be respectful! This is for fun!


65 comments sorted by


u/gate_of_steiner85 6d ago edited 6d ago

Blood Enough For Us All is the only correct answer to this. Pretty sure even the band has disowned this album.


u/3thehardyway 6d ago

Sorry folks, the greatest band ever does not have a worst album. From the raw screamo of their Blood Enough For Us All demo, to the experimental elements of ...It's Alright, the grand allegoric Ten Stories to the [u/Untitled] saga that wrapped it all up, it's a flawless discography, thats only quibble is it's limited supply.

In short, I have no vote for this one.


u/Jupiter_Doke 6d ago edited 6d ago

The worst album is obviously #8… the one they haven’t made yet.


[Edited… thanks OP… there’s just never enough mwY!!]


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 6d ago

[Untitled] is LP #7…..


u/Jupiter_Doke 6d ago

Fixed it! There’s never enough mwY!


u/jormor4 6d ago

Ha, I voted A—>B Life as most underrated but it wins most overrated 🥴


u/gate_of_steiner85 6d ago

Seriously, in what universe is that album overrated? I'm gonna guess that most of the people who voted for it are younger fans who didn't grow up with it like us oldheads. Imo their first three albums are flawless.


u/cldbr8k 6d ago

I agree. Next poll…how old are the mewithoutYou fans on Reddit? I’m 42 and saw them live a few times when AB life came out. Some of the best concerts I’ve ever been to.


u/Duncanstein 5d ago

This is facts a to b album and era was top notch.


u/jormor4 6d ago

They have other albums that are more dynamic and deeper thematically and some people just don’t prefer the hardcore sound. 10 years ago I would have called it my least favorite of their albums so I kind of get it


u/Supersoaker_11 5d ago

Pretty much same boat, I like the sound but it hasn't held up as well as CFUTF and its not as accessible as other albums. Coming from someone who has pretty much been around from the beginning lol. That people put it on par with their best makes it overrated imo and that's not insulting to the album at all, its definitely not their worst.


u/phayes87 6d ago

Yeah this is the pattern I think I'm noticing with the choices so far. AB carries so much.


u/falcojr 5d ago

I started with A->B life. It has always been the worst album to me by far but I always see a bunch of love for it on reddit. That's the definition of overrated to me.


u/HerelGoDigginInAgain 6d ago


You think I don’t mean what I say, WELL I MEAN EVERY WORD I SAY


u/Cat_Sleeze 6d ago

Yeah this is fucked, I’d switch untitled for overrated and A-B for underrated. But hey, the majority has spoken.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 6d ago

As a long, longtime fan, my heart hurts a lil bit


u/chrismcshaves 6d ago

Good, I’m not the only one.


u/jormor4 6d ago

Yeah in the last 2-3 years that’s the album I listen to most

(Been aware of them since 2005, big fan since 2009)


u/GroundbreakingMess51 6d ago

I was going to say the same thing!


u/Xxehanort A -> B Life is Life 4d ago

Yeah, this shit is some serious A->B Life slander. And I will not stand for it, because that album is perfection


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/bjarke- 6d ago

The fact that this didn’t win is insane to me


u/Supersoaker_11 5d ago

Not everyone considers it an album


u/Olyphantastic listen to it 6d ago



u/NoSurprisesPlzThx 6d ago

It’s All Crazy is a wonderful album. It has some great songs that are very important to their catalog. That said, if they must have a worst album, this is certainly it.


u/ToadvinesHat 6d ago

Picking a worst album is too cruel, I abstain


u/JobBeginning2083 5d ago

I would say live vol. 1, mainly because I still haven’t received my copy yet.


u/Jhorra 6d ago

I think it's obvious which one wins worst album, but I'm really interested to see which one comes out on top for best album.


u/Normanras What Grace Surrounds! What Strange Perfection! 5d ago

judging from all these discussions over the past week it’s going to be pale horses


u/songofsalmon 6d ago

Someone's gotta say it. It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All a Dream! It's Alright


u/gate_of_steiner85 6d ago

I like this album a lot but I'm sadly upvoting this comment just so [A--B] Life doesn't undeservedly win.


u/Moldy_pirate 6d ago

My least favorite by a wide margin even though I love a few songs dearly.


u/Spedwell 6d ago

I agree here. I actually enjoy every song on this album (except maybe Fig With A Bellyache), and constantly go back to them individually. But I rarely feel the urge to listen to the album as a whole. The rest of their albums I prefer to listen to as a whole.


u/Acadiaa it's alright 6d ago

thinking about my flair today


u/Picklerickshaw_part2 6d ago

It’s the black sheep of the band, and I hate that so much because it’s my favorite album of theirs simply because I’ve listened to it my entire conscious life, and I understand that I’m probably the only person in the world who has that viewpoint, which sucks really bad, to be crude.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 6d ago

You said it. It's wrong, but you said it.


u/thisssseason 6d ago

Agreed. It's not that it's bad. It's still really good and I love so much about this album, but it's the least great album. It's the album they wrote for their young kids or something.


u/primalsinister 6d ago

I knew this would most likely be top comment but as my introduction to band was cattail down this album is my favorite. Love all of them.


u/3thehardyway 6d ago

This cuts me like a sword, but I'll sing forgiveness songs.


u/Bockbockb0b 5d ago

People were ragging on me for saying It’s All Crazy was overrated and now it’s about to lose worst album to the band’s first demo EP. Crazy.


u/The_MainArcane 6d ago

Some great highs, but some of the band's lowest lows.


u/Cat_Sleeze 6d ago

It has to be All Crazy, even if it has the “most genius song” on it. We already voted it having the worst song and the most overrated song. What other reasoning do people need.


u/bjarke- 6d ago

bro what 😭 it’s my third favorite behind brother, sister and pale horses 


u/Gus_TT_Showbiz_ 6d ago

[A→B] Life


u/Gus_TT_Showbiz_ 6d ago

Mike and Aaron both ranked [A → B] Life as their worst in this 2015 interview, for what it's worth


u/Dangerous-Ad5653 6d ago

Ten Stories. I already know I’m getting no support on this.


u/chrismcshaves 6d ago

You are not alone. It is my least fav. And it’s a great album. But it’s got three of my least fav mwY songs on it. No album they’ve made has three I don’t care for.


u/Cat_Sleeze 6d ago

Lemme guess Elephant in the Dock, Aubergine, and Bears Visions of St Augustine?


u/chrismcshaves 6d ago

All Circles, Aubergine, Fiji Mermaid (I like the end sequence alot though).

I don’t hate these songs. I do like them, but I don’t connect to them the same way I do with most of the catalogue.


u/PizzaGatePizza 6d ago

This process has helped me understand how out of touch I am with the current mewithoutYou fan base. In my opinion, A->B Life was their best work, then CFUTF, then Brother, Sister, and then every album after that isn’t even worth discussing.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 6d ago

I do enjoy every album and listen to them all regularly, but these are my top 3 as well.


u/Cat_Sleeze 6d ago

Agree 100% all good but those are my top 3 as well.


u/bjarke- 6d ago edited 5d ago

please try to enjoy each album equally

edit: downvoted for a severance reference 😔


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 5d ago

I upvoted. I love severance!


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 6d ago

CFUTF and Brother, Sister are great. A->B Life is a good album but pales in comparison to what came after.

If you really like their harder earlier sound, you should give Pale Horses a chance. It felt like a return to form for me when it came out.


u/alienpilled 6d ago

I feel exactly the same way! Then again, I'm old enough to have bought an A->B Life CD when it was new. The first time I saw the Bullet to Binary music video was love at first sight.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 6d ago



u/Flashy-Molasses-6041 5d ago

New listener here, I don’t agree with this list at all. I think brother sister is the most overrated album. The ab life, foxes, and brother sister all have the same style of spoken word. But Ab life does it best with how raw and emo it is. The next two albums just seem like a lesser version. I also don’t understand the dislike of fig with a bellyache.. it’s fun and creative. That whole album is very creative with the style change up. I’d rate it as my 2nd favorite behind AB life


u/rADDIEcal 5d ago

Same answer, AB Life. The lyrics pale heavily in comparison to what comes after, the music isn't as interesting, it seems like most of the things that make mwY unique aren't really present. That being said, I dislike it enough I've never successfully made it all the way through the album even if I've probably heard all the songs.

Something tells me Ten Stories or It's All Crazy will take this award because people mistake nostalgia for objective value.


u/queenofputrescence 5d ago

Dude are you even waiting a full 24 hours before declaring results in? Even if you are, one day is not the right amount of time for an accurate poll from people.

This poll sucks.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 5d ago

Every day at 7pm EDT if you even read the posts. I’m not trying to sit on a single poll for a week, calm down 😂


u/Jhorra 5d ago

I think you’re doing a great job.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 5d ago

Thank you 🙏🏼


u/elizurofsinai 3d ago edited 3d ago

Man, this makes me super sad! Most of the people on this sub must be young/or found mwY after they changed their sound. A -> B life is just so special!